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In feudal system, people occupying a large part of land give their land to the lower class of his

town to work on it and to generate profit from it. In the end the workers who used to work
hard all day on land and make it profitable, they return back to home with a minor amount
which is hardly a 1% of total profit. Because of high unemployment rate in those areas people
used to work at any cost because they know if owner kick them they will be unemployed for
uncertain period. The workers are the ones who make the land profitable in real but no one
recognize or respect them. Everyone thinks that they are third level people they don’t deserve
wealth, happiness, luxuries and even these feudal don’t give them right to take decisions of
their lives on their own, even if anyone wants to buy any big item like motorbike or TV from
their own money, first they have to take permission from their boss. If someone go against the
decision of these feudal lords they will be punished, there punishment sometimes leads to
death, they used to Tied his hand and legs with rope so he can't be able to move and then they
leave Dogs on him, this is one of the type of punishment feudal lords used to give to their
workers. Workers working in the field don’t know importance of themselves the day when they
start to realize that “who they are” what part they are playing in increasing the wealth of their
landlords that day will be the last day of feudal lords.
If landlords start to recognize the efforts of the workers and the services they are providing,
landlords should have to pay a fair amount for the services their employees are providing to
them and also help them to make their lifestyle better, be nice with them, start giving respect
to them, appreciate them on their work this will bring a change in the system, workers get
more motivated to work and also they will be happy in working under those landlords.

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