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MRCP 1 On examination Histology 2015

1.A 25-year-old man presents with an enlarged inguinal lymph node with night sweats. The most
likely clinical diagnosis is Hodgkin's lymphoma.

An excision biopsy of the lymph node is performed.

Which one of the following findings on histopathology is associated with the best prognosis in
Hodgkin's disease?

(Please select 1 option)

1 Lymphocyte depleted Incorrect answer selected

2 Lymphocyte predominant This is the correct answer
3 Mixed cellularity
4 Nodular sclerosing
5 Reed-Sternberg cells

Hodgkin's disease is characterised by Reed-Sternberg cells and this is, therefore, not a prognostic

Nodular sclerosing is the most common finding and has a good prognosis.

Mixed cellularity also has good prognosis.

Lymphocyte depleted has the worst prognosis.

The best prognosis is lymphocyte predominant

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