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A project is consists of a group of different work activities that is related to each other and is

constrained by a specific budget, schedule and scope. The project management is the execution of the

project so that they can meet the given requirements on budget and schedule and at acceptable risk,

safety, quality and security levels. The project manager is chosen and assigned by the client. The project

manager must have full adequate authority to exercise and fulfill his responsibility in managing his

subordinates or the support of his project. If the delay with scheduled site works occurred the

contractor will overtime to patch up the delay by paying additional cost. It’s called as a schedule/ cost

trade off. In addition to scope, schedule and budget it is very important that the project manager also

facilitates the discussion of the project quality, risk, safety and security objectives as he incorporates the

results in the project management plan. Projects require well-defined configuration management,

change control systems, and procedures for scope and change control. While Construction Project

Management refers to management of bigger developments that involve coordination, supervision,

budgeting and planning. It utilizes the project delivery system known as the Design and Build Services. In

this management lies the so called Construction Manager: an independent individual, a member of

the staff of the owner, a firm hired by the owner or an architect. An architect is a well-trained

and with well-coordinated specialties that enable him to efficiently does the supervision and

proper monitoring of all construction activities with regards to the cost, workmanship and quality

of the project. In the construction management there is an accounting team or accountant that

prepare the financial reports; they maintain the general ledger and assist audits.

They are also the person who covers all the budgeting process. They, themselves are the

purchasing staff where they themselves assess or evaluate the different services or goods that have
been or will be purchased for the project. They could also be the architect of the development of the

Construction Project Management. The architects are the one who design and plan the whole

development. They manage the planning of everything. In accordance to that, under construction

project management is the application of the formulated plan on the probable site. Construction

management on the hand is in contrary to the ideas handed out by the project management.

Construction Management refers to the actual application or implementation of plans and designs to

the development. Under construction project management, are the different sub coordinates of the

management. One is being the Mechanical Engineer where they will be the one who will handle all the

mechanical works such as the escalators and elevators of a building or structure. They could also be

their very own civil engineer. We all know that the practice of civil engineering is almost the same as the

practice we have in our program of Architecture. They also plan and design and most importantly, they

maintain the infrastructure balanced. They make sure that every little detail is done ergonomically

correct. This shows the connection of different programs that results into a more civilized and decent

development. This shows that construction project management is like the combination of the different

factors under the project management and the different or distinct factors under the construction

management. Construction project management is a very diverse type of management that authorizes

or gives authority to maneuver every activity that takes place both on site and the opposite. With all of

these been said, let us now cut this into a shorter story. Construction project management is the

coordination, planning, supervision and budgeting of a certain project. Numerous studies have shown

that the data flow between the parties to a construction project is a major component of project

management and activity. Munday (1978) and Karlen (1982) confirm that managers involved in the

construction activity spend nearly half of their working time on tasks devoted on transmission of

information. The work is made up of information processing and management. They also suggested that

the construction industry is unduly fragmented and that this has hindered progress and innovation that
has adversely affected the way the industry and its client view itself an the service. In profound sense

the management of the construction is about managing or supervising the project and the

communication as well as the information flow. Managing project information is about managing the

documentation of files generated in the particular project. It is clear from the above discussion that

developing a full-fledged information system to encompass all types of construction projects, project

organizations and contracts of a construction company is a very difficult task to handle. The information

flow in a major construction project is even more complex. The environment must be flexible in order to

acknowledge the specifics of the construction project as well as to support individual expertise and

preferences and its changing requirements. At the same time add functionality that is needed to enable

the participant to make use of the environment.

Project management is a broad subject dealing with every aspect of managing an ongoing

project. It includes leading, communicating, negotiating, problem solving and supervising on the whole

construction phase. I believe that construction plays a vital role to the appropriate building techniques

of structures that gives life and identity to an urban or rural area. And I believe that in order for

something to be considered a project, it has to be contemplated and properly planned. This must be

properly contemplated in order to reach the desired outcome. And lastly, management; this word is a

vital aspect towards a lucrative life of humans, wherein it refers to a group activity that is very much

organized. It is considered as the key or an imperative part of the modern world wherein it is commonly

marked by technological innovations and science. Management is also essential where human efforts

take place in order to satisfy each other needs through some ventures that help them bring out the

productivity in them such as management in one’s profession or occupation.

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