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16 sripad श्रीगुरुदत्तात्रेयार्पणमस्तु॥

Return to the city to the kingsea,

Sixteen, Pride of theYajna, Danadic rituals Shri Ganeshay Namah. Shri Saraswatya
Namah. Shri Sadgurubhyo Namah. Shri Sitaram Chandra Namah.

Guru said to Deepak, "Is it any wonder that Arjuna became the master of paramasiddhi after
the preaching of Dattatreya in the presence of Satchidananda, by whose grace even Mukya
can be read? Doesn't the name Datta destroy all fears?" What's so significant about a goat's
head? ”

Pleased to hear Arjuna's statement of self-realization, Dattaprabhu asked him, "Now

tell me what you want in your mind." It was just a test. But Arjuna really had no
desire left. He said, "Lord! I will do as you are commanded. I have no other feelings
in my mind. If you ask me to go and sit in the cave again, I will meditate. Otherwise, I
will sit here happily in this beautiful form of yours." When dattaprabhuni him
sandhyavandanadi More Karan bhojanottara that day and the next day went to the
cave where

= <chapter XVI

bhojanottara day to be told to go back to the cave sepulcher there by the next day.
So he stayed there that day and the next day he went to Arjuna Punashcha cave and
sat on the seat. By absorbing the mind, he immersed the soul in the Brahmarandhra
through the Sushumna path. He first regained consciousness after three months and
six months. But went back to the state of samadhi. Even after a year like this, he
never regained consciousness. Then Dattaprabhu came there and saw his condition.
Now if he goes to the next role, his connection with the visual world will be
completely broken. He still had a lot of work to do. So the gods put their hands on his
head and lowered his samadhi and brought him to consciousness by force.
Nevertheless, Arjuna's senses, soul and mind were attracted to the Self. Seeing that
Arjuna's heart did not return from Atmasvarupa, Yogiraj Dattaprabhu returned it with
his resolve, with prana and senses. As Arjuna's stagnant soul slowly descended from
the spinal cord, consciousness began to return to his senses. As soon as he opened
his eyes, he saw the Gojiri idol of Dattaprabhu standing in front of him. His eyes fixed
on the footsteps of Dattaprabhu as the fly clings to the jaggery. Arjuna, who was
looking at us with great love, was taken by the gods and placed near us. Say it)

- - - - --- - - - = <Chapter

SixteenGod held his hand and sat next to him. He said, "Now you really deserve to
be called my servant. You have accomplished the ultimate duty of human life. Now
you go to your capital. Follow the people with a non-attachment attitude and spend
your life praising me." Arjuna was still not seen coming out of the samadhi. He said,
"What's going on now? I don't want to talk anymore. I just want to sit at your feet."
Dattaprabhu spoke again. "Listen carefully to what I have to say. The mind should be
fixed in the form of the soul and the external conduct should be like Dharma." The
enlightened man is accomplished. This means he has nothing left to do or get. He is
no longer afraid of Devadikas either. No matter what he does, his sins and virtues do
not cling to him, as Saint Tukoba said. However, in order to guide the people, to
stabilize them in Dharma-practice and for philanthropy, one should not give up the
practice of Sanatan Dharmashastra. If only wise people start behaving against
Dharma, then everyone will give up conduct. As a result, religion will crumble, people
will apostatize, and so will genocide. People should be distracted by the opposite
external behavior so as not to be disturbed.

___ "You are a householder. Grihasthashram is all other AshramsSixteen वा

= <Chapter

" You are a householder. Grihasthashram is the nurturer of all other ashrams.
Celibates, forest dwellers and hermits depend on the householders for their
livelihood. You should do the threefold deeds of physical, verbal and mental
according to your Kshatriya character and Grihastha Ashram without attachment in
mind. Just as ignorant people do deeds with attachment, so should a wise man do
deeds with non-attachment attitude for the sake of public gathering. You are free
from life. There is no such thing in the world that makes you addicted. It is no wonder
that the sun is shining, the moon is shining, or the flames are spreading. He does not
belong to anyone, nor does he belong to anyone. You and I do not have this feeling
of liberation. As long as you have the same price destiny, that is, keep it alive.

Ordinary people behave in the same way when they see how great people behave.
Remain unaccompanied as a child and give up the virtues and vices of the intellect.
Like a small child, he acts easily without thinking that he is good or bad. Also, keep
doing karma with an innocent attitude so that there will be no excesses.
"Dattaprabhu continues to say to Arjuna," Arjuna! Now go to your city and obey the
people, satisfy the gods with sacrifices and pay homage to the ancestors. Brahman =
<Chapter Sixteen ★donation of cow, land, daughter and Suvarnadika

Kar with the. Satisfy the Brahmins with the gift of cows, land, daughters and gold
coins and protect the poor, the weak and the handicapped. No matter what you do
outside, you will never forget my appearance and you will never be tempted. You will
never be blamed for any sin that you do in the stream of destiny. All those deeds will
be in vain. Because you are free from life. Only when you experience the rest of your
destiny inconsistently will you be liberated. Have faith in my word. "Hearing these
reassuring words of Dattaprabhu, Arjuna was overjoyed. Seeing his condition,
Dattaprabhu said, "If you keep meditating on my footsteps, they will constantly
remain in your mind, they will come to experience. Taken celebrate Arjun in hand
with the promise that believe! "My sentence and gave him the most care. Returned
Arjun mahismatila constantly worrying their feet in the minds of their orders.
Arjuna in the coming news of his already reached the capital. Pennant, flag, Torne
etc. hot to deal with all civil and gone. so Ga = <chapter XVI

hot rolled into a ceremonial makers so that all citizens have to deal with him.. the way it was
put sandalwood sade. next was playing Nana instruments and the blessing of the Brahmin
vedokta mantras. were kalavantini dances, minstrel, ban The songs of the king's success were
being sung and the people were cheering. The women who were in a hurry to see Arjuna
were full of gems of gold They brought trays. They waved the gems from the king. She
became rich by selling gems lying on the road. With such an unprecedented ceremony, the
king returned to his palace. At that time, the king bade farewell to the people who came to
greet him according to their honor. Arjuna, who was strengthened by the grace of
Sridattaprabhu, ruled over the seven seas of the earth. He was watching everything like the
sun and was moving unrestricted everywhere like air. Despite being a theologian, he
performed ten thousand yajnas by wearing a golden altar with the help of Ritvijans like Atri
Maharshi to obey the orders of Sridattaprabhu. The sacrificial tent is also made of gold

= <Chapter Sixteen

He performed ten thousand sacrifices. The tabernacle was also of gold. There is a
scripture that says that the deities come in subtle form when they appeal to the
deities for sacrifice. But in Arjuna's Yajna, the deity Saptnik sat in the plane in ornate
embodiment, attended the Yajna and took part of the Yajna on the spot. Coming to
the Yajna, Gandharva sang, Apsara danced and Suvasini sang the praises of
Arjuna. The king used to appease the Brahmins by giving them cows, land, gold and
good food. He used to release the treasury for the south and distribute the money to
the Brahmins. The treasury was never emptied under the influence of Arjuna's
achievement. Dairy cows of different colors, with silver on their hooves and gold on
their horns, used to give their donations with a sattvic attitude. Since Arjuna ruled
within the limits of Dharma, no one in his kingdom died prematurely. There were no
earthquakes, floods, etc. It rained on time, there was plenty of grain, and there was
no drought. So the people were generous and generous. No woman was barren or
widowed. The trees were covered with flowers. There was no fear of thieves.
Excessive rainfall, drought, rats, locusts, parrots, birds, internal rebellion or foreign
invasion did not occur in Arjuna's kingdom. As the king and the people, all the people
were religious. No one was acting against religion. Sword wheel, bow-arrow, etc.,
and the

demands of the need - - Jiya Gathi = Chapter Sixteen ★

No one was doing. Arjuna, armed with swords, bows and arrows, rode in a chariot of
desire and traveled to all the seven islands of the earth. Rarely did anyone steal and
go and catch him. If he was found guilty, he would be killed. Since the king knew
everyone's heart immediately, he would not punish the innocent and would not leave
the guilty person unpunished. Since he was disgusted like Lord Shiva, there was no
question of killing anyone out of anger or greed. He would not believe it if someone
told him to get better, or he would not crowd if he hugged him inappropriately.
However, he had great respect for the revered persons, especially the Brahmins,
and gave them clothes and materials. Where worshipers are not respected and
unworthy people are respected, famine, death and fear prevail. Of course, there was
no trace of him in Arjuna's kingdom. In this way, keeping the mind intact, he was
ruling the life-free king with a non-attachment attitude without going on a diet of
subjects. Once when Arjuna misbehaved with the son of Karkotak Naga, he attacked
him and tied him up with an arrow. Deprived of his kingdom, he established a new
city in Narmada and settled there with thousands of his wives. Once he took
Narmada with his thousand arms

and sang and Maunarle Giriman = <Chapter Sixteen ★


. Once he tied the Narmada with his thousand arms and turned its flow in the
opposite direction to the east and started having erotic games with his thousand
wives in that stream. Even the gods watching the game from the sky were stunned,
the nymphs became lustful and the kinnari became lustful. But Narmada's husband
Purvodadhi was upset by the king's excesses. He ran towards the king with great
hatred. But Arjuna, with his strength, nailed him to the spot and jumped into it and
struck him with his thousand hands so that the sea began to flee. The aquatic
creatures living in his shelter began to kill. The abyss of the sea shook. Eventually
the sea god appeared with gems and surrendered to Arjuna. He was protected by a
pious king who defended his refuge.

__ Just as the rivers reach the ocean with immense water, but the ocean remains still and
unmoved without any rising, so the alot bhoga obtained by arbdha karma does not cause him
to get stable disorder, only he gets peace, not the one who desires bhoga. To say that
sthitaprajna or jivanmukta means sitting like a stone is for ignorant people who do not know
the doctrine of Vedas. Ignorance is destroyed and knowledge is attained only by doing deeds
according to the scriptures. No deed has the power to destroy this knowledge. One

= <Chapter

Sixteen कोणत्याही No deed has the power to destroy. Once enlightened, no matter
what the wise man does, he remains unaffected. This knowledge destroys the
ignorant. But destiny does not perish. Jeevanmukta also has to suffer bodily fate.
Knowing this principle, a wise man lives among the people without getting bored of

This is the advice given by Bhagwatkar and the saints to accept whatever comes in
the destiny. This applies equally to both the wise and the ignorant. Both have to face
the joys and sorrows.

The only difference is that the wise man is constantly in introspection. To him, all this
suffering seems like a dream. They have no pleasure in him. So people seem to be
utterly depressed. Ignorant people have a tendency to favor favorable subjects and
hate unfavorable ones. Jeevanmukta does not have that. So there is no room for
grief. The ignorant man is in the throes of hatred and the grief that comes with it.
Another difference is that the deeds of ignorant people cause sin-virtue because they
are egoistic and done with the expectation of fruit. The deeds of Jivanmukta are
performed with non-attachment, absolute intellect, and are easily offered to the Lord
under the influence of Atmanusandhan. Therefore, there is such a division between
their virtue and sin. = <Chapter

Sixteen कर This is the advice given by Bhagavatkar and Sadhusant to accept

whatever comes in the destiny. This applies equally to both the wise and the
ignorant. Both have to face the joys and sorrows. The only difference is that the wise
man is constantly in introspection. To him, all this suffering seems like a dream. They
have no pleasure in him. So people seem to be utterly depressed. Ignorant people
have an affinity for favorable subjects and a hatred of unfavorable subjects.
Jeevanmukta does not have that. So there is no room for grief. The ignorant man is
in the throes of hatred and the grief that comes with it. Another difference is that the
deeds of ignorant people cause sin-virtue because they are egoistic and done with
the expectation of fruit. The deeds of Jivanmukta are performed with non-
attachment, absolute intellect and are easily offered to the Lord under the influence
of Atmanusandhan. Therefore, their virtue and sin are not divided. They are
seedless. Thus King Arjuna was suffering from predicament with a depressed

Thussixteenth chapter of Sridatta Mahatma

ends the.

ु दत्तात्रेयार्पणमस्त॥

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