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My Path to Healthcare

Shannon Davis

COMM 1715-12688

Professor Christine Conacher

November 30, 2020

My experiences with my brother Chris who was born with a brain cleft influenced my

pursuit of medicine through exposure to skills valuable in the field such as being observant,

managing stressful situations, and ensuring his emotions are recognized.  Firstly, being observant

is crucial to our relationship, as well as in future patient interactions.  Chris challenges my ability

to notice changes in his behaviour that would indicate an oncoming seizure.  His communication

barriers prevent him from expressing when he feels anxious or nauseous, which can indicate an

impending seizure.  In the past, I noticed these subtle changes in behaviour and responded by

preparing and alerting my parents before the seizure began.  Furthermore, managing high

emotional and stressful encounters with Chris is something I became accustomed to and expect

to encounter in the future with upset patients.  Chris is larger than I am and may act violently

when he cannot communicate his frustration.  There was an occasion while shopping where he

attempted to hit me for not allowing him to put items from a shelf in to his pocket.  I needed to

calmly remind him that I was his sister and people do not hurt those they love.  I also instructed

him that if he wanted that item, he should put it in the shopping cart instead of his pocket.  He

felt understood and mirrored my demeanor.  Responding with anger would have escalated the

situation where instead, remaining calm and in control was essential.  Finally, throughout my

life, I have seen the importance in being an advocate for my brother.  As communication barriers

often result in others assuming what is best for him, his wishes are often left unheard.

Encouraging others to strive to involve him in decisions and by reminding them of his wishes

allows him to have a voice when many aspects of his life are out of his control.  Experiencing

first hand how being attentive, maintaining composure, and being an advocate can support my

sibling, has resulted in my decision to help others like him by becoming a healthcare


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