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For installing the eMed_Portal you should have installed wamp(for

windows)/xampp/lampp(for linux) and php(5.0 or greater) on your machine.

We recommend making the following changes to your PHP installation, which can
normally be done by editing the php.ini configuration file:

Your php.ini file can be found at /etc/php5/apache2/php.ini(for linux)

To ensure proper functioning of OpenEMR you must make sure that settings in
php.ini file include "short_open_tag = On", "display_errors = Off",
"register_globals = Off", "max_execution_time" set to at least 60,
"max_input_time" set to at least 90, "post_max_size" set to at least 30M, and
"memory_limit" set to at least "128M".
In order to take full advantage of the patient documents capability you must
make sure that settings in php.ini file include "file_uploads = On", that
"upload_max_filesize" is appropriate for your use and that "upload_tmp_dir" is
set to a correct value that will work on your system.

Now when you have done with this changes you need to copy the
folder in htdocs(for linux)or C://wamp/www (for windows) and extract it here.(if
you are using linux set permission to acess the folder through the locahost)
now go to C://wamp/www/eMed_Portal/sites/default/sqlconf.php

file and do the change in following lines of code

$host = 'localhost';
$port = '3306';
$login = 'root';(your username for mysql)
$pass = 'root';(your password for mysql)
$dbase = 'openemr';

Now start you local server and go to the following url


and go to create database and create the databse named openemr

now import the file into your database it will took a while to
load the tables in the database.
After suceess of this you can saw the 159 tables in the database openemr.

Now go to browser and typer the url

http://localhost/ eMed_Portal

and now hit enter now you can saw the following screen
now provide login details to acess the software for that


after providing the right username and password you can saw your admin dashboard
Now you are in admin panel and you can manage your work from here.

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