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Reflection 1

For this reflection I am observing a lesson that I taught in my second week of

classes. In this lesson I didn’t teach the entire period but only a portion of the lesson.

The first activity I did was solfa echo’s for third grade. Immediately I noticed that I could

be more confident in my tonal center and singing. Next time I do solfa echo’s I should

use a tuning fork just to establish my tonal center. After this lesson my teacher and I

also discussed putting up a solfa ladder for the students and having my mouse follow

along to the pattern. The next activity I did is helping students review the solfa re. I

automatically noticed that my question for the students to identify re was not specific

enough. In the future I would like to be more specific when asking questions.

There were many things as the lesson went on that I am very proud of. As the

lesson goes further I gain more confidence getting comfortable with what I am saying,

addressing the class and singing the patterns. One thing that I really did enjoy about my

teaching was when students gave the incorrect solfa for a pattern I was singing, I would

sing it the way they thought it was to show them that it wasn’t correct.

When I was doing rhythm echo’s I would say and clap the rhythms and then clap

them when they were to be echoing me. I think this was helpful so they knew it was their

turn to echo. When completing the rhythm with movement, I think next time it would be

helpful for me to give them a count or two beats prior to them moving so they know it’s

their turn to move.

I think the strongest part of my lesson was the dictation portion where I had

students write down the rhythm pattern I said on a white board and show it to me. In this
portion of the lesson my instructions were clear and I had given strong feedback to the


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