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17And up

= <Chapter Seventeenth
Guest Donation of
Trees to the,Trees,
SunBurning ofAnger of
Vasishtha __ Shri Ganeshay
Namah. Shri Saraswatya
Shri Sadgurubhyo Namah. Shri Sitaram Chandra Namah. ____ The Guru said to the disciple, "Now he is a
devout Arjuna. He was constantly engaged in Dharmakarya. He did not allow his soul to be disturbed in any way.
He was following the people like a child. He started performing Ashwamedha Yajna to please Sridattaprabhu.
The Ashwamedha Yajna can be performed only by Chakravarti Raja. No one in the world could dare to stop the
horse of Arjuna that was released by Arjuna. His hour was running out. Naturally, the rites of Ashwamedha Yajna
were going on smoothly. Of course, not knowing Arjuna's heart, God

= <Chapter Seventeenth


Of course, only Arjuna God was afraid because he did not know the heart. They came together and said what will
happen to us now. We are disturbed by the smooth passage of the king's sacrifice. His sacrifice will now be
justified, and he will inherit the kingdom of heaven. For the king is very fond of Vipra, someone should be sent to
the king in the guise of Vipra. Go to his door and take away his sap. With that in mind, they sent the sun.

He came to Mahishmati in the guise of Vipra. After finishing the morning religious deeds, before the meal,
Suryadev stood in front of the king, making it time for the king to come out to sacrifice. The king saw a very thin
Brahmin stumbling on his feet. He was amazed to see his swollen stomach and deep eyes. In which country
does a person live on such a day? I have never seen such an animal before. ' Thinking this, the king came
forward and greeted him and asked what he expected from him. In a faint voice, he began to speak Brahma. "O
king, I have come to hear of your fame in the hospitality of the guests, especially in giving alms to the Brahmins.
Your worldly trilogy that you are generous, generous and merciful has pervaded the kingdom, wealth, son or wife.
Greed for the body, a slave like you in giving alms

= <Chapter

17 Greed for a perishable body, no giver like you in giving alms. Also, I do not see anyone else in this world who
can satisfy my hunger. So I have come with this deep faith that you will satisfy me. " The king said, "Praise is
enough. Brahmins are my deities. Tell me what will satisfy you. My body will be fine even if it sucks; but I will
quench my hunger." To which the Brahmin said, "Rajan, this is your kingdom of seven islands. Feed me all the
plants, trees, vines, etc. in it so that my hunger will be satisfied. I have no other desire than this." Hearing this
worldly request, Arjuna recognized that this was no ordinary guest. This great god has come to me like Lord
Vishnu who went to the door of the victim in the guise of a beggar. Assuming that this was his honor and seeing
the opportunity to do good to the gods, the king rejoiced. The omniscient king guessed from the brilliance of the
Brahmins that he must be Suryanarayana and he replied. "Brahmin! I will grant your wish. Suppose I have given
your epsilon. But tell me first, who are you?" The Brahmin said, "My name is Divakar Bhat. I have come here
directly from Lokalok Parvat to satisfy my hunger." Lokalok Parvat is the place of the sun. The king smiled
happily. The car that was meaningful to his feet on grhasthasramace or IIII tasi ganaka tar Salem gate

= <seventeenth chapter

he smiles. He felt that his homestead was worthwhile. The real Narayan Dari has come as a beggar. Truly, there
is no one on earth as blessed as I am! What could be more fortunate than having such a great guest come
home? What about the plants, by the grace of Sridattaprabhu, I will recreate them under the influence of the
achievements I have! ' With this in mind, when he was ready to donate all the trees on earth, Suryanarayana
manifested himself as a deity. Satisfied with that vision, Arjuna requested him to accept the tree gift he was
giving. The sun gods asked him to dry the tree so that it could be eaten by fire. The king agreed. But he
explained that he did not have the energy to dry all the trees and requested that the needles be given. On this the
sun gave him rice filled with special arrows. Arjuna, with his thousand arms, attached those arrows to five
hundred bows and fastened them to the trees. Each arrow again fell on a thousand trees. All the trees
immediately dried up. In the cities, in the villages, in the fields, in the forests, in the woods, in the rivers, all the
trees were dried up by arrows. Immediately, the sun burned all the trees, vines, and shrubs in the form of fire.

Kartavirya undertook this adventure in a spirit of generosity and philanthropy. But under Arjuna's imagination =
<Chapter Seventeenth

★ He

did this adventure. But it had an unimaginable effect on the gods. In the burning of all the trees on earth,
naturally, the trees and vines in the sage's ashram were also burnt to ashes. Maharshi Vasishta was satisfied at
that time. He came to his senses and asked his disciples the reason for the burning. The disciples said that this
was done by King Arjuna and that not only the ashram but all the plants on earth were burnt. Hearing this,
Vasistha sages became angry. 'This king is intoxicated with the kingdom and his intellect is corrupted. That is
why I ventured to burn my ashram. There is no rival on earth to curb this. So he is proud of his bravery. This
frenzy must be stopped. ' Thinking this, Vasistha sage uttered a terrible curse in anger, "Oh Arjuna! Your pride is
enough now! Soon Jamadagni sage will have a son. He will break your thousand hands and blow your head off!"
How can the words of that great ascetic sage be false? What is Vasishta and what is Arjuna, no one is
independent of the Vedas. Creatures are just an excuse for God's actions. Thus the sun accomplished the work
of the gods, and he burned all the trees and departed to heaven. Here Arjuna revived the plants on earth with his
yoga power.

= <Draw

bramhanasapa the result of the appearance of the king buddhica. He became arrogant and wanted to conquer
the gods by invading heaven. Asking his grown-up sons to rule, he boarded a divine plane and ascended to
heaven. Kartavirya, who had all the accomplishments of being a slave, whose speed was unrestricted, whose
command was inviolable to anyone in the three worlds, who reached as soon as he remembered in many bodies,
who went to everyone's mind and ruled very strictly, first went to Kubera's Chaitrarath garden . Unable to bear his
arrogance, Kubera's servants Yakshagana and Kinnar ran after him. Some had a horse's mouth, some had a
horse's body, and some had a human face. Arjuna started fighting alone with his thousand arms against such a
strange army. At the same time, with five hundred bows, he fired arrows and shattered the group of Yaksha-
Kinnars. Taking the life in hand, they ran away in fear. Leaving them, Arjuna turned his attention to heaven. The
angels attacked Indra until he heard the news. There was a great war. But Arjuna's unwavering strength did not
sustain him. God was also wounded and became terrified. They were stunned by Mohanastra and Arjuna stayed
in paradise. Oncesarcara

seensalelya or garjagala mindNeta Gaga = the seventeenth chapter

stayed<ParadiseByArjuna  Once Indra came to paradise with Sachin and saw Arjuna. Then the fire from his
soles went to his head. Hate picked up your watch. Meanwhile, Arjuna picked up Indra and Shachi with the
plane. And roared in the sky. At that time, hearing Indra's shout, all the army of devotees rushed to Arjuna. But
Vajradehi did not do anything to Mahabaladhya Arjuna. On the contrary, Arjuna's love caused God's misery. The
only weapon in their hands was their clothes. Someone covered his eyes with shame. Someone turned away in
fear. So someone joined hands and started pleading with Arjuna. Then Kartavirya released them.

Saddened by this embarrassing defeat. Indra took refuge in Meru mountain. There, this human king is
encroaching on the heavens of the gods by exchanging thoughts with the gods and crossing the earth given to
man. Datta's groom, Arjuna, will destroy us. Now he decided to take his songs to Brahma. After Indra, all the
gods went to Brahmaloka. There the four-faced Brahma was seated with the idol Veda and the Sankadi
Brahmaputras. Indradik Dev forgot his sorrow for a moment with the joy of seeing him. He stood with folded
hands, bowing to the gods and praising the gods

= <Chapter Sattavisava. ★

kapatamule such deception her husband died in the fire surrender your body. She should be my daughter in the
form of Madalasa, no matter what age she is. All her kindness, forgiveness, peace are divine qualities, her
modesty and her nature should remain the same as before. She should remember the ancestor. She should be a
virtuous, eloquent yogini. She should be a yoga mother. This is very difficult; But to others! God, it is not difficult
for us at all. Hey Madan Dahna, I don't want anything different than this. "Umarman, overjoyed to hear this, said,"
Hey Nagaraja! It will happen just as you say. Do not have any doubts in your mind. Go home and do shraddha
with your wife as usual. Feed your wife in the middle. She madalasece as the heart and bring the body khataca
her breath that she prakatela. "So he steps Shiva spirit disappeared. He returned vagaloki brother, both by Hi

____ did Shraddha duly ordered his house and asvatarane Lord Shiva's. Devotion brought to mind as
madalasece his wife intermediate bodies and eating. also started quickly breathe on her, and lay out a tejahpunja
the sphere of her one ucchvasabarobara. they had long form micro golyantahi madalaseci. P. was great to see
see angathyaevadha with the ball that

= - cHAPTER seventh> ★

micro golyantahi madalaseci form Originally a thumb-shaped ball, it grew to look like a full-fledged madalasa,
with its color, form, sound, and madalasa. The news of her beloved husband's death, which she had heard
before, was fresh in her mind, and Began to do. "Prannath, how did you leave me? What crime have I
committed? Are you punishing me so severely? Have mercy and forgive me and come back! I am twenty years
old for your darshan. I will enter. "So she really started to associate with the newborn Madalasa. Nagraj was very
surprised to see this. Although he had all the memories of her past, he somehow consoled her by realizing that
she did not remember the self-immolation we had done, and took care of her by keeping her in his mother's

Thustwenty-seventh chapter of Sridatta Mahatma

ends the.

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