Khursheed Ahmad Shah - Docx Paper

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Name Khursheed Ahmad shah

Roll no (F19-3348)

PAPER Sociology of social change

Instructor Dr. Farkhanda Siddique

Program M.Phil (SEMESTER-2nd)

Department Sociology

EXAM Mid-Term spring 2020

Question No: 1 (a) what major social change creates a trend?

Prospectus of social change/creates a trend

A small group of people cooperating collaborating and committing to

holding each other to planning and acting on what is in the best interest of
everyone has the potential to transform the world.

Social change requires an economic investment of energy to
break existing pattern of social.

Some prospects of social change/new trends

The world is becoming hyper connected:
Through increasing access to the internet social media and
mobile phone technology the power of the individual as a virtual
citizen is on the rise. The scale of social networks has shifted the
paradigm of citizen expression that changes the world.


Is responsible for the growth of many industries in third world

especially software industry. Trade with other countries tremendously
increased that change the economic growth of third world.
International human rights:

In 1948 the declaration was signed to prevent the horror of occurring

now 198 countries allow women to vote compared to 91 in 1948 ,57
percent of countries have a women rights institution and 111 countries
have adopted press freedom laws.

Social media:

Is helping tackle some of the world’s biggest challenges from human

rights violations to climate change.


Modernization is the social political and cultural consequences of

economic growth and the conditions that are become the reason for
the social change in developing countries.


Technological advances such as automobiles airplanes radio television

cellular phones computers fax machine has advances.

Social movements:

Fascinating phenomenon that comprise an important part of social

change. Social movements have been described as organizational
structures and strategies.

Academics/higher education:
The UNESCO program education for all which as part of the millennium
development goals aims to provide free universal access to primary
schooling has been successful in dramatically increasing enrollment.
Q.NO:1(b) Point me to an academic source that defines the
terms “social change” and “helping” in social work.
Social change is concepts that many of us take for granted or do not
even understand. Sociologists define social change as changes in human
relations and relationships that transform cultural and social
institutions. These changes occur over time and often have serious and
long-lasting consequences for society.
The concept of social change involves a change in society from one
state to another, within a specific point in time. Various special groups /
programs that came together to make different kinds of changes; and.
the context in which the change took place: the location, the political
What is social change and how does it occur?
The concept of social change involves a change in society from one state to
another, within a specific point in time. Various special groups / programs that
came together to make different kinds of changes; and. the context in which
the change took place: the location, the political climate.

Social change helping in social work

Social work is an activity that promotes social change, solves problems
in human relations and promotes well-being. Social work is a
combination, of social stability, and of social, change. Social resilience
motivates the individual, and social, social, and social changes seek to
change negative aspects of society.
Social work aims to maximize human development and the
achievement of human needs, with equal commitment to: Working and
enabling people to achieve the best possible levels of personal well-
being; and work to achieve social justice through social development
and social change.
Question No: 2. Can one person make a significant positive
change in the whole world? if Yes, How this can happen and
How we control and measure it?
Yes, one person change can make significant positive change in
the world. A single person can bring significant positive change in the
world. That is possible only when the man will work selflessly for the
welfare of the people. In the world, all the power is fighting to control
each other and the whole world. Negatively is prominent all around the
world. In the above mentioned circumstance a significant positive
change is much needed through it is too but not possible. A significant
positive change can be brought by implementation of equally and rule
of law. A single person can do this by controlling the procedure of
justice the people that they treated equally in all the maters of life.
Though it’s difficult but can be done by controlling procedure by driving
the system on small units and these units should be monitored and
managed universally. In the light of aforementioned arguments a single
man can bring a significant positive changed in the world. But the
process will be very difficult. Justice and equality are the things which
can bring the peace in the world and can make a huge positive change
in the world. A person can enforce these two things in the world by
consensus with all the countries of the world but for this purpose the
man should be positive honest humbly and justice following and he
should be known and accepted all over the world by making the small
units and their proper justice and equality system that man can bring
the significant positive change in this world.
This process should be transparent and available to everyone in this
world as the famous “maxim” justice should not only be done but also
be showing that justice is done. By making this one the man can have
the confident of the world and make this dream is reality.
The most important part of this process will be the justice at any cost
and the strict implementation of the rules of law.

Social change:
Social change refers to any significant alteration over time in behavior
patterns and cultural values and norms.
Examples of significant social changes having long‐term effects include
the industrial revolution, the abolition of slavery, shift
from Feudalism towards Capitalism and the feminist movement. 

Three dimension of social change

1. Structural dimension

2. Cultural dimension
3. Interactional dimension

Direction of social change

Social change is not arbitrary but its direction can observe at certain
degree. There are two traditional ideas of social change: cyclic and
• Cyclic change
Ordinary social life is organized in cyclic changes that come in day,
week, and the year. Example: business cycle and a recurrent
phenomenon of Capitalism.
• One-directional change
This type of change continues more or less in the same direction.
Such change is usually increasing and involving growth or increase such
as population density, the size of organizations, or the level of
Example: change may be a shift from one pole to the other field like
from religious to secular ways of thinking; change may be defined as
either growth of scientific knowledge or decline of religion.

Identification of Social Change

Social Change can identify as follows:

1st Part
Social change can explore in light of economic changes, new
technologies, consumerism, and globalization, growth of the wage
labor system worldwide and its consequences for worker.
2nd part
Cultural commoditization, reduction of self and social relations,
media, marketplace, communications technologies, traditional
conceptions of self and community, psychotherapies and self-

Factors of social change

1 Demographic
2 Cultural
3 Technological
4 Biological
5 Ideological
6 Educational
7 Economic
Question No: 3. Do you think that modernization is good or
bad? Explain, using examples within the context of Pakistani
Materialism unleashed an army of negative outcomes including
colonialism, capitalism and consumerism (social) and pollution and
destruction of environment ecological. Modernization led to the
disintegration of the close-knit agrarian society. Nuclear families
became the norm.
High stress and lack of exercise, along with bad and untimely diet,
causing all sorts of Curiosity, the urge for easier life, greed, and the urge
for power is some of the reasons for modernization. Modernization is
causing loss of morality and custom.
Modernization is concept of broad meaning describing an explanation
of the process transformation from traditional underdeveloped
societies to those modern societies through major social change.
Modernization is the social, political and cultural consequences of
economic growth and condition that are become the reason for social
change in developing countries.
Modernization is a process of gradual change. Modernization it has to
go an evolutionary advance in science and technology which in turn
would lead to an increase standard for all.
Modernization plays an important role in social change and cultural
Social change
Mobilizing people for changing
Cultural change
Invention produces new objects, ideas, and social pattern. Invention of
ideas, objects and social patterns bring social change.
Discovery increase life expectancy is change in society.
Diffusion is the transference of culture traits from place and group to
For example, mostly Pakistani people are wearing branded clothes,
listen to illusion music, and stay in touch with each other touch social
Is Pakistan getting affected by the bad effect of modernization?
Pakistan people are forgetting their religion. Our religion taught us to
respect everyone, but we forget to respect our women. Our society will
be the victim of cultural deception. As a proud nation we must
understand that we cling to our religion, culture, mindset, positive
thinking and positive thinking or we are distracted by the negative
effects of modernity. People should get modern benefits but we pay a
huge price.
Characteristics of modernization:
Now a day’s society becomes more bureaucratized.
Question No: 4. Sociologists often describe social change as the only
constant in society. Discuss what they mean.

According to sociologists, Social change means a change in the system

of social relationship. Social relationship is understood in terms of social
process, social interaction and social organization social change take
place. In other instance it is found that society is like an organization,
which never dies. New civilization and societies come up by replacing
the old societies and thereby retaining some of its element in its
change. Thus social change is difference from individual change. Its
cause and consequences are always social which make it social. Social
change is continuous process not an intermittent process.
Sociologists define social change as a change in human relationship and
interaction that change cultural and social institution. Change basically
connected with social movement and social movement occurs when
large groups of individual or organization work for or against change in
social and political matters. These changes occur over time and often
those profound and long-term consequences for society. Best example
of such change have resulted from social movement in civil rights,
institutions have change, cultural, norms values have changed as
outcomes of these social change movement. While we accept that
change is constant, we do not have to accept that we are powerless in
its awake. Social movement is a kind of group action. They are large,
sometimes informal, grouping of individuals or organizations which
focus on specific political or social issues. In other words, they undo or
carry out a social change. As important as the values which a social
movement embodies are, it must still be remembered that movement
consists of people in interaction.
Types of social movements:
Alternative social movement
This movement advocating changes some norms or laws. Example of
such movement would include a trade union which goal of increasing
worker rights.
Reformative movement
This kind of social movement creates a more dramatic change. Change
the lives that become more specific and narrower. Movement occurs at
a border group or societal level and advocate for minor groups.
Radical movement
Movement dedicated to changing value system in a fundamental ways.
Example would include the American civil rights movement which
demands full civil rights and equality under the law.
Revolutionary movement
This type of movement seeks to completely change every aspect of
society. Goals is o change all of society dramatic way.

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