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Education and school


Education refers to the overall knowledge an individual has over general subjects. It is relative to the
“knowledge” others acquired over a certain subject or object and it is usually linked somehow with school and /
or college.

Firstly, the term “education” may refer a long list of terms, the most common ones being skills, values
and beliefs that define a person. On a personal level, we usually integrate in our circles people with a similar
educational background. On a professional level, people are ordered by the education they gathered through
the years (that meme they call a “CV” or “resume”), hence the opinion that school and college are the most
important factors that account for someone’s life career.

In a world of educators and learners and endless educational materials, in a world where information
and capabilities really make a difference, in a world where we straight up exclude others based on their
educational level, I advise you, kind reader, to not compare yourself to any other. Education is just a
perception, just like the way you think the sky is blue and others think it’s cyan. Sure, you can totally tell the
difference between someone educated and a first-grade dropout, but you can’t measure “education”, and its
totally not based only on school.

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