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1 Introduction 4
1.1 Green’s function . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
1.1.1 Green’s function in terms of the path integral . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
1.1.2 Green’s function using the generating function . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
1.1.3 Connected Green function . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
1.1.4 How Green function is generated from generating function . . . . . . 6
1.2 Quantization of the gauge …elds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
1.3 S-matrix and the Green functions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
1.4 Feynman rules for QCD: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11

2 Renormalization 14
2.1 Renormalization of QED . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
2.1.1 QED Lagrangian
2.1.2 Renormalization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
2.1.3 Feynman Rules . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
2.1.4 Photon Propagator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
2.1.5 Running of parameters MS type scheme . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
2.1.6 Running of parameters in the mass-dependent scheme . . . . . . . . 20
2.2 Renormalization of QCD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
2.2.1 QCD lagrangian . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22

2.2.2 QCD propagators at 1-loop . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24

2.2.3 Running parameters of QCD in the MS type scheme . . . . . . . . . 25


2.3 LSZ Reduction Formula . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26

2.4 Applications of E¤ective Field Theories . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27

2.4.1 Standard Model as an E¤ective Field theory . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27

2.5 Higher Dimension Operators . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
2.5.1 5-D Operator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
2.5.2 6-D Operator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
2.5.3 BSM particles in EFT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
2.5.4 Dark matter at Collider : (e¤ective operators) . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
2.5.5 Mono Higgs signature of DM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
2.6 Chiral perturbation theory: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
2.6.1 Goldstone bosons and their properties . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38

2.6.2 Sources in chiral perturbation theory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41

2.6.3 Applications: Gell-Mann-Okubo relation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46
2.6.4 Power counting. Chiral loops and higher orders in P T . . . . . . . 48
2.6.5 Naive dimensional analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50
2.6.6 Baryons and chiral perturbation theory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51

3 Non-relativistic QCD 54
3.1 Introduction to QCD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54
3.1.1 Lagrangian . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54
3.2 Introduction of Non-relativistic QCD and QED . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55
3.2.1 Heavy Quarkonium: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57
3.2.2 E¤ective Field Theories . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57
3.3 Lagrangian . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57
3.3.1 NRQCD Lagrangian at the scale mQ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59
3.4 From QCD TO NRQCD: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61
3.4.1 NRQCD. How to build it? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61
3.4.2 NRQCD Lagrangian . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62
3.4.3 Coupling to hard photons . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63
3.4.4 Matching QCD to NRQCD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63
3.4.5 Annihlation into light hadrons . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68
3.5 Non-perturbative scales mQ v and mQ v 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70
3.5.1 Electromagnetic decay of c . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73


3.5.2 Inclusive decays of the cJ into light hadrons . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74

3.6 NRQCD Feynman rules . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76

4 Potential NRQCD 81

4.0.1 Strongly coupled pNRQCD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82

4.1 Going down: perturbative scales mQ and mQ 2: pNRQCD . . . . . . . . . 82
4.1.1 Octet matching . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85
4.2 Power counting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 91
4.3 pNRQCD: the degrees of freedom . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 91
4.3.1 From NRQCD to pNRQCD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 92
4.3.2 pNRQCD Lagrangian: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95
4.4 Feynman Rules: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 97

Chapter 1


1.1 Green’s function

The Green’s functions are attained by integrating out the …elds over all their functional
forms with an appropriate weight. The classical form of the lagrangian appear as the
functional integral, this formalism is convenient for dealing with symmetries, such as the
classical lagrangian obey gauge symmetries.
For simplicity let us consider a system containing a neutral scalar …eld (x) with mass

The n point green function for …elds (x) is speci…ed in the canonical operator formalism
by the vacuum expectation value of the time-ordered product on n …eld operators (x):

Gn (x1 ; ::::; xn ) = h0jT [ (x1 ) ::::::: (xn )]j0i (1.1)

1.1.1 Green’s function in terms of the path integral

The green’s function can also be de…ned by the functional integral

[d ] (x1 ) ::::::: (xn ) % (iS)
h0jT [ (x1 ) ::::::: (xn )]j0i = R (1.2)
[d ] % (iS)


S is the classical action

S= d4 xL (1.3)

L is the classical lagrangian.

1.1.2 Green’s function using the generating function

The above relation of the green function can be rephrased in the more compact form using
the functional derivative with an external source. The method was …rst introduced by
Schwinger. By introducing an arti…cial source term in the functional integral and let an
external source function J(x).

Z [J] = [d ] exp i d4 x (L + J) (1.4)

Then the green’s function can be written as

Z [J]
h0jT [ (x1 ) ::::::: (xn )]j0i = ( i)n jJ=0 (1.5)
Z [0] J (x1 ) ::: J (x1 )

1.1.3 Connected Green function

The above-de…ned Green function is not the connected Green function, since they contain
disjoint pieces. The connected Green function Gcn (x1 ; ::::; xn ) has no disjoint pieces, any
part of it is joined to the continued part by at least one propagator in the sense of Feynman
rules. It is noticed that the disjoint pieces in the Green function do not contribute to the
S-matrix so, it is more suitable to work with the connected Green function.

Let us de…ne the connected Green function in terms of functional-integral formulism.

Let W [J] be the generating functional for getting the connected Green functions.


W [J]
Gcn (x1 ; ::::; xn ) = ( i)n 1
jJ=0 (1.6)
J (x1 ) :::: J (xn )
The functional W [J] is related to the generating function for the Green function Gn
through the relation

Z [J] = %iW [J] (1.7)

1.1.4 How Green function is generated from generating function

Z [J] = [d ] exp i d4 x (L + J) (1.8)

Z [J] is the functional of J (x) : Now let us de…ne functional di¤erentiation

Z [J (x)] Z [J (x) + (x y)] Z [J (x)]

= lim (1.9)
J (y) !0

according to the above de…nition we have

n Z Z
Z [J]
= in [d ] (x1 ) ::: (xn ) exp i d4 x (L + J) (1.10)
J (x1 ) :::: J (xn )

Here we obtain
Z [J]
h0 jT (x1 ) ::: (xn )j 0i = ( i)n jJ=0 (1.11)
Z [0] J (x1 ) ::: J (x1 )
All the green functions are generated by the functional integral Z [J].

1.2 Quantization of the gauge …elds

As we have studied earlier that it is su¢ cient to use functional Z[J], because it can generate
all the green functions which characterize the QFT of under consideration. Therefore in
this section we discuss on Quantization of the gauge …elds. A simple generating function
for gauge …elds A is given by
f d4 x(L+A J a )g
Z[J] = [dA]% (1.12)


Where L and [dA] are invariant.

1 a a
L= F F

[dA] = [dAa ]

In order to guarantee the invariance we will deal with functional Z[0]; where the func-
tional is given by
Z[0] = [dA] exp( S)(A)
In order to check the dependence of Aa on ; Let’s start with …xed Aa and applying
( )a
all the transformations U ( ) belonging to group G. Since integral on A diverges so we
( )a
have to integrate out such A that belong to divergent constant. Because of this, we
make the particular constraints on Aa ;

G Aa = B a
( )a
which is satis…ed by any A belonging to the above subset,

G A( )a
= Ba

where G and B a should be chosen arbitrarily as in case of lorentz condition G = @

and B a = 0. Now use the the de…nition of functional G [A] through the equation
G [A] [dg] n (G A( )a
B a ) = 1(a) (1.13)

where functional integral is over the group element g in G and n is the dimension of
group G so that a = 1; 2; 3:::; n:and

[dg] = [d a ]

Insert equation (a) in (A) we obtain

Z[0] = [dA] G [A] [d a ] n (G A( )b
B b ) exp( S)(A) (1.14)


Now [d a ]; [dA] and S are invariant under transformation log G:Also G [A] is invari-
ant. Using the arguments of Dirac delta function above equation is invariant under gauge
( )a
transformation and replace A by Aa .
Z[0] = [dA] G [A] f[d a (x)] (G Aa (x) B a (x))g exp( S) (1.15)
a x
d a (x)
a x

Which is an in…nite constant. Now we de…ne the Z[0] for gauge …elds by eliminating
the above factor,
Z[0] = [dA] G [A] (G Aa (x) B a (x)) exp( S) (1.16)

In order to obtain explicit expression for G [A] perform the functional integral,
[dg] n (G A( )a
B a ) = 1= G [A] (1.17)

1= G [A]= det MG

where the matrix element of MG is given by

(G Aa (x))
det MG (x; y)ab = b
For generating functionalZ[J]; use the ansatz in above equation, we get

Z[J] = [dA] det MG (G Aa (x) B a (x)) exp( d4 x(L + A J a )) (1.19)

Now we integrate Z[J] in B a (x) with the suitable weight i.e.,

expf ( ) d4 x(B a (x))2 g
Z[J] = [dA] det MG exp( d4 x(L + (G Aa )2 + A J a ) (1.20)


where is an arbitrary constant.

In this way we have completed the gauge quantization. The det MG have several ex-
pressions which are given below,
(1) Coulomb gauge: G = (0; r)

(MG (x; y))ab = ( ab

r2 gf abc Ac :r) 4 (x y)

(2) Lorentz(Covariant) gauge: G = @

(MG (x; y))ab = ( ab 2

gf abc Ac :r) 4 (x y)

(3) Axial gauge: G = n

(MG (x; y))ab = ( ab

n:@ gf abc n:r) 4 (x y)

(4) Temporal gauge: G = (1; 0; 0; 0)

(MG (x; y))ab = ( ab

@0 gf abc Ac0 ) 4 (x y)

1.3 S-matrix and the Green functions

Elementary particle physics is concerned with physical quantities such as scattering cross-
section and decay widths. As an example let a 2 to n particle scattering process as

(p1 J1 + p2 J2 ) ! (k1 j1 ) + ::: + (kn jn ) (1.21)

The unpolarized total cross-section for the above process is


= FD where represents the averaging over the initial particle

W is the transition probability per unit time and unit volume, F and D are the incident
particle ‡ux and the target particle density respectively. The transition probability for the
above process is calculated using S-matrix elements.

1 d3 k1 d3 kn 2
W = ::: jhk1 1 ; :::kn n j(S 1)j p1 1 ; p2 2 ij (1.22)
VT (2 )3 2k10 (2 )3 2kn0 :::
1 n

where V T is the space-time volume in which the scattering takes place, i.e, in symbolic
VT = 4
d x= d4 x%ip:x jp=0 = (2 )4 4
(0) (1.23)

S represents the S-matrix and 1; 2; 1 ; :::; n for the helicities of the particle with
momenta p1 ; p2 ; k1 ; :::; kn respectively.
The S-matrix element is related to the transition matrix element hk1 1 ; :::kn n jT j p1 1 ; p2 2 i
by the following relation

0 1
4 4@
hk1 1 ; :::kn n j(S 1)j p1 1 ; p2 2 i = (2 ) i kj p1 p2 A hk1 1 ; :::kn n jT j p1 1 ; p2 2 i
where the delta function on the right hand side represents the energy momentum con-

0 1
n n
1 1 d3 kj 4@
= 3 (2 )4 kj p1 p2 A jhk1 1 ; :::kn n jT j p1 1 ;
2K (s) (2J1 + 1) (2J2 + 1) (2 ) 2kj0
1 ; 2 ; 1 ;:::; n j=1 j=1
Scattering cross sections are calculated using the above equation, once the transition
matrix element is known.
The transition matrix elements are related to Green functions for the relevant particle
and hence also the physical quantities and hence all the physical quantities may be calcu-


lated by way of Green functions. The basic tool to derive the relationship is the reduction

1.4 Feynman rules for QCD:

Gluon propagator

ab d (k)


Ghost propagator

ab (1.28)


Quark propagator

ij (1.30)
m p


3-Gluon vertex


igf a1 a2 a3 V 1 2 3
(k1 ; k3; k3 ) (1.32)


4-Gluon vertex

g 2 W a11:::


Gluon ghost vertex

igf abc k (1.36)


Gluon quark vertex

=g Tija (1.38)


Gluon loop


d4 k ab
= (1.40)
(2 )4 i


Ghost loop
d4 k ab
= (1.42)
(2 )4 i


Quark loop

d4 p ij
= (1.44)
(2 )4 i


{Gluon quark, Gluon ghost}

Chapter 2


2.1 Renormalization of QED

2.1.1 QED Lagrangian

1 1 2
L0 = 0 (i@/ m0 ) 0 e0 0A
/0 0 F0 F0 (@ A0 ) (2.1)
4 2 0
0 gauge …xing parameter.

2.1.2 Renormalization
1 1
0 = z22 ; A0 = z32 A ; e0 = ze e; m0 = zm m; 0 =z 0

Now the Lagrangian in terms of the renormalization …elds

1 1 z3
L = z2 i@/ z2 z m m z2 z32 ze e A
/ z3 F F (@ A )2 (2.3)
4 z

zi = 1 + z i i = 1; 2; 3; 4; 6 (2.4)

1 1
L = (i@/ m) e A
/ F F (@ A )2 + ( z2 i@/ z4 m) (2.5)
4 2


z3 1
z1 e A
/ F F z6 (@ A )2 (2.6)
4 2

2.1.3 Feynman Rules

iS0 (p) = (2.7)
p/ m

1 q q q q
iD0 (q) = i g (2.8)
q2 q2 q2 q2

e A : ie (2.9)

1 1 i
F F (@ A )2 : iS0 (p) = (2.10)
4 2 z2 p/ z4 m

z3 1 1 q q q q
F F z6 (@ A )2 : iD0 (p) = i g (2.11)
4 2 q2 z3 q2 z6 q2 q2

z1 e A
/ : i z1 e (2.12)
The super…cial degree of divergence of loop integrals is D = 4 2E P; where E
is the external fermion and P is the external photon lines. This implies that at every
order of perturbation we have …ve divergent integrals coming from 1PI fermion and photon
propagators, fermion-photon vertex, 3-photon, and 4-photon vertices.
The QED interaction is invariant under charge conjugation. This implies that green
functions with an odd number of photon external lines are zero. And in the case of 3-
photon interaction, two diagrams contribute to which triangular fermion loop runs in the
opposite direction. The sum of these diagrams is zero. As the …elds are gauge invariant so
its green function must satisfy certain identities called Ward-Green Takahashi identities.

1 q2
D (q) q = q (2.13)

1 1
q (k; p) = S (k) S (p) (2.14)


Applicable for both normalized and unrenormalized green functions.

These identities imply that

z1 = z2 ; z3 = z sothatz6 = 1or z6 = 0 (2.15)

so, we are left with three independent renormalization constants, i.e. z2 ; z3 and z4 .
Now the lagrangian becomes,

1 z3 1
L = (i@/ m) e A
/ F F + ( z2 i@/ z4 m) z1 A
/ F F (@ A )2
4 4 2

Fermion propagator at 1-loop order

iS (p) = iS0 (p) + iS0 ( i (p)) iS0 (2.17)

iS (p) = iS0 (p) ( i (p)) (2.18)

S 1
(p) = S0 1 (p) (p) (2.19)

2 d4 k (p/ + k/ + m)
(p) = ie (2.20)
(2 )4 k 2 (p k)2 m2

it is for Feynman gauge = 1:

Dimensional regularization
2 dd k (p/ + k/ + m)
(p) = ie d
(2 ) k 2 (p k)2 m2

here e is not dimensionless, for making it dimensionless we introduce an arbitrary energy

parameter :
2 4 d dd k (p/ + k/ + m)
(p) = ie d
(2 ) k 2 (p k)2 m2


e2 1
(p) = p(
/ + 2 + V A p2 ; m 2 ; 2
+ 4m V B p2 ; m 2 ; 2
(4 )2 2

S 1
(p) = S0 1 (p) (p) + S0 1
(p) (2.24)

= + ln 4 (2.25)

now adding the counterterms

iS 1
(p) = iS0 1 (p) ( i (p)) iS0 1
(p) (2.26)

S 1
(p) = S0 1 (p) (p) + S0 1
(p) (2.27)

1 e2 1
(p) S0 (p) = p(
/ + 2 + V A p2 ; m 2 ; 2
+ 4m V B p2 ; m 2 ; 2
( z2 p/ z4 m)
(4 )2 2

S0 (p) = ( z2 p/ z4 m) (2.29)
In the MS scheme, the renormalization constant is …xed in such a way that dependence
get canceled.

e2 1
z2 = (2.30)
(4 )2

e2 1
z4 = 4 (2.31)
(4 )2
Whereas in the M S scheme renormalization constant is …xed in such a way that
dependence gets canceled.

z2 = (2.32)
(4 )2


z4 = 4 (2.33)
(4 )2

2.1.4 Photon Propagator

D 1
(p) = D0 1 (p) + (p) (2.34)

0 1
Z k/+m p/+k/+m
d4 k B C
(p) = ie2 4Tr @
(k 2 m2 )((k+p)2 m2 )
A (2.35)
(2 )

Dimensionally regularized
0 1
Z k/+m p/+k/+m
dd k B C
(p) = ie2 4 d
Tr @ (k 2 m2 )(k+p)2 m2 )
A (2.36)
(2 )

e2 4 1 2m2
(p) = 2 3 p2 g +p p V c p2 ; m 2 ; 2
V D p2 ; m 2 ; 2
(4 ) 3 p2
Now counter term

D 1
(p) = D0 1 (p) + (p) + D0 1
(p) (2.38)

D0 (p) = z3 p2 g +p p (2.39)

" #
4 1 2m2
1 e2 3 p2 g +p p V c p2 ; m 2 ; 2
3 V
p2 D
p2 ; m 2 ; 2
D0 (p)+ (p) =
(4 )4 z3 p2 g +p p

e2 4
(p) = p2 g +p p V p p2 ; m 2 ; 2
(4 )2 3
In the M S scheme, the renormalization constant is …xed in such a way that depen-
dence is get canceled.


e2 4 1
z3 = (2.42)
(4 )2 3

Fermion-photon vertex at 1-loop order

ie (k; p) = ie ie (k; p) (2.43)

(k; p) = + (k; p) (2.44)

2 2 dd q (k/ + q/ + m) (p/ + q/ + m)
(k; p) = ie d
(2 ) q 2 (q + k) m2 (q + p)2 m2

Now adding the counter term

(k; p) = + (k; p) + (2.46)

(k; p) = + (k; p) + z1 (2.47)

= z1 (2.48)
e2 1
In M S type scheme z1 = (4 )4
In MS type scheme the renormalization constant is

X 1
zi = 1 + zi;k ( ) 2

2.1.5 Running of parameters MS type scheme

The parameters in the MS scheme are related as

m0 = zm m; e0 = ze e (2.50)

ze = z1 z2 1 z3 2 (2.51)


e0 = ze e ; (2.52)

0 = z3 1 2
By applying @ on both sides of the above equation

= 2 1 = 2 1 (2.54)
@ 3 z3 1 3 z

( ; )= = ( ) 2 (2.55)

m = (2.56)
zm @

( )= (2.57)
z @

4 1
z = z3 1 = 1 + (2.58)

1 44 1
zm = t1 3 (2.59)
1 4 4
Here we are going to calculate it using the general form of the renormalization constants
@z ;1 ( ) @z ;1 ( ) @z ;1 ( )
( ) = 2 @ ; ( ; ) = 2 @ 2 which reduces to ( ; 0) = 2 @
under the limit ! 0:
@z ;1 ( ) 1
and @ = 3 so ( ; 0) = 23
@zm;1 ( ) @z ( ) 3 6
and m =2 @ since m;1 @ = 4 ; so m = 4 :
the results of and m are independent of mass that implies that the decoupling
theorem is broken by the perturbation theory in the MS scheme.

2.1.6 Running of parameters in the mass-dependent scheme

Renormalization boundary conditions

S 1
(p) jp2 = 2 = p/ m = S0 1 (p) (2.60)


D 1
(p) jp2 = 2 = D0 1 (p) (2.61)

These conditions imply that

(p) = S0 (p) (2.62)

D0 (p) = (p) (2.63)

The …rst eqn implies that

e2 1
p + 1 + V A p2 ; m 2 ; 2
+ 4m V B p2 ; m 2 ; 2
/ z4 m = 0atp2 =
z2 p+ 2
(4 )2 2
we have

e2 2
z2 = 1 VA ; m2 ; 2
(4 )2

e2 2 1
z4 = 4 VB ; m2 ; 2
(4 )2 2
the 2nd eqn implies that

e2 4
(p) = p2 g +p p V p p2 ; m 2 ; 2
+ z3 p2 g +p p = 0atp2 = 2
(4 )2 3
we have

e2 4 2
z3 = Vp ; m2 ; 2
(4 )2 3
e0 = ze2 e (2.69)

0 =z ( ) ( ) (2.70)


m = zm ( ) m ( ) (2.71)

z = z3 1 = 1 + Vp 2
; m2 ; 2

z4 2
zm = =1 3 Vc ; m2 ; 2
1 (2.73)
z2 4
For m=0 we have ( )= 3 and for m >> , ( ) t 0. So the decoupling theorem is
not broken by the perturbation theory in the mass dependant scheme.
now m = zm @
For m=0, we have m = 4 and for m >> ; m t 0: So the decoupling theorem is
not broken.

2.2 Renormalization of QCD

2.2.1 QCD lagrangian

1 1 2
L0 = q0 (i@/ m0q ) q0 +g0 q0 ta B
/ 0a q0 @ F0a F0a (@ B0a ) +@ w0a @ w0a g0 fabc @ w0a w0b B0c
4 2 0

1 1 1
@ F0a F0a = (@ B0a @ B0a ) (@ B0a @ B0a ) g0 c (@ B0a @ B0a ) B(2.75)
0b B0c
4 4 2
fabc fabc B0b B0c B B0c
4 0b

q0 it is the quark …eld

m0q is the mass of the quark …eld
B0a gluon …eld
ta generators of SU(3)
w0a gauge dependant quantity
g0 coupling constant
fabc structure constants of SU(3)


Renormalized …elds and parameters are as follows

1 1 1
q0 = z22 q; B0a = z32 Ba ; w0a = ze32 wa ; g0 = ze g; m0q = zm;q mq ; 0 =z (2.76)

The quark …elds with di¤erent colors and the gluons …elds are renormalized by the same
constants respectively.

1 1 z3 1
L0 = q (z2 i@/ z2 zm;q mq ) q+z2 z32 zg gqta B
/ a q z3 (@ Ba @ Ba ) (@ Ba @ Ba ) (@ Ba )2
4 z 2

3 1 g2 1
z32 zg gfabc (@ Ba @ Ba ) Bb Bc z32 zg2 z3 @ wa @ wa ze3 z32 zg gfabc @ wa wb Bc
fabc fabc Bb Bc B Bc +e
2 4 b
Let us de…ne

1 3 1
z1F = z2 z32 zg ; z1 = z32 zg ; ze1 = ze3 z32 zg ; z4 = z32 zg2 ; z6 = z3 z =1 (2.79)

now the Lagrangian is

L0 = q (z2 i@/ z2 zm;q mq ) q + z1F gqta B
/ aq z3 (@ Ba @ Ba ) (@ Ba @ B(2.80)
1 1
(@ Ba )2 z1 gfabc (@ Ba @ Ba ) Bb Bc
2 2

z4 fabc fabc Bb Bc B Bc + ze3 @ wa @ wa ze1 gfabc @ wa wb Bc (2.81)
4 b

By applying the WGTI we have

z1F z1 ze1
z2 = z3 = z3 = z32 zg now there are only …ve independent renormalization constants.
This is the consequence of the Gauge symmetry.


Super…cial degree of freedom for any loop in QCD

D = 4 NG 2 (NF P + NF ) ;where NG ; NF P and NF are the number of external glu-
ons,ghost and quark lines. It tells us that at every order of perturbation we have seven diver-
gent integrals corresponding to (NG ; NF P ; NF ) equal to (2; 0; 0) ; (0; 2; 0) ; (0; 0; 2) ; (1; 2; 0) ; (1; 0; 2) ; (3; 0; 0) ; (4;
corresponding to 1PI gluon, ghost, quark propagators, ghost-gluon, quark-gluon, 3-gluon,
and 4-gluon vertices with super…cial degree of divergence D=2,1,1,0,0,1,0 respectively.

2.2.2 QCD propagators at 1-loop

At 1-loop order the fermion propagator with the counter term is

iS (p) = iS0 (p) + iS0 ( i (p)) iS0 + iS0 (2.82)

S 1
(p) = S0 1 (p) + S0 1

2 2 dd k (p/ + k/ + mq ) k k k k
(p) = i ij CF g 4 g + (2.84)
(2 ) (p + k)2 m2q k 2 k2 k2

S (p) = z2 p/ (z2 zm 1) m (2.85)
In the MS scheme‚the renormalization constants are taken as the dependence is
canceled. This implies

CF g 2 1
z2 = (1 ) (2.86)
(4 )2

CF g 2 1
z2 z m 1= (4 ) (2.87)
(4 )2
whereas in the M S scheme renormalization constants are …xed to cancel the divergent
part as well as the common term +4 ;

CF g 2
z2 = (1 ) (2.88)
(4 )2


CF g 2
z2 zm 1= (4 ) (2.89)
(4 )2
This gives
CF g 2
zm = 3 (2.90)
(4 )2
The common term + 4 can be canceled by changing the parameter scale as

MS = MS p (2.91)

2.2.3 Running parameters of QCD in the MS type scheme

Renormalized and unrenormlized parameters are related as

0 =z s (2.92)

m0q = zm mq (2.93)

In QCD at 1-loop order in Feynman gauge

z2 = 1 CF (2.94)

z1F = 1 (CA + CF ) (2.95)

s 5 4
z3 = 1 CA + TF NF (2.96)
4 3 3

zmq = 1 CF 3 (2.97)

s 11 4
z s
= z1F z2 2 z3 1 t 1 + CA + TF NF (2.98)
4 3 3
The beta function and anomalous dimension is

@z s ;1 ( s)
( ; 0) = 2 s (2.99)
@ s


@zmq ;1 ( s)
mq =2 s (2.100)
@ s

s 11 4
z ;1 = CA + TF NF (2.101)
4 3 3

zmq ;1 = CF 3 (2.102)

2 s 11 4
( ; 0) = CA + TF NF (2.103)
4 3 3

6 s
mq = CF (2.104)

2.3 LSZ Reduction Formula

S-matrix elements the experimentlly observable quantities, though the correlation functions
calculated from the functional integral. The formula relating these two quntities is LSZ
reduction formula. Or we can say a method used to calculate the S-matrix elements from
the time ordered correlation functions, is called LSZ reduction formula.
The two-point correlation function for x0 > y 0 is

XZ d3 p 1
h jT (x) (y)j i = 3
h j (x)j p ih p j (y)j i (2.105)
(2 ) 2Ep ( )

by manipulating the matrix elements as

h j (x)j pi = h j% p:x (0)% p:x

j pi (2.106)

and using the unitary operator

U (0)U = (0) (2.107)


our expression for the two-point function is

XZ d3 p p:(x y) 2
h jT (x) (y)j i = % jh j (0)j p ij (2.108)
(2 )3 p2 m2 +

The general relation between S-Matrix elements and correlation function was …rst ob-
tained by Lehmann, Symanzik‚and Zimmermann and known as the LSZ reduction formula
stated as:

n Z
Y m Z
4 pi :xi
d xi % d4 yj % kj :yj h jT f (x1 ) (x2 )::: (xn ) (y1 ) (y2 )::: (yn )gj i (2.109)

n p m p
( )( )hp1 :::pn jSjk1 :::km i (2.110)
p0i !+Epi p2i m2 + kj2 m2 +
q 0 !+Eqj

Here the quantity Z is …eld strength renormalization constant. Every distinct particle
will have distinct renormalization factor Z, that can be obtained by using its two-point
correlation function.

2.4 Applications of E¤ective Field Theories

2.4.1 Standard Model as an E¤ective Field theory

The EFT’s applications are very important because of the hierarchies of scales. The Stan-
dard Model is a renormalizable theory also it survived in this era of experiments and
measurements, Yet, despite all achievements standard model is not the …nal theory. SM
does not give us su¢ cient information about dark matter, dark energy, and Baryogeness.
In the language of EFT, If we are considering that SM is leading order expansion to
another basic theory it will be very informative. In extra words, leading order relations have
no determined information around the scale by the side of which it breaks is a meaningful
illustration of a whole theory.


There are quite a lot of prospects for in what way the new physics scale to enter

The scale with new physics might be adjacent on the way to the electroweak scale
= 245Gev at which the innovative physics particles be situated openly measured
in high energy experimentations, However, this condition, could not be the …nest
explanation for EFT, as the appropriate parameters, v possibly will be rather large.

The novel physics scale possibly will be considerably immense than the SM elec-
troweak scale v. this is correctly the condition the EFT is calculated to deal with.
If the innovative scale is larger, unplanned explorations for quantum e¤ects of new
particles are the merely way to learning the BSM.

Nearby be there no new physics outside presently revealed, or around are no fresh
gauges to plank scale, This opportunity turn around the detail that SM is a pertur-
batively renormalizable theory. By allowing for the right-handed neutrinos as dark
matter candidate eradicates the requirement for BSM.

We undertake that the parting of the gauges amongst the standard model and new
physics is satisfactorily great the e¤ective lagrangian can be carved as,

L = LSM + L(5) + L(6) + ::: (2.111)

1X (5) (5) 1 X (6) (6) 1

= LSM + Ck Qk + 2
Ck Qk + #( 3
) (2.112)
k k

since we are Considering the standard model as EFT so EFT that we writing should
follow the rules as follow

It should be invariant under the same symmetry as the SM.

it should have same degrees of freedom.

Now the standard model lagrangian can be written as

LSM = Lgauge + Lkinetic + LHiggs + LY ukawa (2.113)

where Lgauge and Lkinetic contains the kinetic terms and fermion …elds, respectively,LHiggs
contains higgs kinetic and potential term, and LHiggs contains yukawa sector.


The gauge kinetic terms are

1 A A 1 I 1
Lgauge = G G W WI B B (2.114)
4 4 4
The fermion kinetic terms are

_ _ _
Lkinetic = l {Dl
/ + e{De
/ + d{Dd
/ (2.115)

here the covariant derivative are de…ned as

j 0
(Dq) = (@ + {gs T A GA + {gSjk
W I + {g Yq B )q k
where T A = 2 with Gell-mann matrices and represents the generators of color
SU (3),
SI = 2 with pauli matrices and I characterizes the originators of color SU (2) of weak
The Higgs part of SM Lagrangian is de…ned as

LHiggs = (D H)y (G H) + m2 H y H (H y H)2 (2.117)

where Hermition operator Performing on the Higgs doublet …elds H

H y {D H = H y {(D D )H; (2.118)
H y {DI H = H y {( I D D I )H: (2.119)

And , the Yukawa portion of Lagrangian

_ _ _
LY ukawa = e l eH + u quH + d qdH + h:c (2.120)

where i be there the matrices of Yukawa coupling coe¢ cients. At this point, H g
f =H j =2
(H k ) is a conjugated Higgs …eld. Quarks and charged leptons acquired masses emerged af-
ter spontaneous symmetry breaking when Higgs …elds acquire a vacuum expectation value
and in unitary gauge

1 0
H=p (2.121)
2 + h(x)


hereby settingh(x) ! 0, entirely quarks and leptons masses are proportionate to prod-
uct p . The pecking order in masses is parameterized by huge Yukawa couplings. The SM
‡avor problematic is pure, in standard, labeled by higher-order terms in EFT description
of the BSM physics as we will do underneath.

2.5 Higher Dimension Operators

2.5.1 5-D Operator
Now we are going on discussion on dimension 5 operators, if we enforce the standard
model gauge symmetry restrictions on L(5) in equation (x).we are absent utilizing only a
solo operator,

f y lp )C(H
Q(5) =2ij 2mn H j H m (lpk )Clrn =(H f y lr ) (2.122)

This curious fact was …rst noticed by S.Weinberg, sometimes known as "Weinberg
operator". Here C is a charge-conjugation operator, C = { 2 0 in the Dirac representation
of gamma-matrices. Here one motivating object is that this operator violates lepton-
number, around is no such term in the standard model that increases the idea that SM is
certainly an e¤ective theory aimed at approximately further ultimate one.
The all-out signi…cant result of this operator is the (Majorana)neutrino masses. In SM
merely left-handed neutrinos are existent. If we only hypothesize the existence of Right-
handed neutrino …elds, we can spread the Higgs mechanism to neutrinos to produce "Dirac
masses". Or if we well-thought-out neutrino is their antiparticle, they are the Majorana
fermions, it is probable to write a mass term with virtuously left-handed …elds, which
violates lepton number

L =M c + h:c (2.123)

Where c stands for the charge conjugation neutrinos …eld. After spontaneous symme-
try breaking the Weinberg operator of Equation(x2) leads to Majorana neutrino masses,

1 (5) 2
(M )pq v Cpq (2.124)
This relation implies > 1014 GeV to generate neurtrino masses Mv < 1eV if we set
C (5) v 1:


2.5.2 6-D Operator

The collection of operator six dimensions comprises fermion number preserving as well
as irreverent operators, which we know how to breakdown into more than a few classes.
These operators characterize in‡uences from BSM physics. Here we shall use the "Warsaw
basis"[Grzadkowski et al. (2010)]. This set enclosed 59 baryon number preserving and 5
baryon number violating operators, which are systematized into twelve subsets (as in table
x3,x4). Spelling out dissimilar ‡avors of quarks and leptons provides a total of 2499 baryon
preserving operators, so we can see, dimension six operators is very large in number.
The SM e¤ective lagrangian can be constructed by joining relevant …elds consistent
with symmetries and then using the equation of motion, …eld rede…nitions. The use of
EOM easy for the derivation of dimension 6 operators. since any operators suppressed
as 1= 3 can be dropped, only EOM gained from the operators of dimension 4 would be
desirable. They are

y j
(D D H)j = m2 H j (H y H)H j e y j
el + 2jk q k u d dq ; (2.125)
(D G )A = gs (q T A q + u T A u + d T A d);
g y !I
(D W )I = (H { D H + l I
l+q I
2 X
0 ! 0
@ B = g YH H y { D H + g Yf f f:
f =l;e;q;u;d

Notice that all bosonic operators are automatically Hermition.

X2 H 6 and H 4 D2 2H 3 + h:c

2.5.3 BSM particles in EFT

As we previously argued straight above a novel physics degree of freedom might fair exist
above the energy scale connected with EW symmetry breaking. In this circumstance, it
might be suitable to include them openly in the e¤ective theory. There are many possible
additions to the SM that can be used to build dissimilar e¤ective theories. Now we se-


lect two modest ones, which contain particles that change as singlets under the symmetry
groups. Their explaination rather fascinating phenomenologically, as they act as a contes-
tant of Dark matter. Hence their educations at the high energy colliders may lean-to some
light on the problem of dark matter smoothly guide to the innovation of dark particles.

Table Operators of dimension 6,7 describing

interaction of Dirac fermion(D) with quarks and gluons
N ame Operator
D1 ( 2 ) qq
D2 ( 2 ) 5 qq
D3 ( 2 ) q 5q
D4 ( 2 ) 5 q 5q
D5 ( 2 ) q q
D6 ( 2 ) 5 q q
D7 ( 2 ) q 5q
D8 ( 2 ) 5 q 5q
D9 ( 2 ) q q
D10 ( 2 ) 5 q q
D11 (4 3 ) s GA GA
{ A
D12 (4 3) 5 sG GA
D13 (4{ 3 ) g
D14 (4{ 3 ) g
5 sG

2.5.4 Dark matter at Collider : (e¤ective operators)

Weakly interacting massive particles (WIMPs), which occur in various additions of the
standard model be responsible for a good solution to the cosmological dark matter issue.
The best extensively used models comprise supersymmetry, which naturally contribute in-
crease to WIMPs candidate, only if R-Parity is preserved. Additional usual candidates
contain Kaluza-Klein excitations of the SM particles, wherever constancy can be under-
stood by momentum conservations higher dimensions. Identi…cation of the correct nature
of DM will lend support to one or another extension of SM.
According to the WIMPs hypothesis,Masses of the DM particles not considerably


greater than SM particles. Here and now we shall construct an EFT that comprises DM
degrees of freedom. Entirely set of interactions of DM with SM are permitted by a set of
assumptions that are given as

DM particles are SM Singlets.

DM particles are invariant in a Z2 symmetry.

The second constraint guarantees that DM particles are consistant and formed in cou-
ples. We will not write down whole basis sets of EFT operators, For the reason that we
are merely fascinated by the uninterrupted construction of WIMPs at colliders, so the
preferred set essentially comprises DM, quark, and gluon degrees of freedom.

2.5.5 Mono Higgs signature of DM

At this time unique question is that what takes place if new SM particles are also formed
with DM?Here and now we are going to write a set of e¤ective operators that de…ne the
production of dark matter and Higgs single boson. Let us write a set of the operator that
can produce our experimental signature [Petrov and Shepherd (2014)]. We shall think
through the likely operator suppressed by at utmost three power of the novel physics scale.

Table Dimension 5,6 operators

describe int. of complex(C) and Real(R)
scalar WIMPs with quarks and gluons
Name Operators
mq y
C1 ( 2 ) qq
{mq y
C2 ( 2 ) q 5q
1 y@
C3 ( 2 ) q q
1 y@
C4 ( 2 ) q 5q
1 y
C5 (4 2 ) s GA G A

C6 ( 412 ) eA
sG G
R1 ( 2 q2 ) 2 qq
R2 ( 2 2q ) 2 q 5 q
R3 ( 8 1 2 ) 2 s GA G A
R4 ( 8 { 2 ) 2 ss G eA G A


Let us adopt that DM is a Dirac fermion and a singlet of the SM gauge set for our
simpli…cation. The lowest dimension at which DM can interact with SM …elds under these
conventions is …ve. These operators are

(5) (5)
2C2 2C2
L5 = j H j2 + j H j2 5 (2.126)

Throughout, Cni are the Wilson coe¢ cients that de…nes the strength of Higgs-DM inter-
actions of dimension n in the e¤ective theory. The above equation have no contribution of
gluon and quark degrees of freedom.So as to add the experimental signature in expressions
of physicalhiggs h, we only need to consider the quadratic Termsin …eld. Thus operator
can be

(5) (5)
2C2 2C2
L5 = h2 + h2 5 (2.127)

Here we Can’t put or expect to have strong interaction on scale because of two reasons
given below,

Higgs production by itself at LHC is very rare, with subsequent, DM-interaction

giving an extra constraint.

Higgs boson is in s-channel, so it has to be o¤-shell in the process.

As we have seen that the di¤erence between the scalar and pseudoscalar couplings to
DM, are very signi…cant in low velocity regime, and are negligible at LHC because here
particles are moving relativistically.
For dimensions six there are two operators

(6) (6)
C2 ! C2 !
L6 = 2
Hy D H + 2
Hy D H 5 (2.128)

Again by using unitary gauge and physical …eld h , the operator that can generate
mono-Higgs can be derived from previous equation

(6) (6)
{C2 mz {C2 mz
L6 = 2
hZ + 2
hZ 5 (2.129)

Where we de…ned


Z = p (gW g0B ) (2.130)
g2 + g 02
2mz = g 2 + g 02

with an o¤-shell Z boson in s-channel, this operator o¤er increase to wanted signatures.
At 7-dimension, almost four operators present that contain Higgs doublets and their

0 (7) 0 (7) 0 (7) 0 (7)

C1 y 2 C2 y 2 5 C3 2 C4
L7H = 3
(H H) + 3
(H H) + 3
jD Hj + 3
j D H j2 5

The part of above lagrangian that generate the signature at LHC of mono Higgs as
given below as,

0 (7) 0 (7) 0 (7) 0 (7)

3C1 2 2 3C2 2 2 5 C 2 C
L7H = h + h + 3 j@ hj + 4 j @ h j2 5
2 3 2 3 2 3 2 3

There be there likewise four operators of dimension seven which de…ne the couplings
of DM with SM fermions f,

p 0 (7) p 0 (7)
2 2C1 2 2C1 e
L7H = 3 d qL HdR + 3 u qL HuR (2.133)
p 0 (7) p 0 (7)
2 2C2 5 2 2C2 e 5
+ 3 d qL HdR + 3 u qL HuR + h:c

For introducing the yukawa couplings for each fermions f = u; d, we scale the Wilson
coe¢ cients. qL is the standard electroweak doublet for left handed and this type of oper-
ators are invariants under electroweak SU (2)L and too overpowers DM couplings to the
nimble fermions. Now in term of physical …elds h above equation becomes,


0 (7) 0 (7)
Re(C1 ) Im(C1 ) 5
L7H = 3 f (f f )h( )+ 3
{ f (f f )h( ) (2.134)
0 (7) 0 (7)
Im(C2 ) 5 Re(C2 ) 5 5
+ 3
{ f (f f )h( )+ 3
{ f (f f )h( ) + h:c

The operators we are discussing above, their contributions are controlled through the
0 (n)
LHC data. Presently the restrictions on the groupings n d can be located can be placed [?]
0 (n)
here we assume C 1:

2.6 Chiral perturbation theory:

We are considering the e¤ective …eld theory of weak interactions. The purpose of building
such a theory is to simplify the calculations of QCD corrections. However‚the UV com-
pletion and infrared EFT both are well known and even perturbative. while matching,
these theories did not hide any secret‚and the e¤ective operators and Wilson coe¢ cients
were calculable The QCD low energy spectrum should be rewritten in terms of mesons and
baryons. For building a quantum theory of meson interactions we have to make sure that
the theory must have a proper power counting scheme that makes it e¤ective. The QCD in
the low energy regime must have the same set of symmetries as QCD. The coe¢ cients of
the operator could be …xed by experimental measurements. The low energy theory would
be predictive as long as the chosen power counting scheme assures that at each order the
number of parameters to …x is less than the number of experimental observables. The
Chiral Perturbation theory( P T ) is concerned with the low energy interactions of those
light degrees of freedom.
The lagrangian of massless QCD for the lightest quark u and d,

1 a
LQCD = G Ga + q (iD
/ mq ) q (2.135)

here q is written as a doublet


u (x)
q (x) = (2.136)
d (x)

The quark …eld can be broken into two independent sectors as

1 5 1+ 5
q= q+ q = qL + qR (2.137)
2 2

for mq = 0

1 a
LQCD = G Ga + qL (iD)
/ qL + qR (iD)
/ qR (2.138)

The lagrangian of eqn (2.138) is invariant under SU (2)L and SU (2)R

qL ! LqL ; andqR ! RqR (2.139)

They are not exact symmetries and they are broken by the quark masses, which mix
the L and R sector.

Lm = mq (q L qR + q R qL ) (2.140)

The symmetries are also broken spontaneously by the non-zero expectation value of the
operator of the scalar operators.

0 q R qL 0 q R qL = (2.141)

known as quark condensates with (250) M eV 3 , it breaks the symmetry


SU (2)L SU (2)R ! SU (2) (2.142)

The manifestation of such a symmetry breaking is the triplet of massless particles(goldstone

bosons). The QCD spectrum has no massless particles but there are light pions. The chi-
ral symmetry in QCD is also explicitly broken by the quark masses, those pions are called
pseudo-Nambu-goldstone (PNG) bosons.

2.6.1 Goldstone bosons and their properties

The spectra of mesons and bosons do not reveal much structure of mesons and baryons.
But there is one expectation, there are 3 pseudoscalar mesons that are much lighter than
others. The majority of mesons have masses around 1GeV but that of the pions is around
140MeV. Before going into more detail let us …rst discuss its symmetry structure especially
the pion sector.
The pion transform according to the transformation G= SU (2)L SU (2)R group, so
there exist a mapping ! ! ! = f (g; !) for each member g of G : Chiral transformation

for the left and right-handed sectors are denoted by L and R. So g = (L; R) G. The
i (x) are the coordinates de…ning the Goldstone …elds in the coset space G H, where
H = SU (2) . The chiral transformation G can be shown non-trivial by choosing the coset
representative =( L( ); R( )) G:

L( ) !L L( ) hy ( ; g)
same for the right-handed …eld with L ! R. Now the compensating transformation h
G for the L and R sectors. and the best choice would be L( )= R( ) = ( ):

Then we can see that …eld

y 2
U (x) L( ) R( ) ! (x) (2.143)

has much simpler transformation under G,


U (x) ! LU (x) Ry (2.144)

it transforms linearly under the chiral transformations.

The pion …eld belongs to SU(2) represented by a 2 2 matrix …eld U(x) : Since SU(2)
needs three parameters, the matrix U(x) is equivalent to the set of three pion …elds i (x)

with i=1,2,3. The choice for the pion …eld representation is ours, so it is convenient to
choose the canonical representation.

p ! 3
i 2 X i
U (x) = exp (x) with (x) = p (x) (2.145a)
f 2

f is any parameter (with mass dimension 1) which is determined later.

p +
1 3 1 i 2
(x) = p 1 2 3 0 (2.146)
2 +i - -p

i (x) = 12 T r i i (x) : The chiral transformation of the pion …elds, perverse to U(x) is
highly non-linear.
The above can be generalized to three ‡avors, then the symmetry breaking pattern
would be
SU (3)L SU (3)R ! SU (3)v :
the matrix U(x) takes the dsimilar form to eqn (2.145a) with (x) ! (x) with

0 0
p + p8 + K+
X 2 6
B 0 C
(x) = pi B
i (x) = @ - p2 + p8
K0 C
A (2.147)
2 0
K K 2 p86

where i are the Gell-Mann matrices.


Assigning chiral dimension zero to U(x) and considering symmetry properties of U(x),
the e¤ective lagrangian for pion interaction using U(x) and derivatives can be,

L = L0 + L2 + L4 + ::: (2.148)

Taking into account the chiral transformation properties of U(x) given by eqn (2.144)
and dealing with the matrix-valued …elds U(x), it is useful to use a trace of …elds and their
products, where the …eld products will be invariant under chiral transformation due to the
cyclic property of trace. The 0 dimension term consistent with the symmetry is,

L0 = aT rU U y (2.149)

where a is a constant having dimension 4. This term embodies a meaningless constant,

as T rU U y =1, so does not give any information about dynamics.
Now, we write the next term including derivatives acting on U

L2 = bT r@ U @ U y (2.150)

another possible term can be total derivative and also related to the total derivatives
and the term in eqn (??). For example the term T t @ 2 U U y can be rewritten as

h i h i
T r (@ @ U ) U y = @ T r@ U U y T r@ U @ U y (2.151)

since @ T r@ U U y is a total derivative, it can be dropped because it is equivalent to

the eqn (2.150)

T r@ U U y T r@ U U y = 0 (2.152)


because T r@ U U y =0. The only term given by the eqn (2.150 ) is possible at order
p2 ; if symmetry breaking terms are not included. We need b that can be done by requiring
the kinetic term for the pion …eld that has a canonical form

1 i
L2 = @ i@ + ::: (2.153)
which implies b = 4 . Now the leading-order chiral lagrangian for the pions, kaons‚
and etas can be written as

L2 = T r@ U @ U y (2.154)

This lagrangian is nonlinear in the goldstone …elds. The constant f de…nes processes
with a di¤erent number of Goldstone bosons, say, ! and ! 4 , etc. To
calculate i k ! m n the processes we need to expand the Lagrangian of eqn(2.154) in
f and restrict it to the pion sector.

1 1 h ! ! i
(@ !) + !2 (@ !)2
L2 = @ (2.155)
2 6f

The scattering amplitude A = i(S 1); using the second term from eqn (2.155) would
result as

A= [s ik mn +t im kn +u in mk ] (2.156)

Mandelstam variables are de…ned as s = (pi + pk )2 ; t = (pi pm )2 and u = (pi pn )2 .

Now we can compare our prediction to experiment and determine f.

2.6.2 Sources in chiral perturbation theory

While P T is a representation of the QCD at low energies, it is also possible to consider
electroweak decays of kaons and pions. It can be done by introducing external source …elds,


to do so a technique was advocated …rst J.Schwinger.

Let us …rst couple the light quark lagrangian to external source …elds.

1 a
L= G Ga + qiDq
/ qL l qL qR r qR q L (s + ip) qR q R (s ip) qL (2.157)

where l ; r ; s‚and p are the left, right, scalar‚and pseudoscalar source …elds respec-
tively. And D in the eqn (2.157) represents the color quark degrees of freedom. The
Lagrangian in eqn (2.157) is invariant under the local ‡avor SU (3)L SU (3)R if

qL ! L (x) qL ; qR ! R (x) q (2.158)

where L(x) and R(x) are position dependant ‡avor SU(3) rotation matrices. Source
…eld transform under ‡avor SU (3)L SU (3)R are

(s + ip) ! L (x) (s + ip) Ry (x) (2.159)

(s ip) ! R (x) (s ip) Ly (x)
l ! L (x) l Ly (x) + i@ L (x) Ly (x)
r ! R (x) r Ry (x) + i@ R (x) Ry (x)

the derivative in the kinetic term of eqn (2.157) is changed into the covariant derivative,

/ L ! L (x) Dq
/ L ; Dq
/ R ! R (x) Dq
/ R (2.160)

Then the lagrangian in eqn(??) will remain invariant.

For building a low energy e¤ective lagrangian let’s apply the same logic, from hadronic
degrees of freedom requiring that it would retain all the symmetries of QCD lagrangian
with external sources. To do so, promoting a local derivative from eqn (2.154) to a covariant


@ U ! D U = @ U + il U iU r (2.161)

The covariant derivative will transform as

D U ! L (x) [D U ] Ry (x) (2.162)

Now treating the external sources like external …elds. And introducing the "…eld
strength tensor" built out of the source …elds.

L =@ l @ l + i [l ; l ] ;

R =@ r @ r + i [r ; r ] ; (2.163)

transform as

L ! L (x) L Ly (x) ;

R ! R (x) R Ry (x) ; (2.164)

we can also put together a "source" lagrangian

Lext = H1 T r [L L + R R ] + H2 T r (2.165)


where H1;2 are some unknown coe¢ cients and the L and R-term in eqn (2.165) give a
coe¢ cient that re‡ects parity invariance of the theory.
Now we can build a low-energy chiral lagrangian with sources. Thus, generalizing the
kinetic term and from the eqn (2.159) we can write a leading-order chiral lagrangian

f2 h i f2 h i
L2 = T r D U D U y + T r U yU y
4 4

= 2B0 (s + ip):
We can de…ne the action described by the lagrangian of eqn (2.166)

S2 = d4 xL2 (2.167)

We can determine various Noether symmetry currents using this action as,

S2 i 2
jL (y) = jl =r =0 = f D Uy U
l (y) 2

1 i
= p fD [ (D ) (D ) ] + ::::; (2.168)
2 2

@j(x) 4
Here we use an identity @j(y) = (x y) :Similar result for the right-handed current

1 i
jR (y) = p f D [ (D ) (D ) ] + ::::; (2.169)
2 2

These sources allow us to describe electroweak transitions with PNG bosons and we
can also determine the unknown coe¢ cients in eqn (2.166). Low energy QCD with weak
interaction has l = r and p = 0 with


0 1
m 0 0
s M =@ 0 md 0 A (2.170)
0 0 ms

The second term in eqn (2.166) is obtained by assuming M transform as

M ! RM Ly (2.171)

Now determining all the constants in the leading order chiral lagrangian. Let us take
the variational derivative of the action concerning the source term.

S2 f2 ij
= 2B0 Tr Uy + U ij (2.172)
sij 4

sij is the mass matrix M ij : In eqn (2.172) the scalar current is computed in P T:
Rewriting the mass term of the QCD lagrangian

LQCD = q iR M ij qjL q iL M yij qjR (2.173)

Now by taking the variational derivative of the QCD action concerning the mass matrix

= q iR qLj and j
= q iL qR (2.174)
M M yij

In the lowest energy (vaccum) state and the mass matrix in eqn (2.170) where U =
Uy = 1; matching of the vacuum matrix elements of the scalar currents of eqns(2.172) and


qiqj = f 2 B0 ij
; orB0 = hqqi (2.175)
3f 2

where we used h0 jq L qR + q L qR j 0i = hqqi : The parameter B0 is directly related to the

order parameter of the spontaneous breaking of chiral symmetry in QCD.
Similarly‚we can determine the parameter f. Let us calculate the amplitude of the
probability of a pion state acting on a vacuum state with an external axial current.

h0 jj j i = i 2f p (2.176)

Here f = 92:4M ev is the pion decay constant measured experimentally from the
leptonic decay of pion + ! l+ v l : The same amplitude can be measured in P T:

j (x) = 2f @ (x) (2.177)

The calculations of matrix elements for + in momentum space identi…es, at the leading
order chiral expansion f = f :
We have built an infrared e¤ective …eld theory for which the UV completion is known.
While the Uv completion is perturbative, but perturbative matching is not possible between
QCD and P T; as there is no region of the parameter space where both the theories are

2.6.3 Applications: Gell-Mann-Okubo relation

The leading order chiral lagrangian has much to say about meson masses. Let us set l = r
and s=M and expanding the 2nd term of the eqn (2.166) and retaining the term quadratic
in (x) yields

Lm = B0 T r (x) M + :::; (2.178)


we have dropped the meaningless constants. We can compute the trace to get

1 m + md + 0
Lm = 2 (x) (x) + (m + ms ) K + (x) K (x) + (md + ms ) K (x) K 0 (x)
B0 2

m + md 0 2 1 0 1 2
+ (x) + p (m md ) (x) 8 (x) + (mu + md + 4ms ) 8 (x) (2.179)
2 3 6

For isospin limit, where mu = md , so the term that mixes 0 and vanishes. Also, we
b so the PNG masses can be
can write mu + md = 2m,

m2 = m2 0 = 2mB
b 0; (2.180)
m2K = m0K = (mb + ms ) B0 ;
m2 8 = b + 2ms ) B0 :

where 0 and 8 are self conjugate …elds, so their mass term has an extra factor of 12 :
These relations usually go under the name of Gell-Mann-Oaks-Renner (GMOR) relations
and they are the relations between quark masses and the meson mass squares.

4m2K m2 = 4 (m
b + ms ) B0 b + ms ) B0 = 3m28
b 0 = 2 (m
2mB (2.181)

The PNG masses are related to each other, irrespective of the values of the B0 and the
quark masses‚and the relation (2.181) is known as Gell-Mann-Okubo (GMO) relation.
We can not obtain absolute quark masses from the eqn (2.180) . However, all the PNg
masses are proportional to B0 :
The ratio of the masses can be obtain,

ms 2m2K
= 1 25:6 (2.182)
m m2


This relation can be further improved if we …gure out how to deal with the quantum
loops and higher-order terms in chiral expansion.

2.6.4 Power counting. Chiral loops and higher orders in P T

Without a correct treatment of quantum loops‚the development of chiral perturbation
theory would not be complete. For the e¤ective chiral lagrangian counting the powers of this
momentum scale are equivalent to counting the dimension of the operator. However, the
non-linear representation of PNG …elds in the lagrangian complicates the power counting.
To properly power count loops, let us introduce chiral dimension D for each graph.
D is de…ned as a power related to the response of a given matrix element M (pi ; mq )
under rescaling of its external momenta pi ! pi and the quadratic rescaling of all masses
mq ! mq ;

2 D
M pi ; mq = M (pi ; mq ) ; (2.183)

The need for the quadratic rescaling of the quark masses follows from the GMOR
relations in eqn (2.180), where PNG masses are rescaled linearly.
For any graph with Vi vertices of di¤erent types with di derivatives each, L loops‚and
I internal PNG lines, the overall degree of divergence would be

D= Vi d i 2I + 4L: (2.184)

Relation connecting number of loops, internal lines‚and vertices,

L=I Vi + 1 (2.185)

removing the internal lines from the D, we …nd


D= Vi (di 2) + 2L + 2: (2.186)

for one loop contributions with vertices described by the leading order P T lagrangian
L2 scale as O p4 : For example for the simplest one-loop teadpole correction with V2 =
1; d2 = 2‚and L = 1 we explicitly get D=0+2=2=4. Thus, any UV divergence at one-loop
order would have to be canceled by counterterms that scale as O p4 ; for which L=0,
V4 = 1; and d4 = 4: This is precisely what makes chiral perturbation theory a consistent
EFT. This also means we have to write down the next term in eqn (2.148), L4 that scales
as O p4 :
The procedure for writing L4 will be the same as that for L2 : write the most general
set of operators that scale as
O p4 consistent with the set of chiral and internal symmetries and use eqn of motion
and operator identities to arrive at the minimum set of operators. For L4 this procedure
is well de…ned in [Donoghue et al (1992) ; Scherer and Schindler (2005)] :
The commonly accepted lagrangian is given by

L4 = L1 T r D U y D U + L2 T r D U y D U T r D U y D U + L3 T r D U y D U D U y D U
+L4 T r D U y D U T r U y + y
U + L5 T r D U y D U U y + y
U + L6 T r U y + y
U +L
y y
L8 T r U U + Uy Uy iL9 T r R D U D U y + L D U y D U + L10 T r U y R U L

In addition to the operator on the eqn (2.187)‚we can add two more terms

L4S = H1 T r (R R + L L ) + H2 T r (2.188)

These source terms do not contain PNG terms and therefore H1;2 are not directly
measurable in low energy reactions with pseudoscalar mesons.


2.6.5 Naive dimensional analysis

The chiral lagrangian is a derivative expansion. The theory nicely predicts the meson
behavior at relatively low energies, but we know it will break down sooner or later. The
energy expansion will continue to work until the sub-leading terms become as important
as the leading term. That is, contribution to matrix elements from L2 should dominate
the contribution from L4 :
As we know the Fermi’s theory of weak interactions will work …ne as long as we are at
the low energies below the W-boson mass, and the smaller energy, the more accurate the
theory’s result. But for the chiral theory‚there is no obvious scale as we have for Fermi’s
theory. The problem is that the chiral lagrangian does not come out from integrating out
a particle from the full QCD world of quarks and gluons, but rather we are matching to
a di¤erent "phase" of QCD, where the chiral symmetry is broken. Without something
straightforward we have no idea how to decide where the chiral lagrangian fails.
However, if we look for the energy scale where L4 contributes to the matter as much as
L2 contributions it can let us know where to stop trusting the theory. This method is named
as naive dimensional analysis or NDA. This method works for many e¤ective theories of
strongly-interacting degrees of freedom, such as technicolor and superconductivity. So,
let’s see how the method works.
We need to point out how much the terms of L4 are suppressed relative to L2 : The
coe¢ cients of L4 are dimensionless while the coe¢ cients of L2 are f 2 . The ratio of the
coe¢ cients are given by

Li 1
' 2 (2.189)

where the is called the chiral symmetry breaking scale; the energy expansion is in
the ratio 2 , so when energy approaches the scale our chiral EFT will not give us good
To know the scale let us consider scattering. The tree-level lowest order amplitude
for this process with higher dimensional contributions, loop corrections‚and gloss over the


p2 p2 1
A + log (p= ) + L ( ) (2.190)
f2 f2 16 2

where any divergence from the Loops can be canceled by counterterms, at the expenses
of introducing RG scale dependence into their renormalized L4 coupling. Now the …nal
answer is not depending on , which means any changes in the scale must be compensated
by the change in L ( ). If we change by O (1) (say ! e ), we must also let

L( ) ! 2
1+ 2f 2

Now changing the RG scale can never have any e¤ect on the answer but changing it
by O (1) will have a minimal direct e¤ect on the coupling. At worst, we expect that the
coupling L will also shift by factor O (1) : For that, we must have

4 f (2.192)

In the case of chiral lagrangian 1GeV , which is near the mass of the particles that
are not included in the chiral Lagrangian, such as (770M eV ) and the proton (938M eV ) :
It also could be the scale at which we expect asymptotic freedom shifts the degrees of
freedom back to the quarks and gluons, and ordinary QCD can be used.
Here, our e¤ective theory tells us where to expect new physics to crop up, even though
we don’t know QCD or how to match it.
Naive dimensional analysis is a very powerful tool in EFt’s "Bag of Bricks". The logic
led to the above eqn *** applies to any theory that becomes strongly coupled in the UV,
where we don’t have a way to decide where should the theory cut o¤.

2.6.6 Baryons and chiral perturbation theory

We have developed chiral perturbation theory - a theory of interacting with Goldstone
bosons. A successful way to describe very low energy interactions of pions, kaons‚and


etas. Now using the chiral perturbation theory we should understand the interactions of
Pion and Kaons with the nucleons and nuclei at low energy.
For simplicity let us consider the interactions of pions and nucleons. Pions are described
by the …eld U(x) as before that transform under SU(2)v described in eqn****. The
nucleons are described by the doublet,

N= (2.193)

The lowest order Lagrangian describing pions and nucleons interactions that is invariant
under chiral symmetry is [Gasser et al:(1998)]

L N = N iD
/ mN + igA / 5 N; (2.194)

where gA is a nucleon axial coupling.

D =@ + (2.195)

where the connection is given by [Gasser et al:(1998)]

1h y i
= u ;@ u iuy (v + a ) u (v a ) uy : (2.196)

= u y D U uy (2.197)

D is the covariant acting on the pion …elds. Let us expand the pion matrices


i i 1
i i i j k
L N = N (i@/ mN ) N + gA N 5 N @ +2 ijk N N @ + :::::::
2 f 4f 2

This lagrangian yields the Goldberger-Tereiman relation,

f g NN = mN gA : (2.199)

The lowest-order lagrangian can lead to many successful predictions.

Chapter 3

Non-relativistic QCD

3.1 Introduction to QCD

QCD is the theory of strong interaction between quarks and gluons, fundamental particles
that form composite hadrons such as proton, pion‚and neutron. QCD is a non-abelian type
of gauge theory, with symmetry group SU(3). Color is an analog property of QCD to electric
charge. The force carriers of the theory are gluons as photons for the electromagnetic force
in QED. Much experimental evidence for QCD has been gathered over years.

3.1.1 Lagrangian
The quark and gluon’s dynamics are observed by the QCD lagrangian. The gauge-invariant
QCD Lagrangian is

1 a
LQCD = i i( D )ij m ij j G Ga (3.1)
where i (x) is the quark …eld, …eld function of spacetime, D is the gauge covariant
derivative, Ga is the gluon …eld strength tensor given by

G a = @ Aa @ Aa + gf abc Ab Ac (3.2)

where Aa (x) represent the gluon …elds, In EFT the heavy quark masses is represented
by mi : In the presence of nf light quarks the strong coupling constant, below the heavy
quark threshold energies runs as


d s s s 2
v = 2 s 0 + 1 + ::: (3.3)
dv 4 4

11 4
0 = CA T f nf
3 3

34 2 20
1 = C CA TF nf 4CF TF nf ; :::;
3 A 3
and CA = Nc = 3; CF = Nc2 1 =2Nc = 4=3 TF = 1=2:

3.2 Introduction of Non-relativistic QCD and QED

Based on the pioneering work of Caswell and Lepage, a method to study the heavy quarko-
nium systems from QCD, which makes use of e¤ective …eld theory techniques is generally
known as Non-Relativistic QCD (NRQCD). NRQCD applies to decay, spectroscopy‚and
production of heavy quarkonium. The NRQCD formalism for spectroscopy and decay is
well understood, so that up to a given order in the expansion parameter (usually s (mQ )
and mQ ; mQ being the heavy quark mass) NRQCD results may be considered QCD results.
The Heavy Quark E¤ective Theory has two scales, one is the large scale mQ and the
other is the small scale QCD . Expanding in the ratio of these two scales simpli…es QCD
in the heavy quark limit. Now let’s deal with several physical scales: the bound state of
two heavy quarks represent a multi-scale system. If the bound state’s physics is governed
by the Coulomb interaction, then by the virial theorem heavy quark velocity scale as

v2 (3.4)
mQ r

By the position-momentum uncertainty relation the radius of the bound state varies
inversely to the three momenta of its components, r mQ v ; it with the eqn (3.4) gives
v s: The presence of several scales is guaranteed by the small value of . The two
quark bound state forms at a scale mQ v much smaller than mQ but may be greater than
the hadronic scale QCD : Moreover, heavy quark energy introduces another scale mQ v 2 ,
which may or may not be greater than QCD : Here the presence of multiple scales states


that dealing with the two quark systems would not be easy. Let us represent the scales
mQ , mQ v‚and mQ v 2 as the hard, soft‚and ultrasoft scale respectively. Let us check how
several scales a¤ect the construction of an EFT. To discuss this problem let’s have a close
look at the …gure given below. In the calculations of a spectrum of bound states of two
heavy quark, this diagram will arise. The gauge particles in the diagram could be photons
and gluons.

While dealing with the HQET we need to compute the following integral.

dd q 1 1 1 1
I (3.5)
(2 ) q 0
+i q0+ i (q + k)2 + i (q k)2 + i

where we set v = 1; 0 and everything is suppressed in the numerator: For calculating
the integral in the eqn (3.5) we analytically continue from Minkowski to Euclidean space
to identify IR and UV behavior of the integral. This is done easily by a Wick rotation in
the q0 space. The analytical structure of this integral tells us it has two poles, at q 0 = i
coming from the heavy particle propagators with integration contour which passes right in
between these poles. We must cross any of the poles to deform the integration contour, it’s
called pinch singularity, which is illegal process. We can avoid this pinch by seperating
the poles and introducing the term other than q0 in the heavy particle propagator. But, it
is also illegal because it’s forbidden by the power counting rules in the HQET. It means in
the presence of two heavy particles we need to modify our power counting scheme. In other
words, we must change our way to build the EFT. The resulting construction is named as
"Non-relativistic QCD" or NRQCD


3.2.1 Heavy Quarkonium:

Heavy quarkonia are the mesons, made of a heavy quark and a heavy antiquark (may or
may not be of the same ‡avor), with masses larger than QCD (the typical hadronic scale).
Heavy quarkonia contains charmonia (cc) ; bottomonia bb ; Bc systems bc and cb ‚and
would be toponia tt . Baryons made of two or three quarks, share some similarities with
the systems.
In the quarkonium rest frame the heavy quark travels with the speed << 1; with
a typical momentum mQ << mQ and binding energy mQ 2: The multiscale problem
arises while studying the heavy quarkonium with the hierarchies mQ >> mQ >> mQ 2

and mQ >> QCD : To exploit these hierarchies, the use of e¤ective …eld theories is conve-

3.2.2 E¤ective Field Theories

It’s extremely di¢ cult to use the QCD calculations directly in multiscale problems, no
matter one uses an analytical approach or numerical. We can construct a simpler theory
(e¤ective …eld theory) with fewer scales involved in the dynamics and are equivalent to the
fundamental theory (QCD) in the particular energy region where heavy quarkonia states
NRQCD is an e¤ective theory appelicable for heavy quarkonium. Out of four compo-
nents of the relativistic Dirac …elds describing the heavy quarks (antiquarks)‚for energies
lower than mQ only the upper is relevant: Therefore to describe the quark a two-component
Pauli spinor …eld is used . In NRQCD the hierarchy of scales is exploited as mQ >> mQ ;
mQ 2, 2,
QCD : To exploit the remaining hierarchy mQ >> mQ we may use a further
e¤ective theory called Potential NRQCD.

3.3 Lagrangian
The NRQCD lagrangian is

LN RQCD = Llight + Lheavy + L (3.6)

The fully relativistic lagrangian describes the gluons ans and the nf ‡avors of light


1 X
Llight = trG G + qiDq
/ (3.7)
2 nf

G is the gluon …eld strength tensor written in the SU(3) matrix form, and q is the
Dirac spinor …eld of light quark. The D gauge covariant derivative is D = @ + igA ;
where A = ( ; A) is the gauge …eld having the SU(3) matrix values and g is the coupling
constant for QCD.
The heavy quarks and the aniquarks are described by the following term

y D2 y D2
Lheavy = (iDt + ) + (iDt + ) (3.8)
2M 2M
and are the Pauli spinor …elds that annihilates a heavy quark and creates a heavy
antiquark respectively. Dt is the time component and D is the space component of the
gauge covariant derivative. The heavy and light lagrangian describe the ordinary QCD
coupled to a Schrodinger …eld theory for heavy quarks and anti quarks.
The full QCD relativistic e¤ects are

c1 c2
Lbilinear = 3
[ y (D2 )2 y
(D2 )2 ] + [ y
(D gE gE D) + y
(D gE gE D) ]
8M 8M 2
c3 c4
+ [ y (iD gE gE iD) + y
(iD gE gE iD) ] + [ y
(gB ) y
(gB (3
8M 2 2M
1 ijk jk
Ei = G0i and Bi = 2 G are the electric and magnetic components of the gluon
…eld strength tensor G : The operators present in eqn (3.9) should be regularized so they
depend on the ultravoilet cuto¤ or renormalization scale of NRQCD. The coe¢ cients in
the eqn(3.9) depend on the scale in such a way that it cancels the dependence of
operators. Two fermion operatores containing y and associated to the annihilation of
a QQ pair. So as a part of the de…nition of NRQCD such terms are eliminate from the
lagrangian. If these operators annihilates a QQ pair, by energy conservation it would have
to create gluons with energies of the order M. The amplitude of such a theory (with high
energy gluons) can not be de…ned properly using theory as NRQCD. The e¤ect of these
annihilation processes on low energy amplitudes can be re-produced by adding four fermions
operators to the e¤ective lagrangian. As the de…nition of the NRQCD the operators having
higher order time derivatives are eliminated from the e¤ective lagrangian. It’s done by …eld
rede…nition that vanish upon use of the equation of motion. Due to this …eld rede…nition


the o¤-shell Green’s functions of NRQCD need not to agree with the full QCD, but they do
agree for on-shell physical quantities. The coe¢ cients are function of the coupling constant
s; the heavy quark mass parameter of QCD, and ulravoilet cuto¤ of NRQCD.
These scales determine the characteristic magnitudes of the fundamental …elds and
operators in NRQCD and allow us to estimate the contribution of any interaction to a
quarkonium energy.
operator Estimate Description
(M ) 2 quark (annihilation) …eld
(M ) 2 antiquark (creation) …eld
Dt M 2 gauge covariant time derivative
D M gauge covariant spatial derivative
g M 2 scalar potential (coulomb gauge)
gA M 3 vector potential (coulomb gauge)
gE M2 3 chromoelectric …eld
gB M2 4 chromomagnetic …eld
The continuum action for NRQCD built from …elds and operators is shown in Table
1. The estimated magnitude for each of these in terms of and M. In this table, the
quark …eld and anti quark have two spin components and the three color components
y y
that transform in the fundamental representation. Combinations such as or are
invariant under rotations and color transformation, while ; for example is a color
singlet but rotates as a vector. The gauge …elds have two color indices and transform in
the adjoint representation.

3.3.1 NRQCD Lagrangian at the scale mQ

To build an e¤ective lagrangian for NRQCD …rst, we have to identify the degrees of freedom.
Dealing two-component Pauli spinors for quark and anti quark is convenient for building
a non-relativistic EFT. Because in HQET for energy below the heavy quark mass, the
creation of a quark-antiquark pair is not possible. So, it’s convenient to use a Pauli spinor
(x) and (x) that annihilates heavy quarks and heavy antiquarks respectively, and build
e¤ective operators of ; ‚and their covariant derivatives. The matching coe¢ cients can
be obtained by matching it (NRQCD) to the full theory, which is QCD(ordinary). The
pinch singularity makes the matching procedure a very non-trivial a¤air. In HQET, as
the heavy quark propagator is independent of scale mQ , power counting of the relevant


Green’s function came from the counting factors mQ in the vertex factors. Matching
involved expanding the Green’s function to the required order of mQ and matching the
It should be noted that the HQED propagator is not …t for NRQCD, thus we must add
some extra terms to prevent pinch singularity in the matching integrals. But for matching
calculations, a propagator with power-suppressed terms: each propagator has an obvious
factor of mQ , shattering simple power counting of Green’s function!
The solution to this problem proposed in [manohar (1997)], treating the extra terms as
a perturbation while expanding the propagator. Using a full NRQCD propagator positive
power of masses can appear. if propagator is treated as in…nite series then the positive
power of masses does not appear, where the related integrals are done …rst and then the
series is resumed. The appearance of the term with the positive power of mQ can be found
to a non-analyticity of those terms in dimensional regularization. As the hadronization
e¤ects occur at scales lower than mQ ; so matching can be done for any state of mQ with
the perturbative state of two heavy quarks.
The NRQCD is usually written in the frame v = 1; 0 . The QCD gluon potential’s
derivative can be expressed in terms of electric and magnetic …elds. By simply tracking
the mQ factor an e¤ective lagrangian for NRQCD can be written as

2 ! ! ! ! ! n! !o 3
!2 !4 !! D E E D D 2 ;!: B
6 iD0 c2 2m Q
+ c4 8m 3 + cF g 2m
+ cD 8m2 + ics g 8m2Q
+ cw1 g 8m3Q 7
6 Q Q
! ! ! ! ! ! 7
6 i!! !! ! ! ! !! ! D D B + D B D !2 !2 !2 7
6 cw2 g D B Di
+ cpp g D B E8m
+D B D
+ icM g + cA1 g 2 B8m3E E
cA2 g 2 16m 7
y6 4m3Q 3 8m3Q 3 7
L= Q Q Q 7
6 !2 !2 7
6 +cA3 g 2 T r B8m3E 7
6 7
6 ! !
! ! ! ! ! ! 7
4 !2 B B E E E E 5
cA4 g 2 T r 16m3Q
+ icB1 g 2 8m2Q
icB2 g 2 8m3Q

The NRQCD/NRQED lagrangian de…ned at the scale mQ : The indices F , S‚and D

represents Fermi, spin orbit‚and Darwin terms in the lagrangian. The …elds are the two-
components Pauli–spin matrices. The NRQCD covariant derivative is D = @ +igta Aa =
D0 ; D : Using eqn(3.11)2 much simpler NRQED Lagrangian can be obtained. All this
procedure can also be done for heavy antiquark …elds denoted by . The coe¢ ceints ci can
be ascertian by matching it to full QCD Lagrangian.


3.4 From QCD TO NRQCD:

3.4.1 NRQCD. How to build it?
For writing the e¤ective lagrangian, we need the following:

The degree of freedom/cuto¤

The degrees of freedom of NRQCD are a quark antiquark pair, gluons and light quarks with
cut-o¤ NR = f p; sg which satisfy E, jpj ; QCD ; << NR << m;where p is the UV
cut-o¤ of the relative three momenta of the heavy quark and antiquark and s is the UV
cut-o¤ of the energy the heavy quark and the heavy antiquark, and the four-momentum of
the gluons and light quarks.


NRQCD should be invariant under gauge transformations, rotations, C, P‚and T.

Power counting:
The NRQCD can be written as a power series in m. As many scales remain dynamical,
We can not assign a size to each operator without extra assumptions: there exists no
homogeneous power counting. Later the introduction to pNRQCD will facilitate this task.
The power counting presented by Bodwin, Braaten and Lepage assume that QCD E
m 2; and therefore jpj m >> QCD ; (m ) << 1:


Matching could only be performed if the coe¢ cients is determined from the basic theory.
The Wilson coe¢ cients of NRQCD are determined by imposing appropriate QCD and
NRQCD Green’s function to be equal. Each operator’s Wilson coe¢ cients depend loga-
rithmically on m, NR and can be calculated in perturbation theory in ( N R) : Hence the
signi…cance of a given operator not only depend on its size (power counting) but also the
leading power of what its Wilson coe¢ cient has.


3.4.2 NRQCD Lagrangian

The operators allowed in the lagrangian are constrained by the symmetries of QCD. Here
we restrict ourselves to equal mass scale.

LN RQCD = Lg + Ll + L + L + L (3.12)

1 a 1 cg1
Lg = G Ga + gfabc Ga Ga b G ac
4 4 m2

X 1
Ll = q i iDq
/ i+O (3.14)

n ck 2 c4 cF cD cS o ch1
L = iD0 + D + 3
D4 + gB+ 2
(D gE gE D) + i 2 (D gE gE D) +
2m 8m 2m 8m 8m 8m
nf nf
chl X chl X
1 2 y 1 2 y 5
+ g qi 0 qi + g qi 5 qi
8m2 8m2
i=1 i=1

=L ! C
;g ! g; T a ! (T a )T (3.16)

dSS y y ds y y d S y a T d a T
L = c c+ 2 c c Ta y
c (T ) c+ spinor; y
Ta y
c (T ) c
m2 m m2 m2
are the NR fermions, characterized by a Pauli spinor and = i 2 , its antiparticle
is also represented by a Pauli spinor. (T a )T stands for the transpose of Ta and T a ! (T a )T
applies to the matrices constricted to the heavy quark color indexes only.

are the Pauli matrices, iD0 = i@ 0 gA0 ; iD =ir+gA; Ei = iGi0 ; Bi = ijk G

jk =2;
are the three dimensional antisymmetric tensor. The NRQCD lagrangian is de…ned up to
…eld rede…nitions.
iD0 applied to the quark …eld with a power greater than one have been eliminated.
1 a Ga
The gluon …elds are rede…ned in such a way that the coe¢ cient in front of 4G in
Lg is one. This turns to be the same as rede…ning the coupling constant in such a way


that it turns with nf light ‡avors.

d4 x(2D Ga D G a
+ 2gfabc Ga G b G c
+ Ga D 2 G a
)=0 (3.18)

A possible term like cGa D2 G a has been removed through the …eld rede…nition A !
A + 2c [D ; G ]:

3.4.3 Coupling to hard photons

Heavy quarkonium can be created or annihilated over hard photons mediated processes,
in NRQCD which can be de…ned using the NR currents. Similar to the lagrangian, they
can be written as an expression in 1=m times some hard Wilson coe¢ cients times some
NR operators composed of the NR two-component spinor …elds and :
The electromagnetic currents j induces the one-photon mediated process: Its space
components have the subsequent decomposition

y d1 y
j = b1 + D2 + ::: (3.19)
By using the equation of motion we can write it as

y i d1 y i
j = b1 + i@0 ( ) + ::: (3.20)
The operator responsible for the two photon S-wave processes in the NR limit is pro-
duced by the expansion of the product of two electromagnetic currents and represented

y d0 y
O = b0 + D2 + :::; (3.21)
which, up to the Wilson coe¢ cient, reduces to the NR limit of the pseudoscalar current.

3.4.4 Matching QCD to NRQCD

For the matching purpose …rstly, reparametrization invariance infers that there are six
linear relations between the Wilson coe¢ cients [M anohar (1997)] ;

c2 = c4 = 1; cs = 2cF 1 (3.22)


cw2 = 2cw1 1; cpp = cF 1; 2cM = cF cD : (3.23)

Matching coe¢ cients can be attained by carrying out the non-relativistic expansion of
the QCD Lagrangian at the tree level.

cF = cD = cS = cw1 = 1; (3.24)

cw2 = cpp = cM = 0: (3.25)

The Wilson coe¢ cients of pNRQCD are …xed by applying QCD and pNRQCD Green’s
function with di¤erent number of heavy quarks (0,1,..) and gluons to be equal for scales
E jpj
below NR to a given order expansion in ; m ; m ; where E and jpj are the external energy
and three momenta respectively. If these expansions are performed before doing the loop
integrals, it simpli…es calculations extraordinarily mainly if dimensional regularization is
used as the regulator in QCD and NRQCD for the infrared and ultraviolet divergences.
This is so because all the loop integrals in the NRQCD calculations will be scale less and
can be set to zero. Furthermore by using the same regulator for the infrared divergence in
QCD and NRQCD gurantees that they will cancel in the di¤erence.
In the two-quark sector of NRQCD lagrangian, one loop correction can be carried out
by computing the one-loop correction to di¤erent Green’s functions. The matching scheme
is expressed as

Diagrams in QCD = Diagrams in N RQCD+ci (matrix elements of NRQCD operators)

Thus, for NRQCD all the diagrams must be of the form

1 1
Aef f (3.26)

where A is a combination of parameters, and separate regulators UV and IR are

de…ned for UV and IR dimensional regularization respectively.


In dimensional regularization it’s good to set U V = IR . Then, for NRQCD the matching
would have a form

1 1
Aef f + ci (3.27)

As the QCD integrals have an internal mass scale mQ : Thus the QCD side matching
would have a form

+ + (A + B) log +D (3.28)
The form of the eqn (3.28) is obtained by using dimensional regularization. Since
full and e¤ective theories have di¤erent degrees of freedom so their properties would be
di¤erent. Thus A 6= Aef f :

But it does no a¤ect our results because we have removed all the UV divergences of
both the theories(full anf e¤ective) by renormalization process. Yet, QCD and NRQCD
must have the similar infrared, so B = Aef f : Considering these two facts we get the
matching condition by comparing the above two eqn. (3.27) and (3.28).

ci = (A + B) log +D (3.29)
One loop corrections to the matching coe¢ cients can be attained this way. Their
rigorous form can be readily found in [M anohar (1997)] :


is the case where quark and antiquark appear. After expanding in we have

1 1 NR
A +B + (A + B) ln +D (3.30)
here the full and the e¤ective theory share the same infrared behavior B=-Aef f : Whereas
the ultraviolet divergences are absorbed in the coe¢ cients of the full and e¤ective theory.
In this way the di¤erence between the full theory and e¤ective theory reads:

(A + B) ln +D (3.31)
which provides the renormalized one-loop contribution to the Wilson coe¢ cients for
the e¤ective theory

m m
ci 1+ Aci log + Bci di 1+ Adi log + Bdi (3.32)

The same renormalization scheme is used for both ultraviolet and infrared divergences
in NRQCD. Using the MS scheme, in QCD calculations both the ultravoilet and infrared
divergences can be renormalized similarly. This …xes the ultraviolet renormalization scheme
in which the Wilson coe¢ cients have been calculated. We can also attain the bare expres-
sion for the Wilson coe¢ cients if the Ultraviolet divergences of the QCD calculations are
known. Those can be captivated by and the masses. Therefore it’s easy to get the bare
expression for NRQCD when needed.
As one is typically matching gauge-dependant Green functions, the same gauge must
be chosen in QCD and NRQCD. Using di¤erent gauges, di¤erent ways for the matching
process may lead to di¤erent Wilson coe¢ cients. These results must be correlated by local
…eld de…nitions or, if both the matching calculations had granted to use the same minimal
of operators earlier, the result would have agreed. Some Wilson coe¢ cients are gauge
independent and can be independently computed in any gauge, as they can be directly
associated to observables. f one is not working on a minimal basis then one must calculate
all the matching coe¢ cients in the same gauge. Such as‚the computation of cd and d s in
di¤erent gauges would lead to wrong results, as only a speci…c combination of them is free
of uncertainties. Using the above matching technique it is convenient to choose a covariant
gauge, since only QCD calculations which are manifestly covariant, are to be carried out.
For the matching calculations we also require the relation between the QCD and


NRQCD quark (antiquark) …elds:

1 1+ 0 imt 1 1 0 imt
Q (x) ! Z 2 e (x) + Z 2 e (x) (3.33)
2 2
The computation delivers us with the simplest possible example to explain the above
matching discussion. One requires the computation in QCD of the self-energy shown in


i (p) = iCF A p2 m + B p2 p/ (3.35)


A p = dx ( ) (4 + 2 ) m2 x p2 x (1 x) (3.36)

B p = dx ( ) (2 + 2 ) (1 x) m2 x p2 x (1 x) (3.37)

At the loop‚the bare Z then reads

" #
s 2 2 @A @B
ZB = 1 + Cf B m + 2m +
4 @p2 @p2 p2 =m2

3 3 m
=1 Cf +1 log (3.38)
2 2 NR

and the renormalized one,

3 m2 2
Z = 1 + Cf log 2 1 +O (3.39)
4 NR

1 1 2
Note that we did not have to distinguish the ultraviolet and infrared region 3 UV
+ IR


And the states are di¤erently renormalized in relativistic hpjp0 i = (2 )3 2 p2 + m2 3
(p p0 )
or NR hpjp0 i = (2 )3 3
(p p0 ) theories. For comparing the S-matrix elements between
p 1
two theories, a factor 2 p2 + m2 has to be introduced for each fermion. While per-
forming the matching as explained above produces a side e¤ect: Coulomb pole singularity
exactly disappear in the matching computation. This is a very signi…cant simpli…cation, as
the coulomb poles are the infrared e¤ects that cancel in the matching, thus their presence
in the intermediate computation is unnecessary and would make the computation much
more burdensome.

3.4.5 Annihlation into light hadrons

To certify that our NRQCD lagrangian reproduces quark-antiquark annihilation in QCD
correctly, Local operators should be introduced describing the physics. And the quark
antiquark annihilation will be described by local four fermion operators. The general form
of the four fermion interactions representing the e¤ect of QQ annihilation in NRQCD,

X fn ( )
L4 f ermion = O( ) (3.40)
M dn 4

The annihilation rate of a quarkonium state H to light hadrons

(H ! LH) = 2 Im hH j L4 f ermion j Hi (3.41)

at the order of 2, by using the velocity scaling rule the number of matrix elements can
be reduced to a …nite number.

f1 1 S0 1 f1 3 S1 3 f8 1 S0 1 f8 3 S1
( L4 f ermion )d=6 = O1 S0 + O1 S1 + O8 S0 + O8 3 S1
m2 Q m2 Q m2 Q m2 Q

Where the dimenion 6-operators are


1 y y
O1 S0 = ; (3.43)
3 y y
O1 S1 = ;
1 y a y a
O8 S0 = t t ;
3 y
O8 S1 = ta y
ta ;

The coe¢ cients can be calculated in full QCD as a perturbation series in s (M ), where
individual terms might depend on ln :
The Wilson coe¢ cients can be obtained by matching the diagrams. At tree level only
f8 3S is non-zero. Remaining coe¢ cients will get non-zero corrections at one or two loop

1 2 CA
f1 S0 = s CF CF (2 2 log 2 + i )

f1 S1 = 0;

2 3CF
1 s
f8 S0 = + 4CF (2 2 log 2 + i ) (3.44)
2 2

3 s nf T f 5 8TF 109CA
f8 S1 = 1+ 2 log 2 i + 4CF
3 3 9 36

These coe¢ cients also have an imaginary part. With these coe¢ cients‚we can do many
calculations, if we know the way to calculate elements of four fermion operators.

NR current Wilson coe¢ cients

Their purpose analogously follows the matching procedure of the four-fermion operators.
We have, for the vector current

Q i Q (0) jQCD = b1 y i
(0) y i
(iD)2 (0) + :::jN RQCD (3.45)
The Wilson coe¢ cients bs and ds characterizet the contributions from the hard modes


and may be estimated as a series in full QCD for free on-shell on-threshold external
quark …elds. We de…ne it through

X i
( N R)
bs ( N R) = bis ( N R) ; b(0)
s =1 (3.46)

and similarly other coe¢ cients.

3.5 Non-perturbative scales mQ v and mQ v 2

Now consider all the NRQCD scales except mQ are non-perturbative. While the hierarchy
of the scales mQ << mQ v < mQ v 2 < QCD do exists, perturbative matching is not possible
at the scales mQ v and mQ v2. This happens when we are dealing with the bound state of
charm quarks. To resolve this let us recall the matching procedure in HQET. Let’s start
with an example of inclusive annihilation of a charmonium state Hc :
The total width can be using the factorization theorem,

X Cn
(Hc ! X) = dn 4
Hc OnHc 2S+1
LJ Hc (3.47)
n mQ

As for heavy quarks mQ is always perturbative, above eqn (3.47) states that all the short
distance ( > mQ ) are enclosed in short distance coe¢ cients, whereas matrix elements
hHc jOj Hc i encloses all the scales below mQ :
Now establishing the power counting scheme for matrix elements in eqn (3.47). This
can be done by following arguments [Lepage et al: (1992)] : Let the number operator
d3 x y
(x) (x) (3.48)

This operator counts the number for heavy quarks in the bound state, for the leading,
"baseline," Fock state. This number should be almost one when heavy-quark pair creation
R 1
is removed at leading order. As the heavy quarks momenta d3 x 3 determines the
(mQ v)
heavy quarkonium size: Thus,

(x) (x) (mQ )3 ; or (mQ ) 2 (3.49)

The arguments from eqn (3.49) allow us to …x the power counting of derivatives and
other elements. As, we expect the kinetic energy operator of a heavy quark to scale like


kinetic energy, i.e.

Z !2
3 y D
d x (x) (x) mQ v 2 ; (3.50)
Which gives power counting for a derivative D mQ v; as expected. The time deriv-
ative power counts as Dt mQ v2 as a result of the leading order equation of motion,
iD0 + 2mQ = 0:
We can power count the potentials and …elds for the QCD/QED using the covariant
derivative .

To power count other matrix elements we have to …x their v scaling relative to "base-
line value". This process have two following steps. The …rst step, allot v counting to the
operators. For that purpose, Let us de…ne baseline operators containing quark bilinears
that gives the predominant QQ component of the quarkonium state. As, the baseline bi-
linear for state 1 S and the ones for the J= state 3 S would be y and y !
c 0 1
respectively. This permits to de…ne scaling rules for the four fermion operators. By fac-
torizing the matrix elements of four fermion operators in to the quark bilinears products,
we can categorize the operators according to their v-scaling.
1 y y
c O1 c S0 c = c j0i h0j c + ::::

3 y! y!
J O1 c S1 J = J j0i h0j J + ::::: (3.51)

de…ne the baseline operators for the s wave states J= and c: Adding the scalar
operator m2c
on either side of the bilinear operator would bring out v2 suppression of the
resulting matrix.
hmJ O1h 1
P1 hmJ = hmJ y
0 0 y
hmJ + :::::

1D ! ED ! E
0 O1 0 3
P0 0 = 0
i!: D 0 0 y
i!: D 0 + :::: (3.52)


! 1 !
de…ne Basile operators for the p-waves states. We de…ne D = 2 D D in
eqn(3.52): In addition to the overthrow of the resulting matrix elements of eqn (3.52)
compared to the eqn(3.51) notice that Ellipse in eqn (3.51) and eqn (3.52) denote terms
suppressed by v 2 : Our main concern is that the heavy quarkonium states can be expanded
in the velocity as well. As the heavy quarkonium state is "compact," each term of the
hadronic sate can be power counted in Fock state expansion. As, a J meson in a po-
tential quark model can describe a 3S state of a charm quark and an antiquark, has a fock
state expansion,

3 3 3 3
jJ i = Acc cc S1 (1) + Accg cc PJ (8) g + Accgg cc S1 (8) gg + Bccgg cc S1 (1)(3.53)
3 3 1
+Cccgg cc DJ (8) gg + Dccgg cc D1 (1) gg + Bccg cc S0 (8) g + :::::

g represents the dynamical that is Non potential ultrasoft gluon. We can do the same
expansion for the other quarkonium states. In eqn (3.53) to represent the angular momen-
tum spin state of QQ we used spectroscopic notations (for example, 3 S1 tells that the QQ
is in the relative s-wave spin triplet state); and 1(8) represents the singlet (octet) color state
of QQ: For the light quark states (and also for heavy-light states) this expansion is not
suitable. The fact that the QQ system of the QCD coulomb potential makes the distance
between the heavy quarks small as equated to the distance …xed by soft QCD. Multipole
expansion permits to allot scaling to many Fock state expansion’s coe¢ cients, that
a¤ects power counting of NRQCD matrix elements signi…cantly.
In eqn (3.53) to power count the coe¢ cients A; B; C‚and D, let’s practice a simple
argument [Fleming and Maksymyk (1996)]. The J state mentioned above, the "base-
line" QQ state has cc in the 3S sate, thus we expect Acc 0. Radiating a non-potential
gluon can be observed in two ways. First‚by chromo electric dipole generator an electric
type gluon can be radiated, that changes the angular momentum L ! L through one
unit and keeping relative spin state same for the cc pair i.e. L = L + 1 and S ! S.
In this process the heavy quark’s momentum scales a single power, so Acc . To retain
the color neutrality of the bound state, cc is also in a relative color octet state. Further
gluons (electric type) emission would change the angular momentum by one more unit in
any direction and might change the cc color state: And the corresponding gluon get an
additional power of velocity suppression, i.e. Accgg ; Bccgg ; Cccgg ; Dccgg 2. On the other


hand, the state 3 S1 can emit a magnetic type gluon. Emission of magnetic type gluon
causes one of the heavy quarks to spin-‡ip. As the chromo magnetic dipole mediate this
0 0
process with transition L = L and S = S 1: This would scale the gluon momentum as
Bccg 2:

We can set the relative velocity scaling rules for matrix elements by assembling the
power counting of operators and states, that allows a non-relativistic expansion of matrix
elements. At each order in a …nite no of matrix elements would add up for both the
quarkonium annihilation or production, it means we have a predictive theory. The heavy
quark spin symmetry relations gives us additional simpli…cation and lowering the number
of related matrix elements. A chromo magnetic dipole transition governs the heavy quark
spin-‡ipping interactions, leading-order matrix elements would be the same for di¤erent
spin and same angular momentum. This works for matrix elements of both the color singlet
and octet operators. In particular,

3 3 2
J O1 c S1 J = c O1 c S0 c +O ;

J O1 J PJ J = h0 O1h 1
P1 h0 + O 2
; J = 0; 1; 2; (3.54)

J O8 J S1 J = h0 O8h 1
S0 h0 + O 2
; J = 0; 1; 2;

For the other states such relations can be found as well.

To discuss the NRQCD prons Let0 s consider an example. We should focus on the decay
of the charmonium state, where velocity power counting works as 2 ' 0:3; but mc is not
larger then QCD:

3.5.1 Electromagnetic decay of c

Let’s study the case c ! . The decay amplitude is factorized into the convolution of
two processes: the scattering of two charm quarks into a …nal state (hard process), and
amplitude for …nding those two quarks in the same point inside the c (soft process).
It’s likely to maintain it order by order in perturbative QCD. We would simply illustrate
this fact by …gure. Although the average momentum of the charm quarks in the c bound
state is of the order mc ; the momentum ‡owing over the proaogator scale through mc ;


so for the mc ! 1 soft quark can not reveal the details of the virtual c-quark in the
propagator. So it can be minimized to a point and decay amplitude can be factorized as,
A( c ! )= 0 (0) c + A (cc ! ) (3.55)

Here 0 y (0) represents a convolution(product of two amplitudes) of the soft

part signifying the behaviour of the bound state cc; and the hard scatteing is represented by
the hard part. It will be noted that in NRQCD, the amplitude factorization is not possible.
Scripting the Feynman diagram of the …g, going up from the 4-component spinors into the
2-component and holding the leading part in p mc produces

32 2 D y
E 2
( c ! )= 0 (0) c (3.56)
Matrix elements in eqn (3.56) can be related to quarkonium wavefunction at the origin
D E 2 3
0 y
(0) c = jR (0)j2 (3.57)
here R(r) is the quarkonium radial wavefunction.

3.5.2 Inclusive decays of the cJ into light hadrons

The power of NRQCD factorization techniques includes decays of the p-wave quarkonium
states, as cJ for J = 0; 1; 2. In a relative p-wave or 3 PJ state cJ is a bound state of
two charming quarks [Bodwin et al. (1992)]. The inclusive decay rates of the states in
the quark model will be proportional to the values of the cc wave function at the origin,
realtively the value of the wavefunction itself.
Considering the state c0 ,


2 8nf mc 3 jR0 (0)j2

( c0 ! X) = 6 s + log + ::: s (3.58)
9 m4c
Where R0 (0) is the derivative of the radial wavefunction of the cc state. The eqn (3.58)
has an issue: it has an infrared divergence at O 3 . This infrared is cut o¤ by applyig
an infrared scale :
In the framework of the NQRCD a solution can be found,
D ! E
R0 (0) 0 :D 0 (3.59)

One can skip calculation for R0 (0), instead working directly with matrix elements of
NRQCD operators. Precisley
R0 (0) XcJ O1XcJ 1
PJ XcJ (3.60)
D E 3
Power counting tells us that XJ O1XJ 1P
J XJ O 5 ; as each …eld scales as 2

and each derivative scales as

D ; so 4 (3=2) + 2 1E 3 = 5:
Now it turns out that XcJ O8XcJ 3 SJ XcJ scale as O 5 : A color-octet s-wave
state of cc quarks only contributes to jXc0 i through higher Fock state cc 3S
1 (8) g ;
i.e. repressed by 2 related"baseline," the operator for cc 3S
1 (8) does not enclose any
derivatives. Thus, it is e¤ectively enriched by two powers of : This gives a sophisticated
solution to the problem of the infrared divergence of (Xc0 ! H) that we discovered
in the quark model. In NRQCD both operators must be taken into account. Besides,
the infrared divergence of the 3 term can be absorbed into the matrix element of the
O8XcJ 3S
1 operator.
Thus, in NRQCD,

2 Im f1 3 PJ 3 2 Im f8 3 S1 3
(Xc0 ! X) = Xc0 O1 PJ Xc0 + Xc0 O8 S1 Xc0
m4c m2c
Note that, di¤erent from HQET, the power of heavy quark velocity governs the power
counting. In eqn (3.61) both terms scale the same in the velocity power counting even
though the …rst term has additional suppression by m2c :
Now rom eqn (3.44) reading o¤ the coe¢ cients fi we obtain


4 2 (m ) D E n 2 (m ) D E
c f s c
(Xc0 ! X) = s
Xc0 O1Xc0 3
PJ Xc0 + Xc0 O8Xc0 3
S1 Xc0
3m4c 6m2c
which now contains two unidenti…ed parameters, but has no infrared divergences. The
non-perturbative methods can be used to calculate unknown matrix elements (lattice QCD)
or …tted from the data. An other way‚one can depend on the heavy quark spin symmetry
relations that relate matrix elements of Xc0 to the matrix elements of the other p-wave
states XcJ . Global …t gives
XcJ O1XcJ 3
PJ XcJ = (7:2 0:9) 10 2
GeV 5

XcJ O8XcJ 3
S1 XcJ = (4:3 0:9) 10 2
GeV 3 (3.63)

NRQCD factorization theorems allow us for a reliable account of not only heavy quarko-
nium decays, but prediction also, both in pp and pp collisions and as well as in heavy-ion
collision. NRQCD is a powerful technique for processes with heavy quarkonium states.

3.6 NRQCD Feynman rules

The propagator of the and …elds are particles(both represent particles): q2
: For
q 0 2m +i
the calculating of the potential‚we should use the static version: q 0 +i
i ab
The gluon propagator depends on the gauge. One either use feynman: q 0 +i
g or the
coulomb gauge.
Longitudinal gluon Aa0 Ab0

i ab
= (3.64)


Transvere gluon Aai Abj

i qi qj ab
= ij (3.65)
q2 + i q2

Coulomb vertex:

= igT a (3.66)

Dipole vertex

= p + p0 T a (3.67)

seagul vertex

ig 2
= T aT b + T bT a ij


Fermi vertex

CF g
= ( k) T a (3.69)

Fermi vertex(non-abelian)

CF g 2 h i
k kij
= T a; T b (3.70)

Darwin vertex(A0 )

iCD g 2 a
= k T (3.71)

cs vertex(A0 )

CS g
= i p0 p Ta (3.72)


The rules for anti particles can easily be inferred from the particle by exchanging g! g
and (T a )T
dss vertex

= i 0 0 (3.73)
m1 + m2

ds vertex

= i 1: 2 0 0 (3.74)
m1 m2

d s vertex

d s
= i T a T a0 0 (3.75)
m1 m2


d vertex

d a
= i 1: 2T T a0 0 (3.76)
m1 m2

Chapter 4

Potential NRQCD

Potential NRQCD is the e¤ective theory we get after integrating out energy scales larger
than mQ 2 from the NRQCD. If QCD . mQ 2; then mQ >> QCD and the matching
between NRQCD and pNRQCD is done in perturbative theory in s (mQ ) : This is called
the weak coupling regime. For >> mQ 2 the matching can not be done in pertur-
bation theory in 2
s (mQ ) any longer, but the hierarchy mQ >> mQ v; QCD >> mQ
can still be exploited: This is called the strong coupling regime.

Weakly coupled pNRQCD

The e¤ective degrees of freedom that are dynamical: low energy QQ states that under color
transformations can be decomposed into a singlet …eld S and an octet …eld O, having energy
of the order 2
QCD ; m and momentum p of order m ; low energy gluons A (R;t) with
energy and momentum of the order QCD ; m 2 : The gluon …elds are multipole expanded
(expanded in the quark-antiquark distance r, R is the center of mass ). The Lagrangian is
then given in terms of the type

CK (m; )
Vn r 0 ; r On 0
; m 2; QCD rn : (4.1)

where the matching coe¢ cients Ck are inherited from NRQCD and comprise the logs
in the quark masses, the potential matching coe¢ cients Vn of pNRQCD encode the non-
analytic behavior in r‚and the low energy operators On are created in terms of singlet,


octet‚and ultra gluons …elds. At leading order in multipole expansion, the singlet sector
of the Lagrangian leads to the Schrodinger type equations of motion. Each term in the
lagrangian has a de…nite power counting. The bulk of interaction is carried by potential
like terms, but non-potential interactions, associated with the propagation of low energy
degrees of freedom are present too.

4.0.1 Strongly coupled pNRQCD

For strongly coupled pNRQCD the matching to pNRQCD is nonperturbative. When heavy-
light meson pair and heavy hybrids grows a mass gap of order QCD about the energy of
the QQ pair (Away from the threshold), the quarkonium singlet …eld S keep on as the
only low energy dynamical degree of freedom in the pNRQCD Lagrangian

LpN RQCD = S y i@0 Vs (r) S (4.2)

The matching potential Vs (r) is a series in the expansion in the inverse of the quark
masses: static 1/m and 1/m2 terms have been calculated. They include NRQCD matching
coe¢ cients and low energy non-perturbative parts given in terms of Wilson loops and …eld
strengths insertions in the Wilson loop. In this regime‚we get the quark potential singlet
model from pNRQCD. However‚the potentials are calculated from QCD in the formal
non-perturbative matching procedure. Actual evaluation of the low energy part requires
lattice evaluation or QCD vacuum model calculations.

4.1 Going down: perturbative scales mQ and mQ 2 : pN-

The physical quarkonium scales mQ and mQ 2 can still be perturbative for large mQ:
There may be a perturbative matching scale such that mQ mQ 2;
QCD : In
this case‚we can inregrate out the soft scale mQ . The theory developed is then called
potential NRQCD or pNRQCD [Pineda and Soto (1998); Brambilla et al. (2000)]. This is
the theory of QQ bound states and ultrasoft gluons having energies about mQ 2:

Usually the size of a QQ bound state is r mQ : This distance scale is small as
compared to the typical wavelengths of ultrasoft gluons, so we can systematically expand


the gluon …elds in r as the standard multipole expansion in electrodynamics. Introducing

new interpolating …elds for the QQ states decomposed in terms of a singlet S and an octet
O …elds. Typical energy associated with S and O is m 2 : The center of mass coordinates
of QQ are denoted by R and ! r their relative coordinates. Doing a multipole expansion
we can write a pNRQCD e¤ective lagrangian in terms of S, O‚and ultrasoft gluons. In the
matching coe¢ cient of pNRQCD‚all the non-analytical terms in r will be encoded, which
can be inferred in the quark-anti-quark potential.
The most general e¤ective lagrangian for pNRQCD at the leading order can be

p2 !
LpN RQCD = T r Sy i@0 Vs (r) + ::: S + T r Oy iD0 Vo (r) + ::: O (4.3)
mQ mQ
h ! ! i g h ! !i
+gVA (r) T r Oy !
r E S + Sy !
r E O + VB (r) T r Oy !
r E O + Oy O! r E ;

where the Wilson coe¢ cients Vs (r) and Vo (r) are the singlet and octet QQ static
potential. Before calculating Vs (r) we expect the form of Vs (r) and Vo (r) to be;

vs CA v
Vs (r) = CF ; Vo (r) = CF ; (4.4)
r 2 r
where at the lowest order in s we expect that vs = vo = s; and VA = VB = 1:
Let us rede…ne singlet and octet …elds of pNRQCD to have a proper normalization in
the color space [Pineda and soto (1998) ; Brambilla et al. (2000)] ;

1c Ta
S = p S; O = p Oa ; (4.5)
where TF = 2

Example: Heavy quarkonium potential

Applying the Euler-Langrange equation to the eqn (4.3) for the singlet …eld S we get

i@0 S = + Vs (r) S (4.6)
above is the equation of motion for S. Taking this as a non-relativisic Schrodinger
equation for S. Thus, we can classify the Wilson coe¢ cient Vs (r) as a static potential.


We should match the pNRQCD lagrangian to the four-fermion part of the NRQCD
lagrangian, for this we need to de…ne the way we calculate the appropriate green’s functions.
So we have to match the four body part of NRQCD to the two body part of pNRQCD,
so explicitly, we need to keep the coordinate dependence of the NRQCD and pNRQCD
! !
operators(S( R ; !
r ) and O( R ; !
r )).
Let us calculate potential for the singlet and make the following ident…cations.

1 !
(x2 ; t) U (x2 ; x1 ; t) (x1 ; t) = Zs2 S R ; !
r ;t (4.7)

Here explicitly we have made the coordinate dependence of …elds and a Wilson line is
0 1
U (x2 ; x1 ; t) = P exp @ig ds (!
x2 !
x 1 ) A (!
x1 s (!
x1 !
x 2 ) ; t)A (4.8)

To certify that we are dealing with the gauge invariant objects. As P represents the
path ordering over the length segment s. Moreover‚R = !x +! x ; while !
r =! x ! x : We
2 1 2 1
will match while at once expanding in R, which is comparable to the multipole expansion
in the electrodynamics. We also overturn the explicit time reference as well.
By using (identi…cation provided by) eqn (4.7) , calculating singlet Green’s functions
G(s) = hSjSi in NRQCD and pNRQCD, we can get Vs (r) and Zs :
(s) y y
GN RQCD = 0 (x2 ) U (x2 ; x1 ) (x1 ) (y1 ) U (y1 ; y2 ) (y2 ) 0

= 3
x1 !
y 1) 3
x2 !
y 2 ) hW i ; (4.9)

Where hW i is the rectangular Wilson loop, averaged above gauge …elds and light
quarks, and reserved the leading term O m0Q
only: The ordinates of the angles of the
T !r T !
r T !r T !
boxes are x1 = 2; 2 ; x2 = 2; 2 ; y1 = 2; 2 ; and y2 = 2; 2 : By
[Fischler (1977); Appelquist et al. (1977) Eichten and Feinberg (1981)], we would require
a large time asymptotic T ! 1 to extract the potential.
In pNRQCD we obtain [Pineda and Soto 1998); Brambilla et al. (2000)]

(! ! (! !
(s) 3 3
GpN RQCD = Zs2 x1 y 1) x2 y 2 ) exp ( iT Vs (r)) ; (4.10)


For the leading order matching‚we require the …rst term on the pNRQCD side only.
(s) (s)
Taking logarithm of both GN RQCD and GpN RQCD and matching the above two equa-
tions in the limit T ! 1 and expanding it in T,

i iu1
log hW i = u0 (r) + + ::: (4.11)
we obtain

Vs (r) = u0 (r) ; log Zs (r) = u1 (r) : (4.12)

Leading-order contribution in the s

Vs (r) = CF ; Zs (r) = Nc ; (4.13)
which is consistent with our expectations for Wilson coe¢ cients in eqn (4.4).

4.1.1 Octet matching

For calculating the octet matching potential and octet normalization factor V0 and Z0
respectively, Let the following Green function

x1 + x2 T x1 + x2 T y1 + y2 T y1 + y2
I0ab = 0 y
(x2 ) x2 ; ; Ta ; x1 ; (x1 ) y
(y1 ) y1 ; ; Tb ;y
2 2 2 2 2 2 2
In NRQCD we can write
I0ab = 3
(x1 y1 ) 3
(x2 y2 ) T a W T b ; (4.15)


Now, for multipole expansion in pNRQCD we get the zeroth order

I0ab = Z0 (r) 3
(x1 y1 ) 3
(x2 y2 ) e iT V0 (r)
(T =2; T =2)adj
ab (4.16)

where the Schwinger line evaluated in the adjoint representation.

8 9
TZ=2 >
(T =2; T =2) (T =2; R; T =2; R) = P exp ig dtA0 (R; t)
: >

We must know 1/T expansion for the T a W T b , as done in the singlet case.
We de…ne

i T aW T b v1 (r) 1
ln = v0 (r) + i +O f or T ! 1 (4.17)
T (T =2; T =2)adj
T T2

Compaing eqn(4.15) and eqn(4.16) we have,

CA s
V0 (r) = CF or V0 = s (4.18)
2 r

Z0 (r) = TF (4.19)

The matching done is dependent on the gauge. But still, at any …nite order in pertur-
bation theory the octet matching potential is expected to be gauge independant, hence it
is associated to the pole of the propogator. On dmensional ground at any …nite order in
perturbation theory , the (T =2; T =2)adj
ab does not contribute to the potential, whereas it
does to Z0 ; that is gauge dependent.

Di¤erent degrees of freedom: hadronic molecules

First, we considered the QQ bound state. Now let’s consider a simpler example, the bound
state of two bosons. it is somewhat interesting, as data from the heavy ‡avor experiments
BaBar and Belle disclosed a cloud of new hadrons whose properties requested thoughts
about their likely non qq nature. Amongst these in the X(3872) state which is revealed in
the decay X(3872) ! J + ; containing charm anticharm quarks. It is slightly strange
0 0
mass close to the masses of D and D mesons, and decay patterns provoked a series of


more striking analyses, such as of a "hadronic molecule" or a "tetraquark state" [Brambilla

(2011)]. Of course, states having same quantum numbers but di¤erent nature can mix up,
Furthermore confusing the correct interpretation of experimental data. Since the mass
of the X(3872) state lies temptingly near to the D 0 D threshold of 3871.3 MeV, it is
appealing to accept that X(3872) could be w D 0 D J P C = 1++ molecular state, thus
we should discover this to discuss possible venues for the theoretical analyses of heavy-
mesons molecular states. Especially‚we shall arrange the formalism by asking ourselves
with taking out the bound state energy of D 0 D molecule.

1 h Ei
jX i = p D D DD (4.20)
To …nd the bound state energy of X(3872) with J P C = 1++ , we shall seek a pole of
the transition amplitude T++ = hX+ jT j X+ i [Al…ky et al.(2006)].
This study is possible due to the presence of multitude of scales in QCD. The small
binding energy of this molecular state presents an energy scale much smaller than the mass
of the lightest particle, the pion, whose exchange can be responsible for binding. Thus, the
frameowrk of this e¤ective …eld theory is suitable for the description of this state, the pion,
beside with other particles providing possible binding contributions (that is the p-meson
and other higher mass resonance), need to be integrated out. The resulting lagrangian
should only have heavy meson degrees of freedom with interactions approximated by four
local four-boson terms reserved only by the symmetries of the theory.
To de…ne the molecular states of heavy mesons‚we must add-on the two body e¤ective
lagrangian with the one having the four particle interaction terms. To write down an
e¤ective lagrangian describing the properties of X(3872), we should combine the …elds
and H (Q) thus the resulting Lagrangian compliments the heavy quark spin and
chiral symmetries.
The 4 body e¤ective lagrangian consistent with chiral symmetries and heavy-quark spin
can be

C1 (Q) (Q) C2 (Q) (Q) H (Q)

L4 = T r[H H (Q) ]T r[H (Q) H ] T r[H H (Q) 5 ]T r[H 5]
4 4
This lagrangian de…nes the scattering of D and D mesons at energies above m . At
tree level, by Integrating out the pion degrees of freedom corresponds to a modi…cation


0 2
C2 ! C2 + ( 23 ) f : We can use this lagrangian for the calculating the bound state
properties of X(3872).
Estimating the traces yields for the DD sector

L4;DD = C1 D(Q)y D(Q) D D (Q) C1 D (Q)y
D (Q)
D(Q)y D(Q) +C2 D(Q)y D (Q)
D (Q)y D(Q) +C2 D (Q)y
Also, one gets the component Lagrangian governing the interactions of D and D;

L4;DD = C1 D(Q)y D(Q) D(Q)y D(Q) (4.23)

To extract the bound state energy Eb ; considering the scattering amplitude of all four
possible components of the jX+ i state, D ; D; D; and D : We state the following transition
T11 = D D jT j D D ; T12 = D D jT j DD ;

T21 = DD jT j D D ; T22 = DD jT j DD ; (4.24)

corresponding to the scattering of D and D mesons. At tree level, Tii C1 and

Tij; i6=j C2 as we take only contract interactions.
As in perturbation theory the bound states can not be described by any …xed-order
calculation, so to complete the leading-order we have to include a resummation of loop
contributions [Weinberg (1990)]. These transition amplitudes satisfy a system of Lipmann-
schwinger equations,

d4 q d4 q
iT11 = iC1 + T 11 G P P C1 T12 GP P C2 ; (4.25)
(2 )4 (2 )4
d4 q d4 q
iT12 = iC2 T 11 G P P C2 + T12 GP P C1 ;
(2 )4 (2 )4
d4 q d4 q
iT21 = iC2 + T 21 G P P C1 T22 GP P C2 ;
(2 )4 (2 )4
d4 q d4 q
iT22 = iC1 T 21 G P P C2 + T22 GP P C1 ;
(2 )4 (2 )4


where GP P are the two bosons Green’s functions in the momentum space,

1 1 1
GP P = ! ! ! ! (4.26)
4 p2 q2
+i2 p2
+ q0 q2
2mD +q0 2mD 2mD 2mD

p is the momentum of one of the mesons in the center of mass system, and factors of
mD mD appearing on both sides of eqn (4.25) is canceled out. Remember that the vector
propagator in the eqn (4.26) includes the mass di¤erence [AlFiky et al. (2006)], which
is same as to measuring bound state energies for the "constituents mass" of the system,
which is twice the propagators here, but also a di¤erent "constituent mass".
As we are interested in the pole of the amplitude T++ , we must diagonalize this system
of equations rewritten in an algebraic matrix form,

0 1 0 1 0 10 1
T11 C1 C1 C2 0 0 T11
B T12 C B C2 C B C B T12 C
B C=B e B C2
C + iA C1 0 0 CB C (4.27)
B T C B C C B 0 0 C1 C2 C B C
@ 21 A @ 2 A @ A @ T21 A
T22 C1 0 0 C2 C1 T22

The matrix is the form of the block diagonal, which permits to solve eqn (4.27) in two
steps using 2 2 matrices. The solution of Eqn (4.27) gives the T++ amplitude,

T++ = (T11 + T12 + T21 + T22 ) = ; (4.28)
2 1 e
i A
with = e is a (divergent) integral
C1 + C2; and A
e= i2 d3 q 1
A DD ! ; (4.29)
4 (2 )3 q 2 2 DD (E ) i2
where E= 2 ; DD is the reduced mass of the DD system, and to estimate the
integral over q0 we have used the residue theorem. In eqn (4.29) as usual, the divergence
of the integral is removed by the renormalization. we choose to de…ne a renormalized
R within the MS subtraction scheme in the dimensional regularization. In this scheme‚
e is …nite, that corresponds to an implied subtraction of power divergences
the integral A
in eqn (4.29). In eqn (4.29) computing the integral by continuing to the d-1 dimension


analytically yields
e= 1
A j!
pj 1
2 DD
8 DD !
This infers for the transition amplitude

T++ = p (4.31)
1 + (i=8 ) R DD j!
pj 1 2 DD =!
The point of the pole of the molecular state on the energy scale can be read o¤ eqn

32 2
Epole = 2 3 (4.32)

This amount of energy that should be subtracted from the "constituent mass" of the
system, determined above as 2mD ; to evaluate the mass of the molecular X-state

32 2
MX = 2mD Epole = 2mD + 2 3 (4.33)

We can get the binding energy by knowing that the mD = mD + ; from eqn (4.33)

32 2
Eb = 2 3 (4.34)

If Eb = 0:5M eV we get the four-boson coupling

4 2
R ' 8:4 10 M eV (4.35)

The small amoun of the binding energy of the X(3872) state infers that the scattering
length aD is large and can be written as
1 DD
aD = (2 DD E) = ; (4.36)
yielding a numerical value aD = 6:3f m: This value is large, as the typical size of
ordinary hadrons is about 1 fm. As the scattering length is large, universality infers that
the leading order wave function of X(3872) is known.


e aD
DD (r) = p (4.37)
2 aD r
This can be used to forecast the creation and decay properties of X(3872). For this,
pion …elds need to be included in our e¤ective theory. Non-relativistic e¤ective theories for
explicitly containing pion …elds we discussed in [Fleming et al. (2007)].

4.2 Power counting

Let us discuss the di¤erent scales involved in the problem more detailed

m; p; ; mp
The variables r and m will explicitly appear in the pNRQCD lagrangian however they
relate to the scales that have been integrated out. Though p and r are of the same size in
the physical system, we will retain them as an independent. This will simplify the counting
rules used to build the most general lagrangian.
With the above objects, the resulting small dimensionless quantities will appear:

p 1
; ; mp r << 1
m rm
Note that pr or p are not allowed since p has to appear in the Lagrangian analytically.
The above inequality tells that r can be considered small for the remaining dynamical
lengths in the system. As a sequence‚the gluon …elds can be analytically expanded in r.
Therefore the pNRQCD lagrangian can be written as an expansion in m; and in r.

4.3 pNRQCD: the degrees of freedom

Integrating out the soft scale m from NRQCD produces pNRQCD. In general, the relevant
degrees of freedom of pNRQCD will depend on the nonperturbative features of NRQCD.
Let’s suppose that there exists a matching scale such that mv >> >> m 2 , QCD ,
where still a perturbative picture hold. Rigorously saying‚pNRQCD has two ultraviolet
cut-o¤s 1 and 2. The former ful…lls the relation m 2 , QCD << 1 << m and is
cut-o¤ of the energy of the quarks and the energy and momentum of the gluons, whereas
the latter ful…lls mv << 2 << m and is the cut-o¤ of the relative momentum of the


quark-antiquark system, p. In principle, We are allowed to elect the relative importance

between 1 and 2: Our choice is 2
m << 1; which guarantees that in pNRQCD the UV
behavior of the quark propagator is that of static one.
If we represent any scale below 1; i.e. m 2 ; QCD ; ::::; with mp ; we are in a position
to estimate the e¤ective degrees of freedom of pNRQCD. These are Q Q states with
the energy of O ( mp ). Let us de…ne the center of mass coordinate of the Q Q system
R= (x1 +x
and the relative coordinate r=x1 x2 : A Q Q state can be decomposed into a
singlet state S(R;r; t) and an octet state O (R;r; t) in relation to color gauge transformation
for the centre of mass coordinate. We notice that in QED only the comparable to the singlet
appears. The gauge …elds are estimated in R and t, i.e. A = A (R; t) : they do not have
r dependence. This is because, since the typical size r is the inverse of the soft scale, gluon
…elds are multipole expanded for the variable.


4.3.1 From NRQCD to pNRQCD

Physical picture

NRQCD simpli…es N-R bound state problems by making obvious the NR nature of the
system. The leading issue stems from the fact that the degrees of freedom with soft
energy are quite dynamical in the EFT. This a¤ects the power counting rules, which are
not homogeneous‚and on the perturbative calculations which were dependant on the two
scales and hence still di¢ cult to calculate. At …rst, it was tried to untangle the soft
and ultrasoft scales in NRQCD by categorizing the di¤erent momentum area present in a
purely perturbative version of NRQCD or framing NRQCD in such a way that some of
these regions were explicitly displayed by introducing new …elds in the NRQCD lagrangian.
How would our e¤ective theory for Q Q systems near-threshold to be? The key


thought was that some degrees of freedom included in NRQCD only appear as virtual
‡uctuations and never as asymptotic states, not like those with ultrasoft energy. That’s
why the uninvited degrees of freedom should be integrated out, and we are left with the
ultrasoft energy. Furthermore, to get a closer connection with a Schrodinger like formulism
with these systems. The key thought was to link the NRQCD with the potential models
also, …nally in the non-perturbative system, from dimensional regularization pro…ting as
much as possible. The resltant EFT was called potential NRQCD(pNRQCD).

pNRQCD. How to build it?

For writing the e¤ective lagrangian we need the following:

The degree of freedom/Cut-o¤:

The degrees of freedom of pNRQCD are a quark antiquark pair, gluons‚and the light
quarks with the cut-o¤s pN R = f p; us g : p is the cut-o¤ of the relative three-momentum
of the heavy quarks and us is the cut-o¤ of the heavy quark-antiquark pair and the
four-momentum of the gluons and light quarks. They ful…ll the subsequent inequalities:
jpj << p << m and m << s << jpj. By using di¤erent …elds the degrees of freedom of
pNRQCD can be settled di¤erently. Two chief possibilities are as follows:
A) Using a …eld for heavy quark, (t; x)‚and other for heavy antiquark c (t; x). This
one allows a smooth connection with the NRQCD chapter.
B) Using a singlet …eld for quark and the antiquark pair:

y 1 y 1 a a y
(x1 ; x2 ; t) (x1 ; t) (x2 ; t) (x1 ; t) (x2 ; t)+ T T (x1 ; t) (x2 ; t)
This can be thoroughly attained in an NR system thus particle and antiparticle numbers
are separately conserved. If we are concerned in one heavy quark and one heavy antiquark
sector, if we use the Fock space there will be no loss of generality, which is described by the
wave function (x1 ; x2 ; t) : Moreover‚these functions …elds can be uniquely decomposed
into singlet and octet …eld components.


2 xR2 3 2 xR1 3 2 RR
ig A dx ig A dx ig A dx
(x1 ; x2 ; t) = P 4e x1 5 S (r; R; t) + P 4e R 5 O (r; R; t) 4e x2 5 (4.40)

with homogenous gauge transformations (g (R; t)) to the center of mass coordinates:

S (r; R; t) ! S (r; R; t) : O (r; R; t) ! g (R; t) O (r; R; t) g (R; t)

The advantage of using these coordinates is that the relative coordinate r, and therefore
it is considerably small than the typical length of the light degrees of freedom can be applied
easily by using the multipole expansion. As a result‚the gluon …elds will always appear
estimated at the center of mass of coordinates. This is nothing but interpreting to real
space the constraint p >> us : If we limit ourselves to the single …eld only, we will be
left with a theory that is comparable to NR quantum mechanical Hamiltonian. Whereas
the complete theory also comprise the single to octet transitions mediated by an ultrasoft
gluon’s emission, which could not be …xed by NR quantum mechanical Hamiltonian.


pNRQCD should be invariant under rotations, gauge transformations, C, P‚and T. The

Poincre symmetry is appreciated nonlinearly.

Power Counting

When the pNRQCD lagrangian is written in terms of singlet and octet …elds then it is
easier to establish ( [?]) the power counting. As the numbers of quark and antiquark are
conserved, in these …elds the lagrangian will be bilinear, therefore we have to approximate
the size of the terms multiplying those bilinears. m and (m) are inherited from the
hard Wilson coe¢ cients having well-known values. Derivatives for the relative coordinates
irr and r k must be assigned the soft scale jpj. Time derivative i@0 , center-of-
mass derivatives irR ; and the …elds of the light degrees of freedom must have alloted the
ultrasoft scale E m. The rising in the matching calculation from NRQCD, esprcially
those in the potentials must be alloted the size r and those related to the light degrees
of freedom, the size (E) ; still smaller-scale could appear.



The Wilson coe¢ cients of pNRQCD are calculated by applying proper NRQCD and pN-
RQCD Green’s function to be equal. The Wilson coe¢ cients of each operator logarithmi-
cally depends on 1r , pN R and can be evaluated in perturbative theory in ( pN R ) :

4.3.2 pNRQCD Lagrangian:

pNRQCD with quark and antiquark …elds

Such as the degrees of freedom of pNRQCD can be settled in di¤erent manners and thus
the pNRQCD lagrangian. First, we write in terms of quarks and gluons.

N RQCD + Lpot; (4.41)

Here LU S
N RQCD has the form of the NRQCD lagrangian but all the gluons must be taken
as ultrasoft. Lpot re‡ects one of the most distinct pNRQCD lagrangian: the appearance of
non-local in r Wilson coe¢ cient for the 4-fermion operators after integrating out the mv

Lpot = d3 x1 d3 x2 y
(t; x1 ) (t; x2 ) V (r; p1 ; p2 ; S1 ; S2 ) (ultrasof t gluon f ields) y
(t; x2 ) (t; x1 )
where pj = irxj and Sj = 2 for j = 1; 2::: act of fermion and anti fermion respectively.
Typically the ultrasoft gluons appear at higher order, making it likely to make gauge
independent structures. As, the presence of ultrasoft gluons would change the coulomb
potential term as

Z Z rs
g2 1
Lpot = d3 x d3 yQ 0
T r Q (x; t) (x; y; t) Q 0
T s Q (y; t) (4.43)
2 D2

pNRQCD with singlet and octet …elds

We select the following normalization for color:

1 Ta
S p c S; O p Oa (4.44)


in color space to have the suitable free …eld normalization. After multipole expansion
pNRQCD may be settled as an expansion in m and r, rather depending on r; R, and t.
Up to NLO in the multipole expansion

n o n o V (r) n
Lus = T r S y (i@0 hs (r)) S + Oy (iD0 h0 (r)) O +gVA (r) T r Oy r:ES + S y r:EO +g T r Oy fr:E;O
plus the gluon and the light fermion term. All the gluon and scalar …elds are calculated
in R and time t, in particular‚the chromoelectric …eld E E (R; t) and the ultrasoft
covariant derivative iD0 O i@0 O g [A0 (R; t) ; O]
We can split hs in the kinetic and the potential term as

hs (r; p; S1 ; S2 ) = + Vs (r; p; S1 ; S2 ) hC
s + hs (4.46)

h0 (r; p; S1 ; S2 ) = + V0 (r; p; S1 ; S2 ) hC
0 + h0 (4.47)
where hC
s=o = 2mr
C ; m = m m = (m + m ) and p =
+ Vs=o r 1 2 1 2 irr : hc represent the LO
hamiltonian, as its power counting is hc O m 2 (LO) and L m 3 (N LO) at least.
In general h mn s 1 pn r s q O (m n+q s ) : If the resummation of the logratims is
combined in the potentials the counting changes LO! LL; N LO ! N LL, and so on.
For the equal mass case: m1 = m2 = m; the potential has the structure at O m2

0 V (1) (r) V (2) (r)

Vs=o (r) = Vs=o (r) + + + ::::: (4.48)
m m2

(2) (2)
V (2) = VSD + VSI ; (4.49)

1 n 2 (2) o VL2 (r) 2

VSI = p ; Vp2 (r) + L + Vr(2) (r) (4.50)
2 r2

(2) (2) (2) (2)

VSD = VLS (r) L S + VS 2 (r) S2 + VS12 (r) S12 (b
r) (4.51)
where we split m2
potential into spin dependant (SD) and spin-independent(SI) terms,
S = S1 +S2 ; L = r p; and S12 (b
r) r
3b b
1r 2 1 2 other forms of potentials can be


carried to one by using unitary transformation

1 2 1 2 3 1 1
;p + L +4 (r) = p2 + r (r p) p (4.52)
r r3 r r2
This equality is true for four dimensions. For the equivalent one in the D dimension
than its good to work in momentum space, where the angular momentum is generalized to

L2 p2 p02
! 1 (4.53)
2 r3 q2
to be compatible with the D-dimensional calculations in the momentum space
We can write down pNRQCD lagrangian in terms of r

X 1
(0;n) 1 X n (1;n) (1) 1
LpN RQCD = rn V On + r V On +O (4.54)
m m2
n= 1 n= 2

where V are dimensionless constants. As they absorb EFT divergences, they will
depend on pN R . Each form of the pNRQCD lagrangian may be [?] created independently
of the other forms by identifying the degrees of freedom, using symmetry arguments‚and
matching directly to NRQCD.

4.4 Feynman Rules:

The Feynman rules of pNRQCD for the static limit were given by Brambilla et. al (2000).
The propagator of the singlet is
E hs
i i
iGc (E) = (0) = E p2 =m CF s =r
E hs
= i Vs
i ab i ab
= iGoc (E) ab = (0) = E p2 =m (1=(2Nc )) s =r
E ho
= i Voq
= gVA TNFc ca rP 0
= gVA TNFc ca r P
= ig 2 VA TNFc rfabc
= g V2B dabc rP 0
= g V2B dabc r P


= ig 2 V2B dabc fcde r


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University, USA.

[2] Antonio Pineda, 2014, Review of Heavy Quarkonium at weak coupling

[3] T Muta,2009, Foundation of quantum chromodynamics, (3rd ed.), World Scienti…c

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[4] J.Soto, 2007, Overview of Non-Relativistic QCD.

[5] Nora Brambila, 2006, NRQCD and Quarkonia.



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