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Section 3.

3​ Reading Assignment Name: Connor

Projectile Motion Period: 5

Pages 95-99 Date: 10-9-2020

As you read section 3.3,complete the blanks below.

1. To simplify projectile motion, vector ​ components ​ are used.

2. Objects that are launched or thrown into the air are called ​ projectiles ​.

3. List 4 examples of projectiles. Ball being thrown, rocket launched, cannon ball,
catapulted rock

4. Projectiles follow ​ Parabolic Trajectories ​ . (2 words)

5. We will neglect air resistance and the horizontal velocity of a projectile will be ​ constant

6. Projectile motion is simply freefall with an initial ​ horizontal ​ velocity.

7. What is the value of the vertical 9.81m/s

acceleration of a projectile?

8. Write (or paste) the three vy,f = ay ∆t

equations that describe the
vertical ​motion of a projectile that vy,f^2 = 2ay ∆y
falls from rest.
∆y =1/2ay(∆t)^2

9. Write (or paste) the equations vx = vx,i = constant

that describe the ​horizontal
motion of a projectile. ∆x = vx ∆t

10. Describe how you think the shape It would go lower and not as far
of a projectile’s trajectory would
change if air resistance was not
Mark whether you agree or disagree with each statement.

Agree Disagree

11. y The horizontal and vertical motions of a projectile are

independent of one another.

12. n In the absence of air resistance, a bullet shot horizontally

will land ​after​ a bullet which is dropped from rest at the
exact same moment.

13. n The force of gravity will slow down a projectile’s horizontal


14. y While in orbit around the Earth, the space shuttle is simply
a projectile.

15. y A ball dropped from a car window when moving will have
the same final velocity as a ball dropped from a car window
when the car is stationary

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