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Econometrics and Machine Learning in


- Topics 2 and 3 -

Probability Models and Data Generating


Higher School of Economics

A. Duplinskiy
What we did until now!

1 Reviewed some concepts from Time-Series Econometrics

2 Stationarity, Conditional vs Unconditional moments

2 / 77 Week 2 Introduction
This week

Multivariate Regression: More than 1 feature
Clustering: K-Means and Hierarchical, Affinity

Dimensionality Reduction: PCA, Lasso-Ridge:

Logistic Regression

Consider checking out

3 / 77 Week 2 Introduction
Next Week

1 Advanced time-series models

The models you will implement in your work!
Private companies, central banks, governments, public
institutions, research institutions, universities

Simple linear models everyone can estimate! (click buttons)

Econometricians (are expected to) do more!

Econometricians are suppose to be specialists in

cutting-edge, state-of-the-art models (not available in
software packages).
2 Machine Learning Vs Econometrics:
Cases when one has to be careful with ML
Experimental vs Observational data
Predictive vs Casual Models

4 / 77 Week 2 Introduction
Homework: Lecture 1

Solutions to Selected Exercises

Exercises 1.2 and 1.3

Exercise 1.2: Make a Venn diagram specifying the relation

between the following types of stochastic processes:
(a) iid processes (b) weakly stationary processes
(c) strictly stationary processes

Exercise 1.3: Give examples of time series that characterize

each set (including each intersection and union) in the Venn
diagram elaborated on the previous question.

6 / 77 Week 2 Introduction
Exercises 1.2 and 1.3

(1) WS, SS, IID (4) WS, SS, IID

(2) WS, SS, IID (5) WS, SS, IID
(3) WS, SS, IID
7 / 77 Week 2 Introduction
Exercises 1.2 and 1.3

(1) {Xt } iid with Xt ∼ N(µ, σ 2 ) for every t ≤ t∗ and Xt ∼

t(µ, σ 2 ) for every t > t∗

(2) {Xt } iid with Xt ∼ N(µ, σ 2 ) for every t

(3) (Xt , Xt−1 ) ∼ N(µ, Σ) for every t, where

" #
1 0.5
µ = [0, 0] and Σ =
0.5 1
(4) {Xt } iid with Xt ∼ Cauchy for every t

(5) (Xt , Xt−1 ) ∼ t(µ, Σ, λ) for every t, where

" #
1 0.5
µ = [0, 0] and Σ = and λ < 2.
0.5 1

8 / 77 Week 2 Introduction
Exercise 1.6
Exercise 1.6: Show that ρX (t + h, t) = ρX (h) if the time series
is weakly stationary.
Answer: The ACF is given by

Cov(Xt+h , Xt )
ρX (t + h, t) = p
Var(Xt+h )Var(Xt )

If {Xt } is weakly/strictly stationary, then, for every (t, h),

Cov(Xt+h , Xt ) = γX (h) and Var(Xt+h ) = Var(Xt ) = σX

Therefore, we can re-write

γX (h) γX (h) γX (h)

ρX (t + h, t) = q = 2 = = ρX (h)
2 2
σX σX σ X γX (0)

9 / 77 Week 2 Introduction
Exercise 1.11

Exercise 1.11: Derive the autocorrelation function of the

random walk starting at t = 1.

Xt = ε1 + ε2 + . . . + εt ∀ t ∈ N, were {εt } ∼ W N (0, σε2 ).

Recall: Var(Xt ) = tσε2 and Cov(Xt , Xt−h ) = (t − h)σε2 .

γX (t, t − h)
Hence: ρX (t, t − h) = p
Var(Xt )Var(Xt−h )

(t − h)σε2 t−h
= p = √
(tσε2 )((t − h)σε2 ) t

The correlations between elements of {Xt } change over time!

10 / 77 Week 2 Introduction
Exercise 1.17
(a) Xt = a + bZt + cZt−2 , {Zt } ∼ N ID(0, σ 2 )

E(Xt ) = E(a + bZt + cZt−2 )

= E(a) + E(bZt ) + E(cZt−2 )
= a + bE(Zt ) + cE(Zt−2 )
= a + b · 0 + c · 0 = a.

Var(Xt ) = Var(a + bZt + cZt−2 )

= Var(a) + Var(bZt ) + Var(cZt−2 )
= 0 + b2 Var(Zt ) + c2 Var(Zt−2 )
= (b2 + c2 )σ 2 .

11 / 77 Week 2 Introduction
Exercise 1.17
(a) (continued)

Cov(Xt , Xt−h ) = Cov(a + bZt + cZt−2 , a + bZt−h + cZt−h−2 )

= b2 Cov(Zt , Zt−h ) + bcCov(Zt , Zt−h−2 )
+ cbCov(Zt−2 , Zt−h ) + c2 Cov(Zt−2 , Zt−h−2 )
Now since Cov(Zt , Zt−h ) = 0 ∀ h 6= 0, we have,
γ(0) = (b2 + c2 )σ 2
γ(1) = 0
γ(2) = bcσ 2
γ(h) = 0 ∀ h > 2.
Since expectation, variance and covariance are all finite and
constant over time we conclude that {Xt } is weakly stationary.
12 / 77 Week 2 Introduction
Exercise 1.18

Exercise 1.18: Suppose {Xt } and {Yt } are uncorrelated weakly

stationary sequences. Show that {Xt + Yt } is weakly stationary.
Let {Wt } := {Xt + Yt }. Then,

E(Wt ) = E(Xt + Yt ) = E(Xt ) + E(Yt ) = µX + µY .

Var(Wt ) = Var(Xt + Yt ) = Var(Xt ) + Var(Yt ) = σX + σY2
Cov(Wt , Wt−h ) = Cov(Xt + Yt , Xt−h + Yt−h )
= Cov(Xt , Xt−h ) + Cov(Xt , Yt−h ) + Cov(Yt , +Xt−h )
+ Cov(Yt , Yt−h )
= γX (h) + 0 + 0 + γY (h) = γX (h) + γY (h).
Since expectation, variance and covariance are all finite and
constant over time we conclude that {Wt } is weakly stationary.
13 / 77 Week 2 Introduction
Useful info

Note: groups should have three or four students.

No more, no less. (contact me if you do not have partners)
Deadline for forming groups: Sunday, November 1
Assignment deadlines:

Part 1 and 2: Monday, December 14, at 18:30.

Important: Failure to deliver on time implies zero points on that


Good grade: answers should be: correct, clear and complete.

Deliver a report with appropriate justifications and insightful
comments and remarks. Think about your report: Too much
information is unreadable. Too little information is ill advised.

14 / 77 Probability Models Introduction

Assignment and Software

Software: Assignment should be completed with python or any

other software, Matlab, R

Topics: Clustering, Text Processing

Doing extra: Go ahead, but make sure you know what you are

15 / 77 Probability Models Introduction


About this assignment:

In this assignment you have data about id’s and when and
where they were issues. Do not worry, there is no id
number and I modified the data!

Assignment objectives:
1 Work with text data and learn how to cluster text data.
2 Get the feeling how to calculate the value of your work.
3 Visualize data and use clustering for data cleaning.

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Id data

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Load the data and process it

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Visualise data

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Visualise cleaned data

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Autosuggestion accuracy

Figure : Proportion of entries that have a smaller error then a number

on x-axis according to a levenshtein distance. Axis: x- levengshtein
distance, y - proportion of entries that have error smaller than x

21 / 77 Probability Models Introduction

Multivariate regression

Extension of the univariate regression:

Strictly speaking univariate models we worked with have
two variables often – regressor and constant.
Mathematically very similar – the same techniques to
Typically the same packages, but more things to look at.
statsmodels is more statistic driven, sklearn is more
machine learning.
similar functionality slightly different focus and notation.

22 / 77 Probability Models Introduction

Multivariate regression examples

Number of Shops on Population and Number of Horeca


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Load Packages

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Fit Plot

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Multivariate Regression

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Plot fit

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Multivariate Plot

Why is this mess here?

28 / 77 Probability Models Introduction

Multivariate Scatter Plot

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Multivariate Scatter Plot

30 / 77 Probability Models Introduction

Residuals Plot

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What is it? Why do we do it?

Clustering refers to a very broad set of techniques for
finding subgroups, or clusters, in a data set.
We want to partition the data into distinct groups based on
the information we have. So that similar shoes are in
distinct groups.
What doest it mean for shoes to be similar or different?
In non-trivial cases, we need to combine categorical and
numerical features and use domain-specific knowledge

32 / 77 Probability Models Introduction


What is it? Why do we do it?

Alternative to going to more sophisticated models. Instead
of going to semi-nonparametric or non-parametric methods
such as ANN we can split data into groups and have a
simpler model for them
Netflix and Spotify recommendation is essentially a
sophisticated version of two-sided clustering. Find people
with similar tastes. Find products with similar properties.

33 / 77 Probability Models Introduction

Clustering Recom systems

34 / 77 Probability Models Introduction


What is it? Why do we do it?

Alternative to going to more sophisticated models. Instead
of going to semi-nonparametric or non-parametric methods
such as ANN we can split data into groups and have a
simpler model for them
Netflix and Spotify recommendation is essentially a
sophisticated version of two-sided clustering. Find people
with similar tastes. Find products with similar properties.
Solve the problem of cold start. If time series data is not
available how to predict sales of a new article?
Imagine a map and us trying to guess the value of a
property based on k-nearest neighbors

35 / 77 Probability Models Introduction

Clustering Example

Sales and Product data of Shoes:

Suppose we have a large number of shoe characteristics
(e.g. number of shoes sold last year, average price, product
category(e.g. running, football, outdoor), and so forth) for
a large number of shoes.
Our purpose is to group similar shoes together to make a
separate demand/promotion model for each group..
This task can be linked to user segmentation. Similar
people like similar shoes (related to recommender systems)

36 / 77 Probability Models Introduction

Clustering Result Plot

37 / 77 Probability Models Introduction

K-means Clustering Details

Assign a unique index to each observation.
To minimize the within-cluster variation given the number
of clusters.
− x i0 j ) 2
W CV (Ck ) = |Ck | xi ,xi0 ∈Ck j=1 (xij

38 / 77 Probability Models Introduction

K-means Clustering Details

1 Randomly assign a number, from 1 to K, to each of the
observations. These serve as initial cluster assignments for
the observations.
2 Iterate until the cluster assignments stop changing:
1 For each of the K clusters, compute the cluster centroid.
The kth cluster centroid is the vector of the p feature means
for the observations in the kth cluster.
2 Assign each observation to the cluster whose centroid is
closest (where closest is defined using Euclidean distance).

39 / 77 Probability Models Introduction

Example by Robert Tibshirani and Trevor Hastie

Figure : Steps of K-means algorithm. Source: Statistical Learning at
40 / 77 Probability Models Introduction
Breaking down steps

The progress of the K-means algorithm with K=3.

Top left: Scatter plot of the data.
Top center: Step 1 – Randomly assign each observation to
a cluster.
Top right: Step 2(a) – Compute the cluster centroids.
Bottom left: Step 2(b), Assign each observation to the
nearest centroid.
Bottom center: Step 2(a) – Compute new cluster
Top right: Results after 10 iterations.

41 / 77 Probability Models Introduction

Scale Data

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Residuals Plot

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Residuals Plot

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K-means code

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Scatter Plot

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Clustering Result Plot

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K-means Clustering. How to Choose K?

No simple answer:
Number given by domain knowledge.
Elbow method.
Silhouette Score.

48 / 77 Probability Models Introduction

Elbow Method

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Elbow Method

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Silhuette Score k = 2

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Silhuette Score k = 3

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Silhuette Score k = 4

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Code For Silhouette Score. Part 1

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Code For Silhouette Score. Part 2

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Get Cluster Labels

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Scatter Plot

Compare with K-means?

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Two types of Clustering

Top-down and Bottom-Up:

In K-means clustering, we seek to partition the
observations into a pre-specified number of clusters.
In hierarchical clustering, we do not know in advance how
many clusters we want; in fact, we end up with a tree-like
visual representation of the observations, called a
dendrogram, that allows us to view at once the clusterings
obtained for each possible number of clusters, from 1 to n.

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Affinity Prop

Based on distance matrix

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Affinity Prop

What are the clusters here?

61 / 77 Probability Models Introduction

Affinity Prop

What are the clusters here?

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Affinity Prop

Compare with K-means?

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Dependent variable is binary ∈ {0, 1} – probability of
Use stats models and sklearn

64 / 77 Probability Models Introduction

Logit with sm ols

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Logit with sm ols

Get Odds Ratio and Confidence intervals

66 / 77 Probability Models Introduction

Logit with sklearn

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Logit Performance measures

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Area under Curve

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Area under Curve

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Pp 2
ML + a loss function λ i=1 βi

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Chapter 3: Probability models

Some more reading material:

1 Davidson (1994), “Stochastic Limit Theory”
Chapter 1.6, 2.3, 3.1 and 7.1
2 Billingsley (1995), “Probability and Measure”
Chapter 2 and 5
3 White (1996), “Estimation Inference and
Specification Analysis”
Chapter 2.1, 2.2 and 20
4 Fan and Yao (2005), “Nonlinear Time-Series”
Chapter 1.3

74 / 77 Probability Models Introduction

Probability spaces and random variables

Note: we need to learn some basic concepts of set theory and

measure theory in order to find an appropriate definition of
probability model and data generating process.
A very brief history of 20th century mathematics:
1 Late 19th and 20th centuries: foundations!
2 Gottlob Frege attempted to give proper definitions of numbers,
functions and variables. What is the number 2 after all?
3 Days before publication (10 years of work) Bertrand Russell pointing
out ‘small inconsistency’ which turned out to destroy Frege’s work.
4 Bertrand Russell gives foundations to mathematics in ‘Principia
Mathematica’ in 3 volumes.
5 Kurt Godel’s Incompleteness Theorem shows that any logical
axiomatic system will always be incomplete or contradictory!

75 / 77 Probability Models Introduction

Probability space

A probability space is a triplet (E, F, P ) where E is the ‘event

space’, F is a σ-field defined on the event space E and P is a
probability measure defined on the σ-field F.
Event space E is the collection of all possible outcomes for the
random variable.

Probability measure P defines probability associated to each

event and each collection of events in E.

σ-field F contains all the relevant collections of events.

Note: P : F → [0, 1] maps elements of F to the interval [0, 1].

76 / 77 Probability Models Introduction

Probability space

A probability space is a triplet (E, F, P ) where E is the ‘event

space’, F is a σ-field defined on the event space E and P is a
probability measure defined on the σ-field F.
Examples of event spaces E:
Coin tosses: E = {heads, tails}
Dice tosses: E = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6}
Gaussian random variable E = R

Question: Why is P defined on collections of sets in F?

Answer: Describes what are joint and disjoint sets!

77 / 77 Probability Models Introduction

Probability space: Coin toss example
Example: A σ-field F of the event space E = {heads, tails} is
n o
F := {∅} , {heads} , {tails} , {heads, tails} .

F contains the empty set ∅
F contains each element of E
F contains the event space E = {heads, tails}
Hence: Probability measure P must define a probability of
Nothing happening P (∅)
Drawing heads P (heads)
Drawing tails P (tails)
Drawing either heads or tails P ({heads, tails})
78 / 77 Probability Models Introduction
σ-fields (σ-algebras)

Note: there are certain rules that must be followed for

constructing a σ-algebra F.

Banach-Tarsky Paradox (1924): It is possible to take a ball,

cut it into pieces, and re-arrange those pieces in such a manner
as to obtain two balls of the exact same size, that have no parts
missing! The σ-algebra solves this problem!

A σ-field F of a set E is a collection of subsets of E satisfying:

(i) E ∈ F.
(ii) If F ∈ F, then F c ∈ F.
(iii) If {Fn }n∈N is a sequence of sets in F then n=1 Fn ∈ F.

79 / 77 Probability Models Introduction

Measurable spaces and probability measures

A measurable space is just a pair (E, F) composed of an event

space E and respective σ-algebra F.
A probability measure P defined on a measurable space (E, F)
is a function P : F → [0, 1] satisfying:
(i) P (F ) ≥ 0 ∀ F ∈ F.
(ii) P (E) = 1.
(iii) If {Fn }n∈N is a collection of sets in F, then
S∞  P∞
P n=1 Fn = n=1 P (Fn ).

80 / 77 Probability Models Introduction

Random variable

Given two measurable spaces (A, FA ) and (B, FB ), a function

f : A → B is said to be measurable if f is such that every
element b ∈ FB satisfies f −1 (b) ∈ FA .
Note: inverse map f −1 exists always, it may just not be a
function! Do you remember the properties of a function?

Given a probability space (E, F, P ) and a measurable space

(R, FR ), a random-variable xt is a measurable map xt : E → R
that maps elements of E to the real numbers R.

81 / 77 Probability Models Introduction

Random variable

Note: The definition of random variable is very intuitive!

Note: measurability of xt : E → R implies that we can assign

probabilities for each interval R ⊆ R of the real line
PR (R) = P (x−1

t (R)) = P e ∈ E : xt (e) ∈ R

we obtain a new probability space (R, FR , PR ).

Note: we can now define the cumulative distribution function F

that you know so well as

F (a) = PR (x ≤ a) ∀ a ∈ R.

Important: xt is a random variable. xt (e) ∈ R is the

realization of the random variable produced by event e ∈ E.

82 / 77 Probability Models Introduction

Random vectors and random elements

Note: The concept of random variable is easy to generalize!

Given a probability space (E, F, P ) and a measurable space

(Rn , FRn ) with n ∈ N, an n-variate random-vector xt is a
measurable map xt : E → Rn that maps elements of E to Rn .

Given a probability space (E, F, P ) and the measurable space

(A, FA ), a random-element at taking values in A is a measurable
map at : E → A that maps elements of E to A.

83 / 77 Probability Models Introduction

Is this a random variable? Borel σ-algebra

Important: definition of random variable depends on the

σ-algebra that one is using!

Question: Consider the case where xt is a normal random

variable xt ∼ N (0, σ 2 ). Is x2t also a random variable? How
about exp(xt )?

Answer: Yes, if we use the Borel σ-algebra! (Emile Borel)

Given set A the Borel σ-algebra BA is the smallest σ-algebra

containing all open sets of A.

84 / 77 Probability Models Introduction

Is this a random variable? Continuous functions

Important: all continuous functions are measurable under the

Borel σ-algebra! Any continuous transformation f (xt ) of a
random variable xt is also a random variable!

Note: It is obvious that all continuous functions are

measurable! Just look at the definition of continuous function.

Let (A, TA ) and (B, TB ) be topological spaces. A function

f : A → B is said to be continuous if its inverse f −1 maps open
sets to open sets; i.e. if for every b ∈ TB we have f −1 (b) ∈ TA .

85 / 77 Probability Models Introduction

What is a probability model?

Question: What exactly is a model?

Example: Given T tosses of a coin, it is reasonable to suppose

that x1 , ..., xT are realizations of T Bernoulli random variables,
xt ∼ Bern(θ) with unknown probability parameter θ ∈ [0, 1].

Important: Each θ defines a probability distribution for the

random vector (x1 , ..., xT ) taking values in RT . Our model is a
collection of probability distributions on RT .

This definition of model is the one you have been

always using. Even if you did not realize it!

86 / 77 Probability Models Introduction

What is a probability model?

Question: What exactly is a model?

Example 2: Gaussian linear AR(1) model,

xt = α + βxt−1 + εt , εt ∼ N (0, σε2 ) , ∀t∈Z

Important: Each θ = (α, β, σε2 ) defines a distribution for the

time-series {xt }t∈Z . Our model is a collection of probability
distributions on R∞ .
This definition of model is the one you have been
always using. Even if you did not realize it!

87 / 77 Probability Models Introduction

Probability model

Given a measurable space (E, F) and a parameter space Θ, a

probability model is a collection PΘ := {Pθ , θ ∈ Θ} of
probability measures defined on F.

Given the measurable space (R∞ , FR∞ ) and a parameter space

Θ, a probability model is a collection PΘ := {Pθ , θ ∈ Θ} of
probability measures defined on FR∞ .

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Some more useful definitions...

A probability model PΘ := {Pθ , θ ∈ Θ} is said to be:

’parametric’ if the parameter space Θ is finite dimensional;
‘nonparametric’ if Θ is infinite dimensional;
‘semi-parametric’ if e Θ = Θ1 × Θ2 where Θ1 is finite
dimensional and Θ2 is infinite dimensional;
‘semi-nonparametric’ if ΘT is indexed by the sample size T with
‘sieves’ {ΘT }T ∈N with increasing dimension.

Given a measurable space (E, F) and two parametric models

PΘ := {Pθ , θ ∈ Θ} and P∗Θ∗ := {Pθ∗∗ , θ ∗ ∈ Θ∗ }, we say that model PΘ
nests model P∗Θ∗ if and only if P∗Θ∗ ⊆ PΘ .

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