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3.3 Assignment
Joint Issues
Directions: In this section you learned about joints and articulations. For your assignment you get to conduct some additional
research on your own. Choose ONE of the following joint issues. Conduct research on the issue to answer the following
questions. Fill in the table below.

Choose ONE of the following issues:

 Tennis Elbow
 Golfer’s Elbow
 Pitcher’s Shoulder
 Swimmer’s Shoulder
 Jumper’s Knee

Answer these questions:

1. Which issue did you pick from the list above? (1 point)
2. Definition: What is it? (2 points)
3. What are the symptoms? (4 points)
4. What are the causes? (4 points)
5. What are the side effects or complications? (4 points)
6. What are the treatments? (4 points)
7. How is it preventable? (4 points)
8. Other interesting or important information? (2 points)

Below are some websites that may be helpful for your research:
 Mayo Clinic,
 National Institutes of Health, "Medline Plus"   
 Center for Disease Control,
 Nemours Foundation, "TeensHealth"
 Journal of the American Medical Association

Note: Be sure to write the information in your own words. Do not copy.

© Carone Fitness 2017


Swimmer’s shoulder
1. Name of Issue
Shoulder pain caused by some sort of connective tissue rubbing on the shoulder blade.
2. What is it?

It affects the rotator cuff specifically.

3. What specific anatomical
parts does it affect? (i.e.
which bones, muscles, joints)
Some symptoms include tenderness, decreased range of motion, and inflammation in shoulder.
4. What are the symptoms?

Some causes are excessive training without proper rest, overuse of the shoulder, and fatigue.
5. What are the causes?

Typical treatments include basic stretching and physical therapy. If there are major tears then
surgery might be an option, but only in severe cases.
6. What are the treatments?

Can be prevented by strengthening rotator cuff and stretching regularly to prevent injury.
7. How is it preventable?

It is estimated that 65% of competitive swimmers will experience shoulder issues.

8. Other interesting facts

© Carone Fitness 2017

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