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9002 Nautfal Giggas Agastia

9003 Daneswara Widyangastari
9004 Timothy Imanuel L. Silvanus
9005 George Billy Nanlohy
9007 Laksmita Rosyidah Dyah N.
9008 Dave Daniel P. Sihombing
9009 Gabrian Granito Yosia

Praise for the presence of the grace of God Almighty and with grace we can
all make the report "FIELD TRIP TO WRINGIN ANOM" can be resolved properly.
The writing of this report aims to inform the results of the field lecture that was
carried out on November 30th 2019.

There is a certain pride if this field practicum activity can be completed with
good results. The author is aware there are still many limitations in practicing, so
there are quite a lot of obstacles that writers face in the field. Therefore, the authors
convey many thanks to all those who have helped. Among them:

1. Dr. Widya Utama, DEA as head of Department of Geophysical Engineering

2. Mr. M. Haris Miftahul Fajar MT. as a supervisor who has taken the time to
guide the writer.
3. Aisya N. as a laboratory assistant who has accompanied the author during
the practicum and field lecture
4. Parents and all those who have helped the writer in preparing this field
lecture report.

There is nothing the writer can give other than sincere prayer and gratitude
to the supporters. But do not forget also useful input such as suggestions or
criticisms from readers is expected by the author. The author sincerely hopes that
this research report will be very useful for anyone who reads and adds knowledge
for all of us.

Surabaya, 19 December 2019



1.1 Background

Today, the knowledge possessed by a student is not only aimed at mastering

concepts and materials, but also requires an in-depth understanding and
appreciation of the relationship between science and the reality in the field.
Therefore, one of the things that needs to be implemented is the existence of a direct
learning system in the field, one of which is realized by organizing a field trip for
students. With the existence of field trips, it is hoped that the knowledge possessed
by students will not be limited to their theories, but also mastery of the conditions
of reality in the field. Geology is the study of the earth and its contents. In geology,
various types of rocks can be studied on earth. Geomorphology is the study of the
earth's landscape and the factors that influence it.

1.2 Problem Formulation

There is few of problem formulation on this report by doing a flied trip to

Wringinanom as written below

1.2.1 How to draw geological maps of Wringinanom?

1.2.2 How to draw geomorphological maps of Wringinanom?

1.2.3 Determine the classification of rock and the type of the rock at

1.2.4 Determine the petrogenesis of the rock at Wringinanom

1.3 Purpose

The purpose by doing this field trip to Wringinanom are written down below

1.3.1 Know the geological maps of Wringinanom

1.3.2 Know the geomorphology maps of Wringinanom

1.3.3 Know the classification and type of the rock at Wringinanom

1.3.4 Know the petrogenesis of the rock at Wringinanom

1.4 The Benefits

The benefits by doing this field trip to Wringinanom on November 30th 2019
are theoritical and practical. It can be used for knowledge on college students and
other people.

1.4.1 Theoritical Benefits

The benefits obtained by college students as a practitioner after

conducting field studies at Wringinanom 30th 2019 are that college students
can know and understand geological conditions including by draw the
geological maps, geomorphology maps, and determining the classification
of the rock also the type of the rock, and last is the petrogenesis of the rock
at Wringinanom.

1.4.2 Practical Benefits

The benefits obtained by the surrounding community from the

geological data of the Wringinanom area are gaining knowledge about
potential disasters that may occur given the geological conditions of the
Wringinanom area that there are differences in the structure of rocks in the
outcrop in Wringinanom. So that the surrounding community is alert to all
possible disaster threats, as well as utilizing all existing natural potential.


2.1 Wringinanom History

Wringinanom is a District City in Gresik Regency, East Java Province,

Indonesia. Location Gresik Regency is located in the northwest of Surabaya City
which is the Capital of East Java Province with an area of 1,191.25 km2.
Administratively, Gresik Regency is divided into 18 subdistricts consisting of 330
villages and 26 villages. Whereas geographically, the area of Gresik Regency is
located between 112° to 113° East Longitude and 7° to 8° South Latitude is a
lowland with a height of 2 to 12 meters above sea level except Panceng District
which has a height of 25 meters above sea level . Part of Gresik Regency is a coastal
area with a coastline of 140 km, 69 km on the mainland of Java Island extending
from the Districts of Kebomas, Gresik, Manyar, Bungah, Sidayu, Ujungpangkah,
and Panceng and 71 km in the Sangkapura and Tambak Districts which are on the
Island Bawean Gresik Regency is bordered by the Java Sea in the north, East is
bordered by the Madura Strait and Surabaya City, the south is bordered by Sidoarjo
Regency, and Mojokerto Regency, and west is bordered by Lamongan Regency.

Wringinanom has a very strategic area because it is located in the south of

Gresik Regency which is bordered by Mojokerto Regency in the west and Sidoarjo
Regency in the south. Wringinanom is also crossed by Kali Surabaya which also
limits Wringinanom with Sidoarjo Regency.

The name Wringinanom comes from the words Wringin and Anom which
means young banyan. Where indeed until now there is a banyan tree which is said
to be the forerunner of the name of the Wringinanom area. The banyan tree is
located at the Wringinanom intersection and also as an icon of the area, the unique
banyan tree which is recognized for hundreds of years old is only as high as 3 meters
unlike the height of the old banyan tree in general. That is why this district is called
Wringinanom which means Wringinanom or young banyan who cannot grow big.
Wringinanom has some quite important historical relics including the
discovery of ancient fossils of Pithecanthropus Mojokertensis in the village of
Kepuh Klagen.

2.2 Geological Conditions of Wringinanom

Wringinanom Gresik is part of the kendeng zone which is the youngest

tectonic feature in East Java. Formed at the beginning to the end of the Pliocene the
research area belongs to the Kendeng Zone, North East Java Basin. Geomorphology
in the study area is divided into two forms of origin, namely the form of structural
origin and fluvial origin. The structural form is divided into three landforms,
namely the Anticline hills landform, the syncline valley and the Homoclin hills,
while the fluvial origin form is the Alluvial plain landform Stratigraphy Pliocene.

The first deformation in the Kendeng Zone occurred at the end of the
Pliocene (Plio-Plistocene), deformation is a manifestation of the convergent zone
on the plate tectonic concept caused by a north-south directed directed compression
force with a formation type in the form of ductile which in the last phase turns into
brittle deformation in the form of shifting deformation the basic blocks of the
Kendeng Zone basin. The intensity of the compression force is greater towards the
western part of the Kendeng Zone which causes many folds and rising faults where
many upward fault zones are also a contact between the formation or members of
the formation.

In this Kendeng depression zone there is a condition called elisional.

Elisional conditions (Akhmanov and Mazzini, 2007) are conditions characterized
by very fast, unstable, overpressured, and compressed sedimentation, which
continually intensify the dynamics of gravity tectogenesis that will result in the rise
in slabs of clay and shale below the surface to eruption. mudflats on the surface.
The process of rapid sedimentation, high geothermal gradients due to depression of
Kendeng is limited by volcanic paths to the south, and active horizontal
compression / fault tectonics because East Java is positioned in front of the
subduction zone has led to the formation of elisional conditions which will further
encourage the eruption of volcanoes, especially on the edges Kendeng depression.
The elastic condition of Kendeng depression has occurred since at least Plio-
Pleistocene (1.81 million years ago) when tectonic and volcanic symptoms that
elevate geothermal gradients disturb sediment fillers in Kendeng depression.
Plistocene volcanic-clastic deposits (Pucangan Formation) were deposited during
the Plistocene in a short but very thick time, submerging the Kendeng depression
in a depressed tectonic state that made the potential for diapirism occur throughout
the Kendeng depression.

The presence of a number of dead and resting mud volcanoes, or those that
are still active from west to east (Purwodadi-Cepu-Jombang-Madura-Madura
Strait) during the Kendeng depression (Kuwu bledug, Kesongo bledug, Gunung
Anyar, Kalang Anyar, Pulungan, LUSI, and etc.) proves that the depression of
Kendeng is a mud volcano area.

2.3 Regional Stratigraphy of East Java

Stratigraphy is the study of the history, composition and relative age and
distribution of bedding layers and interpretation of rock layers to explain the history
of the Earth. From the results of comparisons or correlations between different
layers can be further developed studies on lithology (lithostratigraphy), fossil
content (biostratigraphy), and relative and absolute age (chronostratigraphic). we
study stratigraphy to find out the extent of distribution of rock layers.

Regional is a region that is clearly identified although in fact it is relatively

dependent on the context of the time besides the element that encourages self-
identification is historical and also geographical and activities carried out mainly in
the economic field.

Regional stratigraphy is the study of history, composition and relative age

and distribution of bedding layers and interpretation of rock layers to explain the
history of an area. Regional stratigraphy of East Java is the study of history,
composition and relative age and distribution of bedding layers and interpretation
of rock layers to explain the history of the East Java area.
2.4 Regional Physiography of East Java

At first people used the word physiography for the study of science about
the science of earth, this is evidenced in people in Europe called physiography as
the study of summaries about climate, meteorology, oceanography, and geography.

East Java Regional Physiography is the study or information that describes climate
conditions, meteorology, oceanography, and geography in the East Java region.

2.5 Regional Geomorphology of East Java

Geomorphology is the study of the shape of the earth's surface and the
changes that occur on the earth itself. Geomorphology is usually translated as the
science of landscapes studying the shape of the earth's surface and the changes that
occur on the earth itself. Regional Geomorphology of East Java is the study of the
shape of the earth's surface and the changes that occur in the region in East Java.

2.6 Geological Map

Geological map is a form of expression of geological data and information

for an area / region / region with a quality level that depends on the scale of the map
used and describes information on the distribution, type and nature of rocks, age,
stratigraphy, structure, tectonics, physiography and potential of mineral resources
as well energy presented in the form of images with colors, symbols and patterns
or a combination of the three.

2.7 Contour Map

The contour of a two-variable function is a curve in which the function has

a constant value. In cartography, contour lines connect points with the same high
floor on a particular floor. Contour map is a map that illustrates contour lines, for
example topographic maps.

2.8 Sedimentary Rocks

Sedimentary rocks are rocks that form on the surface of the earth at low
temperature and pressure conditions. These rocks come from rocks that have
formed earlier, which experienced weathering, erosion, and then the weather is
transported by water, air, or ice, which is then deposited and accumulates in the
depositional basin, forming sediments. Sedimentary materials are then compacted,
hardened, subjected to lithification, and sedimentary rocks are formed.

Sedimentary rocks occur due to deposition of eroded material. Erosion

material consists of various types of particles, which are smooth, rough, heavy and
some are light. The transportation methods also vary such as being pushed
(traction), carried by jumping (saltation), carried in the form of suspension, and
some are dissolved (solution).

various kinds of sedimentary rocks:

1. Clastic sedimentary rocks

Clastic sedimentary rocks are sedimentary rocks formed from the deposition of
detritus or fragments of original rock. Origin rocks can be igneous, metamorphic
and sedimentary rocks themselves. Sedimentary rocks are deposited by a
mechanical process, divided into two large groups and this division is based on the
size of the grain. The way the rock is formed is based on the deposition process that
is formed both on land and in the ocean. Large rocks such as breccias can occur
directly from the eruption of the volcanic explosion and deposited around the
mountain and can also be deposited in the river environment and sandstone rocks
can occur in the environment of the sea, rivers and lakes. All of the above rocks are
included in the group of rough detritus. Meanwhile, the fine detritus group consists
of silt rock, shale and clay stone and marl. Rocks that belong to this group are
generally deposited in the marine environment from the shallows to the deep sea.

2. Non-clastic sedimentary rocks

Non-clastic sedimentary rocks are sedimentary rocks formed as a result of the

evaporation of a solution, or deposition of material in the same place (in situ). The
process of formation of sedimentary rocks of this group can be chemically,
biologically / organically, and a combination between the two (biochemistry).
Chemically, the sediment is formed as a result of a chemical reaction. Organically
is the formation of sediment by the activity of animals or plants, for example the
formation of houses of marine animals (coral), the accumulation of animal shells
(fossils), or the burial of woods as a result of land subsidence into the sea.

2.9 V’s Law

Law V is a law that explains the relationship between layers that have a
slope with a relief topography and appearance from the air. Law V is very helpful
for geologists to determine the spread of rocks.

a) The horizontal layer will form outcrop patterns that follow the contour line

b) Layer with the slope that is opposite to the slope of the slope, the appearance of
the layer will cut the valley with an outcrop pattern forming the letter "V" whose
angle is opposite to the direction of the slope of the valley.

c) In the upright layer will form a straight-line outcrop pattern where the outcrop
pattern is not influenced by topographic conditions.

d) The sloping layer in the direction of the slope will form an outcrop pattern with
the letter "V" in the direction of the slope.
e) Layer with a slope in the direction of the slope where the slope of the layer is
smaller than the slope, then the outline pattern will form the letter "V" which is
opposite to the slope / valley slope and the layer is usually broken / unconnected.

f) The layer whose slope is almost Horizon, then the appearance almost follows the
contour line pattern but slightly cut it

2.10 Strike and Dip

Strike (direction) is the direction of the line formed from the intersection of
the planar plane with the horizontal plane viewed from the north. Whereas the Dip
(plane) is the degree of slope formed between the planar and horizontal planes
whose direction is perpendicular to the strike line

Strike and dip are determined in the field with a compass and clinometer or
a combination of both, such as the Brunton compass which is the name of a miner
in Colorado. Compass-clinometer that measures dip and dip direction in one step.

3.1 Material and Tools

In this practicum some materials and tolls are needed such as 1 geological
compass Brunton, 1 GPS, 1 geological hammer, 1 Lup, stationery and books,
geological map, Wringianom contour map, 20 plastic sample,1 chest board, 1 set of
label and 1 bottle of Hcl. Geological compass Brunton function is to show direction,
calculate strike value and outcrop dip. GPS is a tool to find the coordinates of each
stopsite, making tracks during the practicum. The geological Hammer is a tool used
to take rock samples. Lup is used to observe rocks such as minerals and fossils.
Stationery and books for recording observations result. The geological map and
Wringinom contour map provide information on the location of the stopsite. Plastic
sample is to as a rock sample container. Chest board is to help measure the strike
dip and as a writing pad. Set of labels is to give a name to each rock sample. And
Hcl function is to determine the carbonate content in rocks.

3.2 Flowchart


Briefing with laboratory assistant and preparing a route to
the stop site using GPS.

Field observation
Data Collection Process
Data needed for strike and dip, and rock samples

Data analysis




3.3 Practicum Steps

First, use GPS to determine the location of each stopsite that we want to go
to. From GPS we can find out where the locations of the stops have been
determined. After heading to the stopsite the next step is to take a photo of each
outcrop with the height ratio of the people we know. The person we photograph
while pointing north in the wind. Next, take a rock sample using a geological
hammer. It is recommended to take an example of rock that is still fresh (rather
deep). After we take the rock sample next step is identify the rock sample. To find
out whether there is carbonate or not in the rock, it can be done by incubating HCl
into rock samples. If the rock sample is foamy, it shows that there is carbonate
contained in the rock. After that, input the rock sample into the plastic sample and
record each plastic sample with a label containing the location of the stopsite that
we take the rock sample. The next step is to measure strike and dip at each outcrop
or stop site using the geological compass and the road board as the base for the
geological compass. Record the results of the strike and dip that we got. Repeat the
same method at each stop site or outcrop.

3.4 Hardware and Software

In this practicum we use software and hardware to help our practicum. The
hardware that we use in this practicum is GPS Garmin 78S. And the software that
we use is a GPS application that is Orux.

3.4.1 Hardware

GPS is a navigation system that uses satellites that are designed to provide
instant positioning, speed and time information in almost any place on earth, at
any time and in any weather conditions.

While the device to receive satellite signals that can be used by users in
general is called GPS Tracker or GPS Tracking, by using this tool it is possible
for users to track the position of vehicles, fleets or cars in a Real-Time state.

3.4.2 Software

This application works like a GPS Garmin. The software that we used is
Orux. This application works like a Garmin GPS, but this software still has many
weaknesses compared to the original GPS, one of which likes the loss of signal
when making a rack and plotting stop site.
Chapter IV
Discussion and Result

4.1. Sedimentary Rock Form Description

4.1.1. Stopsite 1
Day/Date : November 30th 2019
Outcrop Description : Facing South-West
Coordinate : E 666049 N 9184299
Strike and Dip : N 266ºE/31º

Outcrop Sketch Rock Sketch

The color of this rock is gray with a hint of sand brown with large portion
of black color. The structure of this rock is bedding because it is stacked and bonded
together. Then, we have a few textures that is listed down below:
1. The grain size of this rock is very fine sand.
2. The shape of the grain is very rounded and the sphericity is low.
3. It is grain supported.
4. The sortation of this rock is well sorted.
5. The composition of this rock is sand and clay.
The name of this rock is sandstone covered in claystone carbonate. There is
a petrogenesis of how this rock was formed, it was formed because of the
transportation and deposition of the sedimentary material. The shape of the grain is
very rounded and the grain is well sorted, so this rock had experienced
transportation that is very far away from its initial place. The place where it was
formed was most likely had not been ocean for a period of time as the sandstone
has no carbonate in its composition yet as the claystone covering the sandstone has
carbonate indicated in jt, the place undergone ocean state for the next period.
4.1.2. Stopsite 2
Day/Date : November 30th 2019
Outcrop Description : Facing East
Coordinate : E 666288 N 9184967
Strike and Dip : N 271ºE/45º

Outcrop Sketch Rock Sketch

The color of this rock is sandy brown. The structure of the rock is
lamination. Then, we have a few textures that is listed down below:
6. The grain size of this rock is coarse sand and silt and it is a
medium sand.
7. The shape of the grain is very angular and the sphericity is low.
8. It is grain supported.
9. The sortation of this rock is poorly sorted.
10. The composition of this rock is sand.
The name of this rock is sandstone carbonate. There is also a petrogenesis
on how this rock was formed, it was formed because due to transportation and also
deposition of materials. As the materials have the characteristics of angular and
poorly sorted. It was transported close to its source. As there is carbonate present
in it, the stone must had been formed below the ocean
4.1.3. Stopsite 3
Day/Date : November 30th 2019
Outcrop Description : Facing West
Coordinate : E 666491 N 9184371
Strike and Dip : N 113ºE/10º

Outcrop Sketch Rock Sketch

The color of this rock is sandy brown. The structure of this rock is
depositional which is lamination. Then, there is a few of the texture of the rock. It
is written down below:
1. The grain size is sand. The fragment is coarse sand and the
matrix is silt.
2. The grain shape of this rock is in roundness it is very angular and
the sphericity is low.
3. The fabric is grain supported.
4. The sortation is poorly.
5. Composition of this rock is sand.
The name of the rock is sandstone carbonate. The petrogenesis of this rock
is the sedimentary rock was formed due to transportation and deposition of
materials which were not transported far away as the characteristics is angular and
poorly sorted. As it has been indicated that there is carbonate in it, it should had
been formed in the ocean.
4.1.4. Stopsite 5
Day/Date : November 30th 2019
Outcrop Description : Facing East
Coordinate : E 66609 N 9184300
Strike and Dip : N 330ºE/26º

Outcrop Sketch Rock Sketch

The color of this rock is reddish brown. The structure of this rock is
depositional which is lamination. Then, there is a few of the of the texture of the
rock. It is written down below:
1. The grain size of the fragment is very fine sand and the matrix is
2. The grain shape of this rock is for the roundness it is sub angular
and the sphericity is low.
3. The fabric is grain supported.
4. The sortation is well.
5. Composition of this rock is sand.
The name of the rock is sandstone carbonate. The petrogenesis of this rock
is the sedimentary rock was formed due to transportation and deposition of
materials. The materials were transported pretty far from its initial place as is has
sub-rounded characteristics and is well sorted. As the stone indicates carbonate
composition in it, the stone was most likely formed in the ocean.
4.1.5. Stopsite 7
Day/Date : November 30th 2019
Outcrop Description : Facing south-west
Coordinate : E 696719 N 9184843
Strike and Dip : N 292ºE/4º , N140º/20º

Outcrop Sketch Rock Sketch

The color of this rock is khaki brown with black stripes. The structure of
this rock is depositional which is lamination or bedding. Then, there is a few of the
of the texture of the rock. It is written down below:
1. The grain size the fragment is fine sand and the matrix is silt.
2. The grain shape of this rock is for the roundness it is sub-angular
and the sphericity is moderate.
3. The fabric is grain supported.
4. The sortation is moderately.
5. Composition of this rock are sand and clay.
The name of the rock is sandstone carbonate with clay insertions. The
petrogenesis of this rock is the sedimentary rock was formed due to transportation
and deposition of materials. The materials were transported not far away yet also
not too close from their initial place as they are sub-angular and moderately sorted.
As there are some layers of clay between the layers of sand, the place where the
deposition happened must had periods when the place was covered in ocean yet
there was also a period when it was dry. As the stone has carbonate in it, the place
it was formed was most likely ocean or shallow sea near the surface.
4.1.6. Stopsite 8
Day/Date : November 30th 2019
Outcrop Description : Facing east
Coordinate : E 666049 N 9184299
Strike and Dip : N 298ºE/20º

Outcrop Sketch Rock Sketch

The color of this rock is. The structure of this rock is depositional which is
lamination or bedding. Then, there is a few of the of the texture of the rock. It is
written down below:
6. The grain size of the fragment is clay and the matrix is clay.
7. The grain shape of this rock is for the roundness is rounded and
the sphericity is high.
8. The fabric is grain supported.
9. The sortation is well.
10. Composition of this rock is clay.
The name of the rock is claystone carbonate. The petrogenesis of this rock
is the sedimentary rock was formed due to transportation and deposition of
materials. The materials were transported very far away from its source as the grain
shape is rounded with high sphericity and is well sorted. The stone indicates
carbonate in it thus it was likely formed below the ocean.


All of the rock that had been collected from the field trip location are
sedimentary rocks, which were indicated by the sign of lamination, with a majority
of them being sandstone and few of them are claystone. The sandstone which had
been acquired were collected at stop site two (2), stop site three (3), and stop site
five (5).Yet it could also be found sandstone with clay insertions at stop site seven
(7), claystone at stop site eight (8), and also sandstone covered in claystone at stop
site one (1).

Not all of the rock found in the different stop sites have building materials
of the same origins. This was proven by the fact that the materials have different
characteristics at each stop sites. An example is from the stop site two, the materials
have characteristics of being angular with low sphericity and is poorly sorted, while
from the stop site eight the materials have characteristics of being very rounded
with high sphericity and is well sorted. It could be determined that the materials
from stop site two travelled short distance before they settled there and got
deposited there whereas the materials from stop site eight travelled very far before
they got deposited there.

All of the rock found were tested with HCl which could indicates the
presence of carbonates in the rock composition. All of the rock was proven having
carbonates in them which was shown by the foam which appeared when HCl were
dropped on the rock surface. The presence of carbonates in each sedimentary rock
found at six (6) different stop sites which covers large area shows that the region
was once ocean as carbonates could only be resulted by the remains of sea animals.

Aryanti, Chairun Annisa. 2016. Analisis Jenis Ukuran Butir Sedimen di

Perairan Sluke, Rembang. Semarang: Universitas Diponegoro
Sam Boggs Jr. 2006. Principles od Sedimentology and Stratigraphy: Fourth
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