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Yes, I do feel like I was peer pressured during my time in high school by multiple
people. Back when I was in freshman year, I was introduced to a different group of
Friends by one girl who I was acquainted with. As I started getting along with these
new people, I was induced into doing things. I had never done before. They used to tell
me it was fine doing it and that I was going to like it, and I agreed into doing them
because I was the “new one” in the group. So I felt like I had to do whatever they told
me so I could belong there.

2. Yes, I had a girl best friend who was a bad influence in my life when I was younger. She
used to talk me into sneaking out of my house, or tricking my parents into thinking I
was going somewhere when in reality I was going somewhere else. My parents didn’t
know until one day they checked my pone and read my messages with her and they
realized she was the one of the idea initially and I would just follow along. Ever since
that day they would not let me go to her house or let her come to mine. I would just
talk to her at school.

3. Yes. Unfortunately, I did pick up negative and positive habits from my Friends. Among
the negative ones were the usual, drinking, cursing, acting recklessly, not pay attention
to my studies, and so on. I did them just so I felt “cool” like I thought they were,
because they were older. So in some way I thought it was right for me to do so, since
older people set the example for the Young. A whole different group of people made
me pick up habits which I’m happy to say I have continued practicing. Such as joining
volunteering groups, Reading, staying on top of the news and so forth.

4. If I could go back in time, the only thing I would do differently would be setting my
boundaries. Taking some time to realize I was not okay with doing the things I was
talked into. Or taking my time to talk to someone specifically of how I was feeling and
how I should have handled things.

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