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NIM : 1917202193


LATIHAN SOAL Participial Phrase

I. Use the words in brackets as participles in the Blank.

1. a _____________ boy(wait) = A Waiting boy= Anak laki-laki yang sedang menunggu

2. an interesting story (interest)

3. a broken car (break)

4. The forgotten pizza (forget) = The Forgotten Pizza= Pizza yang terlupakan

5. The working father (work)

6. I saw him going (go)

7. The repaired computer (repair)

8. The talking students (talk)

9. Excited fans (excite)

10. The girl living next door (live)

II. Choose the correct answer!

1. Having finished their exam, ...

A. the books must be returned to the library

B. the library requires the books to be returned

C. The library requires students to return the books

D. students must return the books to the library

E. It is required that students return the books to the library

Jawab: D

2. "Who was released from prison in Beijing?"

"Wei Jingsheng .... political opponent."

A. is a leading

B. to be a leader

C. who is a leader

D. he leads

E. a leading

Answer: E. a leading

3. 'Whose car is that?"

"You mean the one ... in front of the bookstore."

A. parking

B. it parks

C. to be parked

D. parked

E. to park

Answer: D. Parked

4. Trying to smuggle drugs into the country, the criminals were caught by the customs officials at
the airport.

The underlined words mean: .... to smuggle drugs into the country.

A. when the criminals were trying

B. although the customs officials have tried

C. before the smuggle tried

D. because the customs officials were trying

E. until the criminals were trying

Answer: A. When the criminals were trying

5. Not allowed to use any kind of transportation.....

A. walking to far away places is common practice for Badui Dalam People

B. Badui Dalam People walk long distance when they travel

C. people may wonder how Badui Dalam People can walk such long distances

D. traveling to faraway places is usually done by walking

E. It is common for Badui Dalam people to walk long distances

Answer: B. Badui Dalam People walk long distance when they travel.

Pembahasan: Not allowed to use ..." tidak diperbolehkan menggunakan ..., Jadi subject yang
cocok adalah orang yang dilarang menggunakan alat transportasi (Badui Dalam People).

6. not more than 40 families. Kampung Naga is unique village In West Java.

A. Inhabit

B. To inhabit

C. Inhabited

D. Inhabitant

E. Inhabiting

Answer: C. Inhabited

7. Having switched off the light....

A. it was the door he looked

B. the door was locked

C. this locked the door

D. the door was locked behind him

E. he locked the door

Answer: E. he locked the door

8. "Trying hard to win the beauty contest", Ita neglected all her school assignment.

A. if she tried

B. although she tried

C. before she tried

D. since she tried

E. after she tried

Answer: D. Since she tried

9. .... what to say, he remained silent.

A. Didn't know

B. Knew not

C. Not know

D. Knows not

E. Not knowing

Answer: E. Not Knowing

10. Having seen the movie....

A. the book was read by him

B. the book made him want to read

C. he wanted to read the book

D. the reading of the book Interested him

E. the book made him read

Answer: C. he wanted to read the book

11. All of the ....prisoners were caught by the people.

A. escape

B. was escaped

C. having escaped

D. was escaping

E. escaped

Answer: E. Escaped

12. Talking excitedly to each other, they forgot to finish the exercise.

The underlined words mean:

A. Although talked excitedly

B. In order that they could talk excitedly

C. Because they were talking excitedly

D. When they talked excitedly

E. If they talked excitedly

Answer: C. Because they were talking excitedly

13. .....a few million rupiahs, he went on a tour to Europe.

A. saved

B. have saved

C. he has saved

D. having saved, Answer: D. having saved

E. after the saved

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