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Name: khomeini C.


Plan to legalize death penalty in our Country

With the rise of alarming crimes in the country such as drug addiction, rape and
murder, an innocent victim suffered. Thus, there is a need for the re-imposition of
the death penalty for heinous crime as deterrence. Death penalty may help put this
to an end. The country has been witnessing criminals, especially those involved in
Nothing will deter criminal than fear of death. Life behind bars is less feared,
even preferred by some who do not have roof and can not eat three times a day.
Here in the country, one year old, or three months old, gets raped and killed.
How can a parents of a poor child, raped and murdered, sleep at night and move on.
In the United States, the dispute over death penalty has emerged, claims by the
economist studying American data that fact execution prevents 3 to 18 or even74
murders (Liptal 2007). Reacting to this claims, two prominent Harvard
professors concluded that since executions do seem to deter, the death penalty is
not only reasonable, it is morally required.

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