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Solve the below questions from Chapter-I & II and Paper-I

(Hand Written or Computer Compose):

 Define “Development and Sustainable Development (SD)”. Write with examples

the major development indicators. Is economic growth always good for the poor?
If no, then why?

 What are the basic stages of industrialization? Explain briefly. What do you mean
by Industry IV? Write briefly on industry I~IV.

 How to define poverty? What is the most proper measure of poverty? Why
inequality is bad? Write the Welfare Function; and briefly explain the Kuznet’s
Inverted-U Curve.

 Why we use Lorenz Curve (LC)? Indicate important points in LC. Write the Gini
characteristics; and from LC, how to get Gini value?

 What are the key constituent parts of Sustainable Development (SD)? Who are
the prime actors of SD? Write the dimensions of SD. Justify our tasks for SD.

 What were the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs)? What were the Goals of
MDGs? Why Agenda 21? Write the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)

 Explain the two well-known development patterns (Western Vs. East Asian).

 Write the irony aspects of democracy; and visualize the movement of selected
nations toward development and democracy.

 What can we do with a PPF? Draw the PPF curves of Consumer goods & Capital
goods for sustainable development, and indicate the opportunity costs in PPF

 Explain the Rostow’s five stages of development. What do you mean by the
Structural Changes in Development? Explain. What are the basic reasons behind
the rapid economic growth of Japan?

 In governance, what is CPI? Does democracy provide guarantee for good

governance? Give your opinions.

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