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Mekanisme Terbang pada

Burung dan Fisiologinya

Karakteristik Burung
• Bulu
• Tidak ada gigi
• Ukuran otak besar, untuk penglihatan
• Paru-paru yang sudah termodifikasi,
kantong udara
• Carpometacarpus
• Bipedal
• Pygostyle
• Tulang Pneumatic
• Rigid skeleton
• Furcula (wish bone)
• Berdarah panas (juga pada mamalia)
Central shaft

Archaeopteryx lithographica
Cursorial Hyphotesis
Jesus-Christ Hypothesis
wing-assisted incline running hyphotesis

Mahakala omnogovae
Ukuran Theropoda dan
kemampuan untuk terbang
Bird tails & flight
Bentuk sayap mempengaruhi cara terbang
Avian Circulatory System
• Birds have very efficient cardiovascular systems that permit them to meet
the metabolic demands of flight (and running, swimming, or diving).
• The cardiovascular system not only delivers oxygen to body cells (and
removes metabolic wastes) but also plays an important role in maintaining
a bird's body temperature.
• Tranports:
• nutrients
• oxygen and carbon dioxide
• waste products
• hormones
• heat
Avian hearts also tend to pump more blood
per unit time than mammalian hearts.
• In other words, cardiac output (amount of blood pumped per minute)
for birds is typically greater than that for mammals of the same body
Blood pumped by the avian heart enters the
blood vessels. The main types are:
• arteries - carry blood away from the heart & toward the
body cells
• arterioles - 'distribute' blood (that is, direct blood where
needed with more going to active tissues & organs & less to
less active tissues & organs) by vasodilating &
• capillaries - exchange of nutrients, gases, & waste products
between the blood & the body cells
• venules (small veins) & veins- conduct blood back to the
Circulatory system
• Carotids deliver blood to the head (& brain).
• Brachials take blood to the wings.
• Pectorals deliver blood to the flight muscles.
• The systemic arch is also called the aorta &
delivers blood to all areas of the body except the
• The pulmonary arteries deliver blood to the
• The celiac (or coeliac) is the first major branch of
the descending aorta & delivers blood to organs
& tissues in the upper abdominal area.
• Renal arteries deliver blood to the kidneys.
• Femorals deliver blood to the legs & the caudal
artery takes blood to the tail.
• The posterior mesenteric delivers blood to many
organs & tissues in the lower abdominal area.
Adaptation for high-altitude flight

Bar-headed Goose (Anser indicus)

Diving Bird

Aptenodytes forsteri

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