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1. I have to work a lot right now because I was sick and I was out of group. 2.

You have to talk to

him in person. 3. We had to wait out the rain at the station. 4. I had to apologize, although it
wasn’t easy for me. 5. The book needs to be interwoven, otherwise some pages may get lost. 6.
You have to get up very early, don’t you? 7. He has to make a comment to you, isn’t he? 8. The
work will have to be done today. 9. He said you have to go there alone. 10. The entire page had
been reprinted because of one typing error. 11. She had to drink tea without sugar. 12. You
have short hair, and it curls. - I had scarlet fever, and my hair had to be cut. 13. He had to move
closer to hear it.

1. The meeting was to begin immediately after detention. 2. We had to postpone the meeting
because the rapporteur was sick. 3. If you want to take first place in a race, you have to train
much more. 4. According to the new schedule, you must practice on the sports ground from
two to four. 5. We decided that everyone should take part in harvesting in August. 6. Next year,
our factory is to start producing new radios. 7. You are to prepare this work by Thursday. 8. I
have to finish it by Thursday. (Two options.) 9. You don’t have to stop until you finish it. It’s
Thursday tomorrow. 10. I had to prepare by Thursday. 11. I will have to prepare this work for
Thursday. 12. There was no choice; He had to agree.

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