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Artificial Intelligence (AI) can be defined as the non-natural ability of computers to

understand, think and learn for simulating human intelligence in different aspects of

day to day processes. Inputs in form of data received is interpreted and methodologies

of generating process specific outputs are formed for machines to execute the tasks

that humans generally perform to reach a particular objective over a time period. AI

emphasizes on developing algorithms that can manifest intelligent behavior. The

algorithms perceive how natural minds work in a situation and execute tasks to

achieve results, while continuously improving themselves as more data sets are

available in the language that machines (or computers in general) can understand

[ CITATION Dan18 \l 16393 ].

2. AI is available in many forms around us in various activities. It is being implemented

and is automating systems across the world to bring out better performances and

efficient execution. There are many processes where data is being fed along with the

desired outcome and the machine follows its own path to achieve the outcome. From

areas like smart homes to e-commerce space, AI is making a difference in providing

specific outputs in an increasingly cluttered environment. As per the report by Boston

Consulting Group, AI is playing a key role and enabling personalization in the e-

commerce space, letting the retailers differentiate themselves to the consumers,

resulting in sales gain of 6-10%. With tremendous advancements in storage systems,

data processing speeds, and analytics, machines have become extremely capable of

deploying AI in various areas displaying immense sophistication in analytics and

decision making. For example, AI is being used in autonomous tractors and drone

monitoring to improve crop yield and productivity, automated monitoring of crop

health and harvesting. Autonomous vehicle is a highly researched and worked upon

sector where AI is fully integrated to drive vehicles while analyzing nearby

environment and real-life surroundings. Similarly, AI is being used in automated

warehousing and supply chain management, helping the companies to reduce

manpower while managing large amount of inventory with a system that works

perfectly as per the standard operating procedures [ CITATION Cog19 \l 16393 ]. Some

other examples of use of AI is in the algorithm-based stock market trading, where the

machines are able to identify and predict the direction of price as per various

parameters and real-time data.

3. Artificial neural networks, reinforcement learning, self-supervised learning, multi-

agent learning, deep learning, natural language processing, machine Learning and

computer vision are some of the sub-concepts of AI which are being rigorously

researched and continuously developed, which helps in deploying AI in any process,

where-in the real time data fed to the system is interpreted, analyzed and is used to

improve decision making. All these technologies are helping AI evolve in areas never

thought of before and making the case for AI stronger in existing and emerging

technologies and processes.

Machine Learning (ML) is the technique of analyzing data to automate the process of

building analytical models. ML is the specific sub-set of AI which trains and enables

machine how to learn. The idea of ML is that the systems can gain understanding

from data, recognize patterns, and make intelligent decisions with minimum human


Deep Learning, the next step in ML is the concept which allows the computer to

execute human-like tasks. Deep learning establishes basic parameters around the data

and the computer is trained to learn on its own through pattern recognition utilizing

many processing layers, instead of feeding organized data to the computers. For

example, speech recognition, image identification, prediction making are some of the
processes that come under the ambit of deep learning, where machines can interpret

how human intelligence would perform the similar tasks.

Natural Language Processing (NLP) is the part of AI which aids the computers in

understanding, interpreting, and manipulating the human language. NLP makes it

possible for the computers to communicate with humans in their own language,

enabling features like reading texts, hearing speech, interpreting this information,

measuring sentiments, and determining which parts are important.

Computer vision is another evolving sub-form of AI that teaches computers to

construe the visual world. Digital images from various sources like camera and videos

are used along with the deep learning models helping the machines in accurately

identifying and classifying objects and later reacting to what they see. From face

recognition to processing a soccer game’s live action (like off-sides, handballs, etc.),

the vision of computers rivals and excels the visual abilities of humans in many areas.

4. AI can be portrayed as fictional (speculations in science fictions, history of

imagination about intelligent machines), or non-fictional (communications about AI

in science, media reporting of AI technology and its effects). Narratives or

perceptions around the AI ecosystem influences its reception, research, and

regulation. Popular notions around emerging technologies have greatly influenced

public opinion and policy debates and have shaped the cost-benefit (cost can be

interpreted as risks here) analysis around the technology [ CITATION DrS18 \l 16393 ].

Some of the different industries being influenced by AI are as follows-

a. Manufacturing: High performing robots have proven to perform work more

efficiently and faster than humans. Also, the period of time they can be

deployed to work nonstop is outrageously more than the human capacity.

There are automated safety checks in place using AI and ML in factories for
quality improvement. AI has also been reducing downtime in this sector by

issuing intelligent input on health of machinery and predictive maintenance.

b. Education: Automated plagiarism checking system, grading system,

customizable learning interfaces, adaptive learning for students, access to

virtual lectures are some of the features of using AI in education driving

efficiency in learning and grading segment in this sector.

c. Healthcare: Autonomous surgical robots, automatic identification of diseases

and their diagnosis, personalized treatment, identifying clinical trial

candidates, prediction of epidemic outbreak, virtual doctors are some of the

features showing exemplary results in the healthcare sector.

There are numerous other industries where AI is being deployed and tested for

efficiency and facts to do intelligent tasks and is excelling in the areas. With time and

facts in place, we will find and understand the real perception of AI.


Cogito Tech LLC. (2019, December 4). Where is Artificial Intelligence Used Today?

Retrieved from


Dr Stephen Cave, D. C. (2018). Portrayals and perceptions of AI and why they matter.

London: The Royal Society.

Faggella, D. (2018, December 21). What is Artificial Intelligence? An Informed Definition.

Retrieved from

SAS. (n.d.). Five AI technologies you need to know. Retrieved from

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