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Jackeline Torres

COMM 1010

April Cordova

December 16, 2020

Myself as a Communicator

This class has helped me to be aware of my strengths and weaknesses when communicating.
With the readings and the group work I have always related the examples that I have found with
my daily life to try to improve my weaknesses. When I started this class, I thought that I had no
problem in my way of communicating but as I progressed, I discovered many things in which I
had to improve such as in my way of speaking, in my way of understanding others, in my way of
expressing myself gesturally.

 Perception & Self:

From a very young age my family and friends have label me as a very kind person in my
dealings with others, this has always made me see myself as a good person, which has
made me focus on always trying to help others voluntarily or involuntarily way.
Whenever I meet a new person, I am interested in asking how I can help that person. In
my dealings with others, the fact that I always treat people equally and in the kindest way
possible has always influenced me so that anyone who knows me can feel at ease. In my
self-concept when I ask myself how I am it always comes to mind that I am very kind and
it affects me in the way I treat others because I always try to be very cordial and as kind
as possible to each person.
I have been told that I am unpunctual and when I label to myself, I realize that I am an
unpunctual person and I even try to make this always change minimally the things that
distract me and that do not allow me to do something on time. In my dealings with others,
I know that it affects me because I know that it reflects a bad image of myself and I am
aware that others may think that it is a lack of respect towards them.
it is my ethical responsibility because as a communicator I seek to transmit a clear and direct
message to my recipients and the best way to achieve this is to do it in a respectful way and try to
adapt to the language of others.

 Verbal Communication

The concept that seemed most useful to me to improve the adaptation of verbal messages
is the “I statement” because instead of blaming others or pointing directly to others with
the I statement I accept responsibility for my own feelings. I plan to use it at the time of a
conflict with a person because I will try to first see my responsibility in creating that
conflict and try to improve myself before claiming something from the other person.

As we adapt our messages and make them more effective, there an ethical line that should not be
crossed for example, in my country Peru, one of the last presidents was an excellent
communicator and speaker who gathered gigantic masses of people with his only speech to
attract votes for the presidential elections but after his government he came out that he had stolen
a lot of money from the country.

 Listening

I am an effective listener. I am the mother of two little boys, 3 and 6 years old, and
sometimes the way they communicate is a bit complicated because to understand them
you must pay close attention to what they say, especially my older son who is the one
who tells me. he talks much more about his experiences at school about whether someone
is bothering him or what they have done in class and I must be very vigilant to help him
in the best way.

Listening to others has helped me to see from a clearer perspective since when I am listening to
someone, I try to see things from their point of view and understand more that person. This has
also played a negative role in some interactions with other people because when I saw things
from their side, I realized that I did not share their ideas and expressing these things generated a
conflict between us.

 Nonverbal communication
My physical appearance, my facial expressions and gestures are behaviors that favor me
when it comes to expressing myself non-verbally.
My physical appearance, since I always try to combine my outfits well and use good
makeup according to each occasion.
My facial expressions also play an important role in my favor since I have heard from
other people in my close environment that my expressions are well defined, and I make
myself understood very well with my gestures without the need for verbal

I think I should work more on my voice because as English is my second language, I am always
thinking that if what I am going to say is well formulated and this makes me stutter many times
or not be able to transmit the way I expect a message.

After taking this class I feel that I can improve both personally and professionally in my
communication habits. Personally, I can improve my punctuality problems by stopping blaming
others for my tardiness and professionally I know that I must put more emphasis on learning my
second language, which is English, to gain confidence in myself and can manage a better a job
interview than It is what has cost me the most during these last months.

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