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lUlariorie Fuchs lUlargaret Bonner

About the Book

Pnnr l: The Present (1)

The Present of Ele: Statements
(l am tall. I am not a good dancer.)
The Present of Ele: Questions
(Are you OK? Yes, I am.)
The Present Progressive: Statements
(She is talking. She is not sleeping.)
The Present Progressive: Questions
(Are you sleeping? No, l'm not.)

SelfTest I

Pnnr ll: The Present (2)

The Simple Present: Statements
(She usually drinks tea.)
The Simple Present: Questions
(Do you laugh a lot? Yes, we do.)
Non-Action Verbs
(l see the moon.)
Present Progressive and Simple Present
(They're watching TV./ They watch TV every day.)
The lmperative
(Open the door! Don't touch the plate!)

SelfTest ll

Pnnr lll: The Past

The Past ot Be
(Were you there yesterday? Yes, lwas')
The Simple Past of Regular Verbs: Statements
(He painted a picture YesterdaY.) ,
The Simple Past of lrregular Verbs:
(We saw the movie last night.)
The Simple Past: Questions
(Did they come alone? Yes, theY did.)

SelfTest lll
The Future with Be going to 60
(Theyare going to change soon.)
The Future with W1II
(He will leave at 5:OO.He won't stay.)

SelfTest lV 68

Word Order
Word Order: Statements 70
(Theyread the book to their children.)
Word Order: Wh- Questions
(Who did you ask? / Who asked you?)

SelfTest V 7a

Nouns, Articles, and Gluantifiers

Nouns: Common/Proper,Singular/Plural 80
(Harrods sellspianos from Japan.)
Nouns: Count/Non-Count
(Cream?Sugar? One teaspoon? Two teaspoons?)
Articles: A/An and The 88
(lt's not a closet. lt's the kitchen!)
No article (Al or The 92
(l love music. The music here is great!)
Gluantifiers: Sorne and Any 96
(Didyou buy any clothes?)
Gluantifiersz Many, Much, A few, A little, A lot of
(He has a lot of things, but not much space.)
There is, There are 104
(There'sa fly in my soup!)

SelfTest Vl 108

Pronouns and Possessives

Pronouns: Subject and Object 110
(He gave her a gift. She thanked him.)
Possessives 114
(ls this Amber's book? lt isn't mine.)
This, That, These, Those 118
(This isn't my bag. That's my bag.)
One, Ones 122
(The white ones or the black ones?)

SelfTest Vll 126

Pnnr Vlll: Adjectives and Adverbs
(The dog is nice. It's a nice dog.)
(Ryokois as short as Anne.)
Gomparative Adiectives
(He's older than me.)
Superlative Adiectives
(lt's the longest noodle in the world.)
Adjectives with Very, Too, and Enough
(ls it big enough? lt's too small.)
Adjectives and Adverbs
(The music is nice. They skate nicely.)

SelfTest Vlll

PnnrlX: Modals (1)

Ability: Can, Could
(He can run, but he can't flY.)
Suggestions= Why don't, Let's, How about
(Let's go to the cafeteria.)
Requests= Will, Would, Can, Could
(Couldyou open the door for me?)
Permission= May, Can, Could
(Can we swim here? No, You can't!)

SelfTest lX


SelfTest X

Gerunds and lnfinitives
Gerunds and Infinitives 190
(She enjoys exercising. / She wants to exercise')
Infinitives of PurPose 194
ffi 0 use it to send e-mail')
SelfTest Xl

Prepositions, TWo-Word Verbs' Connectors

Prepositions of Tjme 200
W (We'ltarrive on Monday at 8:OOA.M.)
Prepositions of Place 204
ffi (tt's in the livingroom, on the table')
Prepositions of Movement 208

W (Go across the bridge. Walk along the river')
TWo-Word Verbs: InseParable 212
i ' .: '
t' :lr -.
ffi (Let's dressuP and eat out.)
TWo-Word Verbs: SeParable 216
ffi (Turn off the alarm clock. / Turn it off')
[EFl Sentence Gonnectors= and, but, or, so, because
fb1lEl fge buys the paper because he likesthe cartoons')

SelfTest Xll 224

i:r, 6pp611p11 1 Irregular Verbs 229

Common Non-Action Verbs 230

Common Verbs Followed by the Gerund 230

(Base Form of Verb + -ing)
Common Verbs Followed by the Infrnitive 230
(?o + Base Form of Verb)
x5 Common Verbs Followed by the Gerund or the Infrnitive 230

APPENDIX6 Some Verbs that Can Have Ttvo Objects 231

Some Common Trwo-WordVerbs 231

APPENDIX8 Some Common Nouns with Irregular Plural Forms 232

APPENDIX9 Some CommonNon-Count Nouns 233

r,APPENDIX 1O Proper Nouns
Irregular Comparisons of Adjectives and Quantifrers 234

x 1 2 Cardinal and Ordinal Numbers 235

APPENDIX13 Some Common Measure Words
APPENDIX14 Some Common Abbreviations
APPENDIX15 Some Common Prepositions
APPENDIX16 Contractions with Verb Forms
APPENDIX17 Spelling Rules for Base Form of Verb + -ing
(Present Progressiveand Gerund) ',

APPENDIX18 Spelling Rules for the Simple Present:

Third-Person Singular (he, she, it) 1.,

APPENDIX19 Spelling Rules for the Simple Past of Regular Verbs 240
APPENDIX20 Spelling Rules for Regular Plural Nouns 241
APPENDIX21 Spelling Rules for the Comparative (-er) and 241
Superlative (-est) of Adjectives
APPENDIX22 Speliing Rules for Adverbs Ending in -ly
APPENDIX23 Some Capitalization and Punctuation Rules
APPENDIX24 Pronunciation Table
APPENDIX25 Pronunciation Rules for the Simple Present:
Third-Person Singular (he, she, it)
APPENDIX26 Pronunciation Rules for the Simple Past of Regular Verbs
APPENDIX27 Pronunciation Rules for Regular Plural Nouns



Ansurer Key
llllariorie Fuchs m"tg"t"t Bonner

Fasff efearf trffeeflyef

Grammar Express Basic is a two-level seriesfor students
who want to learn or review Englishgrammarthe fast and
practicalway. Grammar Express Basic is for beginning and
low-intermediatestudents.A user-friendlyand effectivetool,
Grammar Express Basic can be used as a rnain text, as a
supplementto any coursebook, or for self-study.

Gratmtnar Fxpress Fasdefeatures:

q Grammarpresentedand practicedin four-page
x C l e a rg r a m m a rc h a r t sa n d e x p l a n a t i o n s
z Be Careful/ notes showing typical errors
n Se/fleststo check progress
x 27 Appendiceswith usefulinformationfor easyreference

Book with Answer Kev o-13-049667-7

Book with CD-ROM 0-13-049671-5
Book with Answer Key and CD-ROM 0-13-049669-3
Book without Answer Kev or CD-ROM 0-13-049660-X
Workbook 0-13-184926-3
Book with Answer Kev 0-201-52073-7

Srffi GrommqrExpressComponionWebsite
&ffit http:/ / www.long,/grommorexpress

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