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Torta de vainilla:

Ingredients :

1.guan a jalf cap of guit flaur ( tu jandred ten grems)

2. one cap of chugar (tu jandred grems).

3.tu tispuns vanila esens .

4. tu yiunits of egs.

5.guan jandred tueni faiv grems of maryerin.

6.guan glass of melk.

7.tu tispuns beikin pauder.

Prepareichion :

Teik a conteiner and mex margeren guit the chugar ,bit intol cridin a jomoyinius.

Ad da egs guan by guan tu da privius mixtur, dad is , intol the first is complitdly enegreidet .

Ad da flawor priviusli sifded guit da beikin pauder ,lidol by lidol end guidaut estopin biden.

Por in da meld and continiu bide. Da mexchiur chuld be a lidol soft end jomoyinius.

Ad da vanila esens.

Por da mixtur into a priviusli grisd end flawor beikin tin end beik for tueny minuts .

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