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Assignment 4: Becoming an Independent Data Scientist

Example Solution

1 Region and Domain

This assignment requires that you to find at least two datasets on the web which are related,
and that you visualize these datasets to answer a question with the broad topic of religious
events or traditions (see below) for the region of Bogotá, Bogota D.C., Colombia,
or Colombia more broadly.

2 Research Question

You must state a question about the domain category and region that you identified as being

The question is how conservative regarding God and religious issues in Colombia
compared to Argentina, Brazil and Mexico, which are also conservative countries in
religious traditions and behaviors.

3 Links
You must provide at least two links to publicly accessible datasets. These could be links to files
such as CSV or Excel files, or links to websites which might have data in tabular form, such as
Wikipedia pages.

4 Image

You must upload an image which addresses the research question you stated. In addition to
addressing the question, this visual should follow Cairo’s principles of truthfulness,
functionality, beauty, and insightfulness.
5 Discussion

You must contribute a short (1-2 paragraph) written justification of how your visualization
addresses your stated research question.

The visualizations show that Colombia is a very conservative country with respect to similar
countries, we can see similar behavior in Brazil, but regarding issues such as gay marriage and
abortion, Colombia maintains a very rigid position, we can conclude that Colombia the region is
a fundamental issue for the thought of society.

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