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Head Crusher has been updated to 1.6.

Some of the parameters have been renamed, and a lot has been reworked,
including the name change of the product code and manufacturer code to
"Head Crusher" & "Audio Assault", that's why this version of Head Crusher isn't
compatible with the previous version, however...

Installing this version of Head Crusher will NOT overwrite the previous version,
allowing you to work on your old projects, and use the new Head Crusher at the same

Reworked from scratch.
Parameters and switching between modes has been smoothed out.
Parameters have been renamed and rescaled to standard ranges.
Rewritten Assasinate mode.
Mix knob now works in Studio One.
New graphics resemble the original Head Crusher.
New SC Sidechain high-pass feature:


With the SC knob, it's now easier to get a smoother distortion when the track calls
for it, SC is a side-chained highpass that let's you smooth out the saturation, try
it on an electric bass to make it cut through the mix.

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