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What Should You Pack for a Church Retreat? Packing Essentials Activewear poooe Activewear camera Extra pillows and a cozy blanket if you'd use them xtra shoes you dont mind getting airy Hat or visor Insect repellent, if you'll be spending time outdoors Jacket or sweatshirt Laundry bog Pajamas Phone charger Sunglasses ‘Sunsereen ‘Swimsuit, if you'll have free time and the weather permits Water bottle Aa Everyone has his or her own list of “essentials,” but it’s easy to forget things when you assume you'll remember them. You'll need your Bible, seasonal clothing, toiletries and any prescription medication you're on, as well as: Ss Packing List For Kids Wear as much as you can to save suitcase space Roll don' fold (Here's a quick tutorial) Antibacterial hand wipes Diapers, wipes and baby supplies Extra Toiletries Hats Headlamps and Flashiights ids medication Lightweight jackets Plastic bags Quick ary clothing Rain Jackets Extra towels ‘Small first-aid kit with bandages and antibacterial ointment ‘Sports equipment Wearable hyaration kits or refillable water bottles Essential Retreat Packing Tips ~ Dont pack into your suitcase anything essentil-hand carry your ible and other important items, “1 Use compression bages if you can. “Bring empty plastic bags for laundry. Limit your liquids. | Keep like items together (shirts with shirts, pants with pants, undergaments in @ bag) Designed by:

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