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“Life is short, time is fast, no replay, no rewind, so enjoy every moment as it comes”

This year, 2020 a lot of challenging and unexpected problems strikes the world, Australian
Bushfire Crisis, Taal Volcano eruption, ABS CBN shutdown, and this Corona Virus. This
pandemic gives a lot of realization for me.

Life as we know it has come to a grinding halt since the coronavirus pandemic has left countries
struggling to respond to the rapidly spreading virus. The coronavirus, which causes a respiratory
disease known as COVID-19, has prompted schools to shut down, employees to work remotely,
and people to remain inside their homes in an attempt to contain the spread of the disease.
The world’s losing love, happiness, and strength, that’s what I’ve observed. A lot of people were
suffering from depression and anxiety. Fear and sadness seemed to be covering our world.
There’s a lot of hate. Maybe, God set 2020 to be the year that he'll be strengthening us. He
wants to bring the smiles plastered on our faces and joy in our hearts. He wants to strengthen
our emotions. And of course, He wants to bring back our love for each other. We've been hating
a lot of people, racism, could've be. Now, no matter who and what you are, you're affected. Your
sympathy those who suffers, but you used to hate them, don't you? Let's all bring back our love
for each other. Let's stop these cold wars, let's remove our hate and anger in our hearts. Let's
forgive those who hurt us. Let's spread love. Christian, Muslim or whatever religion you're in,
spread love. Love will heal the world.

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