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Basic Greetings

& Common Expression

Prepared & arranged by:
Jinky Rosalina-Delantar, CPA, MBA
vInitial Greeting:
Ø Say, Hajimemashite! (Nice to meet you!)

vChoose your greeting according to the time:

Ohayou (gozaimasu) Good morning
Konnichiwa Good afternoon / Hi / Hello
Konbanwa Good evening
v Hajimemashite - How do you do. (used to
(はじめまして) greet someone whom you meet for
the first time)

v Yoroshiku onegaishimasu - Please take care of me.

(よろしくおねがいします) (usually said after introducing oneself to
someone as a request to be nice to

v Hai (はい) - Yes

v Ee (ええ) - Yes (casual)
v Iie (いいえ) - No
v Onegaishimasu - Please (to request)
v Douzo - Please (to accept offer)
v Arigatou gozaimasu. - Thank you.
v Douitashimashite. - You're welcome.
v Sumimasen - Excuse me / I'm sorry
(すみません) (used when you are interrupting

v Gomen nasai - I'm sorry (used when you

(ごめんなさい) knock something over and broke it)
v Itadakimasu. - Let's start. (before eating)
(いただきます。) Hint: Say this before eating your
meal as a way to politely say
that you're going to begin
enjoying your food.

v Gochisousamadeshita. - It was a wonderful feast.

(ごちそうさまでした。) (after eating)
Hint: Say this after eating as a
way to say thank you.
v Ohisashiburi. - Long time no see.
v Ogenki desu ka. - How are you?
v Genki desu. - I'm fine.
v Daijoubu desu ka. - Are you alright?
v Daijoubu desu. - I'm alright.
v Ja, mata. - Well, see you.
v Mata ashita. - See you tomorrow.
v Sayounara. - Goodbye.
(さようなら。) Hint: use only if you don’t plan on
seeing them again. This is a more
final “goodbye.”
v Oyasumi nasai. - Goodnight.
v Ittekimasu. - I'm leaving.
v Itterasshai. - Go ahead.
v Kiotsukete kudasai. - Please be careful.
(きおつけてください。) Hint: Might be said to someone
who is going to a trip.
v Tadaima. - I'm back / I'm home.
v Okaerinasai. - Welcome back /
(おかえりなさい。) welcome home.
v Ganbatte kudasai. - Good luck! / Do your best!
v Yoku dekimashita. - Great job.
v Omedetou gozaimasu. - Congratulations.
v Tanjoubi omedetou. - Happy birthday.
v Kampai. - Cheers! Hint: you should really
(かんぱい) only go for this one if you actually
have a drink of some sort in your
v Mada desu - Not yet
v Mochiron - Of course
v (Chotto) matte kudasai. - Please wait (a little).
(ちょっと まってください。)
v Tasukete kudasai. - Please help me.
(たすけて ください。)

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