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Department of Neurological Surgery,
Feinberg School of Medicine and GANGLIA AND THALAMUS
McGaw Medical Center,
Northwestern University,
Chicago, Illinois, and CAVERNOUS MALFORMATIONS OF the basal ganglia and thalamus present a unique
Division of Neurosurgery,
Evanston Northwestern Healthcare,
therapeutic challenge to the neurosurgeon given their unclear natural history, the risk
Evanston, Illinois of surgical treatment, and the unproven efficacy of radiosurgical therapy. Via a PubMed
search of the English and French literature, we have systematically reviewed the natu-
H. Hunt Batjer, M.D. ral history and surgical and radiosurgical management of these lesions reported through
Department of Neurological Surgery, April 2008. Including rates cited for “deep” cavernous malformations, annual bleeding
Feinberg School of Medicine and
McGaw Medical Center,
rates for these lesions varied from 2.8% to 4.1% in the natural history studies. Across
Northwestern University, surgical series providing postoperative or long-term outcome data on 103 patients, we
Chicago, Illinois, and found an 89% resection rate, a 10% risk of long-term surgical morbidity, and a 1.9%
Division of Neurosurgery,
Evanston Northwestern Healthcare,
risk of surgical mortality. The decrease in hemorrhage risk reported 2 years after radio-
Evanston, Illinois surgery might be a result of natural hemorrhage clustering, underscoring the unproven
efficacy of this therapeutic modality. Given the compounded risks of radiation-induced
Issam A. Awad, M.D. injury and post-radiosurgical rebleeding, radiosurgery at modest dosimetry (12–14 Gy
Department of Neurological Surgery, marginal doses) is only an option for patients with surgically inaccessible, aggressive lesions.
Feinberg School of Medicine and
McGaw Medical Center, KEY WORDS: Angioma, Basal ganglia, Cavernous malformation, Natural history, Radiosurgery, Surgery,
Northwestern University, Surgical approach, Thalamus
Chicago, Illinois, and
Division of Neurosurgery, Neurosurgery 65:7–19, 2009 DOI: 10.1227/01.NEU.0000347009.32480.D8
Evanston Northwestern Healthcare,
Evanston, Illinois

avernous malformations (CMs) are deficits (1, 37, 67), with a particular sensitivity
Bernard R. Bendok, M.D.
clusters of sinusoidal channels filled of highly eloquent tissue to even minor mor-
Department of Neurological Surgery,
Feinberg School of Medicine and
with blood at various stages of evolu- phological changes (67). A prime example is
McGaw Medical Center, tion (54, 55). Vessel walls comprise a flattened CMs of the basal ganglia or thalamus, rela-
Northwestern University, endothelium and a thin fibrous adventitia, tively rare lesions with the potential to cause
Chicago, Illinois, and lacking elastin and smooth muscle (54, 55). significant, devastating neurological deficits
Division of Neurosurgery,
Although these are low-pressure lesions (46), (13, 28, 31, 35, 68, 90). Their rarity has limited
Evanston Northwestern Healthcare,
Evanston, Illinois they are remarkably dynamic with a potential descriptions of their natural history and sur-
to both enlarge and diminish in size (17, 37, gical and radiosurgical management to pri-
Reprint requests: 43, 69). Although the latter is often attributed marily case reports (13, 28, 35, 40, 49, 73, 76,
H. Hunt Batjer, M.D., to hematoma absorption (17, 37), a variety of 82, 90) and larger, broad series (51, 87). This
Department of Neurological Surgery, mechanisms of enlargement have been pro- has obscured the unique challenge these
Feinberg School of Medicine,
Northwestern University,
posed. These include hemosiderin deposition lesions present from a management stand-
676 N. St. Clair Street, with reactive gliosis (69, 82, 95), sinusoidal point. In comprehensively reviewing the nat-
Suite 2210, proliferation (75, 82, 83), neovascularization ural history and surgical and radiosurgical lit-
Chicago, IL 60611. into an environment of local coagulopathy erature on these lesions, we synthesized a
(24, 69, 78), recanalization after intraluminal management algorithm while highlighting
thrombosis (78, 91, 97), cystic enlargement via the nuances of particular surgical approaches
Received, June 18, 2008.
osmosis with reactive neocapillary network- and radiosurgical therapy.
Accepted, January 9, 2009.
ing (86), or the activation of angiogenic fac-
Copyright © 2009 by the tors by microhemorrhage (69, 97). Either local PATIENTS AND METHODS
Congress of Neurological Surgeons mass effect from lesion enlargement or
extralesional bleeding can cause neurological A literature search of the PubMed database for
English and French language articles published from
ABBREVIATIONS: CM, cavernous malformation; January 1970 to April 2008 was performed. The
DVA, developmental venous anomaly search terms, “cavernoma,” “cavernous malforma-
tion,” “cavernous angioma,” “basal ganglia,” “thal-



amus,” “deep,” “natural history,” “surgery,” and “radiosurgery” were with the results from Pozzati’s (68) series of thalamic CMs, results in
used. We further reviewed all references provided in our identified an approximate significant long-term morbidity rate of 15% to 33%
articles, incorporating all relevant cited articles. Publications or partic- from deep CM hemorrhage. Overall, natural history studies have
ular patients within our reviewed series without specific postoperative reported annual bleeding rates ranging from 3.1% to 4.1% for deep
or long-term outcome data for CMs of the basal ganglia or thalamus CMs and from 2.82% to 2.9% for CMs of the basal ganglia and thala-
were excluded (53 patients) (24, 50, 51, 53, 57, 60, 87, 97). Because of the mus specifically.
rarity of CMs of the basal ganglia and thalamus, we incorporated case
reports into our analysis of surgical treatment, adding reporter and Clinical Presentation
publication bias but also affording a more comprehensive picture of CMs of the basal ganglia and thalamus traditionally present with
these lesions. contralateral sensorimotor deficits when symptomatic (9, 8, 22, 29, 31,
45, 51, 62, 68). Severe headache (31, 45, 77) and seizures (20, 68, 90,
Natural History 101) are less common presentations. Although any large CM hemor-
The prevalence of CMs has been reported to range from 0.4% to rhage can cause hydrocephalus (28, 35), medial or dorsal thalamic
0.6% across several natural history and autopsy studies (37, 63, 72, 76), lesions abutting the ventricular system intuitively have a greater
with 5% to 17% (average of 9% across natural history studies) occuring probability of causing obstructive hydrocephalus after a bleed (44, 51,
in the basal ganglia or thalamus (1, 11, 37, 41, 59, 67, 72). Prospective 68). Twenty-five percent of thalamic CMs presented with hydro-
natural history studies have reported CM annual bleeding rates rang- cephalus in the series by Pozzati (68); 15% of thalamic CMs in the
ing from 0.7% to 3.1% (41, 59, 67, 72). Whereas lesion size does not seem series by Mathiesen et al. (51) presented with hydrocephalus.
to affect hemorrhage rates (59, 72), female sex (59, 72) and previous Thalamic lesions can also present with hemianopsia (19, 68), thalamic
bleeds (1, 41) have been proposed as risk factors for hemorrhage. pain syndromes (62), or oculomotor paresis as a result of extension
Although not seen in the study by Moriarity et al. (59), the prospective into the mesencephalon (62, 68). Parkinsonism (23) and extrapyrami-
natural history studies of Kondziolka et al. (41) and Aiba et al. (1) dal symptoms have also been reported for CMs of the basal ganglia
demonstrated a significantly increased risk of rebleeding, citing annual and thalamus (2, 10, 13, 21, 30, 42, 87, 99).
rebleed rates of 4.5% and 22.9%, respectively. Variability in rebleeding Several cases of ganglionic lesions causing hemichorea are described
rates may be attributed in part to hemorrhage clustering, a phenome- in the literature (10, 13, 21, 42, 99). In 1 case report in which a patient
non elegantly demonstrated in the study by Barker et al. (6). with hemichorea and a putaminal CM declined surgery, sodium val-
Deep CM location is a controversial risk factor for hemorrhage. proate was effectively used to improve, but not eliminate, the sympto-
Using a rigorous definition of symptomatic extralesional hemorrhage, matology (21). Yakinci et al. (99) reported alleviation of symptoms in a
Moriarity et al. (59) demonstrated no significant difference in hemor- child with a caudostriatal CM and hemichorea with pimozide. Another
rhage rates between superficial and deep lesions. The annual bleeding patient with hemichorea and a caudate CM had complete resolution of
rate for deep lesions in this study was 3.1%. In a prospective study, symptoms after surgical excision (13). The authors proposed a mecha-
Kondziolka et al. (41) also reported no significant effect of location on nism of release phenomena caused by interruption of striatal neurons
hemorrhage rates, citing an overall annual bleeding rate of 2.9% for projecting to the globus pallidus externa. Hidaka et al. (30) proposed a
CMs of the basal ganglia and thalamus. Tew et al. (89) observed 8 similar mechanism to explain hemiballismus caused by a putaminal
patients with CMs of the basal ganglia and thalamus over a mean CM. After biopsy of the lesion, symptoms transiently ceased, poten-
period of 5.1 years. Two patients rebled and 2 patients experienced tially because of interruption of excitatory fibers from the thalamus
progressive neurological deficits. Among patients experiencing hemor- and cortex projecting to the striatum by a postoperative hematoma. As
rhage from a thalamic CM in the study by Pozzati (68), 1 patient the hematoma resolved, symptoms returned.
remained severely disabled, 3 patients had mild nondisabling dysesthe-
sias, and 3 patients recovered, although 2 underwent surgical interven- A B
tion. This study cited a 6.1% annual rebleed rate for thalamic CMs, not-
ing that all rebleeds occurred within 2 years. Aiba et al. (1) reported an
annual rebleed rate of 11% over a mean follow-up period of 6.51 years
for CMs of the basal ganglia and thalamus, citing no significant relation
of lesion location and rebleed rates.
In a retrospective study, Cantu et al. (11) reported an annual bleed-
ing rate of 2.82% for deep hemispheric lesions, significantly greater
than the 1.22% annual rate for lobar CMs in this study. Porter et al.
(67) reported a 4.1% annual hemorrhage rate and a 10.6% annual clin-
ical event rate for deep lesions, a significant contrast to the 0% rate
reported for superficial lesions. Fifteen clinical events occurred in
patients with lesions in the brainstem, whereas 1 occurred in a patient
with a thalamic CM. The sensitivity of highly eloquent parenchyma
in the basal ganglia, thalamus, and brainstem to minor morphologi-
cal changes likely explains the increased aggressiveness of deep CMs FIGURE 1. A, this multiloculated, thalamic cavernous malformation
reported in such studies. In contrast, hemorrhage in a noneloquent (CM) demonstrates the classic appearance of these lesions on T2-
location can go undetected, further inflating relative bleeding rates of weighted imaging: a reticulated mixed signal core with a surrounding
deeper lesions. Importantly, however, Porter et al. reported no signif- hypointense hemosiderin halo. B, after recurrent bleeding, this CM with
icant difference in the degree of recovery between hemorrhagic and ample lateral extension was successfully resected via a distal transsyl-
nonhemorrhagic clinical events (67). Approximately one-third of vian approach.
patients did not improve after a clinical event, which, taken together

8 | VOLUME 65 | NUMBER 1 | JULY 2009


TABLE 1. Approaches to cavernous malformations of the basal ganglia and thalamus

Location/approach Comments
Interhemispheric transcallosal
Contralateral interhemispheric Added lateral exposure
transcallosal (44, 45)
Transcortical Most direct route
Best used with stereotaxy if hematoma cavity extends close to cortical surface
Risk of postoperative seizures (81) and neuropsychological deficits (14, 96)
Transsylvian For lesions with large hematoma cavities with ample lateral extent
Transsylvian, transinsular Approach of choice
Transcortical Transsulcal with stereotaxy (49) if hematoma cavity extends close to cortical surface
Dorsal/medial thalamus
Interhemispheric transcallosal Risk of forniceal injury
Contralateral interhemispheric Approach of choice
transcallosal (44, 45) Risk of forniceal injury
Added lateral exposure
Transparietal transventricular Potential damage to optic radiations
Added lateral exposure
Posterior thalamus
Occipital interhemispheric subcallosal Wider exposure
Extensive dissection of deep venous system
Supracerebellar infratentorial Dependent on slope of tentorium, limited superior and lateral exposure
Paraculminar supracerebellar infratentorial/ Tentorium can be cut to extend field superolaterally
transtentorial (62)
No need to retract culmen downward
Lateral thalamus/significant lateral
extension of hematoma
Posterior transsylvian transinsular

Dystonia is another less common presentation of both thalamic (68, (62, 87). Two of 9 partially resected lesions rebled, leading to poor out-
87) and ganglionic CMs (2, 49). Akbostanci et al. (2) reported improve- comes in both cases (9, 78). Another partially resected CM regrew,
ment of symptoms with biperiden. Lorenzana et al. (49) reported a requiring reoperation (83).
focal hand dystonia as the exclusive presentation of a lentiform CM. Early postoperative and long-term morbidity is difficult to calculate
Symptoms resolved after surgical excision. The authors proposed dis- given variable surgical selection criteria, outcome reporting, and fol-
ruption of striatopallidothalamic projections to the premotor cortex as low-up. Steinberg et al. (87) reported common transient hemiparesis
the mechanism of the symptomatology. after resection of 15 CMs of the basal ganglia and thalamus. Across our
reviewed surgical series and case reports, 10 of 103 patients (10%) were
Surgical Approaches and Results worse at the time of the long-term follow-up evaluation. Two of 103
After diagnosis of a thalamic or ganglionic CM via its pathogno- patients (1.9%) died from surgery, 1 of them from a postoperative thal-
monic appearance on magnetic resonance imaging (Fig. 1A), surgery is amic infarct after resection of a CM with an associated developmental
often considered for symptomatic patients with aggressive lesions with venous anomaly (DVA) (68).
a noneloquent corridor of access. Surgical approaches are summarized
in Table 1. We have chronologically tabulated results from case reports Caudate CMs
and surgical series reported through June 2008 (Tables 2–5). Fourteen caudate CMs are reviewed in Table 3. Eleven of 12 (92%)
A total of 103 CMs were reviewed. Using data from series provid- were completely resected. Four patients (33%) were worse postopera-
ing specific information on lesion resection rates, 71 of 80 lesions tively, and 1 neonate had moderate mental retardation at the time
(89%) were completely resected. Two recurrences were noted 2 and 8 of follow-up (28). One patient developed debilitating obsessive-
years after radiographically confirmed complete surgical resection compulsive disorder, potentially from frontal deafferentation leading to



TABLE 2. General surgical series and case reports of cavernous malformations of the basal gangliaa
No. of Preoperative Resection Early postoperative
Series (ref. no.) Long-term outcome
patients condition rate morbidity
Aiba et al., 1995 (1) b 5 All bled at least 3 excellent/good;
once 2 moderate disability from
Attar et al., 2001 (5) 1 HP bled None
Bertalanffy et al., 2002 (8) 8 8/8 No permanent complications
Di Rocco et al., 1996 (20) 2 1 seizure, both bled 2/2 None Both improved/same
Koukkari et al., 1996 (42) 1 Hemichorea No surgical Improved, hemichorea
complicationsc resolved without medication
Lobato et al., 1988 (48) 1 Progressive HP 1/1 Same
Matz et al., 1995 (52) 1 Intact 1/1 Intact
Scott et al., 1992 (78) 1 Symptomatic 1/1 None
Tomlinson et al., 1994 (91) 3 Symptomatic None All with focal deficits and/or
headaches improved
Vaquero et al., 1983 (93) 1 HP 0/1 Same
Winkler et al., 2006 (98) 1 Symptomatic 1/1 Same
Zamorano et al., 1997 (101) 1 Seizures 1/1 Transient HP Improved
Zhao et al., 2007 (102) b 11 11/11 1 transient HP; All improved/same
1 transient facial paresis

HP, hemiparesis.
Series include both ganglionic and thalamic cavernous malformations.
Patient was transiently worse from phenytoin.

dysfunction of frontostriatal loops and a loss of inhibition of automatic plication. Such an approach is generally only considered when the
behavior (90). hematoma cavity closely abuts the sulcus.
The interhemispheric transcallosal approach is the common approach
of choice, given the ability to avoid incising cortex and decreasing the Thalamic CMs
risk of postoperative seizures (81) and neuropsychological deficits (14, Thirty-three thalamic CMs are reviewed in Table 5. Twenty-seven of
96). A contralateral approach adds lateral exposure and may be particu- 33 (82%) were completely resected; 2 lesions recurred at 2 and 8 years
larly attractive for dominant hemisphere lesions (45); it was successfully after ostensibly successful complete surgical resection (62, 87). Thirteen
used for 4 CMs, as shown in Table 2. All were excised completely with- patients (39%) were reported as transiently worse postoperatively, and
out reported complications (3, 45). Although transcortical approaches 2 patients (6%) died from surgery, 1 from a thalamic infarct after resec-
with intraoperative stereotaxy provide a more direct route to the CM, tion of a lesion with an associated DVA (68). Long-term surgical morbid-
they are best used exclusively for lesions with large hematoma cavities ity was observed in 6 patients (18%), attributed to capsular damage in
that allow for minimization of cortical transgression. 2 patients as a result of attempts to remove perilesional gliotic tissue (9).
CMs presenting to the ependymal surface of the dorsal or medial
Lentiform CMs thalamus are best approached via either an ipsilateral or contralateral
Eight lentiform CMs are reviewed in Table 4. All but 1 patient had interhemispheric transcallosal approach. The contralateral transcallosal
a preoperative hemiparesis, making these results less applicable to approach, popularized by Lanzino et al. (44) and Lawton et al. (45), pro-
asymptomatic or minimally symptomatic patients. Overall, 7 of 8 vides added lateral exposure. With the sagittal suture parallel to the
CMs (88%) were completely resected, and 2 of 8 patients (25%) expe- floor, retraction of the lesion-containing hemisphere is facilitated by the
rienced transient worsening of their hemiparesis, although all falx while gravity retracts the contralateral hemisphere downward and
patients were ultimately in improved condition at the time of follow- brings the lesion down into view. The interhemispheric dissection is per-
up. The transsylvian approach with intraoperative stereotaxy is the formed on the contralateral side, an advantage for dominant hemisphere
common approach of choice, with larger hematoma cavities facilitat- lesions. Using this approach, Lawton et al. (45) completely resected 3
ing dissection and minimizing the amount of transgressed cortex. thalamic CMs without complication. A transparietal, transventricular
Additionally, Duffau (22) used subcortical stimulation and somato- approach provides added lateral exposure (7, 68, 77, 89), although it is
topically mapped the internal capsule, noting 4 mm of brain shift. less frequently used and less appealing because of the need for a corti-
Lorenzana et al. (49) described an interesting case of a lentiform CM cal incision and the risk of damage to the optic radiations. Lesions with
presenting exclusively with a focal hand dystonia. The lesion was ample lateral extension of their hematoma cavity may also be removed
resected stereotactically via the second frontal sulcus without com- via a posterior transsylvian approach (19, 39) (Fig. 1).

10 | VOLUME 65 | NUMBER 1 | JULY 2009


TABLE 3. Surgical series and case reports of cavernous malformations of the caudate nucleusa
No. of Preoperative Resection Long-term
Series (ref. no.) Approach postoperative
patients condition rate outcome
Alves de Sousa, 2007 (3) 3 Contralateral, 3/3 None All in good
interhemispheric condition
Bicknell et al., 1978 (10) 1 Arm monoparesis, 1/1 Same
Carpay et al., 1994 (13) 1 Worsening hemichorea Stereotactic, 1/1 None ASx after 0.2 y
deteriorating to transfrontal
Multiple bleeds
Hashimoto et al., 1997 (28) 1 Neonate 1/1 HCP, VPS Moderate mental
IPH, IVH 1 seizure
Houtteville, 1995 (31) 2 Both severe HA 1 transparietal 2/2 1 transient Both ASx
leg paresis
Both no focal deficit 1 transsylvian
Both bled
Kerchner et al., 2006 (35) 1 HCP Anterior 1/1 Transient Improved
Multiple bleeds Interhemispheric Impairment
Lawton et al., 1996 (45) 1 HA Contralateral anterior 1/1 None
Bled Interhemispheric
Pozzati et al., 1996 (69) 2 1 seizure Both same/
1 progressive HP
Both bled
Both growing
Stacey et al., 2000 (83) 1 HP, dysphasia 0/1 Regrew Improved
then resected long term
Multiple bleeds
Thobois et al., 2004 (90) 1 Comatose 1/1 Total recovery OCD
R HP Otherwise ASx
ASx, asymptomatic; HCP, hydrocephalus; VPS, ventriculoperitoneal shunt; IPH, intraparenchymal hemorrhage; IVH, intraventricular hemorrhage; HA, headache; SAH, subarachnoid
hemorrhage; OCD, obsessive-compulsive disorder; R, right; HP, hemiparesis.

CMs of the posterior thalamus may be approached via an occipital for manual occipital lobe retraction. They successfully removed 1 poste-
interhemispheric subcallosal or supracerebellar infratentorial approach. rior thalamic CM without complication. The occipital interhemispheric
Although the former is encumbered by requisite dissection of the deep approach was specifically described for 3 additional thalamic CMs (Table
galenic venous system, it provides a wider exposure. Chi and Lawton 5) (3, 51, 68). Although 2 patients experienced transient worsening of sen-
(16) noted improved visual outcomes and decreased need for manual sorimotor symptoms, all 3 CMs were completely removed, and all
retraction, less blood loss, and less postoperative edema for patients patients were ultimately in improved condition. Otani et al. (62) used a
positioned laterally (as compared with supine) for posterior interhemi- paraculminar supracerebellar approach with selective tentorial incision
spheric approaches. They attributed this, in part, to the decreased need to give added superolateral exposure in the resection of 6 thalamic CMs.



TABLE 4. Surgical series and case reports of cavernous malformations of the lentiform nucleusa
No. of Preoperative Resection Long-term
Series (ref. no.) Approach postoperative
patients condition rate outcome
Duffau, 2000 (22) 1 HP 3 bleeds Stereotactic distal 1/1 Transient Improved
transsylvianb worse HP
Heffez, 1997 (29)c 4 All HP, 3 HS Stereotactic pterional 4/4 1 transient All improved
transsylvian transinsulard worse HP, HS
Kon et al., 2007 (40) 1 HP growing Transsylvian 0/1e Improvedf
Lorenzana et al., 1992 (49) 1 Focal hand Stereotactic via second 1/1 None Improved
dystonia frontal sulcus
Yamasaki et al., 1986 (100) 1 HP, HS bled 1/1 None Improved
HP, hemiparesis; HS, hemisensory deficits.
Adjunctive subcortical stimulation of internal capsule.
Cavernous malformations were described as 0.5 to 2 cm deep to the insular cortex.
Adjunctive somatosensory evoked potentials did not change any procedures; however, changes were observed in patients with postoperative hemisensory deficit worsening.
Limited by profuse intraoperative bleeding.
Underwent postoperative radiotherapy.

This approach averted the need for downward retraction of the culmen. The striking parallel between post-radiosurgical hemorrhage rates
Mild transient morbidity was reported in 2 of 6 patients, and 5 of 6 and the natural history of aggressive CMs further reinforces the need
patients ultimately improved from their preoperative condition. for a prospective, randomized trial of radiosurgery compared with
observation. As mentioned previously, Barker et al. (6) reported a sig-
Radiosurgery nificant decrease in hemorrhage rates after 2 years among aggressive
Radiosurgical treatment of CMs has been regarded with a consider- CMs, and Pozzati (68) reported no rebleeds after 2 years in a smaller
able amount of skepticism (71, 80). Given the known proclivity for series of 12 thalamic CMs. The series by Pozzati (68) and Pozzati et al.
CMs to naturally decrease in size with hematoma resorption (17, 37), (69) and Tung et al. (92) also demonstrated a proclivity toward hemor-
and the lack of imaging modalities to demonstrate lesion obliteration, rhage clustering among aggressive lesions; however, it should be noted
we have relied on post-radiosurgical hemorrhage rates as an indicator that the data from these studies were collected retrospectively.
of radiosurgical efficacy. Although an indirect measure of lesion oblit- In addition to the unclear therapeutic effects of radiosurgery in the
eration, hemorrhage rates more directly reflect clinical outcome. treatment of CMs, multiple series have demonstrated an increased risk
Larger radiosurgical series have reported annual hemorrhage rates of radiation-induced deficits compared with radiosurgery of arteriove-
of 6.3% to 22.4% in the first 2 years after radiosurgery, decreasing to nous malformations (33, 65), potentially from the radiosensitizing
0.8% to 4.5% after this “latency period” (4, 15, 27, 33, 36, 47, 65). The effects of iron and/or radiation of associated DVAs (68, 88).
startling early post-radiosurgical hemorrhage rates were generally Nonetheless, experienced centers have demonstrated waning radio-
comparable or even improved compared with pre-radiosurgical hem- surgical morbidity rates with accumulating experience (27). Across
orrhage rates, underscoring the fact that most radiosurgical data in larger radiosurgical series, radiation-induced early morbidity varied
surgical series is for highly aggressive CMs. However, many lesions widely from 2.5% to 59% (4, 15, 27, 33, 36, 47, 65), likely related to
ultimately underwent surgical resection, deflating reported hemor- operator experience, available imaging and radiosurgical technology,
rhage rates with time (15, 27, 33). and dosimetry (4, 33, 36, 47, 65). In a radiosurgical series of 125 patients
For CMs of the basal ganglia and thalamus in particular, Amin- (14 with CM in the basal ganglia or thalamus), Liu et al. (47) used the
Hanjani et al. (4) demonstrated a notable decrease in annual hemorrhage lowest mean marginal dose (12.1 Gy) and reported the lowest radia-
rate from 16.4% to 2.2% (including the first 2 years) after radiosurgical tion-induced early complication rate of 2.5%.
treatment of 16 lesions. This improvement was markedly better than Among series with specific morbidity data on CMs of the basal gan-
that observed for brainstem CMs in this series. In contrast, Karlsson glia and thalamus, permanent radiation-induced complication rates
et al. (33) reported no significant impact of CM location on hemorrhage have ranged from 0% to 75% (Table 6). In most cases, dosimetry and
rate, reporting an overall post-radiosurgical hemorrhage rate of 11% for follow-up was not specified for this subset of patients, although taken
the first 4 years after radiosurgery decreasing to 6% thereafter. Seven of together, 11 of 50 patients (22%) in these series experienced radiation-
22 CMs in this series were in the basal ganglia or thalamus. Mitchell et al. induced complications that were permanent in 7 of 50 cases (14%).
(58) reported 2 rebleeds after radiosurgical treatment of 7 CMs of the
basal ganglia and thalamus. Across the series by García-Muñoz et al. (25)
(follow-up duration, 6.3 years), Kayali et al. (34) (median follow-up dura- DISCUSSION
tion, 2.5 years), Huang et al. (32) (mean follow-up duration, 5 years), Kim
et al. (38) (mean follow-up duration, 2.5 years), and Stea et al. (85) (mean CMs of the basal ganglia and thalamus present a unique
follow-up duration, 3 years), 0 of 19 CMs of the basal ganglia or thala- therapeutic challenge. In contradistinction to arteriovenous
mus rebled after radiosurgery. malformations of these locations that are oftentimes “reflex-

12 | VOLUME 65 | NUMBER 1 | JULY 2009


ively” treated radiosurgically, the neurosurgeon, faced with a Once surgery has been selected, an anatomic (Table 1) or
paucity of information on the natural history and surgical and hematoma-produced surgical approach is selected. DVAs can
radiosurgical treatment of these lesions must often rely on be a particular source of postoperative morbidity and mortal-
anecdotal data and intuition, affording a “best guess.” ity (9, 66, 68). Their benign natural history (0.15%–0.34% symp-
Our review of natural history studies demonstrated an tomatic annual hemorrhage rate) (26, 56, 61), coupled with their
annual bleed risk ranging from 2.8% to 4.1%, with some stud- role in draining normal parenchyma (66, 79), make them an
ies reporting elevated annual rebleed rates of 6.1% to 11% (1, important influence on the selected surgical approach. Their
68), a striking parallel to modern natural history data for arte- disruption must be avoided to prevent potentially fatal venous
riovenous malformations (84). However, these annual bleed infarction (9, 68, 66, 79). Thus, they may contraindicate surgery
and rebleed rates are based on the false assumption of a con- because of their size or if they lie between the requisite corridor
stant, linear risk. They are likely overestimates for initially of access and the lesion. Intraoperative ultrasound is a useful
asymptomatic lesions that are often underrepresented in nat- adjunct to facilitate detection of the DVA (98).
ural history studies. Several reports have demonstrated the Although minimally invasive or endoscopic approaches for
potential benign course deep CMs can follow (12, 68, 69, 73). the successful management of 3 deep CMs have been reported
Thus, we believe that asymptomatic or minimally sympto- (64), we are less inclined to use these, advocating the premise
matic lesions should be observed. Our 10% long-term mor- of “more is more” when it comes to fashioning our craniotomy
bidity rate from surgery comes from the most experienced for deep-seated lesions. Even though CMs are low-flow lesions,
hands operating on primarily symptomatic lesions; it is the potential for intraoperative bleeding, and, more impor-
undoubtedly an underestimate for asymptomatic or minimally tantly, incomplete surgical excision, demand a more generous
symptomatic lesions. We think it outweighs the 15% to 33% exposure. Intraoperative stereotaxy, motor evoked potentials,
risk of significant, long-term morbidity from deep CM hemor- and somatosensory evoked potentials are requisite adjuncts (8,
rhage, should it even occur. 16, 29, 78, 87, 101, 102). We are inclined to account for brain
Conversely, a significant, fixed neurological deficit can serve shift via intraoperative ultrasound (29, 102) or subcortical stim-
as a convincing factor to the patient and surgeon that opera- ulation mapping (22) as opposed to catheter implantation (50).
The potential for intraoperative diffusion-weighted imaging is
tive intervention is less likely to add further disability, but
an exciting area of study that might further reduce potential
may prevent further deterioration from future bleeding. Thus,
surgical morbidity (18). One report of diffusion-weighted imag-
surgical intervention after a single hemorrhage is only a con-
ing used to guide the resection of 4 lesions (including 1 occip-
sideration for patients with: 1) fixed, significant, or progressive
ital CM) in close proximity to the optic radiations demonstrated
neurological deficits, and 2) convincing pial/ependymal rep-
no persistent postoperative visual field deficits (18).
resentation of their CM or hematoma cavity on T1-weighted
Persistently symptomatic lesions that have hemorrhaged twice
imaging. “Bloom effect” leading to overestimation of the prox-
without a surgical corridor of access may undergo radiosurgery
imity of the CM to an accessible surface makes T2-weighted
at modest dosimetry (12–14 Gy to the margin). Notwithstanding
imaging merely an initial, sensitive diagnostic tool for CMs
the confounding factors of natural CM hemorrhage clustering (6)
(87). In Pozzati’s (68) surgical series of 4 thalamic CMs, all
and of selecting patients for surgery after radiotherapy, there
lesions protruded into the lateral ventricle or posterior inci- does seem to be a decrease in rebleed rates after radiosurgery,
sural space. Although we concur with Steinberg et al. (87) that particularly after 2 years (4, 15, 27, 33, 36, 47, 65). However, these
small incisions of the pulvinar portion of the thalamus may be data come from series of predominantly aggressive CMs. It is
tolerated, we are only inclined to perform such incisions with therefore not applicable to minimally symptomatic CMs or those
intraoperative stereotaxy and hemosiderin staining of the sur- that have bled once with stable or improving neurological
face of the thalamus. deficits. These patients should be observed.
After a second clinically significant hemorrhage, the possibil- Our review of radiosurgical series suggests a potentially
ity of further hemorrhage clustering (6, 69) and escalating mor- decreased risk of radiosurgical morbidity for these lesions as
bidity (69, 92) compel us to forego our first inclusion criterion compared with brainstem lesions (4, 27, 85). The overall 14%
for surgery. Two exceptions are patients with multiple lesions risk of permanent morbidity we cite is further compounded by
and those with lentiform CM, given the decreased likelihood of the known risk of rebleeding and its associated morbidity.
surgical cure in the former case and significant risk of postoper- Overall, this modality therefore poses a greater risk of morbid-
ative motor weakness in the latter. As mentioned previously, the ity than surgery for accessible lesions. Thus, it is only an alter-
vast majority of patients with lentiform CM undergoing surgery native to observation for clinically aggressive, surgically inac-
were hemiparetic preoperatively. Similar to Houtteville (31), we cessible lesions, particularly lentiform, capsular, and ventral
are hesitant to operate on patients who have fully recovered thalamic lesions (Fig. 2).
after 2 clinically symptomatic hemorrhages from their lentiform
CM. In addition, given the rarity of mortality from CM hemor- CONCLUSIONS
rhage, the potential benefit of surgery for patients with complete
preoperative motor loss is questionable, even though the risk of Natural history studies of CMs of the basal ganglia and thal-
intervention is seemingly decreased. amus cite annual bleed rates of 2.8% to 4.1%. CMs of the basal



TABLE 5. Surgical series and case reports of cavernous malformations of the thalamusa
No. of Preoperative Resection Long-term
Series (ref. no.) Approach postoperative
patients condition rate outcome
Alves de Sousa, 1 Occipital interhemispheric 1/1 Transient HP Good outcome
2007 (3) transventricular
Becker et al., 1 HP, HS Transparietal transventricular 1/1 Transient dysphasia Persistent HP
1979 (7) Bled Incised posteromedial thal
Bertalanffy et al., 2 Both mild HP Anterior interhemispheric 1/2 1 residual Both worse HP
1991 (9) transcallosal rebleed
1 venous infarctb 1 new memory deficit
Bertalanffy et al., 4 1 frontal interhemispheric 4/4 1 long-term memory
2002 (8) transcallosal worsening
3 supracerebellar infratentorial
Chi and Lawton, 1 HP, HS Contralateral interhemispheric 1/1 None mRS 1
2006 (16) occipital transfalcinec
Multiple bleeds
Cohen et al., 1982 (19) 1 HP, HS Posterior transsylvian, 1/1 Thal pain Improving with thal
transinsular syndrome pain syndrome
2 bleeds
Houtteville, 1995 (31) 1 Progressive HP, HS Interhemispheric transcallosal 0/1 Asymptomatic
Severe bleed
Kobata et al., 1999 (39) 1 HP Transsylvian (large hematoma) Improved
Multiple bleeds
Lawton et al., 1996 (45) 3 1 HA Contralateral interhemispheric 3/3 None
2 HP, HS
All bled
Mathiesen et al., 1 HP Contralateral transcallosal 1/1 Transient worse Improved
2003 (51)d HP, mutism
Mathiesen et al., 1 Bled twice Occipital interhemispheric 1/1 Transient worse HS Improved
2003 (51)d
Subcallosal transpulvinar
Otani et al., 6 5 oculomotor def Paraculminar supracerebellar 5/6 1 transient 4 improved
2008 (62) infratentorial/transtentorial hemianopsia
4 sensorimotor def 1 transient vertical 1 same
gaze paresis
1 thal pain 1 improved after repeat
syndrome surgery for recurrence
4 bled (3 IVH) 3 independent
2 progressive def
Pannek et al., 3 Retroauricular bur hole with None
1999 (64) stereotaxy with sleeve
Pozzati, 2000 (68) 1 Thal hand, diplopia Occipital interhemispheric subsplenial 1/1 Improved
4 bleeds
Pozzati, 2000 (68)e 3 2 HCP 1 transcallosal 2/3 1 death from thal 1 asymptomatic
1 progressive HP, HS 2 transcortical transventricular 1 same
1 dead


14 | VOLUME 65 | NUMBER 1 | JULY 2009


TABLE 5. Continued
No. of Preoperative Resection Long-term
Series (ref. no.) Approach postoperative
patients condition rate outcome
Roda et al., 1990 (74) 1 HP Interhemispheric 1/1 New motor aphasia, Worse
worse HP
Bled Transcallosal
Sato and Kubota, 1995 (77) 1 HA Transcortical 1/1 Asymptomatic
Scott et al., 1992 (78) 1 HP Transcallosal 0/1 Worse—III, VII, HP Worse, rebled
Steinberg et al., 2000 (87)g 2 Both HP 1 transcallosal 1/2 Both worse HP Both HP improved
transpulvinar to baseline
1 hemidystonia 1 interhemispheric 1 recurred
1 worse after SRS
Tew et al., 1995 (89) 6 4 transcortical 4 improved
2 transcallosal 1 same
1 worse
Tung et al., 1990 (92) 1 HP, seizure 1/1 Same/improved
4 episodes
Vaquero et al., 1987 (94) 1 Progressive HP, Died Died
Zamorano et al., 1997 (101) 1 Seizures 1/1 None

HP, hemiparesis; HS, hemisensory deficit; thal, thalamic; mRS, modified Rankin Scale; HA, headache; def, deficit; IVH, intraventricular hemorrhage; HCP, hydrocephalus;
SRS, stereotactic radiosurgery; III, third nerve palsy; VII, seventh nerve palsy; CM, cavernous malformation.
Possible damage to draining vein/developmental venous anomaly.
The falx was sectioned; the tentorium was not.
This series included a total of 13 CMs of the basal ganglia or thalamus. Our data are from detailed explanations provided for 2 thalamic cases in figure captions. Only patients
with postoperative CM rebleeding had permanent morbidity in this series. Twenty-five of 29 CMs of the basal ganglia, thalamus, or brainstem were completely resected in
this series with a 69% early morbidity rate. At a mean follow-up duration of 4.6 years, 69% of patients were improved, 10% were the same, 17% were worse (mainly from
rebleeding), and 3% were dead.
This series provided long-term follow-up data on patients in the earlier report of Pozzati et al. (70).
This lesion had an associated developmental venous anomaly.
This series included a total of 15 CMs of the basal ganglia or thalamus. Our data are from detailed explanations provided for 2 thalamic cases in figure captions. Fifty-two
of 56 CMs of the basal ganglia, thalamus, or brainstem were completely resected in this series with a 29% early morbidity rate. At a mean follow-up of 4.7 years, 52% of
patients were improved, 43% were the same, and 5% were worse.

TABLE 6. Radiosurgical morbidity rates among series providing data specifically on cavernous malformations of the basal ganglia and thalamusa
Early radiation- Permanent radiation-
Series (ref. no.) No. of patients Radiation source
induced morbidity induced morbidity
Amin-Hanjani et al., 1998 (4) 16 Proton beam 4/16 4/16
Kayali et al., 2004 (34) 5 LA 0/5 0/5
Hasegawa et al., 2002 (27) 13 GK 2/13 0/13
Mitchell et al., 2000 (58) 7 GK 1/7 0/7
Pollock et al., 2000 (65) 4 3/4
Stea et al., 1994 (85) 5 LA 1/5 0/5
LA, linear accelerator; GK, gamma knife.

ganglia and thalamus most often present with sensorimotor Across a review of 103 CMs in surgical series, 71 of 80 CMs
deficits. Other, less common presentations include headache, (89%) were documented as completely resected, 10 of 103
hydrocephalus, seizures, and extrapyramidal symptoms. patients (10%) experienced permanent, long-term morbidity




FIGURE 2. A and B, after 3 successive, symptomatic hemorrhages over the Gy in 5 hypofractionated doses (equivalent single marginal dose of approx-
course of 1 year, these 2 thalamic CMs, lacking pial or ependymal represen- imately 12 Gy), this large CM did not demonstrate any further bleeding at
tation, were successfully radiated at moderate dosimetry. A, after radiosur- the time of the 3-year follow-up evaluation. Fractionated radiosurgery was
gical treatment with a marginal dose of 13 Gy, this small, deep thalamic CM used to limit radiation exposure to the hypothalamus and optic pathways.
with a prominent, associated developmental venous anomaly did not demon- Both patients demonstrated near-complete recovery at the time of the most
strate any further bleeding at 2 years’ follow-up. B, after treatment with 20 recent follow-up evaluation.

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82. Simard JM, Garcia-Bengochea F, Ballinger WE Jr, Mickle JP, Quisling RG: literature published in French and English during the past 38 years.
Cavernous angioma: A review of 126 collected and 12 new clinical cases. The findings of this study are what neurosurgeons involved in this
Neurosurgery 18:162–172, 1986. specialized area need to know.
83. Stacey RJ, Ashkan K, Edwards JM: Rapid growth in a cavernoma. Br J
Neurosurg 14:585–588, 2000. Albino Bricolo
84. Stapf C, Mast H, Sciacca RR, Choi JH, Khaw AV, Connolly ES, Pile-Spellman Verona, Italy
J, Mohr JP: Predictors of hemorrhage in patients with untreated brain arte-

riovenous malformation. Neurology 66:1350–1355, 2006. he outcome of management of cavernous malformations is still less
85. Stea RA, Schicker L, King GA, Winfield JA: Stereotactic linear radiosurgery then optimal. On the other hand, they are relatively rare, and only
for cavernous angiomas. Stereotact Funct Neurosurg 63:255–265, 1994. a multicenter study can provide any statistically sound data. Despite
86. Steiger HJ, Markwalder TM, Reulen HJ: Clinicopathological relations of cere-
the limitations of a meta-analysis, it is currently the best option avail-
bral angiomas: Observations in eleven cases. Neurosurgery 21:879–884, 1987.
able. This is an extensive and very well-written meta-analysis of the
87. Steinberg GK, Chang SD, Gewirtz RJ, Lopez JR: Microsurgical resection of
brainstem, thalamic and basal ganglia angiographically occult vascular mal-
natural history and surgical and radiosurgical management of cav-
formations. Neurosurgery 46:260–271, 2000. ernous malformations of the basal ganglia and thalamus.
88. St George EJ, Perks J, Plowman PN: Stereotactic radiosurgery XIV: The role The natural history, clinical presentation, and surgical treatment,
of the haemosiderin ‘ring’ in the development of adverse reactions follow- including the alternative operative approaches, are discussed in detail.
ing radiosurgery for intracranial cavernous malformations: A sustainable Published data showed that in natural history studies, the annual
hypothesis. Br J Neurosurg 16:385–391, 2002. bleeding rates for these lesions was found to vary from 2.8% to 4.1%.

18 | VOLUME 65 | NUMBER 1 | JULY 2009


Surgical series provided outcome data on 103 patients; the resection does not lie in the actual removal. The morbidity lies in the access cor-
rate was 89%, the risk of long-term surgical morbidity was 10%, and ridor necessary to reach the cavernous malformation. Lesions that pres-
the risk of surgical mortality was 1.9%. After radiosurgery, the risk of ent on pial or ependymal surfaces are more amenable to surgical extir-
hemorrhage declines in 2 years; however, it remains an option for pation because the access to the “real estate” is less morbid; 3)
patients with surgically inaccessible, aggressive lesions. radiosurgical management is an option for those patients who have
high-risk cavernous malformations with 2 or more bleeding episodes
Venelin M. Gerganov and who do not have a reasonable surgical corridor that can be used by
Madjid Samii experienced surgeons working in a center of excellence. In our experi-
Hannover, Germany ence of 102 solitary cavernous malformations located in deep areas of
critical brain function, the risk of bleeding in that group of patients

T his literature review is an excellent analysis of the current knowl-

edge base regarding cavernous malformations of the basal ganglia
and thalamus. These lesions are so rare that the only method for under-
decreases from 32% per year (after 2 prior bleeds) to 1% per year or less
after a latency interval of 2 years.
I believe that the doses described in this report are not correct. Doses
standing their natural history and treatment options is to pool the vary, but it is unlikely that marginal doses of 12 Gy are therapeutic. We
available clinical information. I completely agree with the conclusions believe that doses in the range of 13 to 16 Gy at the edge are more likely
of this study. to be effective. However, dose at the edge is only 1 factor. Highly con-
However, as the authors note, several biases are introduced in this formal and selective radiosurgery is critical. Modalities that are unable
type of report and should be highlighted. Most of the lesions reported to provide this degree of sharp dose falloff or selectivity in areas of crit-
in the literature will have presented with significant symptoms and/or ical brain function are much more likely to sustain radiosurgically
hemorrhage. Therefore, natural history information might not be rele- related morbidity. This is in part related to the hemosiderin stain sur-
vant for incidental or minimally symptomatic lesions. Similarly, the rounding brain (well seen on T2-weighted magnetic resonance imaging
surgical outcome data carry a publication bias, i.e., from surgeons with and dramatic on a gradient series which detects blood pigment).
extensive experience and relatively good outcomes. As well, for the Because this iron-sensitized brain is more likely to be affected by radio-
most part, surgeons have only performed resection on malformations surgical doses, we have emphasized radiosurgical dose conformality.
in these critical areas in patients with significant neurological deficits, Patients with multiple cavernous malformations, again, should be
and the potential morbidity for a minimally symptomatic patient is observed. Only those lesions that have had more than 2 bleeding events
vastly underestimated. should be considered for some form of surgical or radiosurgical man-
I have been very reluctant to operate on patients with cavernous agement. Clustering of bleeding events from a cavernous malformation
malformations in the basal ganglia, thalamus, internal capsule, and has been hypothesized, as noted within this article. However, this tem-
brainstem unless there is a clear path of progressive and devastating poral clustering phenomenon appears to be noted only in small series
neurological decline. The great majority of patients who present with and has not been verified in our experience (1, 2).
acute symptoms from these lesions will make a complete or near-com- We believe that this report provides additional data that support
plete recovery with conservative management and will not have recur- several options for cavernous malformation management. Perhaps a
rent problems. multicenter trial would be feasible. Patients with 2 or more bleeds
Robert A. Solomon could be randomized to observation or radiosurgery, provided that a
New York, New York microsurgical option is declined by the patient or is not feasible. Such
a prospective study might be performed by centers participating in
the North American Gamma Knife Consortium.
T he Northwestern University group presents their review of out-
comes related to various modalities for management of cavernous
malformations of the basal ganglia and thalamus. They emphasize sev-
L. Dade Lunsford
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
eral points that we fully agree with: 1) only patients with 2 or more
bleeding events (documented by new neurological signs or symptoms
and imaging confirmation of new blood products) warrant considera- 1. Hasegawa T, McInerney J, Kondziolka D, Lee JYK, Flickinger JC, Lunsford LD:
tion of a surgical or radiosurgical strategy; 2) malformations that pres- Long-term results after stereotactic radiosurgery for patients with cavernous
ent on a pial or ependymal surface are more amenable to surgical malformations. Neurosurgery 50:1190–1198, 2002.
approaches with less risk. The morbidity of removal of a cavernous 2. Kondziolka D, Lunsford LD, Kestle JRW: The natural history of cerebral cav-
malformation that is located in an area of deep or critical brain function ernous malformations. J Neurosurg 83:820–824, 1995.


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