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1. Create your family tree.

Carmela Noe

grandmothe grandfather

Ruperto Milder Elvia Carlos

Uncler mom dad

Helen Jhomer Brandon

Cousin cousin Me

2. Write the information about your family. Include the personal information (name, age, job), and write sentences using
have got, has got and the possessive case.

Hello my name is Brandon and i’m 19 years old. I’m in class in the univercity . this is my tree family. There are
nine menbers in my family . may parents are Elvia, my mom, and carlos my dad . mom is 45 years old and she is
farmer . she likes to cook and go for a walk around the orchards and mi dad is 54 years old and she is farmer .He
likes to take care of his crops from pests and keeps cleaning them and looking for the way that they produce
more. My uncle is a farmer although much younger than my father, he is about 34 years old and has a different
way of doing things, he likes to go out with friends, play video games and also go out for a ride on his
motorcycle. His wife is a housewife who takes care of my cousins, she is about 30 years old and likes to cook and
she knows how to do it very well since she knows how to make a wide variety of dishes. My cousins have
different ages, the oldest Julian is 15 years old, he likes to play video games but he doesn't like to go out a lot, so
he has very few friends and the youngest Helen is 6 years old, she likes to go out and play with her stuffed
animals, she has a lot of friends ,They both get along very well.

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