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English Module Test

Year 3
Term 5
Group 331i (341i, 361i)
1. Name 3 jobs that would be impossible for someone who:
1) is afraid of animals;
2) is always seasick;
3) is bad at maths;
4) doesn’t like children;
5) is afraid of heights;
6) can’t stand the sight of blood;
2. Decide which is the odd one out & give reasons:
1) professor, secretary, teacher, lecturer;
2) bus conductor, pilot, taxi-driver, chauffeur;
3) bank-teller, auditor, accountant, playwright;
4) plumber, bricklayer, editor, carpenter.
3. Give the Ukrainian equivalent of the proverb and in 5 sentences explain its
meaning :
All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.
4. What factors make the job of a teacher satisfying? Explain in 5 sentences.
5. Give the definitions of these words:
1) memorabilia;
2) plasterwork;
3) a craft;
4) a spire;
5) a conservatory.
6. What are the problems that make your birthplace unattractive for visitors &
inhabitants? State your opinion in 5 sentences.
7. Describe these sights to your guest from abroad:
1) Kyiv-Pecherska Lavra;
2) the Golden Gate;
3) St. Sophia’s Cathedral;
4) Maydan Nezalezhnosti;
5) your favourite museum.

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