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Victor PAVALEAN, PhD student, ASEM

Abstract: By nature of their existence, the state institutions means social relations being predetermined, fixed,
embodied to ensure sustainable development of human society and existence of particular way for managing social
The role of government institutions is known and accepted like a system of standards and operating rules
established by laws and regulations.
Importance of these institutions’s management is to satisfy economic, social, cultural and household
development of the represented administrative unit, ensuring public order maintenance and the protection of citizens.
The government institutions’s management result is the society’s and the state’s welfare.
Key words: State, public administration, management, public institutions.

Introduction: The Public Administration has the lead role to achieve the political, social and
economic values which expresses general interests of society organized in the state and laws that are
formulated by the legislator under the law.
The directions and the modalities to develope the administrative capacity of government
organizations should aim to improve the application of all management functions.
Critical analysis of the involved problem: Characterizing the public administration primarily as an
organizational activity, philosophers since antiquity have tried to describe the administrative role of the
state and its importance to strengthen welfare of population.
The philosopher Solon (640 BC. Ch – 558 BC. Ch) was one of the greatest legislators of all time,
one of the democracy’s parents.1
Solon predicts the role of law to ensure stability of social life. He has developed numerous civil and
criminal laws. Thus, for example, Solon preserves the principle of legal liability and the procedural
possibility that any person to refer the court in this regard, the possibility based on the idea of responsibility
and social solidarity.
Solon's fame was enhanced also by novel legal solutions for its time, actual today for example debt
relief (by canceling Dracon’s laws, Solon set free people who were sold as slaves for the debts).
The Socrates’s ideas (469-399 BC. Ch) about law and justice are embodied by his life which was an
uninterrupted process against injustice. What interested him primarily was the human and his life in the city
(state). His division was delphic inscription – "know yourself". Thus, Socrates affirms his faith in a higher
court. He mention that he didnt know if the death is an evil, but life without freedom and dignity is not
worth living, is worse than death.
The brilliant disciple of Socrates, the philosopher Plato (427-347 BC. Ch), released a conception
about the fortress, justice and law. In view of the social nature of the individual and the need for a
contractualist understanding between people and society, Plato argues in "The Republic" that "a fortress is
born because each of us is not autonomous, but lacks many ..." and therefore more people are gathering in
one place to help one to each other. The fortress is conceived by Plato as a whole, as a system of individual
functions as an individual with higher proportions, so we must examine firstly how is justice in fortresses.
And for Plato, justice is what is the interest of an ideal state, to do what is yours and to dont several
thinks, an dis conceived not as a relationship between individuals, but as a property of the whole state.
According to the philosopher Plato, the goal of all activities is the good and the means of achieving
this goal is the virtue, with its triple faculty (human soul has three powers: the reason, the will (courage)
and the desire (the feeling). Every power corresponds to a form distinct of virtue, the virtue of reason is the
wisdom, of the will – the bravery and of the willingness – temperance) and then with its harmonious
synthesis by virtue of universal justice. Fortress’s mission is to bring in the social life the same order and
harmony that brings justice to the functions of the individual soul.
Plato sees for the state an educator function, wants that the laws will be accompanied by
commentaries and speeches, explaining their goals. The penal laws have by their essence a curative intent.
The most original disciple of Plato, Aristotle (384-322 BC. Ch) suggests that the "state" is not a
simple alliance, which is a temporary association made to achieve some specific purposes, the state is a

Dumitraş T., Rumleanschi R. The role of philosophy in the context of contemporary science, Chisinau,
ASEM, 2008. - 302 p.

necessity, a perfect organic union aiming to achieve the universal happiness, is a necessary community,
designed to improve the life. State governing citizens’s life through the laws. They dominate the whole life,
because the individuals do not belong to them, but they belong to the state.
Aristotle was concerned about the difficulty of applying the laws, with their general character, in
individual cases invoking the fairness as a criterion for the application of the law, which allows to adapt it
to particular cases, decreasing it severity.
It should be noted that Aristotle is the first who make a clear distinction between the legislative,
executive and judicial branches of the state power, considering that the organization of these branches shall
be enshrined by a political constitution.
During the history, the concept of "administration" has become more comprehensive, so, today the
Romanian language explanatory dictionary defines "government"1 as all the administrative bodies of the
state, and the verb "to administer"2 gives meaning to lead, to govern, to administer.
In general understanding the concept of "administration" refers to the "exercise of executive power
of a State to the system of public authorities accomplishing the executive power and not least, to the
leadership even with meaning " management "of a company, an institution or an administrative-territorial
unit ".
The professor Paul Negulescu3 (1874-1946), defines the public administration as "a complex
institution that brings together all public services, designed to satisfy certain general interests, regional
The authors N. Burlacu, V. Cojocaru, V. Ionita, in the "the public administration management"
confers to the concept of "public administration management" the concept of science that studies how the
public administration authorities work, how they respond to social needs, how they rationally use the
material and financial resources that are entrusted, how they serve the people and also provide solutions to
ensure an optimal functioning of the administrative system at all levels.4
Therefore, the specialists in public administration issued the following principles that i had
structured below:
 The public administration should serve the people;
 The public administration's mission is to satisfy the public interest;
 The public administration going to work respecting the rules of the law;
 The continuous adjustment of geo-political circumstances;
 The knowledge of the current social needs and forecast of future ones;
 The continuous training of civil servants;
 The continuous improvement of activity and administrative structure;
In the public administration theory, there are three main approaches to formulate the basic principles
of governance:
 the legal approach;
 the policy approach;
 the managerial approach.
In accordance with legal approach, the basic values of public administration are values and the rule
of law and protection of citizens' rights. Civil servants are obliged to comply with the requirements of the
rule-of-law state and constitution but not definitely state leadership needs.
In accordance with the policy approach, the main task of the government is to maximize the action
in order to meet people's interests. Civil servants should be politically responsible and sensitive to the
current interests of citizens. To achieve this, its suggested to implement the concept of "representative
bureaucracy", the executive authorities to miniature model of the company. Its assumed that in this
situation, it facilitates the integration of existing agencies subordinated to the government to act in the
interests of society and therefore be exploited opportunities for society.
Under the management approach, the core values of public administration should be efficiency,
economy and results and if possible to be expressed in quantifiable indicators. The main problem, which is

Nicola Jordan, Administrative Law Publishing ULB, 2007;
Burlacu N., V. Cojocaru, V. Ionita Management, Public Administration, Chisinau, ASEM, 1999.

vital in this approach is how to achieve the desired results with the lowest cost or how to achieve the
maximum result for the cost of default. A scientific object, which can ensure the realization of this
approach is "administrative management".
You also need to emphasize the importance of globalization, which requires local authorities in a
global competition, without that they have the capacity required to support the new needs that arise
naturally from this process.
Nowadays, the demands of globalization and interaction with public administration institutions is
reflected in the concept of "public management" and is based on three pillars:
 orientation to citizens and employees;
 efficiency and effectiveness in carrying out its functions;
 responsibility for actions taken.
Of government management components, which are of major importance in the present
circumstances is the methods, techniques and management tools applied. Aeasta be explained by
amplification oriented functionality and profitability of public administration.
Government management, the method is also a program then adjusts the intellectual and practical
actions to achieve the preset goal. Any method is instrumental in nature, which appears like a means of
intervention, information, interpretation and action.
The aim is to optimize the use of managerial methods work capacity of public officials to streamline
their behavior and actions, as well as training all staff to achieve the objectives of the public.1 Specific
process management community's public administration is characteristic a number of methods that we
believe are present in this area and in Moldova.
Based management plan – can be defined as a set of processes that establish indicators expressing
the institution's objectives and main sub-components, and resources for their realization in terms of
profitability and social efficiency. In practice, this method takes into account all management activities and
achieve optimal correlation between the general objectives of the institution in relation to the external
environment and the specific objectives of the authority.2
Management based budgets – is based on the budget system. This method has an eminently
economic nature and can express political authority uses monetary standard, allows expression of real labor
costs and locates broken down expenditures. Through all this he reveals the economic purpose of the
institution and its components, mobilizing efforts to increase economic and social efficiency.
Management by objectives – was generated by the need to achieve the ordering of actions and strict
division of labor management. This method is based on the rigorous determination of objectives by the
performers, who are contributing to their establishment. Method has to correlate closely with the level of
rewards and sanctions to achieve objectives. The method is based on individualization budget spending on
major organizational divisions, in particular, the activity centers.
Based management system – within government institutions this method to define the overall
framework for the work of the institution, the institution also considers a whole, with functional autonomy,
legal personality funds they transferred their entry into the labor outputs necessary environment provides
semi-independent subsystems that are related to the general objectives and participate in the adoption and
execution of decisions.
Management by results – is defined as a way to ensure the deployment and evaluation of work of
public servants, according to their own goals to achieve long-term or short and their consistency with the
overall objectives of the institution. This method allows public officials to focus their efforts on issues that
require particular attention to. The civil servant who sets goals and he is the one who, comparing the results
obtained, it can alert you when there are deviations and corrective action can interfere with recovery.
Management based projects – specific method of management of large government institutions that
have made complex works, but clearly defined and require a broad and multidisciplinary collaboration.
Vision of the problem and the results of the research: Obiectul administraţiei publice îl constituie
studierea administraţiei Statului, cu toate realităţile sale, cu relaţiile sociale, cu regulile şi principiile de
guvernare, în scopul îmbunătăţirii necontenite a activităţii şi structurii sale pentru o satisfacere a
necesităţilor şi intereselor societăţii.

Baltador I., Project Management, CRFC, Sibiu, 2006;
Oprean C., local management, CRFC, Sibiu, 2004;

Management of public administration institutions can not be rationally organized and efficient to
operate normally without be based on scientific principles. So the methods presented are useful
management of public institutions. Performance and results generated through the work of these
organizations will be more noticeable to society.
The results that we highlight in this article are:
State – the genesis, is the oldest form of organization of society, the issue of development is as
current and in antiquity. Now, in this century, attention is focused on public administration institutions
whose mission is to provide the company to meet all the needs of citizens and their integration. How best to
achieve the development of these institutions is to improve the management system following the methods
proposed in the article given.
Conclusions: Improving the performance of the government institutions, is the main determinant of
the future of Moldova. Therefore, it is – the most important strategic task, especially now, when the
financial crisis and geo-political situation forcing state institutions to change strategy development and
methods of management applied. Now the primary purpose of government bodies is to adapt to
environmental changes in order to make full use of the premises and the opportunities created.

1. BALTADOR, I., Project Management, CRFC, Sibiu, 2006;
2. BURLACU, N.; COJOCARU, V.; IONIT V.; a Management, Public Administration, Chisinau,
ASEM, 1999;
3. DUMITRAŞ, T.; RUMLEANSCHI, R. The role of philosophy in the context of contemporary
science, Chisinau, ASEM, 2008. - 302 p;
4. OPREAN, C., local management, CRFC, Sibiu, 2004;
5. JORDAN, Nicola. Administrative Law Publishing ULB, 2007;
6. – Romanian explanatory dictionary online.


Artiom SLOBODENIUC, PhD candidate, AESM

Abstract: Knowledge management (KM), in practice, is a relatively new set of ideas for the general business
community in the Republic of Moldova. Currently, the labor market in Moldova is forced to face a serious challenge -
lack of capacity to form and motivate managers able to manage advanced production processes and delivery
qualitative service. Most managers faced with a new challenge approach it with tools they are already familiar with,
and when the problem seems at first to be one of content management, those tools tend to be technological. This article
examines the main particularities of the knowledge management and describes what economic agents could do to
increase capacities and competitiveness in the knowledge-based economy. We consider important to get right balance
between People-Process-Technology for efficient knowledge management strategies activities.
Key words: management,knowledge process, technology, knowledge market, knowledge worker, human

Knowledge has been receiving a great deal of attention because of the increase in competition, the
turbulent context and innovation, wich leads knowledge to be seen as a resource (intellectual capital) that
must be managed like economic resources, people and raw materials.
The study of knowledge in itself is not a new topic. Its scientific study, can be traced back to the
1950s, when tremendous progress occurred in the cognitive sciences. Knowledge was considered to be
representations of the world that consist of objects and events, and the challenge of a cognitive system,
computational or biological, was to represent this model as accurately as possible. To the cognitivis,
knowledge was explicit, capable of being coded and stored, and easy to transfer.[1]
Although there has been much research in the social and psychological sciences pertaining to
knowledge use and transfer, business emphasis on the topic has been more recent. Perhaps the greatest
focus has been in the management and organizational area, where two major streams of work can be
identified. The first involves theorization of why firms have performance differences. Debate on the
“theory of the firm” originate from two viewpoints, one based in trasaction cost economic (TCE), and the


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