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Amazon Store Cards Method

DISCLAIMER – This is not guaranteed to work 100%, this is only what I, and many more, have done and it worked.


- An aged amazon account (personal or cracked), a new account might work but the older it is and the
more orders it has the higher the chance of success are. A new account can easily get locked and a
statement might not help as for new accounts they usually call the bank to check the given data.
- A sock5, RDP or Virtual Machine if you use multiple accounts on one IP or your IP is flagged.
- Patience, lots of it. You’ll have to age everything on the account and you’ll have to look like a normal
amazon user.



- Even before adding the card you will have to shop around amazon, look at different products, read
descriptions, look at photos, add items to your cart/lists, remove them, basically be a normal amazon
user and build a shopping pattern/ user profile for the amazon algorithm to work with. Amazon has an
anti-fraud system implemented that flags every fishy action made and puts the account on hold for
further “confirmation”. If it’s your personal account the algorithm should already know your shopping
“style” and what you’re interested in buying. After 1, 2 days you should be able to add the card to the
account, remember waiting more never goes wrong.
- When looking at products look at what would usually interest you and what you would want to buy. If
it’s a cracked account don’t change the type of products the owner used to shop for to something
totally different (from make-up products to pc parts). Be smart and understand the algorithm and how
it understands you.
- Around this time you should also add the address to which the products will be shipped. If you’re using
amazon lockers don’t add any address, just choose the locker at checkout. You should add a billing
address from the US to be safe as the bank is in the US (if it gets put on hold to confirm the card you
will have to submit a statement – can be made or bought – that has the account name, the address –
the billing one or the account owner’s if it’s a cracked account – and the last 4 digits of the card) .
Again, be smart about it.
- If you’re using a cracked account and the owner has a payment method linked to the account you
should use the address associated with that card as a billing address to seem more legit. Don’t use
your real address as the billing one.
- The name on the store card you add should be the same as the name of the account holder.
- After you added the card – be smart – don’t just order something or log out, continue with your
shopping routine and look at items, add to cart etc. Now you must wait at least 24 hours after you’ve
added the card to the account to make an order, the more you wait the better, I recommend to wait
more time if the account is not that old and doesn’t have a lot of orders.

- Leave the card age a few days and continue shopping around.
- Your first purchase should always be under 50$, it’s not an exact number but you should know how
“legit” your account looks to the algorithm, it’s not guaranteed to go through but 50$ is relatively low
amount and it should work, I’d recommend something around 30$.
- It takes some time until the order gets processed and shipped, that is if it does go through, if it doesn’t
go through you will receive an email saying that they couldn’t verify the the payment method and that
you should respond with a statement of the card ending in xxxx. This is really important, your order is
still on hold, you have a 12 hour window in which if you submit a statement and it gets accepted your
order will be processed and shipped and further orders will go through too.
- You should follow a simple increment of the value of the orders you make, your first order was around
30-50$ so now you should get something worth around 70-100$ and then something around 120-150-
170$ and so on, it really depends on your amazon account, your order history and your card.
- You should always wait for an item to be delivered before ordering something else.
- Make sure to select “This is a gift” when ordering.
- Even if the orders go through you shouldn’t stop shopping around Amazon, looking at items etc.
- Even after receiving the order you could wait more until ordering again.

- When adding a new card to the account you should remove the old one, obviously, and age it the same
way before ordering. About the value of the orders on the new card, I do recommend starting small
again but you could try your luck.

- Don’t order digital items, the anti-fraud system flags these really fast. It could work but it riskier.


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