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Jorge Alejandro Pantoja Cardenas

English subject
11/10/2020 ..
Before the quarantine I was presenting the military service, my routine
before the quarantine was quite simple, I got up, took a bath, I had to
do many things before breakfast such as sweep, fix the bathrooms, make
the beds, check the weapons, then report to me Supervisor, and he gave us
the activities of the day, at lunchtime we had to form, count ourselves
and go to lunch then we had 2 hours of rest before going to stand guard,
we returned and then we went to eat and sleep.

After the military service that was during 2020, my daily routine is to
get up, make my bed, have breakfast, pick up the cell phone, look for
interesting things or that are on Facebook, then I greet my mother, I ask
her what we are going to have breakfast, I make breakfast, I I get ready
for virtual classes, I turn on the computer, I look for the tasks of the
day, I try to do them until lunch, then I start watching videos or
playing video games.

He is Kevin, the lawyer has breakfast every day bread and coffee varies
with eggs, He bathes every day at 9:00 or 3:00 in the afternoon, he likes
to watch many videos and play video games at 1 : 00 in the afternoon, he
does university work in the afternoon, depends on availability he goes to
sleep very late.

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