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CIRCLE of EARTH INVESTIGATION WITH DIRECT END TIMES IMPLICATIONS “Have ye not known? have ye not heard? hath it not been told you from the beginning? have ye not understood from the foundations of the earth? It is he that sitteth upon the circle of the earth, and the inhabitants thereof are as grasshoppers; that stretcheth out the heavens as a curtain, and spreadeth them out as a tent to dwell in...” Isaiah 40:21-22 DANIEL VALLES Adoscuniner & ORIENTATION %& This research report is not intended to be a complete textbook on all things possibly related to Earth sciences. | am only going to address the major red flags, and some related material. | have looked at way more material than | am including in this report. This report was compiled solely to bring the matter to your attention, and it is assumed you can do further research on the particular minute details that may concern you. Don't major on the minors atthe expense of the majors! Majors + Substantial discrepancies in the mainstream science, observation, understanding, data, or story that the public is commonly led to believe... + of, A proven misconception being evident in our understanding of some substantial truth... A + of, proofs of deliberate subterfuge which should arrest our attention that something is Fn seriously wrong. + Points that, iftrue, cary incredible, direct implications for us personally. Minors + Related fields of science that we want to understand, even though we do not fully Understand the major context and construct which would afect all of the minors anyways. + Related (or non-related) subjects that (by themselves) do nothing to decidedly explain the majors to one conclusion or another. + Subjects that didnot, and will not, have any incredible or direct implications for us personally -if eft unresolved. + Subjects that would be best to suspend our judgment on until we gain a further understanding of the more obvious majors. ‘About the Author: Danielle isthe eto and funder,a website mins devoted to discerning curent events rom Chistian perspective for oe thirteen yas. He was the curator at aceation cence museum fr tree years studying 2 } range of scence-elated subjects and fel, wing signage, designing and bulding exhibits. He also volunteer curates a local history museum, also working with ulding exhibits and signage. Hobbies incu istrcal Re War medical eeacting, aswel as medical sions esearch and engineering, He as helped vary of cation ministries and ako stated his on. Hees alo produced acolonal-themed homeschool vdeo curicuum on asia logic. He as alas wanted to change ‘the word but raisethe Lor, he never thought he would contribute inthis way God's way alvay best, Maranatha (©2015, Dan alls, ifrmedistan com. Al ghsresred eon 1.0, This report ma becoped in whole natin pat frre stb ny, Food for Thought... Ancient government-funded ‘science’ agencies and authorities convinced mankind that stars were gods. THE STARGAZERS, CHALDEANS, ASTROLOGERS, SOOTHSAYERS, MAGICIANS, AND THE MONTHLY PROGNOSTICATORS (\sa 47:13, Dan 2:27) Image what Satan could do with the same agencies and scientists today... © ‘Ozmothy, keep that whichis committed to thy trust, avoiding profane and vain babblings, and oppositions of science falsely so called: Which some professing have erred concerning the faith.” ~1Timothy 6:20-21 2. ©) TIMELINE OF KEY EVENTS Here are major milestones to consider and compare. These are also referenced from elsewhere in this report. SBWP™ National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics (America); precursor to NASA. Fist Antarctic Expedition ed by Richard E. Byrd Second Antarctic Expedition, by Richard. Byrd. Third Antarctic Expedition, by Richard E. Byrd J Firsrocket to each space height 100km, 62 mils). Ad rocket, Wernher von Braun tam, Germany. AB The Nazis were in development o ying saucers (Rundflugzeug,Feuerall, Diskus, Haunebu, V7, etc). Immediately after the war, the US started recruiting scientists from Nazi Germany. Operation Highjump, by Richard E. Byrd, to Antarctica The iagship, US Mount Olympus, andthe aircraft Carver, USS Philippine Sea, there were thirteen US Navy suppor ships, sxhelcopters, sx lying boas, two seaplane tenders and fifteen other arraft. Te total numberof personnel involved was over 4000. Roswell, New Mexico incident. ‘Operation aperlip- over 1,500 scientists, technicians, and engineer from Nazi Germany were brought othe United ‘States fr employment. The Soviets also extracted scientist during the same time (Operation Osoaviakhim). <= heViashington Flap - Fortwo consecutive weekends in July, numerous people sawa swarm of saucers over <> > Washington D.C. USAF jets were scrambled with orders to shoot them down, but could not get close enough. “Boney Man in Space, a Disney production, about space and future travel and technology. ollaborated with Dr Wernher von Braun and Heinz Haber (both from Operation Paper. 40 milion people watched Operation Deep Freeze, with Richard E. Byrd. Marked the beginning of a permanent U.S. military presence in Antarctica Now declassified, the USAF Project 1794'Tying saucer was sted at between Mach 3&4 operating a over 100,00. 2 Sputnik launched S_NASAestabished, replacing National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics. AntarticTteaty System was signed by twelve countries including the United Stats and the Soviet Union. Insetthe entire continent of Antarctica aside sa scenic preserve, and it bans military activity there. mm Mercury and Atlas programs . Ifyou think Sputnik and the’Space Race’ SE U5. m00n program - Apollo aera oT Exe STO Near his deathbed, Dr. Wemher von Braun warned his aide, between two nations, you've been suckered; Dt. Carol Rosi, that an“alen card” would be played ita scripted deception bythe ten top kingdoms ofthe earth (Rev 17:12-13) to change the heart d ‘Space Shuttle ‘and mind of the last generation, and prepare them for the lying wonders ofthe last days. ee Hubble Telescope Before Satan can convince mankind that aliens ‘were their creators and developers, he has to convince them that alien worlds and outer space pel International Space Station Epeany eta a ten ah de ed SpaceShipOne WHAT DOES GOD'S WORD SAY? Heaven & Throne of God © “ttishe that sitteth upon thecirde ofthe earth) and the inhabitants thereof areas grasshoppers; that stretcheth out the heavens as@Girtal) and spreadeth them ouitas tent to dwell in.” Isiah 40222 © «the heaven ismy throne, and the earth isi fotstol..” Isaiah 66:1 © *. the earth; forts his footstool...’- Matthew 5:35 Round, but not a Ball Justa few chapters before this (2218), Isaiah refers to ball Isaiah had the word ball, but did not useit to describe the earth - because its round, but nota ball. + EarthSsatmosphere, i literally propped up over earth like a tent + Afootstoo! is never spherical itis flat-topped, with supports underneath it Cnet) Pee Cr) © thepilrsofte cart ore the LORDS, cand he hath set the Wold pon the” -USamuel 2:8 © Which shaketh the earth out of her place, but there isa thereof ioe? nd te pers tere ee © “And God called the dry land Earth; andthe gathering ° . together of the waters called he Seas..."- Genesis 1:10 discovered, at the rebuking of the Lord, at the Blast f the breath of is ast @ “Hestretcheth outthe north over the empy place, Samuel 2:168 Psalm 18:15 ‘and hangeth the erthpon nothing.” Sob © “Veishasttbortid the foundation Not Hanging? 267 ofthe earths andthe heavens . The earth (dit) isnot hanging or suspended over oe nothingness (space); the Bible makes it clear that there are 7 foundations and pillars supporting the earth. Ther isn't anything thatthe worlds hanging from tis set upon, the ent? een 7 @ “Hast thou with him spread out the sky, whichis strong, + The Bible describes the firmament as a physical object that is ‘and 25a molten looking glass?" -J0b 37:18 strong, and like reflective glass; mirror-like. + Itisa dividing barrier between the lower water, and upper water. @ “And God said, Let there bea firmament in the midst of + God's Throne s above the firmament. the waters, and ett divide the waters from the waters. ‘And God made the frmament ond divided the waters © “Andcborethe femament that wasove ter headswastheienessofa which were under the fmament rm the waters which throne, asthe appearance ofa sapphire stone: and upon the ikeness of were above the firmament: andit was so. the throne was the likeness as the appearance of aman above upon it.” ‘And God called the frmament Heaven.’ Genesis 1:6-8 Exel 1:26 @ “The heavens declare the glory of God; © ‘Praise im, ye heavens of heavens, ndye watesthat be above the heavens.” ‘and the frmamentsheweth is handywork.” Psalm 148:4 Psalm 19:1 sce The Bible states that Earth has a Face - not a Surface. The Bible always refers tothe “ace the earth (29 times! Insold geometry afacesaflat(planar)surface ASS ® nota that forms prt ofthe boundary ofa sold objec. 7 5 \ Oveniestist — Oraimitse tata OGenesis61 Osaiah 23:17 QDamoss:s Asphere is a closed surface - there is no Ocenesse7 Orrenisht2 — @amass boundary, anditis not flat or plana. Oécenesis74 Doeremian 16:4 Damos98 The word surface is not even Oéenesis 41:56 Deremiah 25:26 Orcs 17:26 mentioned in the Bible! @ixwodus 10:5 Deuteronomy 7:6 Jeremiah 28:16 + God was very specific! Otsmennis — Qtaanias mn nan Onngs 334 Oteeies: NRT asa aba dosnt Godtetsus X Enrthisa flat, pow Descriptions Fit a Flat Earth «Several times Scripture gives © “Thuswere the vison of mine headin ny bed a, and behold accounts, visions, parables, etc. “a tree in the midstof the earth, and the height thereof was great. ‘that only make sense in an Thetree grew ond was stron, andi endosed worldview. Fn cn eae real (0 etait heconethnth dus nde este.” “aetna 0 tdtetowendgoteesoxoluhen taeda ‘and every mountain and island were moved out of their places. ‘And the kings ofthe earth, andthe great men andthe rich men, ‘and the chief captains, andthe mighty men, and every bondman, ‘and ever free man hid themselves inthe dens and in the rocks ofthe mountains; and said to the mountains and rocks, Fall onus, ‘and from the wrath of the Lamb.” Revelation 6:14-16 Does the Earth move through Space? © "Fear before him, athe earth: the world also shall be stable, thatitbe not moved-| Chronicles 1630 © “the world csoisstabtishedthattcannot be moved.” Psalm 3:1 ‘% tote that thereisa diference between being shaken, earthquakes, fountains ofthe great deep being broken up, et © ‘Who laid the foundations ofthe earth, thatit vs. the whole package deal (world) Shouldnot beremmned forever. Pea 104 ‘moving from one pot to another orspinning © *.theworld aso shal be established that it shallot be moved.."- Psalm 96:10 What are the Four Corners of the Earth? + The Bible refers several times tothe four corners ofthe earth because there are four comers. ‘This nt refering tothe cardinal points on a compass (North, etc), @)*.gathertogetherthe dispersed of ludah from because East and West have no end (Psalm 103:12) the fourcorersofthe earth.” -Inaah 1:12 ‘The Hebrew word corner refers tliteral edges and extremities, «aw feurangelsstanding onthe four comers as well asthe idea of quartering (just lke a small house has “ofthe cart holding the fur winds ofthe earth.” four (quarter) corners); itis the quarter, from the edge. Revelation 7:1 + Remember, spheres have no ends and no edges. + Godistelling us that His commands extend to the literal edge @ Forhelooketh to theends ofthe earth. ofthe four quarter that the face of earth hasbeen divided into (© siting unto te ends ofthe erth?-1b373 {where these four divisions are i unknown). Job 2824 © *.take hold of the ends of the earth..”- Job 38:13, © “Bring my sons fom faraway and my daughters from the ends of theearth."- alah 3:6 @ “the nations atthe four comers of the earth, dnd gatherthem forwar..”-Revelation 2038 vows has camer, an quarters that etendlothe ae Joshua's Long Day? + Note thatthe Bible records the account ditectly opposite eo eee ‘of what a round-earth concept would suppose. _ in ane aia fae ce a = «+ Joshua asks for the Sun to stand still; ‘ibaa and the, vLaaaa alo. the Bible records the Sun stood stl. owes i extehe meen sage cathe + Joshua ask forthe Moon to stand stil; aslanagadbemicee ongeveaauee the Bible records the Moon stood stil. eee neuen 2 written nthe book flasher? So thesun stood + There is zeto mention of the Earth maving or topping ata. caunvaurirsatu aoruseesenssoaien + The Bile detail thatthe Sun stod stil in the midst of pay ez 7 a whole day. “Joshua 1012-13 heaven the sky)- the firmament. + IfEarth stopped spinning, everything (including the dirt) ‘would be thrown offby the angular momentum and inertia. + Ifthe Earth was round (and moving) it would have made e zero difference in the length of the day if the Earth "VS did not stop, too; the Earth would have continued ‘orotate through the supposed day cycle, ‘even with the Sun and Moon stopped. What nonexistant object was round Earth supposedly orbiting for 3 days until the Sun (and its gravitational pull) was created on the 4th day? vay7 vaya va> oda Hint: Earth does nat rotate around the Sun or anything ls; the Sun was placed within Earths atmosphere. 8 THERE IS NO EDGE TO EARTH + Antarctic is asiied asa continent, with rocky plateau underneath all ofthe ic. + Thistype of map projection is called an azimuthal equidistant projection tis basicaly ifyou took a globe and squashed i at + Thismap projection isthe exact same projection as | thatis used on the UN logo and flag - except they leave off Antartica - an entire continent? Why? ? + On the UN logo and flag, it can be inferred thatthe = lines or olive leafs represent the encircling ring of ice. © “He hath compassed the waters with bounds, until the day and night come to an end.” Job 26:10 There is No Edge, but there is a Border + The Bible makes it dear that a border keeps the waters in; this border (bounds) was compassed - drawn asa circle with a compass; He isnt describing the seashore. + The extreme temperature and conditions inthe Antarctica make it very undesirable for people to want to go there. + The depth ofthe ice edge to the firmament walls unknown (at least publicly, but the major governments know; its probably quite some distance inland, and not observable from the waters edge. + Just judging from the ice edge to the poles, there i probably at least £800 mils inland from the edge, before you get to the firmament. «when he set a compass upon the face of the depth.” -mroverss27 e Offllimits! Stay out! : + The 1959 Antarctic Treaty made the entire Antarctica politically neutral. «+ The treaty was signed by twelve countries including the Soviet Union (and later Russi), the United Kingdom, Argentina, Chile, Australia, ' and the United States. + Tourists? + So, atthe tat ofthe Cold War (before Greenpeace was even thought of) 95% of tours are done through the = they decided to set it all aside for environmental protection?! Weird... | International Association of Antarctica © Tour Operators; you can't just pull up ina boat and walk around, + Expedition tourism is curently subject to Antarctic Treaty and Environmental Protocol provisions. + There ae ony thre very restricted artival places fr tourists | «The brochures tel youstaight up that many area are restricted, (itp astoonequent ase questins thw-des one actual get oan] Yearly meeting ofthe treaty Does the Antarctic Treaty lag design partners Notice the remind you of anything? uncapped pyramid The fatearth UN Fag? EXPEDITION 1907-1909 (a.k.a British Antarctic Expedition) + The first of three expeditions to the Antarctic ed by Emest Shackleton, + Got just 97.5 nautical miles (180.6 km; 112.2 mi from the South Pole + The expeditions shia was named Nimrod. + Nimrod was the Biblical name ofthe man who built the city of Babel (Gen 10:10). + “And they said, Got, lt us build us a city and a tower, whose top may reach unto heaven; and let us make us a name, lest we be scattered broad upon the face of the whole earth. ...herefore is the name ofit called Babe; because the LORD did there confound the language ofall the earth: and fom thence did the LORD scatter them abroad ‘upon the face of all the earth.”- Gen 11:4,9 1946-1947 (a.k.a The United States Navy Antarctic Developments Program) + AUnited States Navy operation organized by Rear Admiral Richard E, Byrd J, USN (Ret), Officer in Charge, Task Force 68. + Task Force 68 included 4,700 men, 13 ships, and 33 aircraft. Operation Highjump’s primary mmission was to establish the Antarctic research base Little America + The expeditions command ship was the USS Mount Olympus. Testing the Firmament? + Operation Fishbowl was a series of high altitude nuclear tests in 1962 that ‘were carried out by the United States. + Itisinteresting that shortly after the final major Antarctica mission, and around the time that the Antarctic Treaty System was signed by several countries, that two ofthe main signatories start blasting the atmosphere with nuclear explosions - especialy with a project entitled Fishbowl?! Some Nuclear Tests. + High-altitude nuclear tests (Orange, Tea, Yucca) were also performed in 1958. + Orange detonated at 28 miles, with a3.8 megaton yield + Teak detonated at 50 miles, witha 3.8 megaton yield + Yucca detonated a 16 miles, with 1.7 kiloton yield. + Starfish Prime detonated at an altitude of 250 miles, with 1.4 megaton yield + Checkmate detonated at 91 miles, with a 10 kiloton yield + Blue Triple Prime detonated at 30 miles with a 400kiloton yield + Kingfish detonated at 60 miles witha 400kiloton yield + Tightrope detonated at 13 miles, witha 10 loton yield. + The Soviets aso conducted 5 high-altitude nuclear tests in 1961-1962. °% The public doesnot currently know the extent or height ofthe frmament, butts suspected by many tbe around 62 mils (100 km) in average height. fit sa dome then it wil varyin height, depending onthe shape. & actuer There are entire fields of science kept back from public discussion because knowledge of them would disrupt the power hold and deceptions in place. Knowledge is power. This section isnot to answer questions, but to point you in direction of research, and also make you aware that ‘events in our world can be explained by phenomena dismissed by mainstream academia. Many of the world’s greatest inventors (Maxwel, Faraday, Thomson, Crookes, Lord Kavi, Mendeey, CP. Steinmetz, Oliver Heaviside, Eric, Dollar) knew of the existence of the aether, and incorporated it’ principles. | will take the proven, demonstrated hands-on science and knowledge of Tesla over the theoretical postulations of Einstein any day. There is much I donot know, in regards to the mechanics behind what we ee in our world but do know that mankind’s perspective on these has been deliberately channeled through certain gatekeepers (tnsten, cough, cough to maintain a limited view. Some quotes by Nikola Tesla, the greatest inventor... “Ofall the forms of nature’ immeasurable all-pervading energy, which ever and ever change and move ikea soul animates an innate universe, electricity and magnetism are pethaps the most fascinating, ..Me know that electri acts like an incompressible uid; a that there must be a constant quantity of it in nature; that it can neither be produced or destroyed. ..and that electricity and ether phenomena ae identical” Nika Test te Amen stuf Bcc Engines AEB, Ma 15, olan Clee, New ek ly “The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena [Ether scence}, it will make more progress in one century than in al the previous centuries of ts existence” “There isno energy in matter other than that received from its environment (as meant Ether fields)” “The theory of relativity isa mass of eror and deceptive ideas violently opposed tothe teachings of great men of science ofthe past and evento the common sense.” “Today's scientists have substituted mathematics for experiments, and they wander offthrough equation after equation, and eventually build a structure which has no relation to realty. ” Time magazine put Tesla on its cover in celebrating his 75th birthday (July 10, 1931). Itreferred to Teslas work toward harnessing an “entirely new and unsuspected [energy] source.” "Only the existence of afield of force can account forthe motions of the bodies as observed, and its assumption dispenses with space curvature All literature on this subjects futile and destined to oblivion, So areaall attempts to explain the workings of the universe without recognizing the existence of the ether and the indespensable function it plays in the phenomena.” Until you wrap your mind around the fact that there ae entire fields of scence that the public doesn't even know exists, ‘you will try to understand your world entirely within the confines of the constructs that were placed upon you. Foc furter esearch ons oi stat hechng out theresench Ken Wheel Uncen te sng Sets Magni. @ enati’s Rotarion? The Coriolis Effect The Earth Does Not Rotate Under You Ihave not seen any evidence that the Earth moves 2 ‘ut from under any free-moving object (bullet, bal, St Effect on Bullets? plane, skydiver, etc.)- any perceived Coriolis effect is ifthe Coriolis fect really hadan effect on them, ‘used by something else acting onthe objectiself then shots fred North or South should never hit (wind, inertia, parachute, centrifugal, etc). ther targets -they'd be off by several hundred “| _ meters (depending on your latitude) due to the 2° supposed Earths rotation moving the target. ae * Forlong range shooting (10,000+ meters), there is e j not a correction for (what is thought to be) Coriolis, er but italy for Azimuth (North direction) Anything less than 2,000 meters will not have any azimuth Skydivers can change ther direction and land from any «corrections [Army ballistic tables}. Hurricanes? angle without detecting any earth movement; yet, ifthe Why do hurricanes rotate in different earth is supposedly moving east at 1600 km/h directions depending on hemisphere? (depending on latitude), how would this even possible? Jo Inthe flat earth layout the dreutt ‘As soon as he opens his parachute (and has a dramatic Ay ofthesun (heat and iffoence) ‘rop in speed), he should observe a noticable shift the Contre to the vortex rotation round ifarth was moving under him -buthe doesn‘. {See Sun section. The vortex action ‘Askydiver doesn't take into account Earth's rotation when. SS planning a jump; nor does he consider the direction ofthe plane in relation to the supposed direction of Earth’ spin. «because Earth is not rotating. of aether also contributes. Record High Jumps? ‘When Felix Baumgartner dd his Red Bul Stratojump from 128,100 feet (39 klometers), he should have landed a few hundred miles offcourse ifthe Earth was rotating yy under him while he fell - but he didn't because Earth isn't moving, Earth’s Speed at various Latitudes: Spin Dry Cycle? With just the supposed rotational speeds present atthe equator (1,650 km/h), why has Earth’ water collected atthe equator 391 mph (630kmt) ina massive bulge and spun off long time ago? 1821p (1.275 kms) 963 mph (1,80 ka) o> It doesnt take much speed or weight for 1025 mph centtifigal force to overcome gravity. (1,650 km/hr) 963 mph (1,580km/te) {% Takea wet tenis ball toss itup inthe at, % and watch how waterit thrown off 2 ofitust wit that gentle tos and spin. tell me again how a ball spinning at 1,025 mph wont throw water of... Pmnohiizisinmy) im & Ifthe average person were moving 1,000 mph ina circular motion, shouldnt ll the stars bea blur- especially when trying to zoom in on them witha telescope? Evertry taking a picture of something while ina fast moving car? Oem The Sun was created by God (Genesis 1:16) Globe Earth Enclosed Earth + NASA the Suns 186,000,000 miles away rom Earth, The Sun rotates ona varying, offset rut similar tothe Moon, + NASA: the Sun, and our solarsystem, is wandering + The Sun was created and placed ‘nthe frmament*- inside the ‘through space. atmosphere, He speci this detail three times (Genesis 1-14-17) + The Bible states that the Sun has repeating iruit that i follows itis not wandering through space. “the sun, wich is asa bridegroom coming ‘ut of his chamber and rejoceth as astrong ‘man to run arace. His going forth is fom the end ofthe heaven, ands circuit unto the ends oft: and theres nothing hid fom the heat thereof” - Psalm 19:4-6 + The Sun’ repeating circuit takes it throughout the entire heaven; itis this loop of aloop that heats everything in creation. + There are diferent circuits fr the various seasons; the Suns dally path spiral transitions from one seasonal circuit tothe other. ‘movement. ‘Airey’ allure test actually supported non-movement, The Book of Enoch and referenced by, the Bible like several other non-canonical, historical books. These are considered of historical value, but the Bibles the standard for doctrine. The doko ashram 1 usaf as Hanbes 21:1 ekothe uondethe gs igs 16194 ‘Heol afar te ok afta 29h Shean anon ene Chen 25; bokel ‘able 224) + Note that there are several books that go by the title of ook of Enoch. 4, + This book was not included in the canon of the Hebrew ible, butts quoted by, Bik tc Nine bk Only the one referred toa Enoch othe Ethiopian Book of Enoch) isthe true one fund wt the ead Sexes + Jesus, Himsel, referenced the book of Enoch tothe Saducees, confirming its valdty “Teil tonne ecb he (Matt 2:30, Enoch 15:6-7) when talking about the angels in heaven This was abook ee wrt ier pt they would have been familar wth and Jesus even chewed them out for ‘not knowing deca werh ooh the septures." 53), diqnes neta area ee + The Book of noch goes into great, very minute detail of the heavenly “luminaries” ashi tine = including the Sun, Moon, an stars (chapters 72-82). le dito) + och tel us plainly thatthe stars and wandering stars planets) ae aform of angelic beings - ving stones offre. + Hetellusthat seven ofthem disobeyed God, and lft their prescribed courses; these ate the wandering strs-fr this, they are punished (Jude 1:13, 1 Enoch 18:12-16;203). [P82] ‘fsa the end ofthe earth wheren the heaven rests, and the porta of the heaven open. And sow how the stars of heaven come forth, and Icounted the portals out of which they proceed, and wrote down all their outlets, ofeach individual star by itself according to their number and their names, thei courses and their positions, and ther times and their months, as Uriel the holy angel who was with me showed me. He showed al things to me ‘and wrote them down for me:also their names he wrote for me, and their laws and their companies.”-1 Enoch 332-4 [P29) ‘And beyond that aby saw a place which had no rmament ofthe heaven above and no my funded earth beneath it: there was no water upon it, and no birds, butt was a waste and horrible place. Isaw there seven stars tke great burning mountains, and to me, when! inuired regarding them, the angel sai: This places the end of heaven and earth: this has become aprison for the stars andthe host of heaven. And the stars which roll over the fire are they which have transgressed the commandment of the Lord in the beginning oftheir rising, because they did not come forth at ther appointed times. And He was wroth with them, and bound them tl the time when thelr guilt should be consummated (even) for ten thousand years.” -1 Enoch 1812 Luminaries + The Bible describes the stars as stones offi. + The Book of 1 Enoch refers tothe stars (and Sun and Moon) collectively as luminaries + In Revelation 1:20; 2131, stars ae also specifically used to represent the angels (messengers / pastors) ofthe seven churches + Enoch describes the stars sinteligen living creatures. + Allof the star beings have names and particular set courses they must follow. ‘and they that turn many to righteousness as the stars for ever and ever.” Daniel 123 _) THEMooN — a a [Bi wat does the Bible say about the Moon? pv “athe work of thy fingers, the moon and the stars..."-Psm 83 Q “4nd God made two great lights athe lesser light to rule the night.” -Geess 16 o Q *.-the moon shall not give her light...” Matthew 2429 leet , . Inthe bland even thoughout Q the moon shall not give her light...” -Naik 13:26 antty he um So refered ton # ‘themascline (sia 13:10, and the The Moon Q “and the moon shall not cause her light to shine.” - alah 13:10 ‘bentinibniseende isitsown Q *.the moon shall not give her light.” -Erekiel32:7 fee Mey at hese i doesnot show sight light source Q “the LORD, which giveth the sun fora light by day, ‘and the ordinances ofthe moon and ofthe stars fr alight by night...” Jeremiah 31:35 Their light is obviously different e 0 Sunlight Moonlight (GlorTemp:5800K Color Temp: 000k Willy warm, ually pale cold Ranges fom war Sis, pale, whit toyelow. wit Physically warm, Physically cl Supposedly, the reason why the Sn isseenas yellow & because ofour atmosphere. As sunlight passes though ‘the atmosphere the blue component of isghtabsoed and ated mre ‘ante ed conponet Sohne p Urbana tomibeln te TD ~ ‘same colorwhen it comes through = ‘thesame atmosphere? Tt: because 1) they rbahinside the atmosphere, and2} the Moonhasit oun unique ht. I ‘The Sun and the Moon are both inside the Firmament. @ “nd God set them in the firmament of the heaven to give ight upon the earth.” -Geness:17 Globe Earth Enclosed Earth + The moon rotates along ways away from Earth + The Moon rotates ona varying circuit, just like the Sun. (233,000 miles oughly), at about 5.14” inclination + TheMoon was created and placed ‘in the fmament’- inside the tothe ecliptic atmosphere. He specified this etal three times (Genesis 1:14,15, & 17) + Even though it s three days away by Apollo * The Moon appears clear a.abel, sharp, ands easy to focus on spacecraft, you can see it vey clearly - even through - because itis inside our atmosphere, and is much smaller than tld. Earths atmosphere without distortion. It looks lke the same size as the Sun, because its the same size + Because ofits orbital distance, i only has the asthe Sun. apparent same size asthe Sun + Ithas the same tidal effec, because itis smaller, but closer (along with + The moon is mainly responsible for the tides (other the Suns similar effect as well). (Other factors stil apply) factors affect tide besides just the Moon}. + Just ignore that NASAS' Earthrise’ photograph (taken ‘when mankind walked on the moon) shows'Earth’ from an angle that is more than 5 indination. 555) his light ithe Sun] is sevenfold brighter than that ofthe moon; but as regards size they are both equal.” Enoch 7236 {2589} samo tw detng with the smaleruminary, whichis named the Moon, Ander ceumerence ike —! the circumference of the heaven, and her chariot in which she rides is driven by the wind, and ight is given to her in definite] measure. And her rising and setting change every month: and her days are like the days ofthe sun, «and when her lightis uniform (ull it amounts tothe seventh part of the light ofthe sun.” noch 731-3 ("s) Uniform Illumination oe + Notice (in all Full Moon pictures) thatthe Moon i evenly and fully light. equally, over the entire surface; the light is uniform. This isnot possible with a sphere, from a single light source. You should have a bright, «completely overblown spot onthe area closest tothe ight, with a noticeable fade around the perimeter, due tothe angling ofthe surfaces, + The detail on the curve closest tothe light should be blown out bythe the oan wasitby the Sun, light strong enough to equally ligt the sphere. thena Fll Noon wou look + The fact that itis uniformly lit- with zero loss of detail something ite this, even wth = strongly suggests interior illumination. surface dfn. Interior- Wuminated Moon Artand Light Examples Tre Noonis Ean ightight Food for Thought: Lunar Eclipses? + Lunar eclipses only happen at Full Moon - when it has full, uniform light. + Therefore, seeing that the Moon is fully self-illuminated, one should ask the question how itis possible to casta shadow on ait lightbulb... + One should also ask the question that fa handful of ed flags has already been brought up about the Moon (and other celestial objects), the pubidy-touted ‘mechanism behind lunar eclipses may be much different than the publicis led ‘ tobelieve. at + With usta quick internet search, you will find ove fifty various recorded instances ‘here ‘luna eclipses’ ocurred, while the Sun, Earth, and Moon were not lined up. These anomalies have been noticed since the ancient time of Pliny. + For the purpose ofthis research paper, and with apparent subterfuge in the subject, ‘we do not present hypothesis - we just bring the red flags to your attention that 7] things are not as they appear Accurate, Ancient Astronomers + Keep in mind that the ability to accurately predict lunar and solar eclipses is ‘not a result or proof of a round earth or a flat earth. Astronomers have been accurately predicting these celestial events for thousands of years before r heliocentric, ball-earth theories. + Inthe first century A.D., Ptolemy accurately predicted eclipses for 600 years - from a flat, stationary Earth perspective - with superb accuracy. + These calculations come from observation, records, and cycles. + The celestial movements and events were predicted with precision even by ‘those who held flat earth perspectives; these calculations and tables are not proof of the earth’ shape, but of the independent celestial events. Earth-Moon-Earth Radio Bounces? + The proposition is often made that radio signals bounced off of the Moon can be used as proof that the Moon is very far away. + Yes, signals are bouncing; but, proof must be verified, and in this proposition are many potential variables, ‘ith the possibility for unknown factors as well. True scientific testing would require observation and ‘verification that the signals are 1) indeed even reaching the intended bounce target, 2) environmental factors in that unique environment are accounted for, 3) time to target accuracy confirmed, and then 4) calibrate that data with the bounce information; these proper research steps are not resolved. + But, NASA says... the credibility of that witness is sketchy at best. They are addressed later in this report. + Due to the fact that this proposition rests solely on unproven assumptions, it would be prudent to suspend judgment on this proposition until further research can show a more conclusive determination. 4 ha Pathetic Reflector f +" sphere isa very poor efector of light, because thas neithera concave nor lt surface! To reflect, \ | asurface must have an “angle of incidence’ Even if the Moon was shiny like a mirror, it would bea ‘ oor reflector. What shape do photographers or flmmakers use to reflect and bounce light? flat teflectors! On around object, you willjust have shiny hotspots, and very little reflected light. Aun LAND ON A ROUND EARTH?! a How can there be immense, perfectly level plains on a spherical object that should exhibit curvature over even mild distances? Salar de Uyuni, Bolivia + The world’s largest salt flat at 10,582 square kilometers (4,086 sq mi)! + 100 times larger than the (also flat) famous Bonneville Salt Fats in Utah, USA + Astable salt surface which is smoothed and leveled by seasonal flooding + few surface variations in elevation, but they are due to material density variations - only milimeters in height. + Itis the worlds largest natural mirror, created when atin film of water gathers ona vast plain of salt deposits, + Even NASA acknowledges how flatts, claiming to use the flat, mirror surface for calibrating satelite altimeter, + According to GPS, the entire variation over the entire 4,086 sq mi area is less than 1 meter (3ft 3 in). Thisis impossible on a round planet with a 25,000 mile circumference. + If we were ona round planet, the curvature variation shouldbe a6 foat variation just after 3 miles! + The region has been nicknamed”heaven on earth” because of the mitror-ik reflection ofthe clouds. + Remember, these stunning reflections would not be visible on an even slightly curved mirror. Why doesn’t Earth curve ifit’sa planet? + Balloons sent up by various student groups aways show afat,non-curved horizon evenat extremely high attudes of 108,267 feet (33,000 meters)! Tis shouldbe impossible ona round planet (tes ne lag fet detect fom aft i od yg 2 et] + Beware of high-altitude footage which uses fsh-eye lenses to distort the horizon to make the Earth appear spherical You can often detect the extreme istortion by watching the effect proro them looking atthe horizon -it wll distort and spherize all views. When peoplesayyoucan see the curvature ofthe —_* EY: Allcameras wil have some very sight curvature due tothe bare ° Asotin. To est accurately assess curvature fam aphotogrph, te horizon Gerndigeatnuds tegen pate, must be placed precisely inthe center ofthe image (the optical ays). ‘Fenn stot s-yelenses ike th ones usedin the Re Bul tratjump though, have very obvious distortion. Toavod circular reasoning, ‘mirage’ cannat be used to prove ther sno curvature tothe Earth; but that, instead, to expose how science an be twisted trove a position that does not even eit Thee is scence present in these situations, but the conclusions and applications re wrong You cannot use histo prove a curved Earth unless you could aso prove simultaneously thatthe physical objects wer indeed ina separate place, much lower. In this esearch paper, we highlight many red fags that show thatthe Earths not curved or spherical, so we an automaticaly discount that assumption hee. Marseille, France: Inthe background is Canigou Mountain (Pyrenees Range) - approximately 150 miles (250 km) away = normally to far distant to be observed from Marselle. This photo i listed as a superior mirage (and there fs refraction involved), bu itis not an apparent image ofa mountain way below the curvature iis merely showing an object that is behind the apparent horizon. Notre Dame de la Garde at the lower right center ofthe photograph. Here ia picture ofthe Chicago skyline taken almost 60 miles away from Grand Mere State Park in Stevensville, Under normal conditions, even when extremely clear, thisis not visible, due to the horizon (not the curvature of the earth) and atmospheric reaction, While refraction itil involve, the ity skyline is not deep below Earth supposed curvature - it fs just behind the apparent horizon The Overseas Highway i a 127.5-mile (205.2 km) highway carrying U.S, Route 1 (US 1) through the Florida Keys. You can see the toad for many miles - which shouldbe impossible ona round earth, due tothe curvature dropoff Why can’tweshinealaser @@ Haven't lasers been bounced off of the Moon? for hundreds of miles? + The experiments have been done by a few major observatories, with very. + The atmosphere’s density and specific, very expensive laser and telescope setups. refractive index varies considerably + “Atthe Moon's surface, the beam is about 6.5 kilometers wide and sclentists depending on the temperature and liken the task of aiming the beam to using a rifle to hita moving dime 3 pressure. This makes the alr refract kilometers away [wikipedia: Lunar Laser Ranging experiment] bre ase light to varying extents + These were largely done in conjunction with the supposed Apollo and Soviet + Weare notina total vacuum, Lunoktiod missions leaving reroreflector arrays. Atthe end of this report, ‘you can draw your own conclusions regarding those test's validity. “Judge not according to the appearance, but judge righteous judgment.” sus Cis to Hs dsepes, John 7:24 @ Perspective + Ditates that paral ines and planes angle tothe eye position ofthe observer Where the visually upward angled ground trajectory intersects with you ee planes where your horizon wl form. + Objects beyond the horizon will be blocked from view by the visually apparent horizon, starting with the lower portions. + Objects traveling ata consistent height can appear to visually rise cor lower - or even visually vanish over the horizon. « Ships planes, tc. dot esappear ove the horizon because the earth iscurved; they are just going beyond you visual range. + Asyou move your perspective pont (travel, climb, etc), Tae you will beable to see things that may have been obscured ‘adil, |) 01 previous horizon. This istrueevenfyou were a alteady standing on a clay, iat plain. EET cine | * Taveling to new areas wil iterlly expand your horizons, = and you wll see many new things (andscapes, carstelations et. + Ahorzons not used by ether aflat earth or around earth itisa visual fe. + Perspective does not show the true shape or form ~itanl gives usan essence of orientation ina 30 envionment. Odisivitity + Human eyes have limited visibility. + Binoculars magnify (and increase the range of) what what our eyes can see. + Telescopes increase the range of what our eyes can see even further. + High-end, or military grade, teleobjectives (telephoto lenses) can see even further than civilian telescopes, with no perspective interference, + You can push back the horizon, given the proper equipment. Us Army Signal Cops, 1963 ‘Made tse objects 30 mies aay Human Eyes, 8 las Telescope Miltary tleobjecives Itis possible to see miles farther than what would be impossible on a round planet. Ifyou can see tall objects beyond the height and distance posible, that should be your ‘ue that the Earth is nota sphere nanan ww Should planes, maintaining lound Eart altitude, appear to be Curvature Dropoff 7 ‘nose-diving into the horizon Ditenee —— Drop y Y atthe rate of dropoff? ‘mile Binches Y ¥ 2miles——_32inches , ss 3amiles Geet Distance. ‘miles feet cao \ Giles ——_24feet g ae ae Physical Dropoff ‘Very tall objects should - “ed ira visually angle away and jae, SR + IfFarth was spherical, then objets X distance il lean with distance away from you should havea predictable X " Tomes 66feet = but they don't amount of vertical drop. 2omiles 255 feet cityscapes always stay Simic, aeee + Objects ofa certain height should be physically straight up and down foimd| toss imposible to see aftera certain distance nie, Gene regardless of visual equipment; the Earth ‘keh itself would create physical horizon, Tomiles ——_3255feet smiles 4266feet somies —_$400(1miles) Too Early? Monies, eae feet Many ships disappear‘over the horizon after only 2 miles. Either we are ona realy, rally =o a small globe, ori just a visual ‘should be impossible to see objects effect called the horizon. at 30 miles. Maybe they know Just pick up your binoculars, something you don't... and you'll be able to see it again.. If Earth was round, there would be only a short distance we could see- regardless of equipment. @ Atmospheric Interference Factors & &. St The following are big obstacles to clarity of N : ‘ . 1pposedly, there is more atmosphere between vision, and can affect our perception and focus: you and th Moon, than there atmosphere + Density ofthe atmosphere (air density) between you and mountains miles and miles + Humidity levels vray onthe horton; yet, you can see the Moon + Fog /Haze 19/22 dearer and insharper detail with your naked + Clouds Z| FE —_eyethanthe stan blurry mountains. | E = —— Maybethe Moons way closer than you think... + Dust/Pollen /Smake tee + Pollution: ~ + Light pollution + Shadows + Physical objects (waves, tees, etc) See Seven States? You Shouldn't Be... With the distances stated, combined with the rate of dropot, the onl states they should be seingis Georgia and Tennessee Tennessee Smi 2" drop Kentucky Virginia 120mi 9,600" drop South Carolina 80mi_-—4,266' drop North Carolina 50 1,666" drop Alabama mi 17+ drop Of couse, ifthe Earth were flat, on the other hand... Curved Flight Paths? The raising, lowering, and disappearing effect of planes, Sun, Moon, et. is due to perspective and vanishing points. Objects can tise, coss the sky over you, and disappear behind the horizon ~ all while staying atthe ame altitude. Its you, and your perspective that sees the illusion. You can look at horizontal sky tals and see that they are straight - and certainly nat conforming toa curvature i. my wa Ww aS Se ee _ j oS —= — "Your eyeballs will always curve the edges some No Horizon? No Ground? Planes fy level wit the horizon If Earth was spherical, due tothe dropoff ‘the physical horizon would always be dropping, and not eye level; it would be lke cresting the top ofa rollercoaster - the rack seems to drop out from, Under you. Due to the dropoff rate, planes would have to have constant, slight descent (even a cruising altitude) -just to stay'level! ub Houston, wehavea problem. ‘neler A No Horizon ae a we Roller Coaster Effect A globe's downward curving horizon would never stay eye level; yet, the horizon is always eye level... Extra-Long on Flat World? Onafat map, you see that fights from South America to New Zealand would takea long time; the same for fights fom South Africa to Australia. Usually though (not always) these trips run up the coastlines and add extra stops. Flying Around the Flat World? Fasy. Head west or east and you willgo around the word, just ike vinyl record. However, it should be noted, that planes dont often straight to their destination; they usually have stops along the way for commerce reasons. Why Take the Hard Way? Hyou take a globe, and tur itupside down, you ‘will see that the shortest distance to travel from © “ Although direct fights ‘South America to Australia or New Zealand would between South Africa and be to ly over Antarctica Makes sense, right? New Zealand would overtly Time's money, plusifyou have trouble, you at Antarctica, there never have least and on snow and tock instead of open been direct fights between ‘water. But they dont because it dont exist). those counties 9 ‘Wy not? They say the ETOPs regulations mean Gia let elie planes have to be near an emergenc (yeah, alot ofthas in the open ocean...) Disappearing Flight Paths? This i harder to vey the reasons behing it, butt does appear suspicious. Planes inthe southern hemisphere, going across the ocean, ‘um off their GPS, and tum them back onan hour before landing, Their southern hemisphere ight paths don't show how they actualy cossed the ocean. Web sites, suchas planefindernet, rely on data ftom ‘ADS-B plane feeds, which are dependent ‘on ground stations. 1. South Geographic Pole 2.South Magnetic Pole (2007) 3. South GeomagneticPoe (2005) 4. South Pole of inaccessibility However, thelr own website states: “Tobe introduced inthe US between 2012 and 2025 NextGen will change the way in which American at traffic control works, It will ‘move from being a ground based system using traitiona survellanceradartoa ground/satelite system, This wil enable route shortening, reduced traffic delays and increased fuel andtime efficiency. Simply put, ADS-B uses the avionics within an aircraft to communicate with GPS satellites in orbit and transmit data." [htp//panenecneabout/as--how paneer vas Utsifen ipa oriole Sightseeing Flights These generally come from Australia co New Zealand (lower right direction). They mainly fly along the coastin, Rass ce Shelf, Ross Islan, and the South MagneticPote (not the geographic. Inshort, both round earth and flat earth models present flight solutions and further questions... oF wer ABOUT SATELLITES AND SPACE CRAFT? Many devices supposedly rely on satellite communication for GPS, television, my Satellite TV & Internet? off the atmosphere (skywave, kip for long range communication; tis proces is easier to understand ona at earth, to). The reason ‘why yoursatelite'cish hasto be pointed at an exact spot (geostationary oni’ isso that it can accurately receive the signal from the bounce pont; thsi a diferent ange in various latitudes Satelite internet work the same way, except youare aso transmitting backon the same angle to ther ish, Digital broadcestngisjust taking an analog signal, digting it to carry more information, compressing it and then transmitting using @ Rao signals can go for thousands of miles, and a regularly bounced telephone, mapping, etc. How would these be possible without space? en Global Positioning Satellites? Thisisaccomplshed through triangulation of signals, and measuring ime differences; hiss the exact same method GPS supposedly uses the only itferenceis that itis accomplished through round stations, not satelite. Even the police wil tellyouthat emergency locating cone vi el tower triangulation; its called cellular GPS, and issupposedya different system. digital modulation scheme. Weather Satellites? Etrapolated from the ground ada stations (Doppler, etc). Alsohigh-alttude recon planes routinely ive data Google Earth? "Much ofthe imagery on Google arth and Google Maps is provided "by DigitlGlobe, and imagery used in TeaServer. Both of these “sources aim to use nt ony satelite imagery, butalso aerial "imagery (high altitude planes). In short, you don't need satelites to get satelite’ mages. This doesnt even consider sing recon plane technology Tying at 8000+ fet (R71, et). = Satellite Phones & Long Distance? is ven shortly after WWI, telephone cls were outed via microwave signals ogo lng distances between ces. Td, the technology seven further developed to bounce the signals off the frmamenttoremotestationsand locations. FY satelite phones dont work everywhere; they justhavea fancier antenna, — More Advanced ‘Always, always, always Keep in mind that major government always have black op technology that Is 50-100 years ‘more advanced than the civilian population ever knows about. We can only speculate and extrapolate based on ‘what we already know technology can do. When potential limits are seen, It must be assumed that it can be taken ‘much further than we think. Always take the current cutting-edge technology, and extrapolate forward atleast 50 years, and you wll havea better idea of what s going on inthe word. Long-Range Navigation ~~ Loran and Decca were systems that used low frequency rao signals from fixed transite; the antenna would typically be onthe bottom ofthe plane, Now, with GPS (militarized system) the antenna on top ofthe plane. New technology or just significant upgrade of existing rao technology with gta results? Hmm. Keep in mind, that regardless of what you cll the system, the data always comes to you via radio signal... There areoughly atleast 000 (pubiicalty-statd)satelites supposedly up there. research satelite density] Yet, how come all the pictures from the shuttle, ISS, et. you never seeat last ‘one satelite somewhere inthe fa ff background? they are supposedly ‘sib fom down here, they shoud be litup ke Chistmas trees up ther. (htpy/qzcom25624Viteract iveraphiceanactve-satell ‘ert chy) [ht nasa gocentsgndar/bau pope RSimen he) Even NASA wil tellyou that their planet ‘pictres (uch as Blue Marble) are not real photos of our planet, and that there are very few actual Photos (om the Apollo missions); they are composites made up of images stitched together, then made into a 30 shape But, I can see the Space Station and Stuff! ‘havea doubt that youare seeing something through your telescope, binoculars et Itssa to be the sae of football fel at an average of 225 miles up Even from ying in commercial plan, you cn typically e see about 230 miles, Whateverisup ther itis nan spac ort norisit weights. ts probably a much smaller raft, equipped with typical antigravity technology, andi ikely used for itary purposes. ‘Another possibility is that it could be (sometimes) just a projection, using Project Bluebeam ‘technology; this is surmised from the rainbow shimmer and distortions often seen of the object —S through telescopes and binoculars NASA can tell you where to look (,. and when it will just disappear. Flying Objects Away keepin ming tha fhing Space Shuttle & Rockets cere meen xe eee copie the shutle was launched, it always starting turing and rling onto its back early on. icant Lae Even at 30,000 feet up, it’ already getting cose toa 45 degree angle. IS orbit heightwaslisted as biel (onaverage) 20 ils up. The new they coulnot asthe fmament which s only 62 about miles up [*tentate,and so they had t tart angling away a soon spose given ther speed, Sputnik. Ae there objects Tying - ‘ denis oulieasict tillthey were ou of sight. This same angling i observed in other rocket lunches as well ‘Absolutely; bu his can easily be foked with automated 1952 e technology. Anyone with enough Sl Hubble Telescope SpaceShipTwo ‘money today can buy RC drones o> Regardless of how shiny tis, It should [private company craft, with a that fly predetermined GPS routes. Sy” _beappearlessthan alighted pece of stated service ceiling at 68 miles, ‘There is no reason to think the Y dust at the stated distance. All data ts ‘which is about where many ‘government didn’t have this tech downloaded and handled through the ‘suspect the firmament is ‘many decades ago. Goddard Space Flight Center. {around 62 miles up). Artificial Satellites There area number of ways that aerial devices could simulate or function the same way as what ‘ost people think ofin the terms ofsatelites these include ng-fight- duration drones, or even fying craft that uiizeTesia theories on aether and electromagnetic antigravity, et. which | tendto lean toward. These could even mimic geostationary orbiting device. Historically the fist satliteto operate in geostationary orbit was in 1964. you ook on our Timeline, you ee that technology was ess avalable then to fae that I ned be. \Whatererisup ther, is viewable, but the Satlites only appears pinpoint of ght. There are many ways that imaging, communication, GPS, radio ec satlits could be performed in functionality. So, donot think that Lam saying there areno satellites r communication platforms, lam just suggesting that they are notin orbit around a spherical planet. More than just cell towers.. Lookat te high-voltage transformers tel towers and ask youself why ‘ (supposedly) low-voltage cel transmissions have such a high voltage feed (50,000-250,000+ watts). Radio stations don’t use near that much power! > TWpleal antenna arays should only be using 3 wats each 30nodesina cle ‘per tower = 30 watts to cover a 2-mile area (and microwave frequencies link ‘much, much further than most know or suspect). These towers are used to primary ceatea gigantic high-power, wave-steered, phased radar aray! Mores done with radio technology than you know. Many cellbasestationsin developing countries (wher el user are many) |s your cel phone hooked up to high voltage? No! are un ith solar panes at only 50 wats forthe whole tower! operates on milivatts, and goes fr miles! Its because they are true cel towers, and are not militarized! Sateites Melting Points (Gestatcnary ft ~35, 000m) ‘Aluminum — 120° EXOSPHERE = Gold 1947" ae iron 2800°F Silicon 257° a Hubb Tels : sin ” Titanium 3034" oa What They Say... Hod *Solar act tong influences tempeatueinthe ae thermosphere. The thermaspheeisypcaly about 200°C sin {860° F hotter inthe daytime than at night, and roughly 500" 93236" JM ston G00" F hotter when the Suns ery active than at other 500-2000" cin, times. emperaturesin the upper thermosphere can range ‘oon ‘rom about 10 2,000°C (3 ‘rom about 500°C (932"F) to 2,000" C(3,632"F) sn or highend Themosphe] son ssn "The highly cited gasin this layer can reach 2500%C (530°) oun during the day. ven though the temperatureissohigh, one ‘eon vould not fel warm inte thermosphere, because itis so am near vacuum that there sna enough contact withthe ew ae atoms of gasto transfer much heat” Riligggghhtt.. beat Mg, is "Themospherictempeatuesincease wth titude foal (630-85hm) que to absorption of highly energetic solar radiation.” 977-1877 , 3% 5525-10259" | som Anefientthemos bottles a botha acu chamber anda oe sanpeanieenn mire ayeting othe nnerbote Twemmoseuene | ar adatonis ato “= “pre atin yuan wea) oe ad war YOUU ‘raster eat though vacuum, sookn > ‘May people wse acted Tbe Slr an liad (lector tum sola ation ping zn cant tec ‘trough vacuum) nto ht wae. g an real quick when 5 26k they gethot. Youare being deceived several ways: 3 25m + There sno way spacecraft could be up there (manned or unmanned) ind without melting from thei molecules absorbing"highly energetic 2am 2 solar adaton”-justbased on their own data, Wirowave n High a OS ha + There may be 2 lower hot zne nar the Frmament (eto a dose 932-1687" ek Sun and stars proximity), but no spacecraft can stay up there. 500925 >) fy 24m roam) bytes aye 15n Either way, you are being lied toby NASA. oy ro ls, lt aig Te tien ln epee pi ily side see see | A kn axmatatiude) [1300 sorts aoop | Bp iin a Tomes yf SpueShpTWe—— jurras ferried al (Sele sect) Tekan ne edge space [62 miles: supected ~heghtofFrmament) ue | Bh oko is — 7 teow tis Too a ten oss Sprites Eves \,etheeamot ese foun sks Mtinupervesootee) \y aie mesosenene (ui 7! win Meson Fan oes a mie ’ ‘0im Weather Baloons Red Bul stearospuere |) 3im 2s Y Seaton j 201 oes oem — Fi Commer et ‘ TROPOSPHERE Everest ‘ FAKE SPACE Hollywood has been making convincing space photography and film even before the Apollo missions? My own experience. (ne ofthe minty projets | ciected for three years was.apltspace-themed scence ‘video series artof my research nt the set design, theme elements, and ming, abo Inuded studying how Hollywood studios fim and fake thei pac footage; tis not hard Even with my smal crew and budget, we were able to create sets and footage that realy had people wonderin, and to make took lke the production was much larger than twas. "Never underestimate the power of greensreen and chroma Key. Its so easy to remove support hamess lines, fake weightlessness, swap environment, ec. ~ even inrea time, Watch the behind-the-scene segments of major space movies (suchas Gravity), and you will See how simple itis. Then imagine whata government funded agency (with an essentially blank check during the space race) could do. Then, combine that with an American (and ord) auence, who enthusiastically desires to in the space race they want to believe, Many ofthe weightess scenes from Tom Hank’, Apollo 13, were flmed directly in NASR 2ero-g plane, nicknamed the Vomit Comet. Typical, the actors would have only about 45.50 seconds of weightlessness between the lane parabolic this ested in many shor scenes and scene cuts. ever there wasa behind-the-scene step-by-step of how tok Apolo missions, this shows you how. 2001: A Space Odyssey Keepin ind that thf was raced and released even before the fist Allo moon asin! This mov cone l ofthe cena fener fr the space pra was rst eta stunt peoples elon, an’ fe tune any cepa that te pu ight haved about he cmap, Sever nese tsar ete wellesnes wens objects ons, Ce sears have dane extensive cos compan anhave een ois wth he rdctn Se of stanley Kian the ASA mon oematganty, YP eal, Long-term F hen jouleat a Msi eoage nn recor ee youson sar ater te ference Bevery ‘ats weghtes (hor tem aewg ona paral pane ne) Yess aboty a ng weghtesess Ina gn enonmethebody ngage alten an ater us cen they ng Short-term Real(ish) In real zer0-, the har moves about randomly and generally follows body movement, butt aiso has ts own inertia, Zro-g also gives the body complete freedom of movement, and te body i relayed. However, this 2ero- is very short-term. Filming inthis environment 15 good for short ips, filler footage, an fr the eye-candy publicity shots of floating water, candy, ec. When they are usin this technique, you will lays hear the plane's engines in the background, ik a very loud ar conditioner itis hard to muff. Long-term Fa When theyhave odo longer ide interviews they fake weightlessness with hamess sytem and pemed hair forthe females) that hasbeen haisprayed to death, This tandsout when they make sudden mavements 2nd thei springs back into shape You do nothear the loud air conditioner (et) background nose evn though the set cation looks the same the nosy hos. When they have to bend over topic something up (rare), you can sometimes see the subtle tugs ofthe suspension strings on their back clothing. Their bodies ae a lot more igi, especally if they don't have trong muscles to fake bringing up the knees. In those cases, you wl see them sometimes also assist thelr weightless legs up with one arm. Inorder to one day convince mankind of a threat substantial CRN eaughfor them to hand global power overtoone person, CIE * mankind has to first be convinced that space travel between planetary bodies is possible- regardless of the truth. rd The Apollo craft didnot have sufficient shielding Based on published figures thatthe moon’ gravity is stronger to protect the astronauts from above the ‘than realized in the 60s, the Lunar Module Ascent stage would supposed Van Allen radiation bel, which should not have been powerful enough to overcome the moon’ gravity. have fried the astronauts ifboth were real. Insuffident Shielding: Z Insufficient Thrust / Conflicting Lies? Human Marionettes: rattle, Reused Sets: inmany photos which Inthe footage, thelrjumping snot consistent with what the Moons dim tobe miles apart on the nar purported gravity would be; they should have been making jumps surface, you can see the same background easly As you watch them walk around, you can quicly see the set fom sight diferent angles, yet cablesystem lift their weight a split second before they start Unchanged in scale o arrangement. “jumping. Aso, their walk and gaits consistent witha cable sytem, Budget Cuts: With advances in technology and know-how. the luna program was Wound down before too much footage was publicized, analyzed and found tobe false. They could not do another launch today due tothe fim ctcs and nitpicking down bythe colective mind of crite across the internet - who ae already exposing the flaws and deception by NASA and word space agencies. Pre-filmed: Since the actallnarsurface orion asthe Quarantined? r unfeasible, it appears that these sequences were pre-filmed ‘On their return; the i _____ at the Atomic Energy Commissions site in Nevada, and a astronauts were ‘Walt Disney sound studio, and then later broadcast as ‘i ‘quarantined’ for two The Apollo moon landing had tobe picture-perfect forthe steaks Actually twas NASA consuming masses. for final debriefing before they went before -+- 1955 - Warner von Braun, Technical Director oa 1S NE Prior to the Apollo missions, much media groundwork was ll to prepare Scag ny P ‘the public. Von Braun worked with Disney and Disney studios to bring for his aversion to public about greater public interest in the future of space travel. The fist broadcast, Manin Space, drew 42 milion viewers. The 1950s saw a rapid publicity wave and promotion of mankind in space. speaking onthe matte, Food for thought: ‘While many of NASAS divisions and projects are noble scentfic endeavors, and have numerous wel-intentioned minions working for them, the key players know the script and larger purpose. There ae many engineers and scientists who work (on developing technology with tle clue as to the end use. Qa FALSE PRETENSES Wile the American publi and the word isto thatthe Space Raceisanable endeavor, itreally has thinly-dsguised occult thrust and goa. 1959-1963 Project Mercury Mercury (Hetmes / Odin) ‘capsule onan Atlas (king 1965-1966 Project Gemini Capsule named after the king ofthe Underworld Thelaunch rocket was named after Titan, 1961-1972 U.S. Apollo program Named afte Apollo, the sun god. Atits root, the swastika of Atlantis) rocket. amyythological, primeval race of powerful deities represents the sun god ! - the first pantheon of Greek gods and goddesses 1960.1970 . (inrealty, the fallen anges) Warner von Braun Director at NASA 1972-2011 Space Shuttle program + Columbia [another name for America) + Discovery the unveiling ofthe new empire from: + Alani the name ofthe new empire] + Endeavour [the labour required bythe plan followers] + Enterprise [the plan to bring forth new global government] + Challenger (ll challenges tothe plan are destroyed] Marshal Space Flight Center Script? ‘When the meaning ofthe shuttlenames is placed inorder, a phrase emerges: Columbia in a great Enterprise will Endeavor to Discover Atiantis Challenger was rtallyand symbolically destroyed, then Columbia, which is another name for America, representing aphoenit. the ashes] ‘Whenever thereisa change of command onthe international same Masonic symbols time being up) and ital splayed, Thespace deceptions notjust an American effort all John (Jack) Parsons One tthe principal founders ofthe Jet Propulsion Laboratory JPL and developed sold rocket ue and booster ockes. Widely known for eany inolvement in black magi Clase fiends with ‘ister Crowley he wickedest man inthe word) and L. Ron Hubbard (founder of Scentology). Walt Disney was known for his acquaintance wth Anton Leva theauthor the Satanic file andthe ade of the Church of Satan - who abo considered Walt one o thei “uides May fine fms indude Satanic themes and hidden occult symbols, imagery and perverted references Walt as aka 31d dete Mason, deeply knowledgeable of the acu Space Station regardless ofnationality there are always the often with subtefnger gestures to bring attention to them, ofthe final 10 nations aren onthe ruse (Rev 17:12-13). L. Ron Hubbard LUved atthe occult commune with Parsons (Agape Lodge), and actively participated inthe magick rituals with Parsons, inuding conjuring fllen angels. Created the cut of Sclentology. The exstence of extraterrestrial entitles ‘operating unidentified ing objects are an element ofits Delf Tom Cruse, anavid and influential adherent, often stars in alien-elated propaganda and conditioning ms. ‘Warner von Braun asthe Technical Director at Peenemnde (in Nazi Germany) and had firsthand knowledge ofthe concentration camp activity - whose slave labor was used in the rocket program, He was als held the rank of Major in the Allgemeine S, and several times visited the Mittlwek lant, next othe Mittelbau-Dora concentration camp. PREDICTIVE PROGRAMMING Medias used to condition people to accept certain ideas as only in the realm of fantasy and storytelling. Hollywood also conveys parables and clues to Satan’s disciples. Google Doodle + Google depicts fat earth witha dome! + The Sunis inside ofthe dome, + On Earth Day 2013- hint, hint, Steven Spielberg + His studio logo and movie indents show a moon very lose tothe water, and that it distance i an illusion, + (lft) He was awarded the British Academy Film Awards DDeeasiWorss: —_ - which depicts the face of Apolo, the god of ight (Lucier TUDIOS + Many of his movies focus on aliens and false science. Disney Pixar's La Juna (The Moon) + The whole concept is thatthe moon realy is very, very lose to Earth, + The characters sil out on water, and climb up a ladder to the passing moon. + Itis covered with fallen stars. +A gigantic star falls and sticks - at an angle strongly suggesting a pentagram. + A character cracks it open, releasing all ofthe fallen stars trapped inside. + The plot implies overtones of CERN cracking the abyss to release the fallen angels, surrounded by a backdrop ofilusions. Disney's Chicken Little, 2005 + Contains elements of an alien ‘invasion’ and a sky illusion. isney’s Chicken Little, 1943 + Released a cartoon about chickens foled into thinking the sky was faling- andi opened them up to being devoured. They bindly disregarded wisdom, and followed a planned deception. Fox to audience) reading his + The foxusesa star ff the sign of an Foxreading hs psychology psjchology book: astrologer (a nod tthe occult). book again: "Ifyou tell them ali don'ttell + IZAN, spelled backward, is NAZL "Undermine the flth ofthe alittle one tll big one." + "The bigger tele, the more indined leaders” people will be to belive it." Ado Hitler @ how often would Ihave gathered thy children together, even asahen gathereth her chickens under her wings."- Matthew 23:37, Christians are often derisivey refered toas ‘chickens'by the ocult,by code word, because of this verse. ‘Many Christians are deceived into lukewarm complacency because they rejected wisdom from Gods Word. They are not vigilant, awake, or aware that time is shor; they are living lke the foolish virgins (Matthew 25:1-13). CBS’ Under the Dome, 2013 + Based on a novel ofthe same name by Stephen King, who also wrote the season E premiere episode. vie + Executive producer included Steven Spleberg. + Extraterrestialscontrling the dame, and manipulating the weather + Allusions to an artificial construct (alternate existence) featuring an obelisk. The Simpsons Movie, 2007 + Contains elements ofa glass sky dome. + The inhabitants are finally about to crackthe dome and get out. The Signal, 2013 + Contains elements of alien abductions, domed existence, and living in a false construct. + "the filmmakers and actor Brenton Thwates described the film as Twilight Zone-style story drawing heavily on Plato's Allegory ofthe Cave intended asa modern interpretation of the 1939 film The Wizard of 02" (nk, Wan Gana 2,21 Suna QA pee) 2018 Sundance Fest a Gy, UL Rete re 122014) AWNOIS au Il Ih } eee 3) The Enemy Will Play The Flat Earth Card THE TRUTH CAN BE USED FOR WRONG REASONS While there have been people pointing out the scientific truth ofa flat earth for many years, ony very recently hast started gaining traction, especially among adverse audience inthe internet. should always raise eyebrows when a truth suddenly comes to light with seemingly litle resistance. Ofcourse, timingis everything So, who benefits? {thas been my observation thatthe venue in whic this truth s brought forth wil largely color the outcome and conclusions thatthe reader draws. New Age and occult gatekeepers dismiss Biblical claims as childish, and they erect their own doctrines into ther presentations There are few Chistian watchers bringing forth this formation; also unfortunate is there are few Christians who have the Bible as their final authority on all matters. | strongly suspect thatthe Flat arth cues are being dropped ike cookie crumbs tostirup‘truthes ofall trpes; itispartyapuzzle game. Yes, theres much truth present, but the reaction by the secular worlds predictable. Anideais more readily embraced when something tinks/tealies that they have found the truth about something that they have been led to about prio. Unfortunatly, withthe wrong gatekeepers, the embracing and sting of emotions canbe cleverly steered in certain direction. Offical Disclosure has already started... LIES THAT WILL BE ADVANCED @ There is no God or Creator © You have been lied to- for generations © Mankind has been crippled by religion €9 Yourwhole life is just an illusionary construct @ The Bibleis false © You were warned and prepared through media © Aliens are real and superior © The fallen angels are gods and your creators © The occult mysteries are truth © The Antichrist will give you truth Beware the Source ‘As you research always look tthe vessel thats being used a the Gatekeeper. Others will deliberately give

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