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Some people think that violence can be justified. However there are
many who would disagree. Today i am going to be writing about the
positive and negatives sides of this topic. So the question to be
answered is: “Can violence be justified ?”
On the positive side, violence can be justified in case of self defense,
for instance, a man who used a gun against a burglar to protect
himself and his family, policeman who killed a terrorist, a woman
who used tear gas to get rid of the attacker, etc... Those are all every
day examples in which aggressive behavior/ violence was necessary.
Beside that, important institutions of almost every country use
violence to keep peace (police, military...). Also, members of those
organizations get rewards, promotions and prizes because of
Whereas on the negative side regardless of its cause violence has a
negative impact on those who experience or witness it. Violence can
cause physical injury as well as psychological harm. Several
psychological disorders, including post-traumatic stress disorder,
dissociative identity disorder, and borderline personality disorder, are
associated with experiencing or witnessing violence. Other
psychological symptoms, such as depression, anxiety, and mood
swings, are common in victims of violence. Children seem to be
particularly susceptible to the negative effects of violence. For
example, abused girls are more likely than nonabused girls to have
substance-abuse problems as adults. Moreover, exposure to violence
can increase violent behaviour in children.
All in all in conclusion, my standing is that violence and aggression
can be justified only in self defense. If I were in a position of power
and leadership, violence would be tolerated only in case of keeping
peace and self defense. This behavior is necessary to prevent
unwanted consequences, and can be useful and justified in today’s
society. Despite the bad things that can come from violence, every
cloud has a silver lining, and violence can actually prevent more
harmful violence and keep people safe. It is usually thought that
violence is either good, or bad, however, there's more to every story
than meets the eye.


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