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X-CSL-Updater 1.3.1
- added support for new Altitude IVAO client
- added several useful command line options, use -h or --help to get details
- added log file
- returned Russian translation
- added an ability to change UI language on runtime
- added an ability to have and use several independable instalations of the X-CSL-
(now it stores all settings in setting file next to the executable file, not in
windows registry or stuff like that)
- fixed size calculations
- improved size displaying
- several UI and UIX changes and improvements
- added auto save/load column width sizes

X-CSL-Updater 1.2.0
- moved to new Qt 5.11.2;
- added Doc8643.txt and related.txt file into update list;
- fixed bug with displaying target path when custom target path is in use
- added saving and restoring window size
- removed Russian language (we hope temporary)
- added new package state (not installed) and changed package status display text

X-CSL-Updater 1.1.0
- changed version format;
- web part updated;
- added new compare file algorithm based on md5 hashes;
- added cleanup functional (now, the updater able remove unused files and folders);
- added mtl.dat file into update list;
- fixes for platform specified issues of install path logic;
- changed place of the x-csl-indexes.idx file for cleanup a x-ivap log from some
error messages;
- some gui improvements;
- fixes some errors in calculation sizes logic;

X-CSL-Updater only for Linux
Small corrections for linux platforms;

The first version of program;

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