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Nila Handayani 1), Dian Agustina 2), Mawadda Azizah Sari Waruwu 3)
Fakutlas Teknik, 2Universitas Negeri Medan

This study aims to (1) develop e-Magazine learning media for culinary students in the
Pastry course (2) to determine the assessment of media experts and material experts on
learning media, (3) to determine the assessment of culinary students on learning media,
and (4) ) determine the feasibility of learning media based on the assessment of media
experts, material experts and students. The method used in this research is research and
development (Research and Development). This research was conducted at the Faculty of
Engineering, State University of Medan.The resulting learning media is in the form of e-
Magazine media. Data obtained through questionnaire techniques, assessment sheets
from media experts and material experts. The subjects of this study were 30 semester
students of Catering Unimed, totaling 30 undergraduate students. Based on the results of
data analysis and discussion, it can be concluded that the e-Magazine learning media can
help teachers and students in developing learning media, especially development for
increasing student knowledge. The use of e-Magazine media has a positive impact on
student knowledge, with an average score of the experimental class being higher at 43
and the control class with an average of 39.14.

Keywords: e-Magazine, Pastry, Catering

The importance of media that helps learning has begun to be felt by lecturers and
students. Management of learning aids is very much needed. In line with the rapid
advancement of science and technology. The development and change of human
civilization will continue and demand that people enter the era of globalization. The
demands of professional services in various sectors of life are getting deeper and the
quality of human resources that meet the expectations of society is increasingly needed.
Improving the quality of human resources needs to be prepared early in order to face the
demands of changing times. The use of media should be a part that must receive the
attention of lecturers / facilitators in every learning activity. Therefore, the lecturer /
facilitator needs to learn how to determine the learning media in order to make the
learning objectives effective in the PBM. The rapid development of information
technology enables a person to explore data and information more broadly and
practically. The use of computers in various fields of work can improve performance and
enable activities to be carried out quickly, precisely and accurately. Finally, this will
increase work productivity. The advancement of computers is also closely related to the
world of education. Most schools also include computers as a compulsory subject. Even
computer technology provides innovation in the learning process and also enables
distance learning or face-to-face learning. The rapid development of information
technology enables a person to explore data and information more broadly and
practically. The use of computers in various fields of work can improve performance and
enable activities to be carried out quickly, precisely and accurately. Finally, this will
increase work productivity. The advancement of computers is also closely related to the
world of education. Most schools also include computers as a compulsory subject. Even
computer technology provides innovation in the learning process and also enables
distance learning or face-to-face learning. The rapid development of information
technology enables a person to explore data and information more broadly and
practically. The use of computers in various fields of work can improve performance and
enable activities to be carried out quickly, precisely and accurately. Finally, this will
increase work productivity. The advancement of computers is also closely related to the
world of education. Most schools also include computers as a compulsory subject. Even
computer technology provides innovation in the learning process and also enables
distance learning or face-to-face learning. The use of computers in various fields of work
can improve performance and enable activities to be carried out quickly, precisely and
accurately. Finally, this will increase work productivity. The advancement of computers
is also closely related to the world of education. Most schools also include computers as a
compulsory subject. Even computer technology provides innovation in the learning
process and also enables distance learning or face-to-face learning. The use of computers
in various fields of work can improve performance and enable activities to be carried out
quickly, precisely and accurately. Finally, this will increase work productivity. The
advancement of computers is also closely related to the world of education. Most schools
also include computers as a compulsory subject. Even computer technology provides
innovation in the learning process and also enables distance learning or face-to-face
Pastry is one of the courses taught to students of the culinary education study
program. In the Pastry learning process, lecturers still use books as a medium to convey
learning and this makes students bored in following the learning process. This causes
students to tend to be passive in the learning process, so that they are only recipients of
information from lecturers. The monotonous Pastry learning technique, using verbal
communication, makes students bored. The application of conventional learning methods
or lecture methods by the lecturer causes students to lack broad opportunities to convey
ideas or ideas, develop experiences, and their potential.
For this reason, interactive multimedia-based learning media will be needed in
providing a different atmosphere that can change student perceptions about Pastry
learning. Multimedia for students is expected to make it easier for them to absorb subject
matter quickly and efficiently and independent learning can be applied. Learning media
are used to attract attention and make students active in the learning process, one of
which is using the E-Magazine learning media.
The development of electronic magazines is certainly related to the development
of information technologydeviceor a tool to access the electronic magazine. Information
media technology continues to emerge with various typesbrandand the type of making
electronic magazines do development. For example in electronic media such as laptops
andcell phonewhich have appeared in various types and are still developing, making
electronic magazines try to create and update their application systems so that they can be
used on various types of electronic media. Electronic magazines no longer use shoulder
materialpaperto write articles such asmagazinein general, but in formfilesdigitalwhich can
be accessed through electronic media such
asComputer,Laptop,handphone,BlackBerry,android,iPhone,iPadand other technologies.
Magazine is onemediaread that humans use to meet the need for information. As
it developstechnologynamely by emergenceInternet, magazineconventionalbecome less
attractive to the community. This makes some conventional magazines try to take
advantage of this technological rate by carrying out the processdigitizationinto electronic
form in the hope of surviving and sustainingsharemarketwhich has existed.
In this regard, every student already has a cellphone or leptop as a means and
infrastructure for learning, making it possible to use learning media in the form of E-
Magazine. Based on this description, this research was conducted in order to develop a
learning media in the form of an E-Magazine. The development of learning media is
carried out in the Pastry course so that it can be delivered using an attractive layout, so
that learning is not monotonous and boring. This media can be used for culinary students.

This type of research is research and development. Sugiyono (2014) concluded
that research and development methods are "research methods used to produce certain
products and test the effectiveness of these products". The product being developed is the
Pastry material Learning Media.
Borg & Gall (1983: 775) proposes a series of steps that must be taken in this
approach, namely the research and development approach includes 10 general steps, as
described by Borg & Gall (1983: 775), as the model in Figure 3.1 below:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Figure 3.1 Schematic of the Adaptation Result Development Procedure from the Borg &
Gall Development Procedure (Source: Borg & Gall, 1983: 775)
1. Research and information collecting;
2. Planning;
3. Develop preliminary form of product;
4. Preliminary field testing;
5. Main product revision;
6. Main field testing;
7. Operational product revision;
8. Operational field testing;
9. Final product revision;
10. Dissemination, and implementation;
Based on the model development scheme, the researcher refers to the ninth
procedure from the above stages, in this research the researcher does not cover up to the
tenth stage, namely dissemination and implementation due to time constraints and so on.
Through the above procedures, it can be realized and developed into the form of technical
planning targets and the types of activities that researchers will carry out at each stage.

Data collection technique

The data that will be collected is data about the need for teaching and learning
materials on fantasy makeup in a qualitative form. Qualitative data were collected using
questionnaire sheets and documentation. The data collection techniques used in this study
are as follows:
1. Questionnaire
Questionnaires are used to collect data on the need for textbooks
provided to students, to identify general learning needs and goals, to capture
student opinions.
2. Documentation
Documentation is used as research evidence. Documentation includes
things that can strengthen research statements such as photographs,
correspondence and so on.

Needs analysis is carried out by conducting interviews with course lecturers, the
results of interviews related to learning media that have been carried out and desired by
educators, indicating that the lecturer concerned often has difficulty in delivering
material, especially in delivering and introducing material. The difficulties experienced
are related to the response of students who are less motivated in listening to the material
provided by the lecturer, due to the lack of learning media, especially in giving recipes
and manuals. For this reason, learning is often carried out by teachers by lecturing, and
analyzing recipes according to the topic of discussion at that time. After conducting a
field analysis at the research location regarding the needs of lecturers while teaching,
Researchers can draw a conclusion that in the learning process lecturers experience
difficulties, due to the lack of media and guidebooks, especially material on middle and
eastern pastry. As a result of the limitations of the learning media used, especially in
terms of reference books, students only imagine what the lecturer explains, and students
tend to be bored, sleepy and busy alone with their friends.

1. Preparation of Product Prototypes

After reviewing the results of the educator needs analysis, the next step is to
compile a prototype of learning media development products. The procedure for
developing the big book learning media is as follows: determining the material adapted to
the learning program unit (SAP) or semester learning plan (RPS), implementing
development, compiling e-Magazine learning media for the formation of teaching
materials, reviewing and testing the products consisting of reviews of media and material
experts, revisions, and small and large scale trials, and the final stage, namely the final e-
Magazine learning media for teaching materials.

2. Development Result Trial Data

a. Material Expert Data
In validating a learning media product developed, the material expert used is the
lecturer of the Dra. Adikahriani, M.Si. The material expert test was carried out
through discussions, questionnaires, interviews with the following results, the
material expert consisted of 1 lecturer, namely Pastry Lecturer. The data collected
through a questionnaire shows that from the aspect of the content of the material that
the material is in accordance with the material indicators that have been determined,
while for the language aspect, the language used still needs improvement, which is
adjusted to the perfect spelling of the language (EYD), so that the teaching materials
can be accepted easily. Overall, the assessment from the material and language
aspects reached 122 with a final average of 4.06 which, if converted from
quantitative to qualitative, was in the good category. In addition to questionnaires,
interviews were also conducted regarding e-Magazine learning media products, both
regarding the correctness of the concept, depth of discussion, and general comments
and comments in the context of improvement or revision prior to the next stage. The
results of interviews with material experts show that e-Magazine learning media
products need to be added, because if only one type of product is made, the results
obtained are not optimal, and students will quickly get bored if only one product is
In the material sub-section, there are still sentences that are not standardized,
there are still very long sentences, so they need to be simplified again. Then in the
recipe indicator, there are still some recipes that are not standard, therefore they need
to be replaced with others that are in accordance with the development level of the
latest recipes and daily practical activities in the laboratory. The conclusion of the
results from material experts, e-Magazine learning media products are feasible to be
tested with revisions. The results are reviewed by the researchers, as a basis for
product improvement, especially in terms of product appearance and product

b. Media Expert Data

The validation of media experts was carried out by PKK lecturers who were
also Postgraduate Program lecturers, namely Dr. Dina Ampera, M.Si. The evaluation
of instructional media experts is intended to obtain input on the quality of media
display and aspects of learning. The results of the evaluation of the learning media
expert are in the form of an assessment score on several aspects which include the
appearance aspect and the learning aspect. The assessment carried out by media
experts gets a score of 146 if averaged it gets 4.05 results and if it is converted from
quantitative to qualitative it is in the good category. In addition to conducting
assessments through questionnaires, media experts also provide input on e-Magazine
learning media products, namely from the color aspect found in the media, The
combination of colors contained in e-Magazine uses contrasting and bright colors so
that it can attract students' attention, the use of e-Magazine media products is further
clarified by the steps for use. Then in the discussion of the material, it is better if you
use a recipe, the recipe should be used, namely the standard recipe. While in the font
and writing letters in the script it is more enlarged, namely using 12-14 fonts in order
to make it easier for students to understand the material, the writing format is to be
tidied up more and supported by decorations on each page, then the flow in
CHAPTER is made more systematic. After providing suggestions for the
development of e-Magazine learning media products, the final stage of the media
expert concludes that the e-Magazine learning media is feasible to be tested with

c. Small Class Trial Data

Learning media that have been validated by material experts and media experts
and have been revised based on notes from these experts, then tested in a limited
field. Limited field trials using a sample of students in class groups of 6 students.
The use of e-Magazine media itself is used every time in the research process of
small classes. The researcher explains about the use of e-Magazine media to
educators, that the use of the media is that students are also involved so that students
can understand each chapter of the material provided, besides that the purpose of
using the media is to invite to know the recipes in the media. The results obtained
can be seen that, each indicator on the value of the material has a moderate value,
only on indicators in analyzing the recipe has a high value. Overall, the use of e-
Magazine media in preparing materials reached 3.36 with a high category. The
results of this small group trial were reviewed by researchers, as a basis for product
revisions for large group trials. In this small group trial, discussions and observations
were also carried out. The result, according to the lecturer, the e-Magazine used had
a high level, students preferred to access it rather than buy or look for reference

d. Large Class Trial Data

An extensive trial of the e-Magazine learning media was carried out after a
limited trial. There are two classes used, namely family planning class A and class
family planning B. These observations were made in the two classes that had been
selected, namely class A as the control class and class B as the experimental class. In
an assessment using these two classes, the researcher asked for help from one of the
class lecturers in class A as an observer. The results obtained in the control class
pretest were 31.64 categorized "good". Meanwhile, the experimental class obtained
an average value of 32.28 in the "good" category. After conducting a pretest
assessment in the control and experimental classes, The researcher conducted a
posttest in the control class and experimental class. This assessment is carried out
after using the e-Magazine learning media for the experimental class and in the
control class the lecturer in the storytelling subject uses the manual that has been
prepared by the researcher. The results obtained by the researcher in the control class
posttest were 39.14 with the "very good" category, and the experimental class 43
with the "very good" category. In addition to assessing the results of the post-test
using media, an assessment of the results of different tests for the achievement of
each given character value was also carried out, the results of different tests obtained
on the material values were based on the results of the calculation of the independent
sample t-test on the standard gain for student character achievement. It can be seen
that F = 0.200 with the significance level of 0.670 is greater than 0.050. This shows
that actually the standard gain variance of student character achievement between the
control and experimental classes is the same, namely -2,777. In this test, both equal
variances are used. In the t test, the standard gain for the same variance is -2.777
with a significant level of 0.032. Because the significant level value is smaller than
0.05, H₀ is rejected. Based on this, it can be concluded that there is a significant
difference in the achievement of the preparation of student teaching materials
between classes using conventional learning media and developed learning media.
The results of different tests for disciplinary character values, based on the results of
the calculation of the independent sample t-test on the standard gain for student
character achievement, it can be seen that the value of F = 0.725 with a significance
level of 0, 419 is greater than 0.05. This shows that in fact the standard gain variance
of student character achievement between the control class and the experimental
class is the same, namely -4.575. In this test, both equal variances are used. t
standard gain shows the same variance, namely -4.575 with a significance level of
0.002. Because the value of the significance level is smaller than 0.05, H₀ is
rejected. Based on this, it can be concluded that there are significant differences in
the achievement of the preparation of teaching materials between classes using
conventional learning media and developed learning media. And the results of
different tests for the value of the material based on the results of the calculation of
the independent sample t-test on the standard gain for student character achievement
can be seen that the value of F = 0, 157 with a significance level of 0.712 greater
than 0.05. This shows that in fact the standard gain variance of student knowledge
achievement between the control and experimental classes is the same, namely
-0.868. In this test, both equal variances are used. The calculation results show that
the standard t gain value for the same variance is -0.868 with a significance level of
0.434. Because the significance value is greater than 0.05, Hı is rejected. Based on
these results, it can be concluded that there is no significant difference in the
achievement of the preparation of teaching materials using conventional learning
media with classes using learning media developed. After calculating the knowledge
and material interior, it can be concluded that the e-Magazine learning media has a
significant influence on the preparation of Pastry teaching materials for students.
This happens because in the learning process students are directly involved in
applying it in the pastry and laboratory fields when practicing to see the competency
results at the end of the lesson. After testing the e-Magazine learning media product,
the researcher gave a questionnaire to educators. The assessment conducted by the
lecturers after using the e-Magazine media got a very high result, namely 8.57. This
is included in the category suitable for use in the learning process, especially in
learning to increase student knowledge.


The development of e-Magazine learning media is carried out in five stages,
namely: needs analysis, developing initial products, expert validation and revision, small-
scale field trials and revisions, and large-scale field trials and final products. In the
assessment process carried out by experts, namely material experts produce an average
score of 4.06 in the good category, and media experts with a mean score of 4.05 in the
good category. With the conclusion that the e-Magazine learning media is feasible to be
tested with revisions according to the suggestions. There is a difference in scores between
the control and experimental classes, the experimental class gets an average score of 43
with the very good category, and the mean score for the control class is 39.14 with the
very good category. From the average acquisition obtained, the experiment class got
better results than the control class. With these achievements, it can be concluded that the
e-Magazine learning media has a significant influence on students as an innovation in
developing Pastry teaching materials in the form of e-Magazine for students. The
suggestions for this research are for Educators. The results of this development can be
used as an alternative learning media in introducing pastry material to students. This
product can spur students' enthusiasm to be involved in learning, especially when the
lecturer explains the subject. For Future Researchers It is hoped that future researchers
can conduct research on training with educators in the development of learning media
using interactive media. With these achievements, it can be concluded that the e-
Magazine learning media has a significant influence on students as an innovation in
developing Pastry teaching materials in the form of e-Magazine for students. The
suggestions for this research are for Educators. The results of this development can be
used as an alternative learning media in introducing pastry material to students. This
product can spur students' enthusiasm to be involved in learning, especially when the
lecturer explains the subject. For Future Researchers It is hoped that future researchers
will be able to conduct research on training with educators in the development of learning
media using interactive media. With these achievements, it can be concluded that the e-
Magazine learning media has a significant influence on students as an innovation in
developing Pastry teaching materials in the form of e-Magazine for students. The
suggestions for this research are for Educators. The results of this development can be
used as an alternative learning media in introducing pastry material to students. This
product can spur students' enthusiasm to be involved in learning, especially when the
lecturer explains the subject. For Future Researchers It is hoped that future researchers
can conduct research on training with educators in the development of learning media
using interactive media. It can be concluded that the e-Magazine learning media has a
significant influence on students as an innovation in developing Pastry teaching materials
in the form of e-Magazine for students. The suggestions for this research are for
Educators. The results of this development can be used as an alternative learning media in
introducing pastry material to students. This product can spur students' enthusiasm to be
involved in learning, especially when the lecturer explains the subject. For Future
Researchers It is hoped that future researchers will be able to conduct research on training
with educators in the development of learning media using interactive media. It can be
concluded that the e-Magazine learning media has a significant influence on students as
an innovation in developing Pastry teaching materials in the form of e-Magazine for
students. The suggestions for this research are for Educators. The results of this
development can be used as an alternative learning media in introducing pastry material
to students. This product can spur students' enthusiasm to be involved in learning,
especially when the lecturer explains the subject. For Future Researchers It is hoped that
future researchers will be able to conduct research on training with educators in the
development of learning media using interactive media. The suggestions for this research
are for Educators. The results of this development can be used as an alternative learning
media in introducing pastry material to students. This product can spur students'
enthusiasm to be involved in learning, especially when the lecturer explains the subject.
For Future Researchers It is hoped that future researchers will be able to conduct research
on training with educators in the development of learning media using interactive media.
The suggestions for this research are for Educators. The results of this development can
be used as an alternative learning media in introducing pastry material to students. This
product can spur students' enthusiasm to be involved in learning, especially when the
lecturer explains the subject. For Future Researchers It is hoped that future researchers
will be able to conduct research on training with educators in the development of learning
media using interactive media.

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