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1 Circle the correct answer. (14 x 1 = 14)

  PERSPECTIVES ON PROFICIENCY // TEST: Unit 1 // Photocopiable © Burlington Books  1

Name: Score: / 100
1. Does the name Ellie Johnson ring / shake any bells? 8. This city has a really lively social scene / atmosphere.
2. The diversity / conversion of the library into an 9. The boat race was postponed because weather
exhibition centre will take months to complete. conditions were unfavourable / insufficient.
3. Many young people dream of working in the 10. Most people were enthusiastic about the proposal, but a
entertainment industry / profession. quiet murmur / shriek of disagreement came from the
4. Who’s undertaken / undergone to make the back of the room.
arrangements for the conference? 11. Waiting to be called for my job interview, I made natural /
5. Students must evade / refrain from talking during the small talk with some of the other candidates.
lesson. 12. The pop star is known for her unforeseen / unconventional
6. Aggravating / Addressing the group in a loud voice, clothes – she wore a dress made of meat!
the tour guide gave some interesting information. 13. I was concentrating on my work when a sudden noise
7. Jason obviously wants to leave; he’s sidestepping / startled / sniggered me.
edging towards the door. 14. These plans are indisputable / unfeasible and will never

  PERSPECTIVES ON PROFICIENCY // TEST: Unit 1 // Photocopiable © Burlington Books  2

Name: Score: / 100

2 Complete the sentences. Use the words given. (8 x 2 = 16)

1. As I walked into the café, a young woman sitting at a corner table my eye. It suddenly me that we had attended the
same school. hit / caught
2. This student exchange programme provides young people with an opportunity to their horizons.
It can also understanding between different countries. promote / broaden
3. Looking at the photos the man back to his childhood. He started to remember certain events which he had out until then.
took / blocked
4. George used to travel a lot on business, which meant he a lot of foreign contacts. He has in touch with many of them on
social media. kept / made
5. I was really disappointed my friend decided to out of the drama workshop. But don’t worry, I’ll
soon back! bounce / opt
6. It’s easy to track of friends once you leave school. But now that I’ve met Jessica again, we’re going to see each other
regularly to up for lost time. make / lose
7. Networking can to many exciting job opportunities. It could definitely help you a foot in the door at one of the
advertising agencies. lead / get
8. I’ve back on the number of hours I work but I’m still really busy. I’ve even out the possibility of a summer holiday this
year. ruled / cut

3 Complete the text. Use the words below. (10 x 2 = 20)

dread grin tormentors come singled
harassed immense instinct fortunately naturally

The Sit With Us app, developed by teenager Natalie Hampton, shows that a positive result can sometimes
(1) ............................................ out of a negative experience. At her high school, Natalie was badly bullied by her
classmates; not
only was she constantly (2) ............................................ , she even experienced violence at the hands of her (3)
............................................ . Quite (4) ............................................ , the thought of going to school every day filled her with (5)
............................................ . She
particularly hated sitting alone in the cafeteria at lunchtime, wondering why she had been (6) ............................................
out for this kind of hurtful treatment.
(7) ............................................ , Natalie was able to transfer to a new school, where she soon made friends. Natalie’s first
(8) ............................................ whenever she saw anyone sitting alone in the cafeteria was to approach them with a
(9) ............................................. and invite them to join her table. Wanting to encourage other students to reach out in the
same way,

  PERSPECTIVES ON PROFICIENCY // TEST: Unit 1 // Photocopiable © Burlington Books  3

1 Complete the mini-dialogues. Use the correct form of the verbs given, active or passive. (7 x 2 = 14)
1. “Are Jake and Martin spending the summer in Europe?” 5. “Charlotte’s just relocated to Los Angeles.”
“Yes. By the end of their trip, they (visit) eight different “Wow! I (imagine) she’s really enjoying it.”
countries.” 6. “My research into dolphins is progressing
2. “I hear Kate’s going to remain in hospital for a while yet.” well.”
“Yes, but at least she (improve) all the time.” “How long (you / study) them?”
3. “Your exams start at the beginning of the month, don’t they?” 7. “The climbers are still lost on the mountain!”
“Actually, the dates (not give) “I know. I hope they (rescue) soon.”
to us yet.”
4. “Let’s set up a meeting in the conference room at 2.00 pm
“That’s not really convenient. I (have) lunch with a client

2 Circle the correct answer. (12 x 2 = 24)

1. “Why isn’t Maria coming to the cinema with us?” 7. “Are you really going to take a year off before university?”
“Oh, I she likes horror films.” “Well, it’s something with my parents.”
a. am not supposed c. haven’t been supposing a. we’re to discuss c. that’s discussed
b. don’t suppose d. am not supposing b. I’ve been discussing d. I’ll have discussed
2. All volunteers at the beach at 8 am next Saturday. 8. “Any regrets about transferring to a smaller college?”
a. are to gather c. will be gathered “None at all. In fact, I to feel like I really belong here.”
b. are about to gather d. will have been gathered a. start c. will start
3. “You’ve been playing that game for hours.” b. am starting d. have been started
“And I’ve only completed two levels .” 9. “Who’s going to be the new class president?”
a. yet c. so far “I don’t know. The votes yet.”
b. just d. since a. haven’t been counting c. haven’t been counted
4. “When did you start your job at the bank?” b. won’t count d. aren’t counted
“Well, by the end of this month, I working there 10. “You’re still having lunch with us on Sunday, aren’t you?”
for two years.” “Yes. your famous roast pork?”
a. am on the verge of c. am going to be a. Do you make c. Will you have made
b. will be d. will have been b. Will you be making d. Will you have been made
5. The country some difficult challenges right now. 11. “Do you think it’s going to rain?”
a. is facing c. has been faced “Well, it like it.”
b. is faced d. will be facing a. looks c. has looked
6. “Class sizes will probably be bigger next term.” b. is looking d. will look
“How ?” 12. Hurry up! The lecture’s !
a. will teachers be coping c. are teachers going to cope a. to start c. the point of starting
b. will teachers have coped d. have teachers been coping b. starts d. about to start

  PERSPECTIVES ON PROFICIENCY // TEST: Unit 1 // Photocopiable © Burlington Books  4

3 Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence, using the word given. Do not
change the word given. You must use between three and six words, including the word given. (6 x 2 = 12)
1. The head teacher will probably cancel the school sports day. VERGE
The head teacher the school sports day.
2. Work on the app started a year ago. DEVELOPING
They a year.
3. This is Max’s first trip abroad on his own. TRAVELLED
Max abroad on his own before.
4. The players should arrive at the stadium in about five minutes. DUE
The players at the stadium in about five minutes.
5. By the end of June, three months will have passed since work on the project started. BEEN
By the end of June, they on the project for three months.
6. Grace complains all the time, doesn’t she? COMPLAINING
Grace , isn’t she?

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