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1.- When were photographs invented?

They were invented in 1826

That’s 186 years ago.

2.- Who invented them?

Joseph Nicéphore Niépce invented photographs.

3.- When was the first beer invented ?

It was invented in 3500 a. C

That’s more 1000 years ago.

4.- who invented it?

Elamitas, egipcios and sumerios invented the first beers

5.- When was football invented ?

It was invented in 1863.

That´s 149 years ago.

6.- who invented it?

English people invented football.

7.- when was the paper invented?

It was invented in 105

That’s 1907 years ago.

8.- Who invented it?

Ts`ai Lun invented the paper.

9.- When were the x- rays invented ?

They were invented in 1895.

That´s 117 years ago.

10.- who invented them?

Wilhelm Conrad Röntgen invented the x- rays.


1.- When did you travel by bus ?

I travelled by bus last Saturday . Six days ago.

2.-When did you play chess?

I played chess last weekend. Five days ago.

3.-When did you talk to a friend ?

I talked to a friend this morning . Four hours ago.

4.- When did he last drink beer ?

He drank beer at 6.00 pm yesterday afternoon. Ten hours ago.

5.- When did she draw a picture?

She drew a picture last month. Twenty- two days ago.

6.- When did you find some money ?

I found some money yesterday. Eleven hours ago.

7.- When did you buy a newspaper ?

I bought a newspaper this morning. Twelve hous ago.

8.- When did he ride a bike ?

He rode a bike last weekend. Six days ago.

9.- When did you give someone a present?

I gave someone a present yesterday. Eleven hours ago.

10.- When did she see a film?

She saw a film last Monday. Five days ago.

11.-.When did you run a race ?

I ran a race in 2010. Two years ago.

12.- When did you help someone ?

I helped someone this morning. Ten hours ago. JUAN CARLOS HURTADO VALERIO

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