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My pitch:

Petty traders are one of the  groups that are directly exposed to coronaravirus
infections. This story is important because it will help us tell what measures were
taken to protect them, and if these measures are fully respected, inasmuch as there
has not been a drastic confinement order in my country. I intend to interview some
petty traders, the trade union in charge of defending their rights, the mayor of the
town and government officials working in the ministry of trade. I think I'll need two
weeks to thoroughly deal with this issue.
My first source is a fruit retailer.
Here are my questions and predictions :
1. What measures did you personally take to protect yourself against the
coronavirus, while doing your business?
Wearing masks and gloves, washing hands, using hand sanitizers in the
absence of flowing water
2. Do you feel these measures are safe?
Not entirely safe, these measures help reduce exposure to virus.
3. Have your business been affected in any way ever since the government
imposed some restrictions on commercial activities?
Yes, it is now very difficult ; less customers ; less profits.
4. What do you expect local authorities to do to help you cope with the current
Financial subvention to support retailers, free distribution of masks and hand
sanitizers, soften restrictive measures.

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