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scripter #13.

1.I�m tired of this!.

- �Estoy cansada de esto!

2.Ann, my brother says it wasn't his fault.

- Ann, mi hermano dice que no fue su culpa.

3.Let him know that I�m really upset .

- Hazle saber que estoy realmente molesto.

4.Peter, Ann says she�s actually upset.

- Peter, Ann dice que en realidad est� molesta.

5.Please, brother, help me by telling her it wasn�t my fault.

- Por favor, hermano, ay�dame dici�ndole que no fue mi culpa.

6.My brother insists it wasn�t his fault.

- Mi hermano insiste en que no fue culpa suya.

7.No? Who do you think he was with? With your mother?.

- �No? �Con qui�n crees que estaba? �Con tu madre?.

8.Pete, she says you were with someone else who is not our mother.
- Pete, ella dice que estabas con otra persona que no es nuestra madre.

9.It wasn�t me! It was someone that looks very much like me!.
- �No fui yo! �Era alguien que se parec�a mucho a m�!.

10.Ann, my brother Pete says it wasn�t him.

- Ann, mi hermano Pete dice que no fue �l..

11.It was for sure! Shameless!.

- �Estaba seguro! �Desvergonzado!.

12.Pete, she says you are shameless!.

- Pete, ella dice que eres descarada!

13.Oh yes? Let her know that I hate her!.

- �Oh si? �Hazle saber que la odio!.

14.I�m tired of this! Why don�t you just go and talk to her?.
- �Estoy cansado de esto! �Por qu� no vas y hablas con ella?

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