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Name: Mathias Coba Curse: 8 “A”

Look at the groups of nouns.Is each group countable or uncountable?

1.- coffee  -  tea  -  money= Uncountable
2.- computer  - chair  -  sofá= Countable
3.- butter  -  chewing gum  -  juice= Uncountable
4.- grass  -  hair  -  sugar= Uncountable
5.- biscuit  -  apple  -  carrot= Countable

Complete the text with the nouns. Use the plural form if necessary.
animal  -  bird  -  food  -  fish  -  fruit  -  insect  -  leaf  -  water
Did you know that you can feed the Animals at Parklands Zoo
The animals in our zoo eat more than 400 tonnes of fruits and vegetables a
year. Why don't you come and help us to give them their Food
Our small animals such as frogs and lizards, can eat over a million Insects a
You can watch the penguins at feeding time. Their keeper gives them
You can feed the giraffes here too. They like leafs
Would you like a birds to sit on your hand? Hold a cup of nectar (special Water
from a plant) and the rainbow - coloured lorikeets will come and drink it!

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