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Dear Execs,

I am Lorylen Bucio, a sophomore on the activities committee, and I wanted to thank you
all for doing such an amazing job this year. Due to your amazing leadership skills, I was able to
learn more about ASB and have discovered what I would like to improve on next term. This
class would not be anything without you guys and I am so glad that you all found a way to keep
this class going! To be an exec is hard, but being a student in an adult’s position could only be
accomplished by the most hard-working people. So I just wanted to say thank you for allowing
me to have more time in leadership to gain more experience and to improve myself.

During my two years in leadership, I have learned a lot from people in our class. I learned
that you could create a family with people who are dear to you and people you could trust. The
activities team leads remind me that we are always here for each other and that we get through
things together. Another thing that I have learned is that your age does not indicate how effective
you could be when taking on a big role. I realized this when all of our team leads stepped up to
the plate to play a teacher’s role. You all are great role models and an inspiration to the students,
encouraging us that although we are still kids, we could take on any task we set our mind to as
long as we work hard. Most importantly, I learned that spending time with people within your
committee allows you to not only build relationships but also create memories with amazing
people. For the past two to three months, I have been so grateful for the extra time I had spent to
get along with my fellow team members and I will never regret spending my lunchtime messing
around on Among Us. Although we have been learning through computers, it feels as if I have
learned so much in the past five months with you all.

In our second term, I would like to see more creative assignments and team-building
activities. I would love to see Coach Gabe come up with some assignments of his own and for
him to teach us about various topics like Batugo did. Other than that, I have no ideas for how we
could improve our class. I think that it is great the way it is and that our execs are doing an
amazing job. If anything, I would like for them to have an easier time and to gain actual
assistance from admins. It sucks to hear that there are some difficulties when it comes to
communication. I have no ideas for improvement for our class but I have some ideas on how to
improve myself. I want to work on my time management and work ethic, and I would appreciate
some help from the execs. You guys are doing an amazing job, keep up the amazing work and if
for any reason you may need help, I will always be here.

Next term I am excited because we may be going back to school in person. I cannot wait
to meet all the new members and build relationships. I cannot wait to work in B131 again and
have a good time with my classmates. Distance learning has been pretty hard but I honestly
believe that our execs have made it worth it. You all are so amazing and have made our first
semester the best it could have been given our circumstances. I am so grateful for your hard work
and that you have allowed me to express and improve myself. I truly am blessed to be in this
class and I cannot wait to spend more time with all of you. Thank you so much for everything.

Lorylen Bucio

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