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The Deception of China

18 April 2020
Monica D. Saxena

The whole world is curious to find out how the Covid 19- coronavirus was originated. When we look at
China's chart in detail, we find some startingly facts. Lagna rising is Capricorn and lagna lord Saturn
has gone to the eighth house, secretive house. Moon in ascendant adds strength to the horoscope
and gives them the ability to execute their plans quickly. Venus and Jupiter are placed in their own
houses and Venus is the 10 th lord. Mercury the 9 th lord is exalted, retrograde, combust, and hemmed
between two malefices Ketu and Sun. Ketu and Mercury are at close degrees.
Mars the 11th lord is debilitated and placed in the 7 th house. The eleventh house is the house of
desires, greed, aspirations and its lord is placed in the 7 th house of war. From here it is aspecting the
lagna, Moon and the 10th house and influencing them. China's horoscope clearly shows its greed and
desire for world supremacy. 

It’s the dasha which gives direction to a nation. China was running the dasha of Saturn for 19 years.
Saturn is the lagna lord placed in the eight house. From here it is aspecting the 10 th house. Saturn
indicates menial work and the dasha gave lots of blue collared jobs to China. Saturn also indicates
masses and during its dasha Chinese people worked very hard and rose steadily. China became the
manufacturing hub to the world They created enormous wealth and increased their economic and
military might. Its connection to the second house as the second lord shows amassing large wealth
during the period.

The maha dasha of Mercury started from 24 Sep 2019. As we have seen, Mercury is exalted,
retrograde, combust and hemmed between two malefic Ketu and Sun with close degree conjunction
with Ketu. The affiliation to Mercury and connection with 8th lord Sun is bound to give crooked
actions. Mercury is in Hasta Nakshatra which is owned by 7th lord Moon. Seventh house is the house
of war.

Sixth house is the house of disease in general. Eighth house is the house of hidden activities,
research and laboratories and Ketu is called the keet (worm or bacteria). Maha dasha lord Mercury is
the sixth lord conjunct with eighth lord Sun and Ketu. The start of Mercury Maha dasha activated the
combination and Coronavirus was released. The placement of Mercury in the 9 th house shows the
act took place under government protection.

When I looked at Dasha pravesh of Mercury maha dasha, things start falling into place. Showing the
natal chart of China below on the left and the dasha pravesh of Mercury MD on the right.

In the dasha pravesh chart, Mercury at 22:23 is at very close degree over natal Ketu 23:33. Mercury
and Sun transiting over natal Mercury and natal Sun are activating their significations. They are
further aspected by Saturn who is in close degree conjunction with Ketu. This is deception of the natal
lord. The problem is created by the lagna lord himself. 

The 7th lord Moon in lagna lord Saturn's nakshatra flanked with Rahu and Mars has started the war
for gains and supremacy. Seventh house is also our public image and China’s public image and
relation with world would be adverse during the dasha.

Conjunction of debilitated 10th lord with Mercury further points to government hand and Sun as 8th
lord points to its deceptive creation in the research lab. It's happening in the 9th house so under
government protection.

It's a plan for material gains as China for the first time in decades saw slowing economic growth and
has invested very heavily in its Belt and Road initiative which has not given desired results. 

In natal chart Mercury's close degree with Ketu points to not only biological warfare but also corporate
espionage through software. Mercury- Ketu being a clear combination for computer software and Sun
adding to deception. It's a well-planned attack of China on multiple fronts. 

All Chinese software companies become suspects with the Mercury- Ketu combination in the Mercury
maha dasha. I looked at the financial figures of Zoom software, one of the Chinese owned firms and
found that it has become 10 times bigger in revenues during the last 4 years.
While Mercury and Ketu in natal chart is showing Coronavirus, Saturn and Ketu in Dasha Pravesh
chart are showing its activation. 
The spread of Coronavirus was deliberate and was an act of war. 

Varshphal of 2 Oct 2019

Lagna between Ketu and Saturn in degree conjunction shows the start of the Coronavirus. Lagna lord
Jupiter is in the 12th house in degree conjunction with Gulik and debilitated 8th lord. The virus needs
water / air element to spread.
The 11th lord Venus is debilitated in the 10 th house where its conjunct with two malefic Sun and Mars.
10th house is showing the ruthless murder of its people and people all over the world.

The seeds were sown at the start of Mercury Maha Dasha in September 19 when dasha running was
Mercury-Mercury- Mercury and it spread everywhere in Mercury-Mercury-Ketu from 26 Jan 2020. 

There are multiple instances where Chinse firms have been found to be buying the shares of valuable
companies in many countries where the stock market has crashed due to corona scare. Mercury the
maha dasha lord is also finance and business. These attempts are likely to continue and intensify in

As Bhagwan Krishna said in Shrimad Bhagwath Gita - You shall reap what you sow. The coming
years of Mercury maha dasha would make China pay for its deeds. 

Krishna's flute will play and justice will be done. 

The previous dasha lord Saturn had 1.56 points in shad bal while Mercury has 1.05 points. The low
shad bal points and affliction to maha dasha lord Mercury shows a fall from earlier position.

They stand exposed before the world and there would be repercussions for their actions. The
problems would start in Mercury- Mercury and would intensify in Mercury- Ketu.

As my guru Sh. K.N. Rao had foretold many years back, from 2020 the world has gone to the point of
no return and nothing would ever be the same again.

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