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__________listening _________

Music Lesson Plan

Title: Grade Level: 2nd

Source: Silver Burdett Making Music pages 92- 93

Materials needed:
Lyrics to “Old Dan Tucker”


1. Show the children the song “Today we are going to hear about Old Dan Tucker and how he gets ready in the morning”
2. Tell the students that they will hear the song once through and listen for certain words that repeat/ instrument (STOP
MUSIC AT 1:01) (banjo)
3. Ask students, “What words did you hear repeat?” “Any ideas about instruments?”
4. Tell them, “good job!” Old dan tucker repeats, supper, washing face, etc…”
5. Explain to students that during the non-refrain sections, we will sit on the floor and tap hands against knees. When we
hear “Get out the way old dan tucker” section, stand up and do your silliest cowboy dance!
6. When they hear that the refrain is over, tell them that they will sit back down and tap against the floor until they hear it
again and so on.
7. After this is done, stop the song and ask what they heard repeat (aka the refrain)
8. Introduce that this section was called the refrain “Everyone say refrain!”
9. Have them participate in the last time through
10. Tell students that they will sit on the ground and tap their hands against their knees, but when they here refrain
(Chorus) , they will get up and walk around in a circle WHILE doing the cowboy dance
11. When they hear refrain stop, they will sit down immediately and clap against their knees
12. What did everyone learn today?

Closure- what did you learn today?

Educational Objective: ​ By the end of this lesson, students will have learned how to sing the song and understand the beats to the
song “Old Dan Tucker” the instruments used, refrain

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