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This is a list of suggested additions to the calendar of the Orthodox Church from among the Saints of Western, especially English, origin who reposed before
the West fell away from Orthodoxy. It is based mainly on pre-schism calendars of the English Church, and reflects the bias of those calendars towards
English, French and Roman Saints; but the main Saints of other western countries are also included. With some exceptions, the commemorations of Saints
who are already widely venerated in the Eastern Orthodox Church are not included.

Also included in italics are several men and women for whose righteousness before God there is strong evidence but for whom there is only little or no
record of veneration in pre-Conquest times, together with those who died resisting the authority of the false pope and king during and after the Conquest.
The letters 'F' and 'S' are attached to Saints of the first and second rank, respectively, in the calendar known as the 'Bosworth Psalter', which was compiled at
Canterbury after 988 and before 1023. All dates are for the ecclesiastical (old, Orthodox or Julian) calendar, which is thirteen days behind the secular (new,
Papal or Gregorian) calendar. Thus September 1 (old calendar) is September 14 (new calendar). Where pre-Conquest dates of commemoration differ from
post-Conquest dates, the pre-Conquest date is preferred; and where English dates of commemoration differ from those usual in Rome or the East, the English
dates are preferred. Thus the Martyr-Prince Wistan is listed under January 1, not June 1, and the Venerable Bede under May 26, not May 27.


1. Martyr-Prince Wistan of Mercia (+849).

2. St. Munchin the Wise, bishop of Limerick (+7th c.).

2. St. Isidore, bishop of Seville (+636).

3. St. Genevieve, nun, of Paris (+512).

5. Hieromartyr Telesphorus, pope of Rome (+c. 136).

5. Translation of the relics of St. Rumon, bishop, to Tavistock (+6th c.).

5. Righteous Edward the Confessor, King of England (+1066).

7. St. Brannoc, monk, of Braunton (+6th c.).

7. St. Kentigerna, hermitess, of Inch Cailleach, Loch Lomond (+c. 735).

8. Martyrs Lucian and Julian, at Beauvais (+3rd century).

8. St. Severinus, abbot of Noricum, enlightener of Austria (+482).

8. St. Nathalan, layman, of Aberdeenshire (+678).

8. St. Pega, hermitess of Peakirk, sister of St. Guthlac (+719).

8. Righteous Edgar the Peaceable, King of England (+975).

8. St. Wulsin, bishop of Sherborne (+1002).

9. Translation of the relics of St. Judoc, hermit, to Winchester (+c. 668).

9. St. Adrian, abbot of St. Augustine's, Canterbury (+710) (F).

9. St. Fillan, abbot, of Perthshire (+early 8th c.).

12. St. Benedict Biscop, abbot of Wearmouth-Jarrow (+689).

13. St. Hilary, bishop of Poitiers (+ 368).

13. St. Remigius, bishop of Rheims (+533).

13. St. Kentigern, bishop of Glasgow (+612).

14. St. Felix, confessor, of Nola (+260).

15. St. Ita, abbess of Killeedy, 'Foster-mother of the Saints of Ireland' (+c. 570).

15. St. Maurus, abbot, disciple of St. Benedict (+6th c.).

15. St. Ceolwulf, king of Northumbria and monk of Lindisfarne (+764).

16. Hieromartyr Marcellus, pope of Rome (+309) (S).

16. St. Honoratus, archbishop of Arles (+429).

16. St. Fursey, abbot, of Peronne and Burgh Castle (+650).

17. St. Sulpicius, bishop of Bourges (+647).

18. St. Prisca, virgin, of Rome.

18. St. Deicola, abbot of Lure (+c. 625).

18. Righteous Martyr Ulfrid, in Sweden (+1028).

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19. St. Branwalator, monk, of Jersey (+6th c.).

19 (or 24/7). Hieromartyr Blaithmaic, abbot and his company, at Iona (+825).

20. Martyr Sebastian and Hieromartyr Fabian, pope of Rome (+250) (S).

20. St. Fechin, abbot of Cong (+665).

21. Hieromartyr Fructuosus, bishop of Tarragona (+259).

21. Virgin-Martyr Agnes, at Rome (S).

22. Deacon-Martyr Vincent of Saragossa (+304) (S).

22. Righteous Berhtwald, bishop of Ramsbury (+1045).

23. Virgin-Martyr Emerentiana, at Rome (+c. 304).

23. St. Paulinus, bishop of Nola (+431).

24. Hieromartyr Felician, bishop of Foligno (+252).

25. The Conversion of the Holy Apostle Paul (S).

25. Hieromartyr Praejectus, bishop of Clermont (+676).

26. St. Conon, bishop of the Isle of Man (+648).

27. St. Julian, bishop of Le Mans.

27. Translation of the relics of St. Ethelfleda, abbess of Romsey (+c. 1000).

29. St. Gildas the Wise, priest-monk, of Glastonbury and Rhuys (+c. 570).

30. St. Bathildes, queen of France and nun of Chelles (+680).

31. St. Maedoc, bishop, of Ferns (+626).


1. St. Brigid, abbess of Kildare, patroness of Ireland (+c. 525).

1. St. Seiriol, abbot, of Anglesey (+6th c.).

2. St. Laurence, archbishop of Canterbury (+619).

3. Virgin-Martyr Ia, virgin, of St. Ives, Cornwall.

3. St. Werburga, abbess of Hanbury and Chester (+c. 700).

3. St. Anskar, bishop of Hamburg, enlightener of Denmark (+865).

4. St. Modan, abbot, of Stirling and Falkirk (+8th c.).

4. St. Liudhard, bishop, at Canterbury (+c. 603).

5. Virgin-Martyr Agatha, at Catania (S).

5. Righteous Martyr-Prince Alfred of England (+1036).

6. St. Vedast, bishop of Arras (+539).

6. St. Amand, bishop of Saint-Amand (+c. 675).

7. Hieromartyr Augulus, bishop of Augusta in Britain, and those with him: Anatolius,

Andreas, Ammon, Statian, Nepotian, Saturninus, Lucius and Saturna.

7. St. Ronan, bishop of Kilmaronen in Lennox (+8th c.).

7. St. Romuald, abbot, of Ravenna (+1027).

8. St. Kew, virgin, of Cornwall.

8. St. Cuthmann, hermit, of Steyning (+8th c.).

9. St. Teilo, bishop of Llandaff (+6th c.).

10. St. Scholastica, nun, of Plombariola, sister of St. Benedict (+543).

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10. Righteous Trumwin, bishop of Abercorn (+704).

12. Virgin-Martyr Eulalia of Merida (+304).

12. St. Ethilwald, bishop of Lindisfarne (+740).

13. St. Modomnoc, abbot of Tibberaghny (+6th c.).

13. St. Huna, priest-hermit, of Huneya (+7th c.).

13. St. Ermenhilda, queen of Mercia and abbess of Ely (+c. 700).

13. Translation of the relics of St. Edward the Martyr (+979).

14. Hieromartyr Valentine, priest, at Rome (+3rd c.) (S).

15. St. Sigfrid, bishop of Vaxjo, apostle of Sweden (+1045).

16. Virgin-Martyr Juliana, at Naples (+early 4th c.).

17. St. Fintan, abbot of Clonenagh (+603).

17. St. Finan, bishop of Lindisfarne (+661).

21. Righteous Erkengota, nun of Faremoutier, daughter of St. Sexburga (+c. 660).

22. The Chair of the Holy Apostle Peter at Antioch (S).

23. St. Mildburga, abbess of Much Wenlock, sister of St. Mildred (+715).

25. Righteous Ethelbert of Kent, first English Christian king (+616).

25. St. Walburga, abbess of Heidenheim, sister of St. Winnebald (+779).

28. St. Romanus, abbot of Romainmoutier (+c. 460).

28. St. Oswald, archbishop of York (+992).


1. St. David, archbishop of Menevia in Wales (+589).

1. St. Swithbert, bishop, of Kaiserworth (+713).

2. St. Chad, bishop of Lichfield (+672).

3. St. Nonna (Non) of Altarnun, mother of St. David (+6th c.).

3. St. Winwaloe, abbot of Landevennec (+6th c.).

4. Righteous Owin, monk, of Lichfield (+c. 670).

4. Hieromartyrs Adrian and Stalbrand, bishops, and their companions, on the Isle of

May (+875).

5. St. Piran, hermit, of Perranporth (+c. 480).

5. St. Ciaran, bishop of Saighir (+c. 600).

6. St. Fridolin, missionary in Switzerland (+7th c.).

6. Translation of the relics of SS. Cyneswitha and Cyneburga, abbessess of Castor,

and St. Tibba, nun, of Ryhall (+c. 680).

6. Righteous Baldred, hermit of Bass Rock, Northumbria (+756).

7. Martyrs Perpetua and Felicitas of Carthage (+203).

7. St. Enodoc, hermit, of Cornwall.

7. St. Eosterwine, abbot of Wearmouth-Jarrow (+686).

8. St. Senan, abbot of Scattery Island (+c. 544).

8. St. Felix, bishop of Dunwich, enlightener of East Anglia (+647).

8. Righteous Duthac, bishop in Ross (+1065).

9. Righteous Bosa, bishop of York (+705).

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9 (or 10 or 11). Hieromartyr Constantine, king, priest-monk and martyr, in Kintyre (+576).

10. St. Kessog, bishop, of Monk's Island, Loch Lomond (+6th c.).

11. St. Oengus the Culdee, bishop, of Tallacht (+ 824).

11. Hieromartyr Eulogius, priest of Cordova, and Virgin-Martyr Leocritia (+859).

12. St. Paul Aurelian, bishop of Leon (+6th c.).

12. St. Gregory the Great, pope of Rome and apostle of the English (+604) (F).

12. St. Mura, abbot of Fahan (+early 7th c.).

12. St. Alphege 'the Bald', bishop of Winchester, spiritual father of St. Dunstan (+951).

16. St. Finan Lobur, abbot of Swords (+6th c.).

17. St. Patrick, archbishop of Armagh, enlightener of Ireland (+464).

18. St. Finan of Aberdeen (+c. 600).

18. St. Edward the Martyr, king of England (+979).

19. Martyr-Prince Alcmund of Northumbria (+c. 800).

20. St. Cuthbert, bishop of Lindisfarne (+687) (F).

20. Righteous Herbert, priest-hermit of Derwentwater, (+687)

20. St. Wulfram, archbishop of Sens (+late 7th c.).

21. St. Lupicinus, abbot of Laucone (+c. 480).

21. St. Enda, abbot of the Aran islands, founder of Irish monasticism (+c. 530).

21. St. Benedict, abbot of Monte Cassino (+c. 550) (F).

23. St. Gwinear of Cornwall.

24. St. Macartan, bishop of Clogher (+c. 505).

24. St. Hildelitha, abbess of Barking (+c. 712).

26. St. Govan, hermit, of Pembrokeshire (+6th c.).

26. St. Rupert, bishop of Worms (+c. 710).

26. St. Liudger, bishop of Munster (+c. 809).

29. SS. Gundleus and Gladys, the parents of St. Cadoc (+6th c.).

29. Ordination of St. Gregory the Great, pope of Rome and apostle of the English.

30. Righteous Osburga, abbess of Coventry (+c. 1018).


1. St. Tewdric, prince and hermit, of Wales (6th c.).

1. St. Valery, abbot of Saint-Valery-sur-Somme (+620).

4. St. Ambrose, bishop of Milan (+397).

5. St. Derfel (Cadarn), monk, of Bardsey (6th c.).

7. (or 6) St. Goran (Vuron) of Cornwall.

9. St. Madrun (Materiana) of Cornwall (5th c.).

10. Martyrs Hedda, abbot, and 84 monks, at Peterborough (+869).

10. Martyrs Beocca, Hethor, and 90 monks, at Chertsey (+869).

11. St. Guthlac, priest-hermit of Crowland (+714). (F).

14. Martyrs Tiburtius, Valerian and Maximus, at Rome (S).

15. St. Paternus, bishop of Llanabadarn Fawr (+c. 500).

15. St. Ruadhan, abbot of Lothra (+c. 584).

16. St. Paternus, bishop of Avranches (+564).

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17 (or 17/5). Hieromartyr Donan, abbot, and 52 monks, on the Isle of Eigg (+618).

18. St. Laserian (Molaise), abbot of Inishmurray (+639).

19. Hieromartyr Alphege, archbishop of Canterbury (+1012).

21. St. Beuno, abbot of Clynnog Fawr (+6th c.).

21. St. Ethilwald, hermit, of Farne (+699).

21. Translation of the relics of St. Ethilwald, bishop of Lindisfarne (+740).

21. St. Maelrubba, abbot of Applecross, enlightener of the Northern Picts (+c. 722).

22. Martyr Epipodius of Lyons (+177).

23. Killing of King Ethelbert of Wessex in battle against the pagans (+871).

23. Hieromartyr Adalbert, bishop of Prague (+997).

24. Martyr Alexander of Lyons (+177).

24. St. Mellitus, archbishop of Canterbury (+624) (S).

24. Translation of the relics of St. Wilfrid, bishop of York and Hexham (+709).

24. St. Egbert, abbot of Iona (+729).

24. St. Yvo, bishop, at St. Ives in Huntingdonshire.

26. Hieromartyr Anacletus, pope of Rome (+1st c.).

27. St. Maughold, bishop of the Isle of Man (+498).

28. Dedication of the church of the Martyr Vitalis at Rome (+3rd c.).

29. St. Endelienta, hermitess, of St. Endelion, sister of St. Nectan (+6th c.).

30. St. Erkenwald, bishop of London (+693).


1. St. Brioc, abbot of Saint-Brieuc (+6th c.).

1. St. Corentin, bishop, at Quimper (+6th c.).

1. St. Marcul, priest-monk, of Corbeny (+c. 558).

1. St. Asaph, bishop of Llanelwy (+early 7th c.).

1. Translation of the relics of St. Walburga, abbess of Heidenheim (+779).

3. St. Glywys (Gluvias), monk, of Cornwall.

5. St. Hilary, archbishop of Arles (+449).

5. St. Hydroc, monk, of Cornwall.

6. St. Edbert, bishop of Lindisfarne (+698).

7. St. John of Beverley, bishop of York (+721).

8. Martyr Victor, at Milan (+303).

8. Martyr Indract and his companions, at Shapwick (+c. 700).

8. St. Wiro, bishop of Utrecht (+c. 753).

10. Martyrs Gordian and Epimachus, at Rome (+c. 250) (S).

10. St. Conleth, bishop, at Kildare (+c. 520).

11. St. Tudy, abbot of Ile-Tudy (+6th c.).

11. St. Comgall, abbot of Bangor in Ireland (+c. 601).

12. Martyrs Pancras, Nereus and Achilles, at Rome (+early 4th c.) (S).

14. St. Carthage, bishop of Lismore (+637).

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16. Hieromartyr Peregrine, bishop of Auxerre (+c. 261).

16. St. Carantoc, monk, of Carhampton and Cornwall (+6th c.).

16. St. Brendan 'the Navigator', abbot of Clonfert (+c. 575).

17. St. Madron, monk, of Cornwall (+6th c.).

18. St. Elgiva, queen of England and abbess of Shaftesbury (+10th c.).

19. St. Dunstan, archbishop of Canterbury (+988) (F).

20. Martyr-King Ethelbert of East Anglia (+794).

21. St. Collen of Llangollen.

22. St. Helen of Caernarvon, wife of Emperor Maximus (+c. 400).

23. Hieromartyr Desiderius, bishop of Vienne (+c. 607).

24. St. Vincent, priest, of Lerins (+c. 450).

25. Hieromartyr Urban, pope of Rome (+230).

25. St. Aldhelm, bishop of Sherborne (+709).

26. Martyr Priscus, at Auxerre (+c. 272).

26. St. Augustine, archbishop of Canterbury, enlightener of Kent (+604) (F).

26. St. Bede 'the Venerable', priest-monk of Jarrow (+735).

28. St. Germanus, bishop of Paris (+576).

29. St. Buryan of Cornwall.

30. St. Hubert, bishop of Maastricht (+727).

31. Virgin-Martyr Petronella of Rome.


1. Martyr Nicomedes of Rome (S).

1. St. Gwen Teirbron of Brittany, mother of St. Winwaloe.

1. St. Ronan, hermit, of Locronan (+9th c.).

2. Hieromartyr Pothinus, bishop, and Martyrs Sanctus, Maturus, Attalus and

Blandina, at Lyons (+177).

2. Martyrs Marcellinus and Peter, at Rome (+304) (S).

2. St. Oda 'the Good', archbishop of Canterbury (+958).

3. St. Clothilde, queen of France (+545).

3. St. Kevin, abbot of Glendalough (+618).

4. St. Petroc, abbot of Padstow and Bodmin (+564).

4. St. Edfrith, bishop of Lindisfarne (+721).

5. St. Illidius, bishop of Clermont (+385).

5. Hieromartyr Boniface, archbishop of Mainz, enlightener of Germany, and those

with him: Eoban, bishop; Wintrung, Wlathere, Ethelhere, priests; Hamrind,

Scirbald, Bosa, deacons; Wachar, Gundaecer, Illehere and Hathowulf,

monks (+754).

6. St. Gudwal, abbot, of Brittany (+6th c.).

6. St. Jarlath, bishop of Tuam (+c. 550).

7. St. Meriasek (Meriadoc), bishop, of Camborne (+6th c.).

7. St. Colman, bishop, of Dromore (+6th c.).

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8. St. Medard, bishop of Vermandois (+c. 560).

8. Translation of the relics of Righteous Boisil, abbot of Melrose (+c. 661).

8. Translation of the relics of Hieromartyr Alphege, archbishop of Canterbury


9. Martyrs Priscus and Felician, at Nomentum (+c. 297) (S).

9. St. Columba, abbot of Iona and enlightener of the Scots (+597).

12. Martyrs Basilides, Cyrinus, Nabor and Nazarius, at Rome (S).

12. St. Odulf, priest-monk of Utrecht (+855).

12. Hieromartyr Eskil, bishop of Strangnas in Sweden (+1080).

14. St. Dogmael, monk, of Pembrokeshire (+6th c.).

15. Martyrs Vitus, Modestus and Crescentia, of Sicily (+c. 303).

15. St. Trillo, abbot, of Llandrillo (+5th c.).

15. St. Edburga, nun, of Winchester (+960) (S).

16. St. Ismael, bishop of Menevia (+6th c.).

16. St. Juliot (Juliana) of Luxulyan, Cornwall (+6th c.).

17. Martyr Nectan, hermit of Hartland (+c. 550).

17. St. Botulph, abbot of Ikanhoe, and his brother St. Adulf, bishop (+c. 680).

17. St. Moling, bishop of Ferns (+697).

18. Martyrs Mark and Marcellian, at Rome (+c. 290).

19 (or 18). Martyrs Gervase and Protase, at Milan (S).

20. St. Govan, hermit, of Pembrokeshire (+6th c.).

21. St. Mewan, abbot, of Saint-Meen (+6th c.).

21. St. Leofrid, abbot of La-Croix-Saint-Leufroy (+738).

22. Martyr Alban, at St. Alban's, protomartyr of Britain (+3rd c.) (F).

22. Martyrs Julius and Aaron, at Caerleon (+c. 304).

22. Virgin-Martyr Gwen of Wales (+c. 650).

22. Martyrs Ebba, abbess of Coldingham and those with her (+870)

23. St. Etheldreda, queen of Northumbria and abbess of Ely (+679) (S).

24. St. Germoe, bishop, of Germoe, Cornwall.

25. St. Moluag, monk, of Lismore in Scotland (+592).

25. St. Adalbert, deacon, of Egmond (+c. 710).

26. Martyrs John and Paul, at Rome (+4th c.) (S).

26. Hieromartyr Salvus, bishop, at Valenciennes (+c. 768).

27. Martyr Zoilus, at Cordova (+c. 304).

28. St. Leo the Great, pope of Rome (+461).

28. St. Austell, monk, of Saint-Meen (+6th c.).


1. St. Serf, bishop, apostle of western Fife (+6th c.).

1. St. Gallus, bishop of Clermond (+551).

2. Martys Processus and Martinian, at Rome (S).

2. St. Oudoceus, bishop of Llandaff (+c. 615).

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2. St. Swithun, bishop of Winchester (+862).

3. St. Germanus, bishop of the Isle of Man (+c. 475).

4. Translation of the relics of St. Martin 'the Merciful', bishop of Tours (+397).

4. St. Ulric, bishop of Augsburg (+973).

5. St. Morwenna, hermitess, of Morwenstow (+6th c.).

5. St. Modwenna, hermitess, of Burton-on-Trent (+7th c.).

6. St. Monenna, abbess of Killeevy (+c. 518).

6. St. Sexburga, queen of Kent and abbess of Ely, sister of St. Etheldreda (+c. 700).

7. St. Palladius, bishop, in Ireland and Scotland (+5th c.).

7. Righteous Boisil, abbot of Melrose (+c. 661).

7. St. Ethelburga, abbess of Faremoutier (+664).

7. St. Hedda, bishop of Winchester (+705).

7. St. Willibald, bishop of Eichstatt (+761).

7. St. Maelruain, abbot of Tallaght (+792).

8. Virgin-Martyr Urith (Hieritha) of Chittlehampton, Devon.

8. Hieromartyr Killian, bishop of Wurzburg (+c. 689).

8. St. Withburga, hermitess of East Dereham, sister of St. Etheldreda (+c. 743).

8. St. Grimbold, priest-monk, of Winchester (+901).

10. Seven Martyr Brothers of Rome (+2nd c.) (S).

11. Translation of the relics of St. Benedict of Nursia, abbot (+c. 550) (S).

11. St. Drostan, abbot of Deer, Aberdeenshire (+early 7th c.).

13. St. Mildred, abbess of Minster-in-Thanet (+c. 725) (S).

13. Translation of the relics of Virgin-Martyr Juthwara (+sixth c.).

15. St. Deusdedit, archbishop of Canterbury (+664) (S).

15. St. Donald, layman, of Ogilvy (+early 8th c.).

15. Translation of the relics of St. Swithun of Winchester (+862).

15. Righteous Edith of Polesworth, virgin, sister of St. Edburga (+10th c.).

15. Righteous David, bishop of Vasteras in Sweden (+1080).

16. Martyr Helier, hermit, of Jersey (+6th c.).

16. St. Plechelm, bishop of Odilienburg (+8th c.).

17. Martyr-Prince Kenelm of Mercia (+812).

18. St. Arnulf, bishop of Metz (+641).

18. Translation of the relics of St. Edburga, nun, of Winchester (+960).

21. Virgin Praxedes of Rome (+1st-2nd c.) (S).

21. Martyr Victor, at Marseilles (+304).

22. St. Wandregisilus (Wandrille), abbot of Fontenelle (+668).

23. Hieromartyr Apollinaris, bishop of Ravenna (+1st c.).

24. St. Declan, abbot of Ardmore (+5th c.).

28. St. Samson, bishop of Dol (+565).

29. Martyrs Simplicius, Faustinus and Beatrice, at Rome (+c. 304) (S).

29. St. Lupus, bishop of Troyes (+479).

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29. St. Sulian (Sulien), abbot of Luxulyan, Cornwall (+6th c.).

29. Martyr-King Olaf of Norway (+1030).

30. Martys Abdon and Sennen, at Rome (+303) (S).

31. St. Germanus, bishop of Auxerre (+448).

31. St. Neot, priest-monk, of Neotstoke (+877).


1. St. Eusebius, bishop of Vercelli (+371).

1 (or 2). Virgin-Martyr Sidwell (Sativola) of Exeter.

1. St. Kyned (Cenydd), monk, of Ploumelin (+6th c.).

1. St. Ethelwold, bishop of Winchester (+984).

2. St. Etheldritha, hermitess of Crowland (+c. 835).

3. Translation of the relics of Martyr-King Olaf of Norway (+1030).

4. St. Sithney, hermit, of Sithney in Cornwall.

4. St. Molua, abbot of Killaloe (+c. 609).

5. Martyrs Afra, Eunomia, Digna and Eutropia, at Augsburg (+c. 304).

5. Martyr-King Oswald, king of Northumbria (+642) (S).

5. St. Gormgalius of the Aran islands, 'Confessor of the Saints of Ireland' (+c. 1012).

6. Hieromartyr Sixtus, pope of Rome, Martyrs Felicissimus and Agapitus (+258) (S).

6. Righeous Hardulph, hermit of Bredon.

8. Martyr Cyriacus, at Rome (S).

8. St. Lide (Elid), hermit of St. Helen's, Scilly isles (+c. 1000).

10. Deacon-Martyr Laurence, at Rome (+258) (S).

10. Righteous Bettelin, hermit, of Stafford.

11. Martyr Tiburtius, at Rome (+3rd c.) (S).

11. St. Blane, bishop of Bute and Dunblane(+late 6th c.).

12. St. Murtagh, bishop of Killala (+6th c.).

12. Translation of the relics of St. Edwold, hermit, of Cerne (+ c. 900).

13. Hieromartyr Hippolytus, pope of Rome (+235) (S).

13. Martyr Cassian, at Imola.

13. St. Radegund, queen of France and abbess of Poitiers (+587).

13. St. Wigbert, abbot of Fritzlar (+738).

16. Righteous Armel, abbot of Plouarmel, cousin of St. Samson (+c. 552).

16. St. Stephen, king and enlightener of Hungary (+1038).

18. Martyr Agapitus, at Praeneste (S).

19. St. Credan, abbot of Evesham (+8th c.).

20. Martyr-King Oswin of Deira (+651).

21. St. Sidonius Apollinaris, bishop of Clermond (+482).

22. Martyr Timothy, at Rome (+c. 304).

22. Righteous Arnulf, hermit of Eynesbury, Cambridgeshire .

23. Virgin-Martyr Tydfil of Merthy Tydfil, sister of St. Nectan (+c. 500).

24. St. Ouen, bishop of Rouen (+684).

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25. Martyr Genesius the actor, at Rome.

25. Martyr Genesius, at Arles (+c. 250).

25. Righteous Ebba, abbess of Coldingham, sister of St. Oswald (+683).

27. Martyr-Hermit Decuman of Watchet (+6th c.).

28. Martyr Julian, at Broude.

28. Martyr Hermes, at Rome (+3rd c.) (S).

29. Righteous Sebbi, king and monk, of Essex (+c. 700).

29. St. Edwold, hermit, of Cerne in Dorset (+c. 900).

30. Martyrs Felix and Adauctus, at Rome (+c. 304) (S).

30. St. Fiacre, hermit, of Meaux (+c. 670).

30. Translation of the relics of St. Guthlac, priest-hermit of Crowland (+714).

31. St. Eanswythe, abbess of Folkestone (+640).

31. St. Aidan, bishop of Lindisfarne, enlightener of Northumbria (+651) (S).

31. St. Cuthburga, abbess of Wimborne (+c. 725).


1. Martyr Priscus, at Capua.

1. Righteous Drythelm, monk of Melrose (+c. 700).

4. Translation of the relics of St. Birinus, bishop of Dorchester-on-Thames,

enlightener of Wessex (+650).

4. St. Ultan, bishop of Meath (+657).

4. Translation of the relics of St. Cuthbert, bishop of Lindisfarne (+687).

5. St. Bertinus, abbot of Saint-Omer (+698).

6. St. Bega (Bee), abbess of St. Bee's, Cumbria (+7th c.).

7. St. Cloud, priest-monk, of Saint-Cloud (+560).

9. Martyr Gorgonius, at Rome (S).

9. St. Ciaran, abbot of Clonmacnoise (+548).

9. St. Omer, bishop of Therouanne (+c. 669).

10. St. Finian, abbot of Moville (+579).

10. Translation of the relics of St. Ethelwold, bishop of Winchester (+984).

11. Martyrs Protus and Hyacinth, at Rome (S).

11. St. Deiniol, bishop of Bangor (+c. 564).

12. St. Ailbe, bishop of Imlech (+527)

14. Hieromartyr Cornelius, pope of Rome (+253).

14. Hieromartyr Cyprian, bishop of Carthage (+258).

15. Martyr Nicomedes, at Rome (S).

15. Martyr Nicetas the Goth (+4th c.).

15. St. Mirin, abbot, of Inch Murryn, Loch Lomond (+7th c.).

16. St. Ninian, bishop of Whithorn, enlightener of the South Picts (+432).

16. St. Edith, nun of Wilton, sister of St. Edward the Martyr (+984).

17. Martyrs Socrates and Stephen, in Britain.

17. Hieromartyr Lambert, bishop of Maastricht (+c. 705).

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19. St. Theodore 'the Greek', archbishop of Canterbury (+690) (S).

22. Martyrs Maurice and his companions, at Saint-Maurice-en-Valais (+c. 287) (S).

23. St. Adomnan, abbot of Iona, 'Sage of the Western World' (+704).

24. St. Mawgan (Maucannus), abbot, of Cornwall .

25. St. Cadoc, abbot of Llancarfan (+6th c.).

25. St. Finbar, bishop of Cork (+c. 610).

25. St. Ceolfrid, abbot of Wearmouth-Jarrow, spiritual father of St. Bede (+716) (S).

27. St. Barry, hermit, of Barry island, Wales (+6th c.).

28. St. Machan, bishop, of Campsie in Scotland (+6th c.).

28. St. Leoba, abbess of Bischofsheim (+782).

29. Dedication of the basilica of St. Michael near Rome (F).

30. St. Honorius, archbishop of Canterbury (+653).

30. Martyr-Hermits Tancred, Torthred and Tova of Thorney (+870).


1. Martyr Mylor, of Amesbury.

1. Translation of the relics of St. Remigius, bishop of Rheims (+533).

2. Hieromartyr Leger, bishop of Autun (+c. 679).

3. Hieromartyrs Hewald and Hewald, brother priests, near Dortmund (+c. 695).

7. Virgin-Martyr Osith, abbess of Chich (+c. 700).

8. St. Keyne, nun, of Cornwall and Wales, sister of St. Nectan (+6th c.).

8. St. Triduna, hermitess, of Scotland.

8. Translation of the relics of St. Iwi, deacon-monk, of Lindisfarne (+c. 700).

8. Translation of the relics of St. Aidan, bishop of Lindisfarne (+651).

8. Translation of the relics of St. Ceolfrid, abbot of Wearmouth-Jarrow (+716).

10. St. Paulinus, bishop of York and Rochester (+644).

11. St. Ethelburga, abbess of Barking, brother of St. Erkonwald (+675).

11. St. Kenneth, abbot, of Aghaboe and the Outer Hebridees (+c. 600).

12. St. Wilfrid, bishop of York and Hexham (+709).

13. St. Comgan, abbot, of Lochalsh in Skye, father of St. Fillan (+8th c.).

14. Hieromartyr Callistus, pope of Rome (+222) (S).

14. St. Levan (Selevan), of St. Levan, Cornwall.

14. St. Burchard, bishop of Wurzburg (+754).

14. Killing of King Harold of England and those with him, at Hastings (+1066).

15. St. Tecla, abbess of Kitzingen (+790).

15. Hieromartyr Ethelric, bishop of Durham, last English Orthodox bishop (+1072).

16. St. Gall, hermit, enlightener of Switzerland (+c. 630).

17. St. Rule (Regulus) of St. Andrew's in Scotland.

17. Translation of the relics of Martyr-Princes Ethelbert and Ethelred of Kent (+640).

17. Translation of the relics of St. Etheldreda, abbess of Ely (+679).

17. St. Nothelm, archbishop of Canterbury (+739).

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18. St. Gwen (Wenna) of Cornwall, sister of St. Nonna, mother of St. Cybi.

19. St. Ethbin, hermit, of Brittany and Ireland, disciple of St. Samson (+6th c.).

19. St. Frideswide, nun, of Oxford (+c. 735).

21. St. Fintan Munnu, abbot of Taghmon (+635).

21. Righteous Tuda, bishop of Lindisfarne (+664).

21. St. Condedus, hermit, of Fontenelle (+late 7th c.).

22. St. Donatus, bishop of Fiesole (+876).

23. St. Ethelfleda, abbess of Romsey (+c. 1000).

24. St. Maglorius, abbot of Sark (+c. 575).

25. Martyrs Crispin and Crispinianus, at Soissons (+c. 285).

26. St. Cedd, bishop of London (+664).

26. Righteous Eata, bishop of Hexham and Lindisfarne (+686).

26. Righteous Alfred, king of England (+899).

27. St. Odran, monk of Iona (+c. 563).

29. St. Colman, bishop, of Kilmacduagh (+c. 632).

31. Martyr Quentin, at Saint-Quentin (S).

31 (or 2/11). St. Erc (Erth), bishop of Lilcach.

31 (or 30). St. Foillan, abbot of Fosses (+c. 653).

31. Righteous Begu, nun, of Hackness (+660).


1. St. Cadfan, abbot of Bardsey island (+5th c.).

1. St. Gwythian (Gothian) of Cornwall (+6th c.).

1. St. Vigor, bishop of Bayeux (+c. 537).

1. Translation of the relics of St. Boniface, enlightener of Germany (+754).

2. St. Rumwold, infant, of Buckingham (+c. 700).

2. Translation of the relics of Righteous Ebba, abbess of Coldingham (+683)

3. Martyr-Prince Clydog of Merthir Clitauc (+6th c.).

3. St. Winefrid, nun, of Holywell (+7th c.).

3. Translation of the relics of St. Hubert, bishop of Maastricht (+727).

3. Translation of the relics of St. Edith of Wilton (+984).

4. St. Clether, hermit of Cornwall (+6th c.).

4. St. Birnstan, bishop of Winchester (+934).

5. St. Kea, bishop, of Cornwall and Brittany.

6. St. Illtud, abbot of Llanilltud-Fawr (+early 6th c.).

6. St. Melaine, bishop of Rennes (+c. 535).

6. St. Winnoc, abbot of Wormhout (+c. 717).

7. St. Willibrord (Clement), archbishop of Utrecht, enlightener of Holland (+739).

8. Martyrs Claudius, Nicostratus, Simpronian and Castorius, at Sirmium (4th c.) (S).

8. St. Cybi of Anglesey (+6th c.).

8. St. Tysilio, monk of Llandysilio, Wales (+7th c.).

10. St. Justus, archbishop of Canterbury (+627) (S).

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10. Translation of the relics of St. Willibrord, enlightener of Holland (+739).

11. St. Martin 'the Merciful', bishop of Tours (+397) (F).

12. St. Machar (Mochumma), bishop, in Mull and Aberdeen (+6th c.).

12. St. Cadwaladr, prince of Wales (+664).

12. St. Lebuin, monk, of Holland (+c. 775).

13. St. Brice, bishop of Tours (+444) (S).

14. St. Dyfrig (Dubricius), archbishop of Llandaff (+c. 550).

15. St. Malo, bishop of Saint-Malo (+c. 600).

15. St. Fintan, hermit, of Rheinau (+879).

17. St. Gregory of Tours, bishop of Tours (+c. 594).

17. St. Hilda, abbess of Whitby (+680).

18. St. Mawes, bishop, of Ile-Modez.

20. Martyr-King Edmund of East Anglia (+869).

21. St. Gelasius, pope of Rome (+496).

21. St. Columbanus, abbot of Luxeuil (+615).

22. Virgin-Martyr Cecilia and Martyrs Valerian and Tiburtius, of Rome (+3rd c.) (S).

24. Martyr Christogonus, at Aquileia (+c. 304).

24. St. Colman, bishop, of Cloyne (+c. 606).

24. Righteous Enfleda, abbess of Whitby, daughter of St. Edwin (+c. 704).

27. St. Congar, bishop, of Congresbury (+6th c.).

27. St. Fergus, bishop, of Glamis (+8th c.).

28. Virgin-Martyr Juthwara of St. Julitta's, Cornwall (+sixth c.).

29. St. Brendan, abbot of Birr (+573).

29. Righteous Ethelwin, hermit, of Athelney (+7th c.).


1. St. Tudwal, bishop, of Lan Pabu (+6th c.).

1. St. Eligius, bishop of Noyon (+c. 660).

2. Virgin-Martyr Viviana, at Rome.

3. St. Birinus, bishop of Dorchester-on-Thames, enlightener of Wessex (+651).

5. Hieromartyr Justinian of Ramsey island, spiritual father of St. David (+6th c.)

7. St. Diuma, bishop, enlightener of the Middle Anglians (+658).

8. St. Budoc, bishop, of Plourin (+6th c.).

12. St. Finian, abbot of Clonard, 'Teacher of the Saints of Ireland' (+549).

13. Virgin-Martyr Lucy of Syracuse (+304) (S).

13. St. Judoc, hermit of Saint-Josse-sur-Mer (+c. 668).

13. Righteous Edburga, abbess of Minster-in-Thanet (+751).

14. Martyrs Fingar and Piala, siblings, at Hayle in Cornwall (+c. 455).

14. St. Hybald, abbot, of Hibaldstow (+7th c.).

15. Righteous Offa, king and monk, of Essex (+c. 709).

17. St. Sturm, abbot of Fulda (+779).

18. St. Flannan, bishop, of Killaloe (+7th c.).

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18. St. Samthann, abbess of Clonbronney (+739).

19. St. Winnebald, abbot of Heidenheim (+761).

24. St. Mochua, abbot of Timahoe (+c. 657).

26. St. Tathan, abbot, of Caerwent (+c. 550).

29. St. Evroul, abbot of Saint-Evroul (+706).

30. St. Egwin, bishop of Worcester (+717).

31. St. Sylvester, pope of Rome (+335) (S).

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