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Break-out Plan #9

Date: November 17th, 2020

Break-out Title/Topic: Creating a thesis Resources Time
Check-in: (A quick, community building activity)
 Weekly emoji check-in
o Mentees post an emoji reflective of how they’re feeling
Learning Objective: (what will my mentees get out of this break-out?)
 Mentees will learn effective tools for creating a thesis to help on their music
protest essay

Introduction: (what information do mentees need from me before activity?)
 Go through my 2017 essay for the same assignment
o Highlight my thesis
o What went well and what didn’t go well with my essay

Activity: (How will I get my mentees involved in this break-out?)
 I will present a variety of thesis statements in pairs of different topics
o Mentees will identify the strong ones from the weak ones
o We will work to improve the weak ones

Debrief: (What did the mentees learn from what I just did?)
 Mentess will learn how to bolster their thesis to make them more compelling
and academically sound

Summary: (Repeat the learning objective and the work that was done to get there)
 Mentees will learn effective tools for creating a thesis to help on their music
protest essay
 This will be done through examination of variety of thesis to pinpoint their
strengths and weaknesses


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